(16 秒)

40. Willy is filled with regrets. If he ________ smoking years ago, he might not have lung cancer now.
(A) quit
(B) had quit
(C) would quit
(D) would have quit


        The antismoking lobby succeeded __(26)__ people knew without being told that cigarettes were killing their friends and families. They demanded hard data about the risks of breathing in secondhand smoke. They disbelieved glib assurances that cigarettes were __(27)__ and that the right to smoke __(28)__ the right to breathe clean air. More important, antismoking activists changed our idea of what smoking is all about. They uncooled the cigarette companies and their brands, forever __(29)__ smoking and death in all of our minds. It was, perhaps, the first victory in the fight for our mental environment—an ecology as rife with __(30)__ as any befouled river or cloud of smog. We long ago learned to watch what we dump into nature or absorb into our bodies; now we need to be equally careful about what we take into our minds.

(A) that
(B) because
(C) although
(D) if



Ally C剛剛做了阿摩測驗,考了50分