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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2556~2560)
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5 You shouldn’t    your parents’ love    ; instead, you should cherish and reward it.

(A)put…into consideration
(B)take…for granted

(C)bear…in mind
(D)know…by sight


13 The snow ________ on the roads makes driving an extreme hazard for people rushing to work in the morning.


第 46 題至第 50 題為題組
        The term “First Lady” is used to refer to the wife of an elected official. In many countries, it is usually 46 for the wife of the President. The term is also used to describe the leading woman of a certain profession, which is 47 Martha Graham, the great American dancer, is often referred to as the first lady of modern dance. 
        Though the term has been adopted by countries all over the world, it is commonly 48 back to Dolley Madison, wife of the fourth U.S. President, James Madison. While her husband was serving as Secretary of State for third President Thomas Jefferson, Dolley was often asked by Jefferson, a widower, to serve as his First Lady for official ceremonial functions. She then continued her service through her husband’s two 49 as President. When she died in 1849, legend  50 it that then-President Zachary Taylor called her “First Lady” in his eulogy. However, no record of this speech has 
ever been found. 



45.“Good” fires are ecologically crucial, clearing out dead bush and returning nutrients to the soil.
(A)Ecologically speaking, fires can never be good considering their destructive power.
(B)Fires are important to the environment in the way they help keep good substances from going into the ground.
(C)Some fires are good and ecologically essential because they turn the scorched dry trees into nourishment in the earth.
(D)It is considered positive to extinguish fires that burn down useless trees and reserve nutrients for valuable ones.


38 She was a _________ host. She made sure everyone was comfortable in the party.
(A) furious
(B) gracious
(C) precious
(D) suspicious


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2556~2560)-阿摩線上測驗
