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【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(26~50)
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5. Carbon is converted into diamonds under extreme pressure.
(A) banished
(B) waned
(C) astonished
(D) clung
(E) transformed B. Please choose the best answer to complete each sentence.


14. There are always people who are stubbornly _____ to change.
(A) resistant
(B) insistent
(C) competitive
(D) dominant
(E) subsistent


23. What people say may not ____ accurately what they are actually feeling.
(A) return
(B) remote
(C) reflect
(D) recruit
(E) rejoice


III. Reading Comprehension: 40 points 【單選題】每題 2 分,共 20 題,答錯 1 題倒扣 0.5 分,倒扣至本大題零分為止,未作答,不給分亦不扣分。 
Please read the following chart/excerpts/passages closely and then choose the BEST answer for each of the questions according to the contents. 
   In 1839 Charles Darwin published Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited During the Voyage of HMS Beagle Round the World, Under the Command of Captn. FitzRoy, R.N. It was a huge success in Britain and cemented Darwin’s fame as a naturalist. By then Charles and Emma had been married three years and had two children, and they decided it was time to leave London. They were tired of the crime, the coal dust that blackened their clothes, the horse dung that clung to their shoes. They wanted to raise their children in the countryside, where they had grown up. They picked out an estate called Down House, an 18-acre farm in Kent, 16 miles from London. Darwin became a gentleman farmer, planting flowers, buying a horse and a cow. He stopped mingling in the scientific societies altogether. He got whatever information he needed by letter or from carefully selected weekend guests.

【題組】32. Darwin and his wife did not like London because ______.
(A) of its crime and dirty environments
(B) they like the countryside better
(C) they like their children to be healthy
(D) their children were too young
(E) they were more used to living in the countryside


【題組】35. After becoming famous in London, Darwin decided to move to the countryside because ______.
(A) he wanted people to pursue after him
(B) that was a better way to establish himself
(C) he wanted to be away from the jealous scientific community
(D) he wanted to write another book
(E) he wanted to raise his family in a healthy environment


III. Reading Comprehension: 40 points 【單選題】每題 2 分,共 20 題,答錯 1 題倒扣 0.5 分,倒扣至本大題零分為止,未作答,不給分亦不扣分。
   E-commerce refers to the process of buying or selling products or services over the Internet. It has affected people in many aspects. For example, while e-commerce helps create many new job opportunities, it also causes job losses. The areas with the greatest predicted job-loss are retail, postal, and travel agencies. The development of e-commerce will create jobs that require highly-skilled workers to manage large amounts of information, customer demands, and production processes. In contrast, people with poor technical skills will have fewer job opportunities. On the other hand, because e-commerce requires sufficient stocks that could be delivered to the customers in time, the warehouse becomes an important element. As a result, more staff members are needed to manage, supervise and organize the warehouse to ensure that it functions properly.
   E-commerce has also influenced our shopping behavior. For example, it brings convenience for customers as they do not have to leave home and only need to browse the products online, especially for buying those products not sold in nearby shops. It could also help them buy a wider range of items and save them time. Consumers also gain power through online shopping. They are able to research products and compare prices among retailers. Also, online shopping often provides sales promotions or discount codes and thus, it is more price-effective for customers. Moreover, e-commerce can even provide more detailed information about the products than the in-store staff can. Customers can also review and track their order history online.
   However, e-commerce lacks human interactions for customers, which is especially problematic for those who prefer face-to-face connection. Customers are also concerned with the security of online transactions and tend to remain loyal to well-known retailers. In recent years, clothing retailers such as Tommy Hilfiger have started adding Virtual Fit platforms to their e-commerce sites to reduce the risk of customers buying wrong-sized clothes. When customers regret the purchase of a product, they need to return the goods and go through the refunding process. It is inconvenient as they need to pack and post the goods. If the products are expensive, large or fragile, it then involves safety issues.

【題組】33. Based on the passage, what is the main reason that clothing retailers have recently started adding Virtual Fit platforms to their e-commerce sites?
(A) To render the payment process more consumer-friendly.
(B) To simplify the process of returning goods and refunding.
(C) To decrease the chance of customers buying wrong-sized clothes.
(D) To assure their customers that they will receive the clothes they buy online.
(E) To resolve customers’ complaint that it takes much time to get the clothes they order.


28. A _____ shopping mall is being put up nearby our town. It will be as large as five baseball fields.
(A) cyclopaedic
(B) gigantic
(C) extortionary
(D) generous
(E) impenetrable


38. The American stock market crisis in 1929 led to a ____ and sustaining memory in the history of economics.
(A) unfledged
(B) unforgivable
(C) unforgettable
(D) unfinished
(E) unforeseen


4. The President’s speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties.
(A) provoked
(B) extinguished
(C) discouraged
(D) restrained
(E) celebrated


Please read the following chart/excerpts/passages closely and then choose the BEST answer for each of the questions according to the contents. When humans first ventured out of Africa some 60,000 years ago, they left genetic footprints still visible today. By mapping the appearance and frequency of genetic markers in modern peoples, we create a picture of when and where ancient humans moved around the world. These great migrations eventually led the descendants of a small group of Africans to occupy even the farthest reaches of the Earth. Our species is an African one: Africa is where we first evolved, and where we have spent the majority of our time on Earth. The earliest fossils of recognizably modern Homo sapiens appear in the fossil record at Omo Kibish in Ethiopia, around 200,000 years ago. Once the climate started to improve, the population expanded, and some intrepid explorers ventured beyond Africa. These early beachcombers expanded rapidly along the coast to India, and reached Southeast Asia and Australia by 50,000 years ago. Around 20,000 years ago a small group of these Asian hunters entered the East Asian Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum. At this time the great ice sheets covering the far north had literally sucked up much of the Earth’s moisture in their vast expanses of white wasteland, dropping sea levels by more than 300 feet. This exposed a land bridge that connected the Old World to the New, joining Asia to the Americas. People’s journey never ended. By 14,000 years ago they had penetrated the land south of the ice, and made it all the way to the tip of South America. Is this part of story amazing?
【題組】32. Please tell the reason why we human species can be called “African one”.
(A) Because we were all born in Africa.
(B) Because genetic footprints proved that humans first evolved in Africa.
(C) Because Ethiopian people have a longer history of civilization.
(D) Because Africans moved to Asia.
(E) Because the population of Africans is larger.


【題組】33. What is the purpose of this essay?
(A) The author suggests we should take a trip to Africa.
(B) The author’s purpose is to theorize the importance of human over other animals.
(C) The author argues about human rights.
(D) The author proposes a map of human migration.
(E) The author wants to discover America.


2. In order to avoid attacks from predators, many animals are good at feigning death.
(A) arranging
(B) encroaching
(C) hibernating
(D) pretending
(E) stimulating


     In many countries today, laws protect wildlife. In India, the need for such protection was realized centuries ago. About 300 B.C. an Indian writer described forces that were somewhat like national parks today. The killing of game beasts was carefully controlled. Some animals were fully protected. Within the forest, nobody was allowed to cut timber, burn wood for charcoal, or trap animals for their furs. Animals that became dangerous to human visitors were trapped or killed outside the park, so that other animals would not become uneasy.
     The need for wildlife protection is greater now than ever before. About a thousand species of animals are in danger of disappearing, and the rate at which they are being destroyed had increased. With mammals, for instance, the rate of disappearance is now about one species every year; from A.D. 1 to 1800, the rate was about one species every fifty years. Everywhere, men are trying to solve the problem of preserving wildlife while caring for the world’s growing population.

【題組】44. Caring for animals in these forests included .
(A) taking dangerous animals out of the park before killing them
(B) employing men to look after trapped animals
(C) Both A and B
(D) Neither A nor B


     It is a curious fact about the intellectual history of the past few centuries that physical and mental development have been approached in quite different ways. No one would take seriously the proposal that the human organism learns through experience to have arms rather than wings, or that the basic structure of particular organs results from accidental experience. Rather, it is taken for granted that the physical structure of the organism is genetically determined, though of course variation along such dimensions as size, rate of development, and so forth will depend in part on external factors…
      The development of personality, behavior patterns, and cognitive structures in higher organisms has often been approached in a very different way. It is generally assumed that in these domains, social environment is the dominant factor. The structures of mind that develop over time are taken to be arbitrary and accidental; there is no “human nature” apart from what develops as a specific historical product…
      But human cognitive systems, when seriously investigated, prove to be no less marvelous and intricate than the physical structures that develop in the life of the organism. Why, then, should we not study the acquisition of a cognitive structure such as language more or less as we study some complex bodily organ?
      At first glance, the proposal may seem absurd, if only because of the great variety of human languages. But a closer consideration dispels these doubts. Even knowing very little of substance about linguistic universals, we can be quite sure that the possible variety of language is sharply limited…. The language each person acquires is a rich and complex construction hopelessly underdetermined by the fragmentary evidence available [to the child]. Nevertheless, individuals in a speech community have developed essentially the same language. This fact can be explained only on the assumption that these individuals employ highly restrictive principles that guide the construction of grammar.

【題組】50. The author says in Paragraph 3 that _________
(A) human cognitive systems have been thoroughly investigated but have proven to be accidental and simple.
(B) language is one part of human cognitive structure which is not worth scientific study.
(C) the acquisition of human cognitive structure is as miraculous and complicated as the development of physical structure.
(D) the study of human cognitive systems is difficult because no scientific evidence is available.


     It is important to understand that stupid people are like all other humans, physically. They just think differently. The ideas stupid people create tend to be original. When was the last time you spent time pondering, or even grieving, over someone’s “stupid” idea? It seems that people are always talking about someone else’s dumb idea. This would suggest that stupid people might have the upper hand when it comes to thinking up original ideas. In fact, the next time someone wants an original idea for something, he should try talking to someone considered to be a bit “foolish”. A “stupid” person thinks with his head as a smart one does, but not in the same organized manner. By thinking in their fashion, “stupid” people form ideas more naturally, without the interruptions from the logical editing of thoughts typical of “logical” people. From this seemingly irrational thinking process of “stupid” people often springs forth creativity.
      Furthermore, “stupid” people are always remembered. The quiet and smart person is always hard to detect, and often remains anonymous. There is a very good reason for this. The mind has a hard time keeping quiet people in its memory track. But it is much easier and pleasing for the mind to remember someone really stupid. Thus, one can exploit a “stupid” person’s notoriety to quickly disseminate an important message when the need arises. Stupidity clearly has many advantages, as long as one is smart enough to use them!

【題組】52. How are stupid people similar to smart people?
(A) They think alike.
(B) Both are very rational.
(C) They are physically similar.
(D) They are very quiet.


3.Smallpox has been practically rooted out in the civilized world.
(A) tolerated
(B) controlled
(C) eradicated
(D) diagnosed


5.Ted was a mediocre scientist who never made any unique discoveries.
(A) remarkable
(B) extraordinary
(C) ordinary
(D) above average


19.Often, the purchase of one fine thing requires the purchase of several more so that your appearance may be all of a piece. Poor Richard says, “It is easier to suppress the first desire than to _____.”
(A) decide what should follow
(B) satisfy all that follow it
(C) have to borrow money
(D) consult your purse


20.Never accept as fact something for which there exists only partial proof. Recognize as true only that which is demonstrated clearly enough to eliminate all reasonable _____.
(A) truth
(B) research
(C) doubt
(D) verification


  Until a century ago, bloodletting was used to treat many ailments. Dating back to before the time of Christ, the treatment involves letting a type of worm, called a leech, suck blood from the patient. People believed that there were liquids called humors in the body and that these determined a person’s personality and health. Bloodletting, they thought, restored a balance to these humors.
   At the time, little was known of the workings of the human body, but people did know that the same liquid, blood, flowed throughout everyone’s body. They knew it was a vital substance, for loss of any great amount of it meant certain death. Thus, they concluded that all diseases were carried in the bloodstream, and that if the body was relieved of bad blood, health would return. Bloodletting, however, came to be use as cure-all. Women were bled to keep them from blushing, while members of the clergy were bled to prevent them from thinking sinful and worldly thoughts.
   From the eleventh to the eighteenth centuries, barbers were the people to go to if you needed to be bled. This custom explains the significance of the traditional barber’s pole: the white stripes stand for bandages and the red stripes for blood.

【題組】24.In the second paragraph, the word “thus” could be replaced by the word
(A) when.
(B) however.
(C) if.
(D) so.


【題組】25.Ailments means
(A) cures.
(B) women.
(C) diseases.
(D) medicines.


   Bubble tea isn’t a new arrival in the Tokyo drink landscape, but the beverage has recently enjoyed a popularity boom. - [1] - Perhaps you’ve passed a long line of adolescents in front of a store, or your Instagram feed has been overwhelmed by chunky straws and tapioca-filled, vacuum-sealed cups. - [2] -
   The drink — which consists of flavored tea, often mixed with milk and sugar, with black tapioca balls at the bottom, waiting to be sucked up — originally comes from Taiwan, and has gained popularity internationally over the past few decades. Its arrival in Japan is a little less clear, though it seems the first real inroads bubble tea made in the country came at the start of the millennium. But the beverage has never been a true trend here until now. While bubble tea has had its devotees over the past decade and a half, it only recently connected with Japanese teens, the arbiters of culinary cool across the archipelago. - [3] - Perhaps owing to bubble tea’s photogenic properties, its colorful, layered toppings and add-ins easily visible in plastic cups, online outlets have referred to it as a nationwide “tapioca boom.” You know it has spilled over into the mainstream when YouTubers and J-pop idols try to cash in on the trend.
   Although bubble tea comes in all kinds of flavors, customers tend to go for sweet options, with milk tea versions the most preferred. Sweetened versions have become so omnipresent that publications such as Joshi Spa have reported on how unhealthy the drink can be for you. - [4] –
   The Koiwa neighborhood seems to be a hot spot for memorable bubble tea drinks, housing places such as Toki Seven Tea, Golden Ratio and the chain Chatime. A recent arrival comes in the form of Takusha no Cha, located near Shin-Koiwa Station. This one has caught on with the Instagram crowd thanks to fruit-heavy takes on bubble tea that load up on slices of strawberry and whipped cream alongside the soft tapioca pearls. These creations are definitely not for those trying to cut calories, but they rise above usual social media bait thanks to the actually enjoyable fruity flavors.5ee5a64b060c1.jpg

【題組】47. In paragraph 2, what do “photogenic properties” mean?
(A) Bubble tea easily reacts to light.
(B) Bubble tea has the properties of light.
(C) Bubble tea looks nice in photographs.
(D) People in photographs light up when they have bubble tea.
(E) The photographs of bubble tea come to light.


2. Demand for over-the-counter drugs has been rising. In 2022, the total _______ sales rose by I5 per cent, with the US lurning in a particularly strong performance.
(A) pharmaceutical
(B) alchemist
(C) philanthropic
(D) physiological
(E) prosthetic


24. The cake was baked by my grandmother, _____ her delicious desserts and culinary skills.
(A) who is known as
(B) who is known for
(C) that is known as
(D) that is known for
(E) she is known as


       The recent kidnapping of four Americans in Mexico brought attention to a common practice for many people in the United States: medical tourism. The four Americans were caught in a shootout between criminal drug organizations. A family member said the four were on a trip from the U.S. so that one of them could get cosmetic surgery from a doctor in Matamoros.
 [   1   ] Arturo Bustamante, a health policy professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that those who visit Mexico for care are mostly Mexican or Latino immigrants living in the U.S. [   2   ] He said non-Latino patients mainly cross the border to get treatment for their teeth, buy prescription drugs, or to receive cosmetic surgery or some cancer treatments not covered in the U.S.
       However, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (or CDC) warns that medical tourism could be risky depending on the country and the medical center. Among the risks are infectious diseases, quality of care, language difficulties, and follow-up care. [   3   ]
       To reduce risks, the CDC advises people to work with a healthcare provider or travel medicine provider before making the trip. [   4   ] Lydia Gan of North Carolina noted that care providers often have someone pick patients up at the airport and take them to the health center or hotel. Edelheit of the Medical Tourism Association added that patients should research care quality before considering prices. “They really need to make sure they are going with the best of the best,” he said.
       Once patients choose a country and a provider, the CDC advises to bring medical records and to inform medical workers of any health problems. After a procedure, the agency says to get copies of all new medical records and to plan for follow-up care. [   5   ] If someone has medical problems after returning home, it may be hard for their doctor to learn the details about the care received during a trip.

【題組】38. Regarding medical tourism, which of the following suggestions is NOT provided in the passage?
(A) Choose cheaper medical procedures.
(B) Obtain all new medical records.
(C) Do research before going abroad.
(D) Seek a healthcare provider for help.
(E) Have a local guide sent by travel medicine providers.

V. Writing. Write an essay in which you argue for or against the following statement (in 200 words). 20 points. Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study because acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated. You should use your own ideas, knowledge, reasoning, and experience and support your arguments with examples.


【精選】 - 學士後西醫-英文難度:(26~50)-阿摩線上測驗
