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試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 第一銀行_新進人員甄選試題_共同科目:英文#119548
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1. Northern elephant seals and Weddell seals can dive to ______ of 600-1,250 meters.
(A) locks
(B) depths
(C) solutions
(D) organs


2. The president’s ______ visit marks the start of a more fraternal relationship between the two countries.
(A) official
(B) naughty
(C) skinny
(D) natural


3. They came to my door to pick up the ______ on time and texted me 5 minutes before they came.
(A) poverty
(B) aquarium
(C) election
(D) laundry


4. The patients would be motivated to do this because such treatment could ______ their psychological distress.
(A) endanger
(B) concentrate
(C) relieve
(D) convince


5. John was overwhelmed by the ______ of love and support in the cards and letters he received from his parents.
(A) ornaments
(B) fertilizers
(C) sentiments
(D) mainstreams


6. Ukraine’s culture minister has called on the country’s western allies to ______ Russian culture, urging a halt to performances of the music of Tchaikovsky and other Russian composers until the end of the war.
(A) condense
(B) expertise
(C) disclose
(D) boycott


7. We cannot take the order now because our ______ is pretty low.
(A) demand
(B) inquiry
(C) inventory
(D) request


8. Employees in the 21st century need to be able to ______ quickly and move from job to job.
(A) accept
(B) charge
(C) adapt
(D) receive


9. The ______ speech made the audience bored and restless.
(A) lengthy
(B) compelling
(C) fascinating
(D) meaningful


10. A number of doctors have suggested that many health problems can be ______ by simple lifestyle changes.
(A) reflected
(B) prevented
(C) obtained
(D) prescribed

11( ).

11. The financial institution decided to ______ the withdrawal limit temporarily due to security concerns.
(A) expand
(B) support
(C) remain
(D) restrict

12( ).

12. The police need to ______ enough evidence before making any arrests.
(A) destroy
(B) correct
(C) gather
(D) produce

13( ).

13. The airline just gave a ______ of delay to let the passengers know about the inconvenience.
(A) notice
(B) check
(C) receipt
(D) ticket

14( ).

14. We have a ______ for a project manager and welcome qualified individuals to apply for the job.
(A) posture
(B) cabinet
(C) vacancy
(D) garment

15( ).

15. Her speech may be long and complex, but the ______ of her argument is actually quite simple.
(A) kernel
(B) cortex
(C) abacus
(D) locust

16( ).

16. Every attempt is being made to ensure that these endangered languages are ______ for posterity.
(A) preserving
(B) preserved
(C) being preserving
(D) to preserve

17( ).

17. As a result of the coronavirus, some countries are heading towards ______ recession in peace time ever.
(A) bad
(B) worse
(C) the bad
(D) the worst

18( ).

18. ______ went to the Harvard University between Mr. Jefferson’s two sons?
(A) Do you think whom
(B) Do you think who
(C) Whom do you think
(D) Who do you think

19( ).

19. Their daughters like to eat fish, but their son ______ .
(A) do
(B) does
(C) don’t
(D) doesn’t

20( ).

20. One of my students ______ I did not expect to progress to the next lesson has surprised me.
(A) whether
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) which

21( ).

21. Lee is the kind of person ______ aggressive.
(A) to whom considered by people as
(B) whom others consider
(C) considering as
(D) who considers to be

22( ).

22. It’s inconvenient to take ______ with you to pay for large purchases.
(A) a number of cash
(B) a good many bill
(C) a great deal of money
(D) numerous check

23( ).

23. Our Japanese client initially declined our invitation for dinner, but she ______ .
(A) had shown up lastly
(B) eventually decided to come
(C) finally wasn’t able to attend
(D) was appeared suddenly

24( ).

24. She hurried to finish her work, lest ______ .
(A) she wants to meet the deadline
(B) she lost the important client
(C) she miss the last train home
(D) she can see the movie with her sister

25( ).

25. The team worked ______ to meet the tight deadline for the project.
(A) against the clock
(B) at a casual pace
(C) with a laid-back approach
(D) out of hand

26( ).

26. The professor reminded her students ______ the deadline of their term papers.
(A) of
(B) to
(C) for
(D) with

27( ).

27. Last week, there were 200 students ______ in the library to prepare for the mid-term exam.
(A) study
(B) who study
(C) studied
(D) studying

28( ).

28. Judging from human history, we should know that nothing is ______ than war.
(A) bader
(B) more bad
(C) worse
(D) worst

29( ).

29. Can you tell me why ______ the police when you were robbed?
(A) you didn’t call
(B) didn’t you call
(C) not you called
(D) not called

30( ).

30. With ______ , James was mistaken as the killer of a dead woman.
(A) a knife helding in his hand
(B) his hand held a knife
(C) a knife held in his hand
(D) his hand holds a knife

31( ).

        Last year, the World Travel & Tourism Council reported that growth in this sector outpaced that of the global economy for the sixth consecutive year. International tourist arrivals worldwide are expected to reach 1.8 billion __31__ 2030. __32__ in certain destinations, particularly well-known tourist magnets such as Venice and Barcelona, authorities point out that the economic contribution brought in by the hordes of tourists dwarfs the disruption caused to their public services and residents. A large part of this phenomenon can be traced back to the cruise industry, which __33__ coastal destinations, bringing in large numbers of holidaymakers, many of whom end up spending little to nothing in the local economy. What these locations are __34__ is overtourism. This concept entered the public realm around the time when Elizabeth Becker’s investigative novel Overbooked hit the shelves, __35__ the negative sides of the trillion-dollar industry. Since then, overtourism, and the reactive trend known as responsible tourism, have become buzzwords in the travel world.

(A) in
(B) of
(C) with
(D) by

32( ).

(A) But
(B) Or
(C) So
(D) What

33( ).

(A) dislikes
(B) targets
(C) persuades
(D) marches

34( ).

(A) experience
(B) to experience
(C) experienced
(D) experiencing

35( ).

(A) expose
(B) exposed
(C) exposing
(D) exposes

36( ).

       Have you ever had this experience? You’re sitting at the breakfast table, and you notice that the little saucer you usually put your vitamins on is __36__ . Did you take them, or didn’t you? You can’t remember taking them, __37__ can you even remember whether you put the vitamins on the saucer. Or what about this experience? You are at a restaurant with a friend, and __38__ up walks somebody you’ve known for a long time. You want to introduce this new person to your friend. However, just as you say, “David, I’d like you to meet…,” your mind goes __39__ , and you can’t remember the person’s name to save your life. It’s embarrassing. Actually, we don’t need to be too __40__ about this situation. As we get older, we tend to become more forgetful, especially of things we’ve experienced recently.

(A) full
(B) replaced
(C) broken
(D) empty

37( ).

(A) that
(B) when
(C) nor
(D) besides

38( ).

(A) suddenly
(B) eventually
(C) quickly
(D) immediately

39( ).

(A) pale
(B) lost
(C) clear
(D) blank

40( ).

(A) relaxed
(B) concerned
(C) carefree
(D) contented

41( ).

          Located in the Venetian Lagoon in northeast Italy, Poveglia Island is one of the most haunted islands ever. In the past the island served different purposes, such as a safe haven, a military checkpoint, and a mental institution. It can be said that its peculiarity resides in the spooky and terrifying aspects and legends behind the abandoned island. According to the research from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Poveglia had probably been populated before the Romans by the Euganei. Proto-Italians first inhabited the Veneto region as early as 2,000 BC
(E) During the war with Genoa in the 14th century, the so-called Chioggia War, the island inhabitants were forced to move to another island in the lagoon. Accordingly, Poveglia was transformed into a military outpost. In 1348 the bubonic plagues arrived in Venice and Poveglia like many other small islands. To avoid a major spread of the plague, Venetians created the Lazzaretto, a separate area where the sick people were housed. In the area, archeologists have discovered thousands of corpses. Poveglia was used as a quarantine location where many of the bodies were incinerated to avoid the spreading of the plague.
         In the 20th century, the government decided to turn the island into asylums for people with mental illness. Legends and stories came out of the place, narrating the terrifying experiments a mad doctor conducted on patients during those years. Some say that the doctor committed suicide and the tormented souls of the victims still lived on the island. All buildings were abandoned since 1968. Now the structures have become crumbling and damaged. There are no boats that make regular stops at this island, and the entire island is abandoned. Locals and tourists are prohibited from visiting, and fishermen steer clear of the accursed place.
        On HuffPost, a progressive news website, it can be read that the crew from the American reality television series Ghost Adventures got seriously spooked on the island. Their 2009 episode on Poveglia, where the television program crew were stranded on the island for 24 hours, is full of recorded curses, apparitions, creepy music, weird energy, inexplicable equipment malfunctions, and off-the-charts ghost recordings. Several staff members used their best Italian to ask the ghosts some questions and seemed to get responses from the dark abyss.

【題組】41. What is the most appropriate title for this article?
(A) Why is Poveglia flooding getting worse?
(B) Why should the Italian government restore the abandoned buildings in Poveglia?
(C) What is the history behind Italy’s haunted island Poveglia?
(D) How do people get permission to visit Poveglia?

42( ).

【題組】42. According to this article, who were the first inhabitants of Poveglia?
(A) Italians
(B) Romans
(C) Venetians
(D) Euganei

43( ).

【題組】43. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “stranded” in Paragraph 3?
(A) Left unable to move.
(B) Highly excited.
(C) Seriously attacked.
(D) Robbed of personal belongings.

44( ).

【題組】44. According to this article, which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) The team from Ghost Adventures experienced intense fear while on the island.
(B) In the quarantine site, bodies were burnt to prevent the spread of the plague.
(C) Poveglia island has become a frequently visited scenic spot.
(D) In the 14th century Poveglia was turned into a military outpost.

45( ).

【題組】45.Why where the buildings on the Poveglia island abandoned in the late 1960s?
(A) The fear of spread of the bubonic plague.
(B) The mistreatment of patients in the mental asylums.
(C) The flooding caused by the rising sea levels and climate change.
(D) The discovery and excavation of plague pits.

46( ).

        For decades anthropologists have been studying strange and unusual cultures all over the world. One of the strangest peoples of all is a group called the Nacirema, a legendary tribe living in North America.
        The territory of the Nacirema is located between the Canadian Cree and the Tarahumare of Mexico. Relatively little is known of the origin of this people, though they are said to have come from somewhere east. In fact, the Nacirema may be related to certain European peoples.
        Nacirema people spend a lot of time on the appearance and health of their bodies. In Nacirema culture the body is generally believed to be ugly and likely to decay. The only way this decay can be prevented is through participation in certain magical ceremonies. In every Nacirema house there is a special shrine room dedicated to this purpose. Some Nacirema houses have more than one shrine room. In Nacirema culture, it is believed that the more shrine rooms a family has, the richer it is.
         What is the shrine room? The focal point is a box built into the wall. Inside the box is a large collection of magical potions, medicines, and creams. Below the box is a small font from which water is obtained. Every day each member of the Nacirema family enters, and receives magic, holy water from the fountain.
          In Nacirema culture, the mouth is considered one of the most important parts of the body. The Nacirema are fascinated by the mouth and believe that its condition has an important and supernatural effect on all social relationships. Naciremans visit “holy-mouth-people” once or twice a year. If there are any holes in the teeth, a supernatural substance is placed in each hole. It is said that the purpose of this practice is to prevent decay in the teeth and to help the Naciremans to make friends and find spouses.

【題組】46. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) The Nacirema culture’s influence on neighboring tribes in North America.
(B) Anthropologists’ interest in studying tribes in North America.
(C) Unusual and peculiar practices of the Nacirema people.
(D) The historical origins and migration patterns of the Nacirema tribe.

47( ).

【題組】47. What is the primary belief in Nacirema culture regarding the prevention of body decay?
(A) Regular participation in magical ceremonies.
(B) Applying special potions and creams daily.
(C) Building multiple shrine rooms in every house.
(D) Maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine.

48( ).

【題組】48. In the passage, what does a “shrine room” most likely refer to?
(A) A place for family gatherings on special occasions.
(B) A dedicated space for practicing magical ceremonies.
(C) A secretive storage room for household essentials.
(D) An entertainment room with a collection of potions and creams.

49( ).

【題組】49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “decay” in the third paragraph?
(A) Regenerate
(B) Distinguish
(C) Alter
(D) Deteriorate

50( ).

【題組】50. Why do Naciremans visit “holy-mouth-people” and place a supernatural substance in any holes in their teeth?
(A) To protect their teeth and improve their social relationships.
(B) To enhance their oral hygiene and obtain more fortunes.
(C) To avoid bad luck and have a better future.
(D) To perform a magical ceremony and prevent illness.

試卷測驗 - 113 年 - 113 第一銀行_新進人員甄選試題_共同科目:英文#119548-阿摩線上測驗
