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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2576~2580)
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Don’t feel guilty about the breaks you’ve been sneaking at work―they could be helping you learn. Neuroscientists at MIT find that rats take a similar pause after exploring an unfamiliar maze. During that break, the animals’ brains repeatedly review a backward version of the route they just took, most likely cementing memories of the steps needed to reach the goal. David Foster and his team zero in on this process by placing tiny wires into the rats’ brains. The neurons that light up during the experiments lie in a region known to form short-term memories. But as those cells play the memory again and again―10 times faster than the original experience―the rest of the brain has lots of opportunities to absorb the information and to place it into long-term storage. This implies that it’s not just during an experience that learning occurs. The period after the experience is just as important, maybe more important. The results may explain previous studies showing that people and animals learn best when given breaks between tasks―and provide a persuasive new justification for office daydreaming.
【題組】23 Why does the author suggest that it is okay to daydream in the office?
(A) When we daydream, we are organizing and rehearsing the information acquired.
(B) When we work hard for a long time, we tend to become inefficient.
(C) When we daydream, we find new ideas.
(D) Daydreaming is a better way to relax than sleeping during regular hours.


11 Renting a car in Morocco isn’t cheap, but it is possible to strike very good ____with some of the smaller dealers.


324. When taking medicine, we should read the instructions on the ______ carefully because they provide important information such as how and when to take it.
(A) medals
(B) quotes
(C) labels
(D) recipes


355. The high speed rail system in China has experienced _____ growth which no other infrastructure programs in the world have ever seen so far.
(A) adequate
(B) prototypical
(C) unprecedented
(D) prolonged


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Wherever you go in France, the country’s artistic heritage is very much in evidence. France does have her share of ugly urban sprawl and unlovely out-of-town hypermarkets, but these are eclipsed by her wealth of beautifully restored and maintained historic buildings which, together with striking new architecture and works of art, are part of the fabric of everyday life. France has had an important role throughout the history of western art which began with the cave painters of the Dordogne, long before their land became a nation. From the Renaissance onwards French kings invited the finest European painters to decorate their palaces, and Paris became the center of nearly all important artistic developments, whether the artists concerned were French or not. It was only in the nineteenth century that French painters formed a distinctively French movement that was far more influential than the Flemish, German and Italian schools of previous centuries. The impressionists and their successors radically altered the direction of European art, attracting even more foreign artists to Paris. Since the seventeenth century, when the Academies of painting and sculpture, and architecture were founded, architecture and the visual arts have been a central concern of the French state. Today, the Ministry of Culture is housed in the elegant seventeenth-century Palais-Royal, alongside two of the nation’s highest institutions, the Conseil Constitutionnel and the Conseil d’Etat, exemplifying the belief of Catherine Trautmann, the culture minister from 1997 to 2000, that “culture is at the heart of our democratic system.” This sentiment echoes the aims of her predecessors who include de Gaulle’s post-war minister Andre Malraux and Mitterrand’s innovative and daring minister, Jack Lang, both of whom wanted to enrich the lives of ordinary citizens.
【題組】50 Who is Andre Malraux?
(A) The owner of Palais-Royal.
(B) A culture minister of France.
(C) A famous artist of impressionism.
(D) The head of a party against Mitterrand.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(2576~2580)-阿摩線上測驗
