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【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(1~25)
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2 .You will have to consult Dr. Smith-this is not in my _____.
(A) kingdom
(B) knowledge
(C) domain
(D) place

2( ).

  In the mid 1970s the networks in America tried to break down traditional viewing habits by introducing a new ___(11)___, the mini-series. The idea was to get people ___(12)___ on the series in the first episode --- usually broadcast on Sunday night --- so they would ___(13)___ again the next several evenings. Mini-series have proven very popular and they are often scheduled during ‘sweep periods, ‘when TV stations are ___(14)___ to determine audience sizes. The mini-series concept actually came from public broadcasting, which began showing BBC produced ___(15)___ such as The Forsyte Saga in 1969 and Upstairs Downstairs.
(A) highlights
(B) gimmicks
(C) serials
(D) albums

3( ).

16. It has been discovered that when bananas are completely ripe or cooked, they are one of the most digestion food, and of great value in treating certain diseases.
(A)has been discovered
(D)in treating

4( ).

19. Bone cells are nourished by a fluid called plasma, derived from the blood, but containing neither the red or the white corpuscles.
(A)are nourished

5( ).

20. Located in the cranial cavity in the skull, the brain is the larger mass of nerve tissue in the human body.
(B)the brain
(D)human body

6( ).

Text C 
  A person with many years’ experience as a programmer or analyst may find a new career in computer networking. The challenge posed by the explosion of microcomputers is to provide access to more than one system and to integrate single computers into a local area network (LAN) or a regional or national network so that computers can talk to each other and share data. 
  One terminal can be made to do many things. Each one can talk to the main computer and distribute the information obtained to many individuals or businesses. To do this, computer language must become more standardized. International computer language committees are studying the possibility of developing a language more like English, which will be more successful and easier to learn than the symbolic and technical languages now in use. Telephones and cable will be used to mix voice and data. Television sets will perform the functions of transmitting, receiving, printing, copying, and talking. Small micro-computers will be linked in a national network that will create a demand for writing, demonstrating, and serving the new software. A person with an analytical mind will find a creative challenge in developing new hardware and software. Today’s computer industry is seeking greater accessibility, availability, and compatibility through wider interconnecting systems. This will provide many jobs for the right people.

【題組】30. According to the passage, one reason for trying to develop a computer language like English is that _____.
(A) English is grammatically simple and easy to learn
(B) English is an international language that more people use than any other language.
(C) a language would be easier for home-computer users than the symbolic and technical languages now available but not friendly to the users
(D) all of the computer programmers developing the computer language are English speaking people.

7( ).

Text E 
  Mental stress can have potentially fatal consequences. Not only can too much stress push us over the edge and make us act irrationally, but it can build up over a period of time and affect our ability to resist illnesses. The key to understanding the problem of stress is to realize that these days it rarely serves its original purpose – to prepare us to fight or flee from an attacker. In days gone by, stress levels rose in order to preserve our safety, before readjusting and returning to normal after the danger had passed. Nowadays, however, the danger is more likely to come from pressures at work or school. We cannot solve problems like this easily and so the body may not return to its previous state for some time and may even remain at a permanently raised level of anxiety. 
  There are many ways of dealing with stress. One useful tip is to make a list of those things you have to do that are urgent. The sense of satisfaction you get when you tick off each item on your list helps you to return to your pre-stressed state. In a similar way, good quality sleep enables you to start each day with a fresh approach, as does exercise because it clears your mind and enables you to approach a problem in a different way. In fact, just about anything that allows you to step back from your problems is likely to help. So, next time you feel the tension rising at work, get up from your desk and open your eyes to something different. Ten minutes outside in the fresh air might be all you need.

【題組】38. What is the result of us not being able to solve problems easily?
(A) The body goes back to how it was before.
(B) The body becomes tired.
(C) Our stress levels are lower
(D) Our stress levels are always high

8( ).

【題組】40. What would be a good title for this passage?
(A) The History of Stress
(B) How to Handle Stress
(C) Cope with Stress Through Sleep and Exercise
(D) Change your Stressful Job

9( ).

2. The phone _______ constantly since Jack announced his candidacy for president this morning.
(A) has been ringing
(B) rang
(C) had been ringing
(D) had rung
(E) is ringing

10( ).

4. Four miles off the southeastern coast of Massachusetts _____, a popular summer resort.
(A) lies the island of Martha’s Vineyard
(B) the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies there
(C) does lie the island of Martha’s Vineyard
(D) Where the island of Martha’s Vineyard lies
(E) Which Martha’s Vineyard lies is

11( ).

11. The math teacher _____ his explanation of the problem several times because his students were having difficulty understanding it.
(A) exonerated
(B) depreciated
(C) reiterated
(D) circumvented
(E) ostracized

12( ).

14. In recent years, the government has imposed pollution controls on automobile manufacturers. Both domestic and imported automobiles must ______ anti-pollution devices.
(A) quip with
(B) be equipped with
(C) equip by
(D) be quipped by
(E) be equipped to

13( ).

15. We can finally afford a new car _______ I have gotten the raise I have been waiting for.
(A) so that
(B) consequently
(C) now that
(D) so
(E) so as

14( ).

     Decision-making is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think. Interestingly poker, that most subjective of games, has often been of considerable interest to people who are, by any standards, good thinkers.
     The great mathematician John von Neumann was, among his many other accomplishments, one of the originators of games theory. In particular, he showed that all games fall into one of two classes: there are what he called “games of perfect information”, games like chess which are meant to involve no element of concealment, bluff or luck—games where the players can, in principle, discover the best move by the application of pure logic to the available data. Then there are “games of imperfect information”, like poker, in which it is impossible to know, in advance, that one course of action is better than another.
     One of the most dangerous illusions about business (or indeed, any activity involving human beings and human institutions) is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information. Quite the reverse, business, politics, life itself are games which we must normally play with very imperfect information. Many a business decision involves odds that would make a professional poker player shudder, for the number and extent of the unknown and unknowable factors are themselves often incalculable. But, as I have wished to point out, few organizations find it comfortable or congenial to admit that they are gambling, and many still prefer to delude themselves that they are playing a sober, responsible game of chess and are not encouraged, as is often the case, in a fling at the poker table.

【題組】33. A game involved no concealment is a game of __________________.
(A) perfect information
(B) imperfect information
(C) sheer chance
(D) honest
(E) cheat

15( ).

     There were many reasons why the whole character of the twentieth century should be very different from that of the nineteenth. The great wave of vitality and national expansions, which, during the Victorian period, swept both England and America to a high water mark of national prosperity, left in its ebb a highly developed industrial civilization and a clear path for all the currents of scientific and mechanistic thought which were to flood the new century. But literature, which had been nourished by the general vigor of the time, and not at all by the practical interests of the period, declined as the spirit itself dispersed.
     The great age of groups and “movements” began. The eighteenth century poets did not call themselves classicists, nor the nineteenth century poets call themselves romanticists; their poetic coloring was simply the quality of their whole response to the whole of life. But the literary history of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is full of theories and “isms” which provided artistic creeds for artist groups, and set the individual artist apart from the community in the popular opinion.

【題組】39. What is the character of the literary history of the 19th and the 20th centuries?
(A) It is full of literary anecdotes.
(B) It is full of theories and “isms.”
(C) It is full of “isms” only.
(D) It has neither theories nor “isms.”
(E) It is full of romantic thoughts.

16( ).

    Abortion is becoming increasingly prevalent both in the USA and in other nations, such as India. Because of cultural biases against females, the unborn babies aborted due to their sex are usually girls. Who could imagine a more blatant denial of sexual equality than killing unborn babies merely because they are little girls instead of little boys? But shockingly, many militant feminists argue that this practice must be tolerated to preserve “choice”. Certainly, the overwhelming majority in the USA would reject the argument that a woman has a “right” to kill her unborn baby merely because she prefers a child of the other sex. Polls show that people favor legal abortion only under extreme circumstances—which actually apply to only a few percent of the abortions performed each year.
    Yet abortion for sex selection is legal. The public is slowly coming to understand that the Supreme Court did not legalize abortion only during the first three months of pregnancy, or only for certain reasons. For all practical purposes, the Supreme Court struck down all legal restrictions on abortion for all nine months of pregnancy. Many people believe that whatever is legal is right. Unless the law changes, the use of abortion for sex selection will become increasingly common.
     New medical technologies have resulted in many exciting benefits for women and babies. Technology, however, must be used with compassion and responsibility. The use of amniocentesis for sex selection is one glaring example of a technology abused for selfish and destructive purposes. This abuse of technology should not be permitted.

【題組】44. The increase of abortions in India is caused due to __________________.
(A) conventional medical technologies
(B) prejudice against certain gender
(C) legalization of abortion
(D) malnutrition
(E) government policy of birth control

17( ).

     Life on this planet would not be possible without water. Usually we think water as a liquid. Water is important in another form, as a solid, as ice. Water is in the air, too, as a gas that we cannot see. Liquids, solids and gases are the three natural states of matter.
 50. Which word means the same as matter?
(A) form
(B) balance
(C) cycle
(D) substance
(E) part

18( ).

11.My kids were making such a racket that I couldn’t sleep, so I told them to             .
(A)knock it back
(B)knock it down
(C)knock it off
(D)knock it up

19( ).

The human body, along with its structure, function, illnesses, and characteristic behaviors, is only one of a multitude of living organisms in the world. (22) , we have a special interest in it -- a fact that is, as we shall see shortly, reflected in our educational system. (23) all living things except viruses, the human body (24) cells. These cells are arranged into tissues, (25) an understanding of the body can be sought. We can look at the biochemistry of single cells or tissues, at individual organs, or at the system as a whole. Modern medical science functions at all these levels.
(A)consists in
(B)is made from
(C)is composed of

20( ).

34.A person’s blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than             half times around the Earth at the equator.
(A)twice and
(B)twice a
(C)two and
(D)two and a

21( ).

     An oft-used, but valuable, analogy compares the human system with an army. The defending troops are the white blood cells called lymphocytes, born in the bone marrow, billeted in the lymph nodes and spleen, and on exercise in the blood and lymph systems. A body can muster some 200m cells, making the immune system comparable in mass to the liver or brain.
      The lymphocytes are called to action when the enemy makes itself known. They attack anything foreign. Their job is to recognize the enemy for what it is, and then destroy it. One of the key features of the immune system is its specificity. Inoculation with smallpox provokes an attack on any smallpox virus, but on nothing else. This specificity of response depends on the lymphocyte’s ability to identify the enemy correctly by the molecules on its surface, called antigens.
     An antigen is an enemy uniform. It cat be a protein on the surface. of a cold virus, or it can be a protein on the surface of a pollen grain, in which case the immune response takes the form of an allergy. An antigen can also be a protein on the surface of a transplanted organ, in which case the immune response “rejects” the transplant. Organs can therefore be transplanted only between closely related people-- in whom the antigens are the same -- or into people treated with a drug that suppresses the immune system, such as cyclosporin.

【題組】46.The author’s primary purpose in the passage is to do which of the following?
(A)Merge two differing views of a bodily process.
(B)Compare the immune system to the brain.
(C)Clarify the workings of the body’s defense system
(D)Demonstrate the inadequacy of an analogy.

22( ).

4._______is treatment with medicines that stop the growth of cancer cells.
(A) Dizziness
(B) Indigestion
(C) Obesity
(D) Chemotherapy
(E) Digestion

23( ).

Read the following passage and answer questions 48-50.
       Epidemiologist Gerardo Heiss, and other researchers from the University of North Carolina, looked for signs that could be used to predict a person 's mortality rate. The researchers studied 2541 men, aged 40 to 69, over a 10-year span, Among the men who had cardiovascular disease at base line, those with high blood cholesterol levels (above 6.19 mmol per liter) had a higher risk of death from cardiovascular disease, including coronary heart disease, which was 3.45 times higher than that for men with desirable blood cholesterol levels. Cholesterol levels were also significant predictors of death from cardiovascular disease in men without preexisting cardiovascular disease, although at a lower level of absolute risk of death.

【題組】49, In this study, What is reported as an indicator Of the risk of death?
(A)   blood pressure
(B)   age
(C)   gender
(D)   cholesterol level
(E)   previous signs of cardiovascular diseases

24( ).

       The recent kidnapping of four Americans in Mexico brought attention to a common practice for many people in the United States: medical tourism. The four Americans were caught in a shootout between criminal drug organizations. A family member said the four were on a trip from the U.S. so that one of them could get cosmetic surgery from a doctor in Matamoros.
 [   1   ] Arturo Bustamante, a health policy professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that those who visit Mexico for care are mostly Mexican or Latino immigrants living in the U.S. [   2   ] He said non-Latino patients mainly cross the border to get treatment for their teeth, buy prescription drugs, or to receive cosmetic surgery or some cancer treatments not covered in the U.S.
       However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or CDC) warns that medical tourism could be risky depending on the country and the medical center. Among the risks are infectious diseases, quality of care, language difficulties, and follow-up care. [   3   ]
       To reduce risks, the CDC advises people to work with a healthcare provider or travel medicine provider before making the trip. [   4   ] Lydia Gan of North Carolina noted that care providers often have someone pick patients up at the airport and take them to the health center or hotel. Edelheit of the Medical Tourism Association added that patients should research care quality before considering prices. “They really need to make sure they are going with the best of the best,” he said.
       Once patients choose a country and a provider, the CDC advises to bring medical records and to inform medical workers of any health problems. After a procedure, the agency says to get copies of all new medical records and to plan for follow-up care. [   5   ] If someone has medical problems after returning home, it may be hard for their doctor to learn the details about the care received during a trip.

【題組】39. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Medical tourism is still banned in the United States.
(B) All cancer treatments have been covered in the United States.
(C) Follow-up plans should be prepared before going back to the United States.
(D) Language is not an issue for those who seek a healthcare provider for help.
(E) Four Americans went to Mexico and were killed there by their doctor in surgery.

25( ).

       Industrial emissions are responsible for producing most greenhouse gases and particulate emissions that are harmful to our health and our planet.
       The business world has an increasing demand for innovative solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in order to ensure human’s continued ability to live and thrive. A growing number of companies are dedicated to the research and development of carbon-capturing and carbon-recycling technology, which has already been adopted by airlines, home care companies, fragrance companies and now textile production.
       A biotech startup company has partnered with a sportswear brand to create the world’s first yarn and fabric made from waste gas captured from industrial emissions. Waste gas emitted from a steel mill is captured and reused to produce ethanol, which is later converted to polyester. The carbonrecycling technology is similar to that of a brewery; but instead of using sugars and yeast to make beer, industrial emissions are converted by bacteria to fuels and chemicals. 
      The company’s goal is to help more businesses become “Carbon Smart” to achieve their climate change goals around carbon reduction, by radically change how they source, utilize and dispose of carbon.
      By capturing and upcycling industrial carbon emissions to make yarn, the finished garments not only have a lower carbon footprint, but also ensure lower levels of community pollution. Recycling carbon emissions is key to the circular economy, which will keep fossil carbon in the ground ─ reducing the use of fossil fuels and pollution when used to make value-added products such as polyester. In other words, the technology promotes circularity by keeping carbon in the material cycle.
     This kind of waste-gas-based polyester not only has the same appearance but also the same properties and functionality of virgin polyester. Moreover, once the waste-gas-based textiles reach the end of their useful life, they can be gasified and fermented without taxing the environment.

【題組】47. What does the phrase “taxing the environment” in the final paragraph mean?
(A) Causing burden to the environment.
(B) Charging extra fees.
(C) Making adaptations to the environment.
(D) Increasing tax revenues.
(E) Reducing industrial exhaust.

IV. Essay Writing. 20 points Please write in at least 200 words a well-organized essay to express your opinion on “Every obstacle is an opportunity.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement above? Give specific reasons or examples to support your ideas.


【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
