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39 The new word processing software can ________ the total number of words and lines in a document.
(A) press
(B) count
(C) tape
(D) write


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
Professor Dr. Juliane House, in her research journal, clearly differentiates between “languages for communication” and“languages for identification” and does not see any threat posed by ELF (English as Lingua Franca) to other national andregional languages. Her point is valid when a Sri Lankan talks to a Pakistani or a Bangladeshi talks to an Iranian, becauseall of the speakers use English as a neutral global language solely for communication purposes. However, the socio-cultural prejudice and superiority of the language may arise when an English person is conversing with a non-nativespeaker. Although the contemporary sway of English language over others is beyond any cavil, based upon the fact thatit is also the language of the Americans, the most developed and influential nation on the global map in the fields ofeducation, economics, defense technology and world trade, the fact remains that the seeds of English language’sflourishing crop were sown by the unjustifiable British colonialism and forced occupation over weaker nations.Moreover, if people living in the developing countries have started believing that their educational, economic and socialgrowth and future prospects totally depend upon developing English language proficiency, I am sorry to say, they arepsychological slaves and under threat. This dominance of language is utterly illegitimate. In relation to the issue, we are,definitely, exposed to the risk of a socio-cultural decline because in the audio-visual labs and libraries of our educationalinstitutions as well as language learning centers, the students are shown English movies, cartoons and TV serials andprovided English storybooks, etc., to develop their listening and reading skills and for building their vocabulary. Nonecan deny the fact that a nation’s literature, folk tales and entertainment media are the most vibrant sources of promotingits cultural norms, moral values and social ethics, and the positive and constructive process of learning a global language.

【題組】47 Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) The Advantages of Learning English
(B) The Varieties and Functions of Language
(C) English as a Multi-cultural Language
(D) The Risks and Threats of Using English


