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38 Carol: I am so happy that we have finally finished our project together in time. Emma: __________. The boss is very pleased with our job, too. Carol: I am glad to hear that.
(A) So am I
(B) Both we are
(C) I am either
(D) Neither am I


4 Do you know the man ____ lives next door?
(A) who
(B) he
(C) which
(D) whom


43 He broke his glasses while _______ basketball.
(A) fighting
(B) playing
(C) making
(D) laying


40. While the children ______ noisily in the classroom, the teacher suddenly came in.
(A)are talking
(B)have talking
(C)was talking
(D)were talking


20 Clerk: I have just been with the company for only one week. Boss: I know you are new here. But you must try your best to _________ so that people will work with you.
(A) mix up
(B) blend in
(C) show off
(D) kick off


37 Martin: I did terribly at the math exam. I don’t think I will pass. James: ___________ You’ve spent too much time playing the computer games lately.
(A)You’ll survive.
(B)You’ll catch up with it.
(C)You are welcome.
(D)It serves you right.


18 The Watsons are looking for a babysitter to pick up and supervise their kids aged 6 and 3, _____, on Monday and Friday.


第 41 題至第 45 題,請依文意,從四個選項中選出最合適者

    It is vital that parents recognize the strong influence they  41  on their children’s educational decisions and career paths. The most significant factors appear  42  the size of the family, parenting style, and the attitudes parents have about work in general.  43  is essential for parents to recognize that the long, ever-changing process of career choice begins when children are still young. Educators  44  parents who are not aware of the importance of their  45 , positive or negative, influence on their children.

(B) been
(C) being
(D) to be


第41 題至第 45 題為題組

With thirty e-devices, four hundred e-titles, and two thousand print items, Taoyuan International Airport became the world’s first e-book library in an airport. Titles are  41  in both English and Chinese, and the e-devices vary from iPads to e-readers with e-ink. The library is  42  by the duty-free shop at the airport. The  43  for the project comes from the Institute for Information Industry, a government agency. The total cost of the project was about US$102,000. Airport passengers are  44  to borrow the devices and read the e-books in the airport, but they cannot download any  45  for their own devices. With more than seventeen million passengers passing through the airport each year, this is likely the beginning of something much bigger.

(B) willing
(C) allowed 


請依下文回答第 28 題至第 30 題 
  Bullying is an important issue that is definitely seen in our world these days. There are various explanations why children or youngsters bully other children. The majority of the community has been or will be bullied throughout their school-age life. The effects of bullying on kids can be devastating; it can create social separation or even suicide. The common reason of bullying is families’ situations that lead to health, wealth and relationship complications in long-time period. Bullying is when somebody or a group of individuals who have more power, persistently and intentionally cause harm or trouble for someone else or group of individuals who really feel helpless to react. 
  Olweus says there are usually three types of bullying on school-aged children. The first one is physical bullying that involves physical damage and damage to property. Second most common type is called verbal bullying, which contains any type of verbal provocation such as abusive language, insults or racial comments. The next type is cyber bullying; it comprises sending unpolished images, tweeting slang memos, or posting false web pages. There are several different effects which bullying can have on children. Nowadays social separation is a main problem in kids. When children are bullied for a long period of time, it can make them feel inferior and unconfident in themselves that can have a bad effect on the way they intermingle in public. A research shows there are numerous cases of student committing suicide for the past few years. However, sometimes victims go for revenge against the bully with severe acts of violence. Besides, all these people lose their trust in relations, their competence to love and more importantly they restrict themselves to be in a well-meaning relationship in future. Along with all these problems, bullying can also disturb victims’ health; they may suffer from eating disorder or might hurt themselves.

【題組】29 Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The effects of bullying on kids are not as devastating as those on adults.
(B) There are usually three types of bullying on school-aged children.
(C) The victims of bullying may kill themselves.
(D) Sometimes victims take revenge on the bully with violent acts.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題

    Lagom is a new lifestyle that comes out of Sweden into our homes and our lives in the hope of helping us become healthy and live a sustainable life. The Swedish word is defined as “not too much, and not too little—just right.” This ethos of moderation has a great impact on Swedish people, who believe there should be a balance in everything they do, from working hours to how many slices of cake they eat, from how much sugar to take in one coffee to the portion sizes of dinner. Now people all over the world are interested in this living philosophy. Over the past six months, the BBC reports that search engine Google has seen a steady increase in the number of searches for the term Lagom and in the last three months, the word has been tweeted over 13,500 times.

    My Swedish friend told me “asking a Swede about lagom is like asking a fish what water is. It’s part of our way of life. There’s an inner voice saying, ‘Don’t be too talkative, but don’t be too quiet or shy. Don’t build the biggest house in town and buy luxurious stuff, but don’t be poor.’”

    Lagom has inspired several companies to manufacture skin collections, clothing, and furniture based on this notion of making life easier, more enjoyable and inexpensive. Swedish furniture store IKEA, for example, has created a project called “Live Lagom” to teach people how to reduce waste, save water, and live a healthier life. The famous H&M also sells Lagom around the world. Everybody can afford to buy their products, which are functional, stylish, and nice, but not too nice. Sam and Elliott Stocks, from England, published the lifestyle magazine Lagom. “Although neither of us are Swedes, we admire Swedish culture,” says Elliott. “The philosophy of Lagom is beautifully simple; it encourages everything in moderation.”

【題組】46 What is the best title for this passage?
(A)An Urgent Global Issue.
(B)A Beautiful Life Journey.
(C)A New Trend to Keep Up With.
(D)An Ancient Culture to Be Preserved.


Jackie Chan, possibly one of the biggest movie stars in the world, is famous for his action movies. In fact, Chan’s movies are more than simple action movies—they are action-comedies. He started using comedy early in his  41  when he was preparing to be the next Bruce Lee. He realized that his  42  face would stop him from being as tough as Lee, so he started to use comedy. But Chan quickly found that using humor was not so simple. His movie “Rush Hour” was a much  43  success in America and Europe than in Asia. Chan says this was because in different countries people have a different sense of humor. The humor in “Rush Hour” just didn’t work with  44  audiences. “From that time, I knew that I would have to make  45  movies a year; one for Asian market and one for American market.” Everyone likes humor, but the humor everyone likes is different.


        The thieves struck on the morning of August 22, 2004, not long after the Munch Museum had opened. The Sunday peace was broken by the shouting of the two men storming into the exhibition area. Using a gun to force the guards to the ground, they took two paintings off the wall and left. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. The crime was seen as a shame to Norway, which regards Munch’s paintings as among its most valued cultural treasures. One and a half years on, six men were charged and their trial began February 14, 2006. The police may catch the thieves, but they don’t have the paintings. In the first place, the police took so long to arrive. By the time they did, the original witnesses were gone and the crime scene had been changed with other visitors. The only evidence they got was an unclear photo of two guys taken by the security camera. The police began to make some arrest 8 months later. As for the museum, it closed after the robbery and reopened 10 months later, after adding $6 million security equipment.
【題組】50. Why did the late arrival of the police make it more difficult to find the paintings?
(A)The guards had been seriously injured.
(B)The security camera had been broken.
(C)Some evidence might have been lost.
(D)The visitors had been scared away.


The appearance of smartphones has changed people’s life to a large degree. Not only can people use them to make and receive phone calls, they can __1___ use them to surf on the Internet, send and receive emails, communicate with each other through video and make new friends. They have helped make human contact become easier and more __2___ than 
before. Besides helping people to connect __3__ each other, smartphones allow people to have fun. People can watch videos and movies online as well as play many different online games either with themselves or with others. Using the camera function __4__ by smartphones, people can take pictures of themselves, their family and friends and even things that interest them. Now smartphones have also been used as a kind of credit card.__5__ , people can use them to pay for their grocery shopping without taking the money with them. 

(A) from
(B) for
(C) with
(D) about


        Making a good speech in public is a big challenge for most people, but there are some basic rules you can follow. First of all, you need to know what kind of audience you have. Maybe they are a friendly audience who knows you already, or maybe they are strangers you need to get acquainted with. Next, the topic of your speech needs to be something you know a lot about. If you are a fashion designer, for example, you should not give medical advice. You had better talk about what styles are best for what kinds of body shapes. Also, in your speech you will want to give your audience strong images that will linger in their minds after the speech is over. Finally, don't make your speech too long. Nobody wants to go hungry or go to bed late because of a long speech.
【Please answer questions 46-50 according to your understanding of the above passage.】 

【題組】49. The writer of the passage is most probably ______.
(A) a medical doctor
(B) an experienced public speaker
(C) a fashion designer
(D) a successful politician


