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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第十九回#114067
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101. It _____ us to hear the news that Ms. Tina got laid off together with dozens of other factory workers.
(D) shocker


102. The idea _____ digital transformation is key to business success isn’t new, but the urgency surrounding its adoption is.
(D) that


103. The new bus route will be being constructed next year, and it is _____ to significantly reduce travel time between the two cities.
(D) expectantly


104. _____ the vendor's failure to deliver the goods on time, we had to cancel the order and find a new supplier.
(A)As a result
(C)Stem from
(D) Due to


105. The airport's announcements are now clearer and more informative than _____ from a few years ago, making it easier for passengers to navigate the terminal.
(D) those


106. In today's globalized economy, multinational corporations play a _____ role in driving international trade and economic growth.


107. It's important to have a backup plan _____ your business idea doesn't take off, so having a side hustle can provide financial stability while you work on building your startup.
(A)in case
(B)in case of
(C) in advance
(D)in advance of


108. The premium lounge provides a more comfortable and exclusive experience _____ the standard waiting areas at the airport.
(A)instead of
(B)thanks to
(C)compared with
(D) apart from


109. Accurate tracking and management of inventory is critical for businesses, as it directly _____ their financial performance and profitability.
(D) impacting


110. The business world is heading in exciting new _____ as more companies recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and prioritize sustainability initiatives in their operations and supply chains.
(D) transactions


111. Customer _____ provides an opportunity to find out what your clients want and need from you, and improve your level of service or the quality of your goods.
(D) society


112. As an intern, I helped design promotional materials for the company's new product launch, _____ led to a significant increase in customer engagement and sales.
(D) whatever


113. The _____ event for the new skyscraper was a terrific success, with many industry leaders in attendance.
(D) grounds


114. Our restaurant is known for its unique fusion cuisine, and we're excited to bring these flavors _____ by opening a new location in a major international city.
(D) abroad


115. The proposal _____ we streamline our manufacturing processes and implement lean principles has been met with great enthusiasm by our team.
(D) regarding


116. _____ more great news for our sales and marketing departments, we just landed a new client with a budget three times larger than our average account.
(B)Even though
(C)Even as
(D) Even so


117. According to the latest report, the company's workforce _____ significantly over the past year.
(A)have risen
(B)has risen
(C)have arisen
(D) has arisen


118. _____ the office cleaning services are performed regularly, the workspace can quickly become cluttered and unsanitary.
(D) Though


119. One industry that has been greatly affected by globalization _____ tourism, with more people traveling internationally than ever before.
(A)seem to be
(B)is regarded as
(C)are considered
(D) is


120. _____ that we can secure funding, we plan to move forward with the commercialization of our latest invention.
(D) Since


121. _____ its unique features, the new product has received a lot of attention from potential investors.
(C)Owing to
(D) In spite of


122. The company's website includes a tutorial video that guides customers through the purchasing process, making _____ easier to buy products online.
(D) theirs


123. TECP Corporation will release its _____ financial report next week, which will provide an insight into its recent performance.
(D) vastly


124. The company has been investing heavily in research and development _____ , hoping to launch the new products.
(A)last year
(B)in the past years
(C)since a few year
(D) for the past year


125. By the time the new employees start next week, all the necessary training _____ by the human resources department.
(A)has completed
(B)has been completed
(C)will have completed
(D) will have been completed


126. The _____ is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve specific goals.
(D) administrator


127. She is _____ good at inspiring young people.
(D) much


128. The _____ of a business is its overall direction and purpose.
(D) visuals


129. _____ training and development can help staff develop new skills and feel more confident in their ability to handle customer inquiries and complaints.
(D) Athletic


130. In the coming year, the trend of working “asynchronously“ will continue to accelerate from buzzword to standard _____ across the world’s most innovative companies.
(D) practice


Part 6 Text Completion

Questions 131~134 refer to the following brochure.
Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime. Our backpacking tours in the Winnipeg area offer an experience like no other. With stunning natural scenery, vibrant culture, and endless opportunities for exploration, you are in for an unforgettable journey. 

Explore hidden gems
Our __132__ guides will take you off the beaten path and introduce you to hidden gems that most visitors never get to see. From secluded lakes and waterfalls to stunning mountain views, you'll have the chance to explore the real Winnipeg that locals know and love.

Immersive cultural experiences 
Winnipeg is home to a rich and diverse culture, and our tours offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in it. You'll have the chance to meet locals, learn about indigenous traditions, and try __133__ cuisine that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

Sustainable and eco-friendly
We believe in sustainable and eco-friendly tourism, and our tours reflect that. We take care to __134__ our impact on the environment and support local communities by using locally-owned accommodations and services whenever possible.

So what are you waiting for? Book your Winnipeg backpacking tour today and experience the adventure of a lifetime.

(A)Here is a list of must-visit attractions we recommend.
(B)Here is a checklist before you set out on the journey to the Winnipeg area.
(C)Here are just a few of the reasons why our tours are so special.
(D) Here are a number of travel guidebooks you can buy on our official website.


(D) pathetic


(D) authentic


(D) disregard


Questions 135~138 refer to the following email.

Subject: A Long-standing Issue

Dear Department of Transportation,

I am writing to express my utter frustration and anger regarding the issue of overcrowded trains on your public transportation system. __135__ a commuter who has been using your service for the last three years, I am appalled that this problem has not been resolved despite numerous complaints from passengers like myself.

It is __136__ time that you take the issue of overcrowding seriously and address it once and for all. __137__ I am forced to deal with cramped, uncomfortable, and downright dangerous conditions on your trains during peak hours. It is almost as if you are deliberately trying to put our lives in danger.

If you continue to ignore this matter, I will have no choice but to escalate this issue to higher authorities. I hope that you understand the seriousness of the matter and take __138__ action to improve the situation.


Frank Edmondson

(A)As of
(B)As if
(C)As though
(D) As


(D) high


(A)Without your immediate action, commuters like me will no longer drive to work.
(B)Most commuters have been grateful for the high quality of your service.
(C)The lack of action on your part has left commuters like me feeling frustrated and helpless. Every day,
(D) Action taken to tackle the above issue will be appreciated.


(D) irrelevant


Questions 139~142 refer to the following passage.

Chronic lateness __139__ some individuals, often due to deep-rooted habits or personality traits. Factors like poor time management, procrastination, or an inability to estimate task durations __140__ tardiness. Surprisingly, some may find the adrenaline rush from being late inspiring, as it offers a thrilling challenge. However, the resulting stress can harm mental well-being and relationships.

__141__ , guilt and embarrassment often accompany lateness, discouraging meaningful efforts to change. Breaking this cycle requires addressing root causes and adopting practical strategies. By understanding and tackling these __142__ issues, individuals can overcome habitual lateness and lead punctual, harmonious lives.

(D) affects


(A)contribute to
(B)result from
(C)as a result of
(D) due largely to


(D) Eventually


(D) addictive


Questions 143~146 refer to the following article.

Creating a culture of offering positive feedback in the office is crucial to __143__ a positive work environment where employees feel valued and motivated. Here are some tips for establishing this culture:

First, lead by example. Managers and leaders should __144__ offer positive feedback to their team members, demonstrating the importance and impact of doing so.
__145__ This could include workshops, guidelines, or coaching sessions.

Third, make feedback a regular part of the workplace culture. Encourage team members to give and receive feedback frequently and __146__ it a part of performance evaluations and team meetings.

By following these steps, you can establish a culture of positive feedback in your office, leading to happier and more productive employees.

(D) buildings


(D) regularly


(A)Second, offer feedback only during informal occasions.
(B)Second, try to give positive feedback and negative feedback at the same time.
(C)Second, provide training and resources to help employees learn how to give effective feedback.
(D) Second, positive feedback should not simply be seen as something to cushion the negative.


(D) reflect


Part 7 Reading Comprehension

Questions 147~148 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.
Anita: Hey Bob, have you heard anything about the Regional Sales Representative promotion?

Bob: No, I haven't heard anything yet. Why do you ask?

Anita: I heard through the grapevine that they're considering a few people for the position, and I wanted to know if you were in the running.

Bob: Yeah, I applied for it a couple of weeks ago. Have you applied as well?

Anita: Yes, I did. But honestly, I'm not too hopeful. I think there are a lot of other strong candidates who are more qualified than I am.

Bob: I don't think that's necessarily true, Anita. You've been with the company for a while now and you have a lot of experience. I think you have a good shot at it.

Anita: Thanks, Bob. That means a lot coming from you. But I also know that you're a really strong candidate for the position. You've been consistently hitting your sales targets, and you have a great rapport with our clients.

Bob: I appreciate that, Anita. But I think there are other factors that the company will consider, like leadership skills and strategic thinking.

Anita: Yeah, you're right. It's not just about hitting sales targets. But whatever happens, I hope the person who gets the position will be able to lead our team well and help us reach our goals.

Bob: Agreed. At the end of the day, we all want what's best for the company and our team. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

【題組】147. According to Anita, what were important factors for the Regional Sales Representative position?
(A)Hitting sales targets and having a great rapport with clients.
(B)Leadership skills and strategic thinking.
(C)Being with the company for a while and having experience.
(D) Meeting all the requirements on the job description.


【題組】148. What did Bob and Anita both agree on regarding the promotion?
(A)They both wanted the position for themselves.
(B)They both did not care who got the position.
(C)They both believed the promotion would be based only on hitting sales targets.
(D) They both hoped the person who got the position would be a good leader.


Questions 149~150 refer to the following memo.

Dear all,

I am writing to inform you that our Sales Manager, Mr. Bernard, has decided to retire from his position after serving our company for over 20 years. His retirement will be effective one month from today, on May 11.

Mr. Bernard has been an integral part of our organization and has contributed immensely to the growth and success of our Sales department. His dedication, hard work, and leadership have helped us achieve many milestones over the years, and we will always be grateful for his service.

As we prepare to bid farewell to Mr. Bernard, we would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for his invaluable contribution to our team. We wish him all the very best in his future endeavors and hope that he enjoys his well-deserved retirement.

Please join me in congratulating Mr. Bernard on his retirement and thanking him for his many years of service.


Helena Doe
Human Resources Manager

【題組】149. What is the subject of the email?
(A)Retirement of Sales Manager, Mr. Bernard.
(B)Retirement Plans for Employees.
(C)Retirement Benefits for Employees.
(D) Employee Appreciation Program.


【題組】150. What should the employees do upon receiving this email?
(A)Subscribe to Mr. Bernard’s YouTube channel.
(B)Start looking for a new Sales Manager.
(C)Congratulate Mr. Bernard and thank him for his service.
(D) Attend Mr. Bernard's retirement party.


Questions151~152 refer to the following social media post.
 Feast Your Senses on Our New Menu Delights! 

Attention foodies! Are you ready to tantalize your taste buds? We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new menu that will take you on a culinary journey like no other. Indulge in our mouth-watering dishes that are sure to leave you wanting more. From hearty breakfast options to delicious desserts, we have it all covered.

Take a bite of our signature dishes such as the savory Avocado Toast, the rich and creamy Chicken Alfredo, or the sweet and tangy Lemon Tart. We have also added a range of vegan and gluten-free options for our health-conscious customers.

Visit us today and experience the deliciousness of our new menu. Don't forget to tag us in your foodie pictures and share your feedback with us. See you soon! #NewMenu #FoodiesUnite #CafeDelights #GoodEats #TastyTreats

【題組】151. Which of the following is one of the signature dishes on the new menu at the cafe?
(A)Avocado Toast.
(B)Fish and Chips.
(C)Beef Burger.
(D) Caesar Salad.


【題組】152. What should customers do after trying the new menu at the cafe?
(A)Keep their feedback to themselves.
(B)Tag the cafe in their foodie pictures.
(C)Keep the deliciousness to themselves.
(D) Forget about the new menu altogether.


Questions153~154 refer to the following letter.
Dear Staff,

Starting from October 1st, all 16 retail locations will be closed indefinitely, and all non-management employees will be laid off. We appreciate your hard work and dedication, and we sincerely regret this difficult decision. Severance packages will be provided to those affected.

Management staff will begin remote work on the same day, with a three-month trial period.We will evaluate the situation and communicate any potential extension thereafter. Please note, lunch and transportation allowances will be discontinued during this period.

We are grateful for your understanding and support as we navigate these challenges together.

Best regards,

Judy Edmondson
CEO of ActiveGear United

【題組】153. What will happen to non-management employees of ActiveGear United starting from October 1st?
(A)They will be laid off.
(B)They will receive a promotion.
(C)They will receive a pay increase.
(D) They will continue working as usual.


【題組】154. What does the discontinuation of lunch and transportation allowances for management staff during the trial period suggest about ActiveGear United's financial situation?
(A)The company is in a strong financial position and does not need to provide additional benefits to its management staff.
(B)The company is trying to reduce expenses and is cutting back on employee benefits.
(C)The company is planning to invest in other areas of the business and needs to redirect funds from employee benefits.
(D) The company is experiencing financial difficulties and can no longer afford to provide lunch and transportation allowances to its management staff.


Questions155~157 refer to the following conversation.

Hunter: Look at the gorgeous cupcakes on this catalog. I am going to initiate a group buying. Anyone that participates is entitled to a 40% discount. Are you up for it?
Claire: Thank you for thinking of me, but I need to go on a crash diet now because I'm going to my bestie's wedding next month.
Hunter: No problem, I understand. How about we organize a group buying after the wedding? The offer will still be available then.
Claire: That's a great idea. I'm sure I'll be craving something sweet by then. Count me in for the next group buying.
Hunter: Perfect! I'll let you know when we have another event. I'm sure everyone will be excited to hear about it.

【題組】155. What is the reason Claire declined Hunter's offer for the group buying?
(A)She has a food allergy.
(B)She is on a strict budget.
(C)She does not like cupcakes.
(D) She is going on a crash diet for a wedding.


【題組】156. How did Hunter react to Claire's decline?
(A)He understood and suggested organizing the group buying after Claire's bestie's wedding.
(B)He insisted that she buy cupcakes.
(C)He didn't acknowledge Claire's decline and changed the subject.
(D) He canceled the group buying event.


【題組】157. What is Hunter's opinion about the next group buying event?
(A)He thinks nobody will be interested in joining.
(B)He thinks it will be even more successful than the previous one.
(C)He thinks the cupcakes will be of lower quality.
(D) The conversation did not mention Hunter's opinion.


Questions158~160 refer to the following social media post.
Dear citizens,

I am deeply disappointed to hear the city government's announcement yesterday that the completion date for the Green Line MRT will be delayed by fifteen months. The reasons given for this delay are simply unfounded.

As a city council member, I believe that it is our responsibility to hold the government accountable for their actions. The Green Line MRT is a vital infrastructure project that serves our citizens' needs and alleviates traffic congestion in our city. Delaying its completion by such a significant amount of time is unacceptable and will undoubtedly cause inconvenience for our commuters.

Furthermore, the reasons provided for the delay are flimsy at best. The government claims that unforeseen technical difficulties and construction challenges are the reasons for the delay. However, it is their responsibility to anticipate and mitigate such issues beforehand.

I urge the government to take immediate action to resolve this situation and ensure that the Green Line MRT is completed as soon as possible. Our citizens deserve a reliable and efficient public transportation system that meets their needs, and we must not allow the government to make excuses for their failures.

Thank you for your attention, and I will continue to fight for the interests of our citizens.


Jennifer Wang
City Representative

【題組】158. What is the main topic of Jennifer Wang's social media post?
(A)The city government's failure to complete the Green Line MRT on time.
(B)The inefficiencies of the Green Line MRT.
(C)Jennifer Wang's plans for public transportation.
(D) The advantages of public transportation.


【題組】159. Why does Jennifer Wang criticize the government's reasons for the delay?
(A)The reasons are based on technical difficulties.
(B)The reasons are flimsy and unfounded.
(C)The reasons are too complex to understand.
(D) The reasons are justified and reasonable.


【題組】160. What does Jennifer Wang urge the government to do?
(A)Provide excuses for the delay.
(B)Ignore the Green Line MRT and focus on other infrastructure projects.
(C)Take immediate action to resolve the situation and complete the Green Line MRT.
(D) Postpone the project for another 15 months.


Questions161~163 refer to the following web page.
Welcome to join us.

Regardless of your reasons for volunteering, we are committed to working with you to identify opportunities that align with your goals and allow you to realize your aspirations.

Your name: _____

Tell us about your reasons for volunteering
□Wanting to give back to the community 
□Believing in the cause or organization
□Meeting new people and making social connections
□Gaining new skills and experiences
□Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction
□Making a positive impact on others
□Helping those in need
□Improving mental and physical health
□Networking and career development 


【題組】161. What is a benefit of volunteering?
(A)Gaining new skills and experiences.
(B)Losing valuable skills.
(C)Making a negative impact on others.
(D) Being isolated from society.


【題組】162. What is another reason people may choose to volunteer?
(A)Getting paid.
(B)Avoiding social interactions.
(C)Feeling a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction.
(D) Harming those in need.


【題組】163. What is a potential outcome of volunteering for career purposes?
(A)Becoming less employable.
(B)Developing a negative reputation.
(C)Losing valuable skills.
(D) Networking and career development.


Questions164~167 refer to the following article.
When an employee underperforms despite a promising interview, it's essential to take action. Here are four strategies to improve their performance:

1.  Comprehensive onboarding: Ensure a structured onboarding process to familiarize new hires with their roles, responsibilities, and company culture. Provide clear expectations and resources, and conduct regular check-ins to offer timely support.
2.Professional development opportunities: Support employees' growth by offering training sessions, workshops, and access to external resources like online courses or conferences. Encouraging learning boosts motivation and engagement. 
3.Open communication channels: Promote honest dialogue between the employee and supervisor through regular one-on-one meetings. Discuss challenges and provide constructive feedback in a supportive environment to foster trust and identify improvement areas.
4. Performance reviews and goal-setting: Regular performance reviews allow employees and supervisors to evaluate progress and identify areas for improvement. Collaborative goal-setting encourages employees to take ownership of their performance, setting realistic and achievable short-term and long-term objectives. This process helps employees stay focused, motivated, and aligned with the organization's overall goals, ultimately improving their performance.

【題組】164. Which of the following strategies is most effective in familiarizing new employees with their roles and responsibilities?
(A)Professional development opportunities.
(B)Comprehensive onboarding.
(C)Open communication channels.
(D) Performance reviews and goal-setting.


【題組】165. How can employers encourage employee growth and motivation?
(A)Open communication channels.
(B)Comprehensive onboarding.
(C)Performance reviews and goal-setting.
(D) Professional development opportunities.


【題組】166. Which of the following strategies is best for fostering trust between an employee and supervisor?
(A)Performance reviews and goal-setting.
(B)Open communication channels.
(C)Comprehensive onboarding.
(D) Professional development opportunities.


【題組】167. Which of the following strategies is NOT mentioned in the article for improving employee performance?
(A)Flexible work hours.
(B)Professional development opportunities.
(C)Open communication channels.
(D) Comprehensive onboarding.


Questions168~171 refer to the following comments.
Comments on the book “Unlock the Power of Flexible Work”

1."As a CEO of a large corporation, I found 'Unlock the Power of Flexible Work' to be a game-changer for our company. The author's insights on flexible work have helped us to not only improve our employees' work-life balance but also increase productivity and reduce costs. Highly recommend this book to any business leader looking to adapt to the changing times."
2.  "I have been struggling with implementing a flexible work policy at my company, but after reading 'Unlock the Power of Flexible Work,' I feel much more confident in doing so. The author provides a clear roadmap for successfully introducing flexible work, and I'm already seeing the benefits in employee morale and retention." 
3."'Unlock the Power of Flexible Work' author does an excellent job of addressing the potential challenges and concerns of flexible work arrangements. As a manager, I appreciate the practical tips and examples provided throughout the book. I'm excited to apply these strategies in my team and see the positive impact on both our employees and the bottom line."
4.  "'Unlock the Power of Flexible Work' is a must-read for any CEO or manager who wants to stay ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced business world. The author provides a compelling case for the benefits of flexible work, and the research-based approach makes it easy to understand and implement. I'm confident that this book will help my company thrive in the years to come."

【題組】168. According to the comments, who would benefit from reading "Unlock the Power of Flexible Work"?
(A)Small business owners.
(B)Business leaders looking to adapt to changing times.
(C)Managers who are struggling with implementing a flexible work policy.
(D) CEOs of non-profit organizations.


【題組】169. Based on the comments, which of the following statements best describes the impact of "Unlock the Power of Flexible Work" on the readers?
(A)The book has helped CEOs and managers to reduce costs and increase productivity.
(B)The book is primarily focused on addressing the concerns of employees regarding flexible work arrangements.
(C)The book provides a theoretical approach to flexible work policies.
(D) The book does not offer any practical strategies for implementing flexible work policies.


【題組】170. Which statement describes the author's approach in "Unlock the Power of Flexible Work"?
(A)The author provides a one-size-fits-all solution for implementing flexible work policies.
(B)The author relies on anecdotal evidence to support the benefits of flexible work.
(C)The author's approach is research-based and practical.
(D) The author only addresses the benefits of flexible work, not the potential challenges.


【題組】171. Which of the following features of "Unlock the Power of Flexible Work" is NOT mentioned in the four comments?
(A)The book provides a clear roadmap for successfully introducing flexible work.
(B)The author addresses potential challenges and concerns of flexible work arrangements.
(C)The book includes inspirational stories from successful business leaders.
(D) The author's approach is research-based and practical.


Questions172~175 refer to the following guide.
Feeling overwhelmed with negative energy from work is a common issue that many people face. Here are some tips to help you deal with this type of situation: 

1. Recognize the Signs: It is important to recognize the signs that indicate you are experiencing a high level of negative energy at work. This might include feeling anxious, stressed, irritable, or unmotivated. 2.Identify the Source: Try to identify the source of the negative energy. This could be a particular project or task, a coworker, or even the work environment itself.
3.Take a Break: When you are feeling overwhelmed, taking a break can be very beneficial. Step away from your work for a few minutes and take a walk or do some stretching. This can help to clear your mind and reduce stress levels. 
4.Talk to Someone: Sharing your feelings with someone you trust can help you to feel less alone and may provide you with a fresh perspective on the situation. Consider speaking with a colleague, friend, or family member.
5.Practice Self-Care: Practicing self-care is crucial when dealing with negative energy. This might include things like getting enough sleep, eating well, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation.
6.Find a Solution: Once you have identified the source of the negative energy, try to find a solution. This might involve speaking with a manager or HR representative, finding ways to improve communication with coworkers, or even looking for a new job if the work environment is toxic.

Remember, dealing with negative energy at work is a process. Be patient with yourself and take things one step at a time. With time and effort, you can create a more positive and fulfilling work experience.

【題組】172. How can identifying the source of negative energy at work help you find a solution to the problem?
(A)By giving you someone to blame for the negative energy.
(B)By providing you with a reason to quit your job immediately.
(C)By making you feel more anxious and stressed about the situation.
(D) By helping you understand what changes need to be made to create a more positive work experience.


【題組】173. What should you do once you have identified the source of negative energy at work?
(A)Keep ignoring the issue and hope it goes away.
(B)Quit your job immediately.
(C)Speak with a manager or HR representative.
(D) Stop talking to your coworkers altogether.


【題組】174. Why is it important to practice self-care when dealing with negative energy at work, and how can it help you in the long run?
(A)Practicing self-care is not important, as work should always be your top priority.
(B)Practicing self-care is only helpful in the short term, and will not make a lasting impact on your work experience.
(C)Practicing self-care can help you manage stress levels and improve your overall well-being, making you more resilient in the face of negative energy at work.
(D) Practicing self-care can make you appear lazy or uncommitted to your job, and should be avoided at all costs.


【題組】175. How can taking a break help you deal with negative energy at work, and what are some specific ways you can take a break during the workday?
(A)Taking a break is not helpful, as it will only make you fall behind on your work.
(B)Taking a break can help you clear your mind and reduce stress levels, allowing you to return to work feeling more refreshed and productive.
(C)Taking a break is only helpful if you leave work early or take a long vacation, as short breaks throughout the day are not effective.
(D) Taking a break is only helpful if you spend that time complaining to your coworkers about your negative feelings.


Questions176~180 refer to the following news story and online review. 
Artistic tableware crafted by a group of single mothers is experiencing a surge in orders.

A group of single mothers from a small town in rural America has captured the attention of the art world with their unique and beautiful tableware designs.The mothers, who came together to support each other and their families, have been creating handcrafted ceramics for the past year, and their work has now become the talk of the town.

Their tableware designs are characterized by bold, colorful patterns and intricate shapes that are inspired by nature and their everyday lives. Each piece is carefully crafted by hand, and no two are exactly alike. Customers have praised the quality of their work, noting that it is both functional and artistic.

The group's success has been aided by social media, where they have been able to showcase their work and connect with customers all over the world. The mothers have also gained the support of local businesses and artists, who have helped them to promote their work and grow their business.

Despite their newfound success, the mothers remain committed to their original goal of supporting each other and their families. They hope that their work will inspire other single mothers to pursue their passions and build their own businesses.

As orders continue to pour in, the mothers are excited about the future of their business and the impact that they can have on their community. With their unique designs and inspiring story, it's clear that these mothers are making a name for themselves in the art world and beyond.

A Review, posted by Peggy 

I had been searching for the perfect wedding gift for my sister when I stumbled upon this group of single mothers' ceramics on social media. I was immediately drawn to their beautiful designs and decided to purchase a set of plates and bowls. I was not disappointed - the craftsmanship is incredible, and the colors and patterns are even more stunning in person. My sister was thrilled with the gift, and I feel good knowing that my purchase is supporting a group of women who are working hard to make a better life for themselves and their families. I would highly recommend these products to anyone who appreciates quality craftsmanship and unique designs.

【題組】176. The word “surge” in the first paragraph is closest in meaning to _____ .
(A)a dramatic increase
(B) a sudden and significant drop
(C) a complete mess
(D)a serious trouble


【題組】177. According to the news story, how have the single mothers gained support for their business?
(A)Through social media and local artists.
(B)Through government grants and loans.
(C)Through hiring a marketing agency.
(D) Through television advertisements.


【題組】178. What is the style of the tableware designs created by the single mothers?
(A)Monochromatic and simple.
(B)Bold and colorful.
(C)Minimalist and modern.
(D) Rustic and vintage.


【題組】179. According to the review, what was the buyer's first impression of the single mothers' ceramics?
(A)They were mediocre.
(B)They were overpriced.
(C)They were unattractive.
(D) They were beautiful.


【題組】180. What did the buyer appreciate most about the purchase?
(A)The affordability of the ceramics.
(B)The functional and durable nature of the ceramics.
(C)The uniqueness of the designs.
(D) The packaging of the ceramics.


Questions 181~185 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.
Wheelie Treats

Introducing our newest service - online ordering for our delicious wheel cakes! No need to wait in line at the busy intersection anymore. Simply visit our website, place your order, and pick it up at your convenience.

Our wheel cakes come in a variety of fillings to satisfy any craving. From classic red bean to savory cheese and even sweet chocolate, there's something for everyone. Made fresh daily using only the finest ingredients, our wheel cakes are a tasty and convenient treat.

So why wait in line when you can order online? Visit us today and enjoy the convenience of our new service.

Dear Wheelie Treats,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to inquire about some difficulties I have been experiencing with your online ordering system.

Despite several attempts, I have been unable to successfully place an order for your delicious wheel cakes through your website. Each time I try to complete my order, the transaction fails without any explanation as to why.

I was wondering if you could shed some light on this issue and provide me with any guidance on how to successfully place an order through your website. I am eager to try your various flavors of wheel cakes and would love to be able to do so at my convenience through your online ordering service.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,

Jenny Evans

【題組】181. According to the ad, wow can customers pick up their online orders from Wheelie Treats?
(A)At the busy intersection.
(B)At the customer's home.
(C)At a nearby park.
(D) At the shop's physical location.


【題組】182. What is the main advantage of ordering Wheelie Treats' wheel cakes online?
(A)They are less expensive than in-person orders.
(B)They are delivered directly to the customer's home.
(C)They are made with lower-quality ingredients.
(D) They save the customer time by avoiding waiting in line.


【題組】183. According to the email, what problem has the customer been experiencing with the shop's online ordering system?
(A)The transaction keeps failing without explanation.
(B)The website is too slow to load.
(C)The customer cannot find the shop's website.
(D) The shop does not offer online ordering.


【題組】184. What action does the customer expect the shop owner to take in response to the email?
(A)Offer a discount for the failed orders.
(B)Immediately fix the online ordering system.
(C)Provide guidance on how to successfully place an order.
(D) Send the customer a free sample of each flavor of wheel cake.


【題組】185. What does the customer hope to achieve by emailing the shop owner?
(A)To receive guidance on how to place an order.
(B)To demand a refund for failed orders.
(C)To report a problem with the shop's physical location.
(D) To offer a suggestion for a new flavor of wheel cake.


Questions 186~190 refer to the following social media post, comments, and memo.
Dennis Cooper 
posted on April 28 
I can't help but feel for the public figure who keeps being attacked on social media due to a tragic accident that occurred five years ago. Yes, the incident was the result of drunk driving, and it was undoubtedly devastating. However, the individual has been silent for five years, and it's unfair to keep dredging up the past and attacking them online. People make mistakes, and it's crucial to learn from them and move forward. Let's focus on spreading positivity and kindness instead of perpetuating hate and negativity.
 #SpreadLoveNotHate #LetPeopleGrow #ForgiveAndMoveOn 
Kevin Mason
posted on April 28 
Are you kidding me? This public figure committed a fatal crime! Five years of silence doesn't make up for that. They need to be held accountable for their actions, and social media is the only way to ensure they face the consequences. Your post is promoting forgiveness without justice, and that's not okay.

Dennis Cooper 
posted on April 29 
Excuse me, but forgiveness doesn't mean ignoring the severity of someone's actions. The public figure has already faced the legal consequences of their actions, and that's where justice was served. Dragging someone through the mud on social media for years after they've already paid for their mistakes is cruel and unnecessary. Your comment is promoting a culture of hate and cancel culture, and that's not okay, either. Let's focus on moving forward and spreading positivity instead of holding onto anger and resentment.

To: All Staff
From: Richard Morris
Subject: Online Speech and Behavior

It has come to our attention that some employees have engaged in online behavior that could harm our company's reputation. We remind all employees that our actions online can affect our company's image and must reflect our organization's values.

We expect all staff to act responsibly and professionally, both in the workplace and online. Any employees who fail to meet our standards of conduct will face disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

We urge all staff to think carefully about their online behavior and speech, as social media is a public platform with real-world consequences. Let us work together to maintain our company's reputation and continue providing excellent service to our clients.


Richard Morris
CEO of TVM Corporation

【題組】186. What was the outcome of the legal proceedings for the public figure involved in the drunk driving incident?
(A)They faced no legal consequences.
(B)The public figure was found not guilty.
(C)Justice was served in the court of law.
(D) The public figure was sentenced to life in prison.


【題組】187. What is the negative impact of continuing to attack the public figure on social media?
(A)It promotes hate and negativity.
(B)It is a necessary consequence of their actions.
(C)It is the only way to ensure accountability.
(D) It spreads positivity and kindness.


【題組】188. What is Kevin Mason's argument against Dennis Cooper's post?
(A)Forgiveness should always come without justice.
(B)The public figure has already paid for their mistake.
(C)Social media should be used to hold people accountable.
(D) The public figure should be attacked and shamed on social media.


【題組】189. What is Dennis Cooper's position on promoting positivity?
(A)Moving forward is impossible without holding onto anger and resentment.
(B)Spreading positivity and kindness is not important.
(C)Holding onto anger and resentment is necessary for forgiveness.
(D) Promoting positivity and kindness is essential for moving forward.


【題組】190. According to the email, what is the goal of TVM Corporation in regards to its reputation and client service?
(A)To prioritize online behavior over client service.
(B)To work closely with social media influencers to harm the company's reputation.
(C)To maintain the company's reputation with no regard to clients.
(D) To collaborate and maintain the company's reputation while continuing to provide excellent service to clients.


Questions191~195 refer to the following letter, agreement, and email.
 Ms. Ruby Bishop
304-308 Prince of Wales Rd, Sheffield S2

Dear Ms. Bishop,

We are delighted to inform you that after careful consideration and evaluation of your performance during the first two interviews, you have been selected as the top candidate amongst the final four and have been offered the position of Marketing Manager at Stellar Innovations Inc.

Your starting salary will be $50,000 per month, with a three-month probationary period. Two weeks prior to the completion of your probation, you will receive an email notifying you whether you will be offered a permanent position and a 15% salary increase.

In order to accept this position, please log in to “Agreement on Employment Terms and Conditions” on our Staff Account Area using the provided username and password to complete your detailed personal information form. As part of our employee benefits package, you have the option to choose between free daily lunches or a monthly allowance of $1,200 for meals.We kindly ask that you complete this process by the day before your scheduled start date, which is August 1.

We look forward to having you join our team at Stellar Innovations Inc. and are confident that you will make a significant contribution to our marketing efforts. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or require further information.


Emma Clayton
Human Resources Manager
Stellar Innovations Inc. 

Agreement on Employment Terms and Conditions

●Step 2
I have accepted employment with Stellar Innovations Inc. under the terms and conditions specified. 

Name: Ruby Bishop 
Starting Date: August 1 
◆Click here to Go Back to Step 1 -- Filling out the Employee Personal Information Form

Date: October 20
Subject: Update on Your Employment at Stellar Innovations Inc.

Dear Ruby,

It has been almost three months since you joined Stellar Innovations Inc. as a temporary employee. I wanted to take a moment to discuss your employment status with the company.

While you have done an excellent job with your assigned tasks, we have observed that you have had difficulty working with your assistant and other staff members at the sales and finance departments. There have been several instances where you have disagreed with others, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of cooperation. As you know, teamwork is one of our core values at Stellar Innovations Inc., and we believe that it is essential for all employees to work collaboratively to achieve our shared goals.

After careful consideration, we have decided not to offer you a permanent position at this time. I understand that this news may be disappointing, and I want to assure you that this decision was not easy.

I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of your abilities or work ethic. We are happy to provide you with a reference or a letter of recommendation for future job applications. Moreover, we would like to offer you a one-time compensation of two weeks' pay as a token of our appreciation for your hard work during your tenure at Stellar Innovations Inc. Alternatively, we can provide you with a positive review on a professional networking platform such as LinkedIn to help boost your profile and enhance your career prospects.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope that you will keep in touch.


Human Resources Manager
Stellar Innovations Inc.

【題組】191. According to the letter, what are the two options offered as part of the employee benefits package?
(A)Free daily lunches or $1,200 monthly allowance for transportation.
(B)Free daily breakfasts or $800 monthly allowance for meals.
(C)Free monthly lunches or $1,200 daily allowance for meals.
(D) Free daily lunches or $1,200 monthly allowance for meals.


【題組】192. What happens two weeks prior to the completion of the probationary period for the Marketing Manager position?
(A)The employee is required to complete a detailed personal information form.
(B)The employee will be required to complete a performance evaluation.
(C)The employee will receive an email notifying them of their permanent position and a salary increase.
(D) The employee's salary will be reduced by 15%.


【題組】193. What is the purpose of the "Agreement on Employment Terms and Conditions" form mentioned in the letter?
(A)To provide detailed information about the company's marketing efforts.
(B)To offer employees the option to choose between free daily lunches or a monthly allowance for meals.
(C)To evaluate the employee's performance during the probationary period.
(D) To complete the employee's detailed personal information and formally accept the offer of employment.


【題組】194. According to the email, what was the reason that Ruby was not offered a permanent position at Stellar Innovations Inc.?
(A)She had difficulty working with her assistant and other staff members.
(B)She did not complete her assigned tasks on time.
(C)She did not meet the necessary qualifications for the position.
(D) She did not show up for work regularly.


【題組】195. What is Stellar Innovations Inc. offering Ruby as compensation for her hard work during her tenure?
(A)A permanent position at the company.
(B)An additional month's salary.
(C)A reference or a letter of recommendation.
(D) A company car.


Question196~200 refer to the following advertisement, web page, and reviews.

Unearth the Adventure: London's Largest Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit 
 London Dino Dome
 April 15th - October 20th
 Mon-Sun, 9am-7pm
Behold the 85-foot T-Rex skeleton 
 Interactive displays & expert paleontologists
Dino Art Zone for all ages 
Prehistoric Playground for kids 
Dino Library for enthusiasts 
 Book now at https://www.londondinodome.com/ticketing/ 

Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit Ticketing Table 
All prices include VAT. 

Review 1 by Alex
I went to see the Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton on show in London and I was blown away by the sheer size of the skeleton! It was truly impressive to see such a massive creature that once roamed the earth. The exhibit was well organized and informative, providing details about the different parts of the skeleton and how they functioned. The interactive displays and virtual reality experiences were a lot of fun and added to the overall experience. However, the crowds were quite overwhelming, and it was difficult to get a good view of the exhibit at times. 

 Review 2 by Doris
The Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton on show in London was a fascinating experience. I was particularly impressed by the amount of detail that went into reconstructing the dinosaur's skeleton. It was amazing to see how the bones fit together and how the creature might have moved and functioned. The exhibit was well laid out, with clear explanations of each part of the skeleton. However, I was a bit disappointed that there weren't more interactive displays or hands-on activities. It would have been great to learn more about the dinosaur's habitat and behavior.

【題組】196. According to the advertisement, what is the main attraction at the London Dino Dome exhibit?
(A)85-foot T-Rex skeleton.
(B)Interactive displays and expert paleontologists.
(C)Dino Art Zone.
(D) Prehistoric Playground.


【題組】197. Where is the most probable location for this ad to be displayed?
(A)In a specialized science magazine catering to dinosaur enthusiasts.
(B)On a large billboard in a high-traffic area.
(C)On a popular social media platform with a wide audience reach.
(D) In a weekly events and activities newsletter for families.


【題組】198. What would be the total cost of tickets for a group of ten people, including four seniors, visiting the Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton Exhibit?
(D) £124.00.


【題組】199. According to the reviews by Alex and Doris, which of the following is NOT a feature of the Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton exhibit in London?
(A)The exhibit lacked any interactive displays or virtual reality experiences.
(B)The exhibit was disorganized and confusing, making it difficult to navigate.
(C)The exhibit failed to provide clear explanations about each part of the skeleton.
(D) The level of detail in reconstructing the dinosaur's skeleton was unimpressive.


【題組】200. Which of the following did both Alex and Doris experience during their visits to the Gigantic Dinosaur Skeleton exhibit in London?
(A)Overwhelming crowds.
(B)Impressive level of detail in reconstructing the dinosaur's skeleton.
(C)Lack of hands-on activities.
(D) Disappointment with the interactive displays.

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