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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 關務特種考試_四等_各科別:英文#107602
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1 The chemical company was fined eight million dollars for _____ environmental regulations.
(A) scratching
(B) dispatching
(C) poaching
(D) breaching


2 The Department of Finance has issued a new set of accounting _____ and guidelines for business.
(A) prosecution
(B) procedures
(C) pressure
(D) preservation


3 Small particles in the air can _____ the lungs and enter the bloodstream.
(A) penetrate
(B) perform
(C) pierce
(D) pat


4 The fast urban development has changed the _____ of this district entirely.
(A) landslide
(B) landscape
(C) landlord
(D) landfill


5 They are trying to install an _____ between the computer and the typesetting machine.
(A) interstate
(B) interlude
(C) interface
(D) interim


6 All products are _____ for defects before being packed.
(A) inspected
(B) inspired
(C) insisted
(D) installed


7 The exact cause of the equipment failure is unclear and remains to be _____.
(A) clarified
(B) pacified
(C) rectified
(D) modified


8 Every time I see news about somebody being killed in the war, I wonder _____ it was somebody I knew or served with.
(A) where
(B) whether
(C) which
(D) what


9 Vehicular heatstroke, the _____ effects of a child being left in a hot car, is every parent's nightmare, but it happens several times a year.
(A) devastating
(B) detouring
(C) devouring
(D) developing


10 Mexico's capital is a metropolis with more than 20 million people, the elite _____ are at the center of the business, political and cultural hub of the nation.
(A) of which
(B) which
(C) where
(D) to which


11 _____ studying at school, John had developed a friendship with a Norwegian student who had a particular relationship with the natural world.
(A) Which
(B) Though
(C) Where
(D) While


12 Always keep in mind that you may _____ your country when you travel abroad.
(A) analyze
(B) consult
(C) represent
(D) sponsor


13 The recent rise in oil prices had a great _____ on many aspects of our everyday life.
(A) announcement
(B) claim
(C) impact
(D) judgment


14 Everyone had _____ Sally to win the gold medal in the competition, but she didn't make it.
(A) convinced
(B) expected
(C) invited
(D) promised


15 As one of the best ways to get around the city, the subway system in Taipei plays a _____ role.
(A) negative
(B) predictable
(C) temporary
(D) vital


16 In World War I, as in wars before, more people died from _____ of wounds than from the wounds themselves.
(A) affections
(B) infections
(C) projections
(D) reflections


17 Ted unexpectedly gave his mother a handmade cake, which delighted her because it was _____ and heart-warming.
(A) analytical
(B) comparative
(C) operational
(D) spontaneous


18 There are times in everyone's life when it is easy to _____ the dream, but it is much more rewarding to continue.
(A) abandon
(B) flatter
(C) monitor
(D) rescue


19 The government warned that drunk driving, if not strictly forbidden, would _____ result in more fatal accidents.
(A) inevitably
(B) legislatively
(C) ironically
(D) strategically


20 People are encouraged to give _____ seats to the elderly and the pregnant women.
(A) prosperity
(B) possibility
(C) priority
(D) personality


21 Uploading a picture or a clip instantly _____ among teenagers these days.
(A) prevails
(B) presents
(C) protests
(D) prevents


22 Natural resources are _____ in this country. Trading them brings lots of money.
(A) confident
(B) abundant
(C) instant
(D) resistant


23 The computer company's annual sales _____ by 40%, leading to a serious drop in profits.
(A) deformed
(B) inclined
(C) declined
(D) included


24 Children have a higher _____ of getting a cold than adults because they are less aware of prevention habits, such as regularly washing their hands.
(A) cause
(B) risk
(C) time
(D) price


25 Many adult drivers think that automated, self-driving vehicles are more dangerous than traditional vehicles _____ by people.
(A) invented
(B) operated
(C) manipulated
(D) performed


26 The food company tends to _____ the health benefits of its products, so careful consideration should be given before purchase.
(A) accomplish
(B) disconnect
(C) exaggerate
(D) sympathize


27 I saw two strangers _____ to each other but had no idea what they talked about.
(A) compare
(B) deliver
(C) succeed
(D) whisper


28 Despite rapid deterioration of her condition, the cancer patient _____ to continue to smile and fight for her survival time.
(A) neglected
(B) resolved
(C) dismissed
(D) hesitated


29 After a long standoff, the two countries eventually agree to work together for _____ benefits.
(A) mutual
(B) random
(C) arbitrary
(D) interval


30 The prime minister came out onto the balcony to speak to the crowd that had _____ outside.
(A) distorted
(B) threaded
(C) assembled
(D) extracted


請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題
         Locating suitable food is one of the pressing problems faced by animals. __31__ pets or pigs in factory farms,most animals must spend a large fraction of their waking hours locating food and extracting it from theirenvironment. __32__ the case of herbivores, this may seem simple at first thought, but it is seldom an easymatter of wandering about nibbling whatever __33__ is encountered. Not all plants are equally nutritious, andsome contain distasteful or even __34__ substances. Even grazing animals that need only abundant grass dopick and choose which patches are most worth __35__ and pay considerable attention to signs that food isavailable from particular plants. Active predators face more obvious challenges because they must not onlylocate but capture prey animals that seldom wait passively to be eaten but devote considerable effort to avoidingthat fate.

(A) In contrast to
(B) In relation to
(C) In addition to
(D) In league with


(A) At
(B) In
(C) On
(D) To


(A) vegetation
(B) migration
(C) medication
(D) location


(A) organic
(B) sticky
(C) toxic
(D) watery


(A) crop
(B) cropped
(C) cropping
(D) been cropping


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 40 題
        A new mother finally gets her baby to sleep and steps into a hot shower — with her glasses on. At a familybarbecue she can’t __36__ the name of a relative she rarely sees. Many women experience “mommy brain”as a(n) __37__ , the lost ability to remember people’s names or keep their attention undivided. __38__ sciencereminds us that if we look at the changes without judgment, we may find that they come with advantages. Astudy found that even two years __39__ pregnancy, women had brain changes in regions involved in theability to understand what is going on in the mind of another person, strengthening a mother’s ability to pickup on a baby’s __40__ communications through facial expressions and gestures.

(A) reflect
(B) remind
(C) repair
(D) recall


(A) element
(B) deficiency
(C) allowance
(D) strength


(A) But
(B) If
(C) Or
(D) So


(A) after
(B) during
(C) later
(D) within


(A) sensible
(B) revolutionary
(C) nonverbal
(D) nonexistent


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
Bringing a new pet into the home is like introducing a new member to the family. It is a wonderful, memorable event and if managed correctly will be the start of a long and happy home environment for both you and your puppy. Read on for some useful tips to help you prepare to welcome a puppy into your home.
       1. Firstly you should choose a breed that is suitable to your living situation. For example, a large dog will require a garden and wouldn’t be suitable for apartment living. Think about your lifestyle, the time you have available for a dog and the size of your home and garden. 2. Decide what room the puppy will sleep and eat in. Then make sure the room is secure and warm. 3. Contact the owner or kennel you are getting the puppy from and find out what it is being fed. It is important that the puppy gets the same food when it arrives in its new home. You can gradually change its food at a later date once your puppy has settled in. 4. A good suggestion is to get a small soft toy for your puppy to give to the owner a week or so before the puppy is collected. This way the puppy will have something familiar, in scent and texture, to keep it company. 5.Research your local vet and make an appointment to bring your puppy in for a check up and vaccinations. 6.Arrange your pet insurance. Pet health care can be very expensive, so insurance can help you with any unforeseen costs. For instance, many companies have a selection of pet insurance packages for you to choose from. 7. Put together your new puppy check list and get new items before your puppy arrives. Before you collect your pet, for example, make sure that you have your pet travel case in the car so you can then transport your new pet safely. Also, it is always a good idea to bring some wipers in case your new puppy gets car sick.

【題組】41 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) How to create a happy and comfortable kennel for your new pet.
(B) How to make proper preparations for the arrival of a new puppy.
(C) How to deal with your new puppy in the first few days at a new home.
(D) How to keep your car clean as you transport the new pet to your home.


【題組】42 According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) You can take your new puppy to the local vet for vaccinations anytime you like.
(B) It is not necessary for the new puppy owner to get health insurance for the pet.
(C) The new owner of the puppy has to provide this pet with the same dog food as fed before.
(D) It is important to give a small soft toy to the new puppy on the day of its arrival.


【題組】43 What does the word “unforeseen” mean in the passage?
(A) impossible
(B) unlikely
(C) unpredictable
(D) impractical


【題組】44 Which of the following could be the possible source of this passage?
(A) A report of anaimal care.
(B) A report of house insurance.
(C) A travel magazine.
(D) A garden magazine.


【題組】45 In Tip 4, what does “it” in "keep it company" refer to?
(A) The owner.
(B) The vet.
(C) The puppy.
(D) The family.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
         Ernest Shackleton was a British explorer who led three expeditions to the South Pole during the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. His voyages to the South Pole have acquired epic status and he is considered one of Britain's greatest explorers. Shackleton was born on 15 February 1874 in Ireland. His family moved to London where he was educated. He then joined the merchant navy when he was 16. In 1898, he qualified as a master mariner and was keen to explore the poles.
         In 1901, Shackleton was chosen to go on the Antarctic expedition led by British naval officer Robert Falcon Scott. Shackleton and Scott trekked towards the South Pole, which had yet to be reached by humans, in extremely difficult conditions. They got closer than anyone had come before, but Shackleton fell seriously ill and had to return home.
         In 1908, Shackleton was able to persuade wealthy backers to fund his own expedition, so he could return to the Antarctic as the leader of his own expedition. The expedition made many important scientific discoveries and set a record by coming even closer to the South Pole than before. The success of the expedition earned Shackleton knighthood on his return to Britain.
          Shackleton made his third trip to the Antarctic with the ship 'Endurance' in 1914, an expedition that has acquired epic status. The plan was to cross Antarctica via the South Pole but in early in 1915, the ship became trapped in the ice, and ten months later sank. The crew had already abandoned the ship and set off in three small boats, to Elephant Island. From there six crew members including Shackleton and the captain planned to sail to South Georgia to get help. They used a lifeboat across the treacherous seas of the South Atlantic. They managed to reach the island of South Georgia and were able to get help from the Chilean government. In August 1916, the men left behind on Elephant Island were rescued. In the end, Shackleton was able to lead all 27 of his men to safety.
          After World War I was over, Shackleton organized another expedition, which aimed to circumnavigate the Antarctic continent. But on 5 January 1922 he died of a heart attack off South Georgia and was buried on the island.

【題組】46 What is the most appropriate title for the passage?
(A) The Discovery of the South Pole.
(B) The Voyages of an Antarctic Explorer.
(C) British Explorers in the Nineteenth Century.
(D) The Sinking Ship in Antarctica.


【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following is true about Shackleton’s first expedition to the South Pole?
(A) He went on the expedition at the age of 16.
(B) He was funded by a group of wealthy people.
(C) He joined the trip with a British naval officer.
(D) He had to abandon the ship because of an accident.


【題組】48 According to the passage, what happened to Shackleton on his return home from the expedition of 1908?
(A) He fell seriously ill on his way back.
(B) He was knighted by the King.
(C) He received the British Naval Awards.
(D) He crossed Antarctica via the South Pole.


【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true about Shackleton’s voyage of the Endurance?
(A) The ship was trapped in the ice and later sank.
(B) All the crew left on Elephant Island were saved.
(C) It was his third expedition to the Antarctic.
(D) He had to sail to South Georgia alone in a lifeboat.


【題組】50 What does the word “circumnavigate” mean in the last paragraph?
(A) To travel around
(B) To land on
(C) To fly over
(D) To emerge from


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 關務特種考試_四等_各科別:英文#107602-阿摩線上測驗
