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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3071~3075)
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The other day I was in the grocery store and witnessed an incredible display of patience. The _____42_____ clerk had just been scolded by an angry customer, clearly without good cause. _____43_____ being reactive, the clerk reduced the anger by remaining calm. When it was my _____44_____ to pay for my groceries, I said to her, “I’m so _____45_____ with the way you handled that customer.” She looked me right in the eye and said, “Thank you, Sir. Do you know you are the first person _____46_____ to give me a compliment in this store?” It took less than two seconds to let her know, yet it was a highlight of her day, and of mine.
(A)  Not only  
(B)  Rather than  
(C)  In case of  
(D)  With regard to


        Together with the gorilla, the chimpanzee is our closest cousin in the animal world. Most people feel an immediate kinship with this great ape, with its large range of facial gestures, body postures, and expressive sounds. 
        The chimp has a skill once attributed only to humans but now known to occur in various animal groups --- the use of simple tools. The chimp even makes its own tools for specific purposes. It will take a leafy twig and strip the leaves to make a long, thin stick for use as a termite catcher. The chimp pokes it through a narrow entrance into a termite nest, then it extracts the stick and licks off the juicy termites. 
        Chimps also crush leaves in their palms for use as sponges. They hold the leaves in water that they cannot reach with their mouths, such as that in a hollow log. Then they extract the leafy sponge and suck the moisture from it. 
        Like the young gorillas and humans, baby chimps have a long childhood, up to ten years in some cases. During this time, they find out how to feed and groom themselves, avoid danger, and communicate with other members of their group. Their behavior is partly instinctive. They also learn by observing other members of the group, and through trial and error.

【題組】For the water that the chimps cannot reach, they will use the _______ to get it.
(A) leaves
(B) logs
(C) sticks
(D) twigs


35 The total number of the staff is _________ larger in our company than that in yours.
(A) more
(B) very
(C) much
(D) most


6 _____ place first in 1954 and then opened to international competitors in 1960, the Macau Grand Prix has been a firm favorite on the racing circuit ever since.
(A) Ultimate
(B) Making
(C) Taking
(D) Preliminary


36 The project deadline happens to _____ with my vacation plans, so I need to ensure that all work will be completed before I leave.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3071~3075)-阿摩線上測驗
