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19. I _______ your sister to dinner if I had known she was visiting you.
(A) invite
(B) invited
(C) had invited
(D) would have invited


7. Teams of scientists travel to the Arctic to study the _____ of the Northern Lights.
(A) version
(B) phenomenon
(C) reputation
(D) revolution


18. Professor Francis Dwyer was best known for his work in instructional design, but he also excelled as a poet, ______ , and a deer-hunter.
(A) as a musician
(B) by playing music
(C) a musician
(D) he played music
(E) being a musician


17. No matter _____________, Julie often throws up at the sight of blood and she believes that she has a calling to serve as a nurse.
(A) how ridiculous it seems
(B) how seems it ridiculous
(C) ridiculous how
(D) that how is ridiculous


3. All clothing sold in Hanshin is made from natural materials and contains no _______ dyes.
(A) immediate
(B) synthetic
(C) reasonable
(D) assumed


5. Community colleges and state colleges are tax-supported and usually charge low _____.
(A) therapy
(B) tuition
(C) editor
(D) position


7. Last month, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention _____ that 42% of Americans could be obese by 2030.
(A) permeated
(B) prolonged
(C) abbreviated
(D) forecasted


E. Christina braced herself and tried to keep her cool while Dr. Culpepper prepared to fill a cavity. “All I have to do is sit tight and keep myself together. Now is not the time to freak out,” she told herself.
    Christina was usually as calm as a cucumber, but there’s something about being trapped in a dentist’s chair while a dentist inserts tools into your mouth that puts even the bravest soul on edge. What if the dentist accidentally slips with the drill?
     “I hear you’re on the swim team this year, Christina. Congratulations!” said Dr. Culpepper. Christina couldn’t possibly answer. She wondered why dentists even try to talk to their patients while they work on them. It’s impossible to talk with your mouth full of cotton, tools, and fingers. “Almost done, Christina,” Dr. Culpepper reassured her. In the blink of an eye, Christina had her mouth back to herself. No more drilling or poking with metal instruments. Her mouth felt like a thick sock and her lips were numb. She was eager to go home. This was one day she would be glad to put behind her.

【題組】36. Where was Christina going after her dental appointment?
(A) to the library
(B) home
(C) to practice with her team
(D) to meet with Dr. Novocain


16 Many students do not get enough sleep and have poor health ______ increasingly strict college prep courses and tests.
(A) because of
(B) in spite of
(C) although
(D) notwithstanding


21 People could always go camping _________ in a hotel.
(A)rely on staying
(B) instead of staying
(C)likewise stay
(D) however stay


1. The pandemic has ____ a global health emergency and brought disaster to humans.
(A) triggered
(B) pacified
(C) administered
(D) persuaded


