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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 36 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#97727
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1. Pressured by public anger, the mayor finally admitted his mistake and______ for his rude remarks.
(A) apologized
(B) evacuated
(D) negotiated


2. Children should avoid eating too many candies because they contain______ flavors and colorings that are bad to their health.
(A) mutual
(B) moderate
(C) artificial
(D) profound


3. Ever since Larry's best friends betrayed him, he has had trouble ______close relationships with others.
(A) resisting
(B) sustaining
(C) ignoring
(D) combining


4. With so many cases of murder and mass shootings in the city, the government must take drastic______ to reduce crime.
(A) measures
(B) nutrients
(C) privileges
(D) signatures


5. Though the solution sounds perfect, it is not ______because we don't have enough time and money.
(A) portable
(B) feasible
(C) considerable
(D) probable


6. Keep the painting indoors because the colors will fade if they are______to sunlight.
(A) accused
(B) involved
(C) exposed
(D) deprived


7. The______of the company's service has been greatly improved, and there are now fewer customer complaints.
(A) privacy
(B) delicacy
(C) efficiency
(D) psychology


8. Peter got promoted again because he had shown great______ in dealing with tough challenges and tasks.
(A) competence
(B) indication
(C) necessity
(D) popularity


9. Jason and Billy are my twin brothers, who are over 40 now and living in New York and London,______
(A) inevitably
(B) physically
(C) respectively
(D) eventually


I.成語 10. Unable to stand his daughter's bad attitude anymore, Mr. Collins flew into a rage and slapped her across the face______
(A) on an impulse
(B) in due time
(C) by all accounts
(D) without a trace


11. Try to stay calm. Under no circumstances can we ______ violence to settle conflicts.
(A) cater to
(B) dispose of
(C) resort to
(D) abide by


12. Tina______ when Tim offered to sell her the house at such a low price. She knew that something was not right.
(A) faced the music
(B) smelled a rat
(C) hit the ceiling
(D) rang a bell


13. Dying to lose weight, some people______ by eating nothing at all the entire day.
(A) go to extremes
(B) come in handy
(C) start from scratch
(D) tie the knot


14. The more you work, the more you gain. The money you receive will be ______the amount of work that you accomplish.
(A) with respect to
(B) in proportion to
(C) on behalf of
(D) in terms of 


15. Out of intense curiosity, Linda______ the temptation and opened her sister's letter.
(A) cut down on
(B) gave in to
(C) kept track of
(D) stood up for 


II.文法 16. I have made up my mind.______ hard you persuade me, I won't change my decision.
(A) How
(B) Whatever
(C) However
(D) No matter when


17. The clever device______on the wall makes the room dry and comfortable even during humid days.
(A) installing
(B) installed
(C) that installs
(D) is installed


18. The angry manager ordered that the mistakes in the report______ right away and then stormed out of the room.
(A) corrected
(B) to corrected
(C) be corrected
(D) would correct


19. The mother starts to feel worried and anxious, because her daughter______ her three hours ago.
(A) could call
(B) would call
(C) may have called
(D) should have called


20.______all the detailed guidelines printed on the box, everyone is capable of operating the device with ease.
(A) As
(B) Since
(C) With
(D) Despite


IV.句型 21. Tim ______mad at others easily. However, ever since he took the course of anger management, he has seldom lost his temper.
(A) is used to get
(B) is used to getting
(C) used to get
(D) used to getting


22. Be patient. The longer you wait,______ you are to meet the superstar.
(A) and so easy
(B) the more likely
(C) so likely that
(D) the easiest


23. By the time Amy arrived at the airport, her boyfriend's plane______ already.
(A) took off
(B) was taken off
(C) had taken off
(D) was to take off


24. The train______ , we had no choice but to spend another three hours waiting for the next one.
(A) cancelled
(B) cancelling
(C) was cancelled
(D) would cancel


25. Stop being so childish. ______you like it or not, you must learn to be responsible and fulfill your obligations.
(A) If
(B) Whether
(C) Though
(D) Since


      Motivated by the rapid growth in Japan's aging population, Lawson Inc., a convenience store retailer in Japan, is now adding clderly care support services to several of its stores. While other convenience store chains have added meal delivery services to target older gcnerations, Lawson Inc. has opened service areas for elderly consumers at nine of its outlets. These stores not only provide a variety of nursing care goods and consultation counters focused on family care, but they also set aside social spaces where senior customers can meet and interact. According to Lawson,their goal is to provide a one-stop service, which satisfies various needs related to nursing care.
      The first store Lawson equipped with an elderly care support service station opened in Kawaguchi, Saitama Prefecture, in April 201S. There, a nursing care specialist is stationed from morning to evening, answering questions on a number of topics, including the insurance system and how to handle problens related to home-based care. In the Kawaguchi outlet, a large part of store shelves are stocked with diapers, vacuum-packed, easy-to-chew meals and other nursing care products. Also, each of the store's refrigerators has had its hinged doors replaced to offer casier access to customers using wheelchairs. On the shopping carts, handle bars and baskets are placed lower than usual for ease of use. 39-year-old Ayako Takahashi is a certified care worker who works as a consultant at the Kawaguchi store.
She said that the store served as something between homes and nursing care centers, and that many aged pcople had got new acquaintances because of their scrvices.
      In fact, many experts have pointed out that convenience stores are a key social resource that provides community-based services around the clock. The welfare ministry in Japan is also paying attention to Lawson's new elderly care support service stations, as the ministry is trying to build up a comprehensive regional care system that will providc a one-stop service covering medicine, care and accommodation. Lawson aims to increase these kinds of outlets to 30 by the end of February 2018, with a focus on urban arcas. Nationwide operations of full-service stores are expected in cight years. With Japan now already a country with more dogs and cats than children under 16, it is very likely that other convenience store chains will soon    follow suit.   

【題組】26. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Convenience store retailer Lawson helps aged citizens make purchases easily at a lower price.
(B) Convenience store retailer Lawson carries out service transformation in coping with an aging society.
(C) Convenience store retailer Lawson beats its competitors because of a diverse range of services they offer.
(D) Convenience store retailer Lawson is now working with the government to maximize their profits.


【題組】27. Under Lawson's plan, how many stores with care-support services do they need to increase by the end of February 2018?
(A) Nine.
(B) Sixteen.
(C) Twenty-one.
(D) Thirty.


【題組】28. According to the passage, which of the following care-support services is not offered in the store yet?
(A) Social spaces for people to interact.
(B) Facilities for easy access to products.
(C) Job vacancies for aged citizens.
(D) Consultation counters that offer information.


【題組】29. What does the phrase "follow suit" in the last paragraph most likely mean?
(A) To wear the same dress.
(B) To do the same thing.
(C) To launch an attack.
(D) To keep family pets.


【題組】30. Which of the following statements about convenience stores with care-support services is true?
(A) Aged citizens can turn to the specialist in the store for help with their insurance.
(B) The care-support services offered by Lawson have been around for five years.
(C) Ayako Takahashi has benefited from the services and made several friends of the same age.
(D) The services have met with opposition because old people simply can't afford them.


 31. Saving the lives of more than fifty children, the firefighter was ______as the hero of the city.
(A) referred
(B) regarded
(C) looked
(D) seen
(E) taken


32. A diet that is high in sugar and fat can______ many serious health problems.
(A) arise
(B) result from
(C) lead to
(D) give rise
(E) bring about


33.______ the team's help, the man was rescued and rushed to the hospital for medical treatment in time.
(A) Due to
(B) Since
(C) Because
(D) Owing to
(E) Thanks


34. Tim can speak many languages. ______Chinese and English, he can also speak Japanese, German, and Italian.
(A) But for
(B) Aside from
(C) Apart from
(D) Except for
(E) In addition


(A) Tim felt heart-breaking when he found that his girlfriend lied again.
(B) The good-looking guy lay on the beach, enjoying the beautiful sunshine.
(C) Playing hide-and-seek, the long-haired girl lies under the big sofa.
(D) Tina lays the home-making cookies on Jim's desk as a birthday git.
(E) Our neighbors laid some sun-dried tomatoes by our door yesterday.


36.選出翻譯正破的句子:Sharon 的建議不切實際,而 Sara的建議也是。
(A) Sharon's advice was not practical, and Sara's wasn't, either.
(B) Sharon's advice was not practical, and so was Sara's.
(C) Sharon's advice was not practical, and neither was Sara's.
(D) Sharon's advice was not practical, nor was Sara's.
(E) Sharon's advice was not practical, so Sara's wasn't.


(A) Verbal abuse is insignificant to children's physical and spiritual health.
(B) Verbal abuse puts a bad emphasis on children's physical and mental health.
(C) Verbal abuse has a negative effect on children's physical and mental health.
(D) Verbal abuse does harm to children's mental and spiritual health.
(E) Verbal abuse is harmful to children's mental and physical health.


(A) Without computers, many people will not know how to spend their days.
(B) Were there no computers, many people wouldn't know how to live their lives.
(C) Had it not been for computers, many people wouldn't know how to lead their lives.
(D) Were it not for computers, many people wouldn't know how to lead their lives.
(E) If there were no computers, many people don't know how to lead their lives.


(A) Inside the bag are some pears, some of which are already rotten.
(B) There are some pears in the bag, and some of them being already rotten.
(C) Inside the bag are some pears, with some of them already rotten.
(D) Inside the bag is some pears, some of which being already rotten.
(E) There are some pears in the bag, some of those are already rotten.


(A) 'The minute the kid reaching home, he turned on the TV.
(B) Upon arriving home, the kid turned on the TV.
(C) The kid turned on the TV as soon as he arrived home.
(D) As long as the kid reached home, he turned on the TV.
(E) The moment the kid turned on the TV, he arrived home.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 臺灣警察專科學校_專科警員班第 36 期正期學生組新生入學考試:英文科#97727-阿摩線上測驗
