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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 民航特種考試_三等_各科別:英文#110729
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1 Mourning for a deceased family member is totally understandable, but if you find yourself on_______ the past too long and too much, you had better seek professional help.
(A) daunting
(B) dwelling
(C) drafting
(D) diving


2 He needs to submit all his college _______ to be reviewed by the authorities to decide whether he could be admitted to the graduate program.
(A) scripts
(B) transcripts
(C) scriptures
(D) prescriptions


3 A _______ was brought in to fix the damage of the external walls of the school building caused by the salt air.
(A) conductor
(B) compiler
(C) contractor
(D) composer


4 During the pandemic, many museums have made online exhibitions _______ to viewers around the world.
(A) accessible
(B) accountable
(C) adjustable
(D) applicable


5 There are fears that this random shooting incident may become a _______for more violence in the capital.
(A) boundary
(B) commitment
(C) lubricant
(D) trigger


6 There has been a significant worldwide _______ in the delivery and effectiveness of education, so it is necessary to improve the outcomes and environment for education, especially about its equality.
(A) display
(B) disparity
(C) distinction
(D) discipline


7 A security firm tracking data _______ estimated that there were nearly 65,000 successful ransomware attacks in 2020.
(A) branches
(B) breakers
(C) breaches
(D) braises


8 Thousands of visitors make their trips to the top of Mt. Fuji every year as if it were an _______ volcano that no longer erupts.
(A) extinct
(B) instinct
(C) intrinsic
(D) explicit


9 Whoever persistently disregards this policy will be penalized with _______associated with policy abuse.
(A) instructions
(B) implications
(C) provisions
(D) sanctions


10 Leaders, at the very minimum, require setting a direction and influencing their _______in the company to move toward that direction.
(A) subscribers
(B) substitutes
(C) substances
(D) subordinates


11 After the food poisoning event, the restaurant owner decided to improve their_______ standards.
(A) anxiety
(B) dilemma
(C) hygiene
(D) consent


12 In later years of one’s life, coping with _______ physical abilities and facing the inevitability of death may lead to painful adjustments.
(A) acquiring
(B) declining
(C) neglecting
(D) purveying


13 While _______ an unjustified war on a peaceful neighboring country, the dictator is also tightening his control over the protestors back at home.
(A) raging
(B) waging
(C) racing
(D) withholding


14 A suspect of this murder has been _______ by the police for questioning.
(A) detained
(B) defected
(C) detached
(D) delimited

15( ).

15 Ex-communist governments that once _______ the costs of basic necessities such as food and electricity are now letting competition and other external factors determine their prices.
(A) borrowed
(B) deprived
(C) promoted
(D) subsidized


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題 
       Crimes against humanity appeared for the first time in a treaty in the 1945 Nuremberg Charter at the end of the Second World War, albeit with a different definition than today. Since the 1990s, crimes against humanity have been codified in different international treaties such as the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (1993), the Statute of the International Tribunal for Rwanda(1994) and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (1998). The Rome Statute provides the most recent and most expansive list of specific criminal acts that may constitute crimes against humanity. 
     Unlike other human rights violations, war crimes do not engage state responsibility but individual criminal responsibility. This means that individuals can be tried and found personally responsible for such crimes as murder, extermination, enslavement/deportation or forcible transfer of population, imprisonment, torture, sexual violence, execution against an identifiable group, enforced disappearance of persons, the crime of apartheid, and other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health. Governments around the world often deny that crimes against humanity have occurred on their territory, thus ignoring the suffering of their people. Thousands of desperate victims are still struggling to get long-waited justice, reparation and recognition. 
     TRIAL International, a non-governmental organization, helps victims to get their voice heard by bringing their cases before domestic courts, as well as before regional and international human rights mechanism like the United Nations Human Rights Committee and the European Court of Human Rights.The organization provides free legal support to victims, from the preparation and submission of their case, to the proceedings and the implementation of the decisions on the ground. TRIAL International fights   impunity   by filing criminal and compensation claims against perpetrators of crimes against humanity. These complaints are brought before international bodies, and before national courts thanks to the principle of universal jurisdiction. TRIAL also pushes national justice systems to investigate situations and prosecute the perpetrators of mass atrocities.

【題組】16 Which of the following statements is true about TRIAL International?
(A) It is a government supported organization to fight against crimes of a large-scale attack targeting civilians.
(B) It helps victims of family violence to bring their cases to international courts for justice and reparation.
(C) It often denies that crimes against humanity have occurred, thus subjecting people to legal violations.
(D) It fights crimes against humanity by providing free legal support of filing cases for the victims.


【題組】17 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
(A) Crimes against humanity appeared for the first time after the end of World War II.
(B) The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides the most extensive list of crimes against humanity.
(C) No individuals but the states can be tried and found responsible for engaging wars in other countries.
(D) Claims against perpetrators of crimes against humanity were brought to courts due to the principle of national jurisdiction.


【題組】18 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true concerning the crimes against humanity?
(A) They have always been codified in different international treaties after the Second World War.
(B) They engage both state responsibility and individual criminal responsibility and reparations.
(C) Victims of such crimes usually get justice, reparation and recognition quite successfully due to the effort of TRIAL.
(D) The perpetrators of such crimes are expected to be persecuted before regional and international human rights mechanisms.


【題組】19 What is the meaning of the word “impunity” in the last paragraph?
(A) Exemption.
(B) Constitution.
(C) Mechanism.
(D) Reparation.


【題組】20 Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage?
(A) Crimes against humanity are rampant and ubiquitous.
(B) TRIAL International is a non-profitable organization fighting against governments of all sorts.
(C) TRIAL International helps victims of crimes against humanity to find justice.
(D) Perpetrators of crimes against humanity are coerced into violating human rights.


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題 
     Recently economists looked at the relationship between pupils’ month of birth and their schoolperformance. It was found that among fourth graders, the oldest children scored on math and readingsomewhere between four and twelve percentile points better than the youngest children. That can beexplained as a “huge effect.” It means that if you take two intellectually    21      fourth graders with birthdaysat opposite ends of the cutoff date, the older student could score in the eightieth percentile,    22    theyounger one could score in the sixty-eighth percentile. That’s the difference between    23    for a giftedprogram or not. The economists said, “We do ability grouping early on in childhood. We have advancedreading groups and advanced math groups. So, early on, if we look at young kids, in kindergarten and firstgrade, the teachers are    24    maturity with ability. And they put the old kids in the advanced stream,where they learn better skills; and the next year, because they are in the higher groups, they do even better;and in the next year, the same thing happens, and they do even better again. The only country we don’tsee this going on is Denmark.” Denmark waits to make selection decisions until maturity differences byage have      25   . This is because they have a national policy where they have no ability grouping untilthe age of ten.

(A) different
(B) equivalent
(C) redundant
(D) efficient


(A) while
(B) because
(C) if
(D) whether


(A) calling
(B) caring
(C) qualifying
(D) training


(A) reducing
(B) distancing
(C) developing
(D) confusing


(A) piled up
(B) turned off
(C) evened out
(D) fallen apart


請依下文回答第 26 題至第 30 題 
     Copyright law affects one’s right and ability to use another’s work. Its purpose is to    26      thecreation of works by giving authors’ exclusive property rights. Copyright is one of several categories ofintellectual property protection, designed to    27     the creator’s, owner’s, or holder’s right to claim anoriginal work as their own. As soon as a work is written on paper, recorded digitally, or typedelectronically—or anything that can be heard, seen, read, or touched—the work is    28    copyrightprotection, normally for a limited period of time. However, despite copyright law, which    29    individualsfrom copying, publishing, transmitting, exhibiting, distributing, modifying, displaying, or using (whetherfor profit or not) the original creative expressions of others, copyright    30    —intentional andinadvertent—still can and does occur. Overall, we should respect the originality of an individual’s work.

(A) dampen
(B) police
(C) promote
(D) degrade


(A) alleviate
(B) interfere
(C) convince
(D) safeguard


(A) delved
(B) enacted
(C) fetched
(D) granted


(A) confronts
(B) breaches
(C) prohibits
(D) renovates


(A) enhancement
(B) deployment
(C) infringement
(D) complement


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題 
     The process for awarding host city honors came under intense scrutiny after Salt Lake City had beenawarded the right to host the 2002 Olympic Games. Soon after the host city had been announced, it wasdiscovered that the organizers had engaged in an elaborate bribery scheme to     31   with IOC(International Olympic Committee) officials. Gifts and other financial considerations were given to thosewho would evaluate and vote on Salt Lake City’s bid. These gifts included medical treatment for relatives,a college scholarship for one member’s son and a land deal in Utah. Even IOC president Juan AntonioSamaranch received two rifles    32   $2,000. Samaranch defended the gift as inconsequential since, aspresident, he was a non-voting member. 
     The subsequent investigation has uncovered inconsistencies in the bids for every Olympics (bothSummer and Winter) since 1988.   33   , the gifts received by IOC members from the JapaneseOrganizing Committee for Nagano’s bid for the 1998 Winter Olympics were described by the investigationcommittee as “astronomical.” Although nothing strictly illegal had been done, the IOC feared thatcorporate sponsors would lose faith in the integrity of the process and that the Olympic brand would betarnished to such an extent   34   advertisers would begin to pull their support. The investigation resulted in the expulsion of 10 IOC members and the sanctioning of another 10.New terms and age limits were established for IOC membership, and 15 former Olympic athletes wereadded to the committee. Stricter rules for future bids were imposed, with   35      imposed on the valueof gifts IOC members could accept from bid cities.

(A) curry fame
(B) cull fame
(C) curry favor
(D) cull favor


(A) valuing at
(B) valued at
(C) valuing for
(D) valued for


(A) All considered
(B) To be certain
(C) For all that
(D) For example


(A) as
(B) so
(C) that
(D) until


(A) centurion
(B) certainty
(C) chagrin
(D) ceilings


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題 
     Some economists have pointed out that in a knowledge-based economy, the most valuable commodity is not information, but attention. Michael Goldhaber (1997) proposed that we are not so much living in an information economy, as in an attention economy, where value is created from the exchange of attention and “[w]hat matters is seeking, obtaining and paying attention.” Digital media and the internet facilitate participation in this economy, by creating new channels for distributing attention. In order to get attention, you have to give attention; otherwise, your audience will lose interest and take their attention elsewhere. This is an important point for advertisers, especially those launching social media campaigns. The emphasis is on developing new kinds of relationships with customers, and in many cases, moving towards engaging customers in the design of products for themselves.
    Goldhaber notes that some people (he calls them “stars”) are better at attracting attention than others (he calls them “fans”). Stars are able to command more attention partly because they pay illusory attention to fans; that is, they give the illusion of personal attention even though they are addressing a large audience. Goldhaber illustrates this concept with the example of a presenter at a conference, who, while talking to a large crowd, makes eye contact with individuals in that crowd. In digital media, social media tools like Twitter and Facebook provide opportunities to pay illusory attention.
    If you accept the idea of an attention economy with attention as the valued commodity, then you have to adjust your ways of thinking about certain concepts. For example, our traditional way of thinking of privacy as freedom from the public gaze is not especially appropriate for people participating in an attention economy. People have to be “out there” in order to attract attention. In addition, intellectual property laws that forbid people from copying and distributing a creator’s work also seem out of place. This kind of copying and distributing draws attention to the creator, thus increasing their “wealth” in the attention economy. In other words, wealth comes not from the exchange of “intellectual property,” but from the exchange of attention.

36 Which of the following statements is true about information economy?

(A) Attention economy is more relevant than information economy now.

(B) Living in attention economy is as good as in information economy.

(C) Information economy and attention economy are basically the same.

(D) Information economy pays better attention to economy than before.


【題組】37 Which of the following is mentioned as a traditional practice that needs to be questioned in the attention economy?
(A) Handwriting letters with respect.
(B) Guarding one’s privacy.
(C) Advertising openly.
(D) Multitasking at work.


【題組】38 Which of the following is recommended as a new campaign for social media to develop relationships with customers?
(A) To make friends with customers by exchanging expensive gifts.
(B) To encourage customers to sign up for membership discounts.
(C) To allow customers to participate in designing their products.
(D) To supply whatever customers need as quickly as possible.


【題組】39 Which of the following can be considered a good example of paying illusory attention?
(A) Fans try to get attention from the stars by flashing their phones.
(B) Fans realize that the stars’ attention is on those who bring gifts.
(C) Stars avoid the audience by leaving from the back of the stage.
(D) Stars make eye contacts with individuals in the audience.


【題組】40 Which of the following can be the main idea of the passage?
(A) Attention has been considered the most valuable commodity in an economy based on knowledge.
(B) The fans will no longer take a strong interest in their stars if they do not get enough attention.
(C) A knowledge-based economy accumulates wealth on the exchange of information.
(D) Intellectual property laws have forbidden people from copying and distributing a creator’s work.

Nations have delayed curbing their fossil-fuel emissions for so long that they can no longer stop global warming from intensifying over the next 30 years, though there is still a short window to prevent the most harrowing future, a major new United Nations scientific report has concluded.

歐洲正受破紀錄熱浪的侵襲。氣候變化使熱浪變得更熱、更頻繁。只 有人類停止在大氣中增加溫室氣體,溫度才會停止上升,否則熱浪勢 必將惡化。若無法抑止氣候變化,極端高溫將會升高到更危險的地步。

Workplace procrastination is a phenomenon where people unnecessarily postpone dealing with work-related tasks, which can lead to serious issues both for the people who procrastinate, as well as for their employers. Write a 250-word essay on how to stop procrastinating at work.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 民航特種考試_三等_各科別:英文#110729-阿摩線上測驗
