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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3156~3160)
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Hong Kong has lost its sky. The city is frequently _____6_____ in a noxious smog, and many days the only place you can see a clear shot of the famously picturesque skyline is in ads for luxury apartments. Urban esthetics _____7_____ , the damage to Hong Kong residents’ lungs may be worse. “The only safe conclusion is that air pollution is having a very serious _____8_____ effect on the health of people of all ages,” says Dr. Anthony Hedley, chairman of the Department of Community Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. The only good news is that air pollution has become so severe that Hong Kongers are finally ready to force their leaders to act. And the city’s business community is pushing for solutions. The answers are out there: the government’s Council for Sustainable Development in early May 2006 released a number of smart anti-pollution _____9_____ , such as restricting vehicle use on high-pollution days, and asking electricity producers to use only clean coal or low-polluting natural gas by 2010. In the meantime, many experts doubt whether Hong Kong’s bureaucracy has the imagination or the will to implement those ideas. Christine Loh, CEO of the local think tank Civic Exchange, says that they just do not have the kind of political leadership now.


Jerry: I can do it in no time. Alan: You mean _________?
(A) you can never do it
(B) you can do it quickly
(C) it will take you a long time to do it
(D) you have no time


As the deadline was approaching, he worked hard on the project ____.
(A) around the clock
(B) from the cradle to the grave
(C) on and off
(D) every now and then


As a food label is often nothing more than an advert to tempt you to buy the product, you should pay particular attention to the choice of words used.    37     watch out for the word “flavor,” as this may mean that the product contains    38      ingredients. Chocolate-flavor topping, for example, will not contain chocolate, even though chocolate-flavored topping will contain a small percentage—so read carefully. Many manufacturers also use a range of    39     descriptions. Feel-good words intentionally blur the true nature of a product’s source.    40     , “fresh egg pasta,” means that the pasta was indeed made with real and not powdered eggs, but maybe months ago. Words that you can trust are “organic,” “wholemeal,” “natural mineral water,” “Fair Trade,” “free range,” and the “V” vegetarian symbol.

(A) nutritional
(B) informal
(C) careless
(D) misleading


There is a new kind of scam called “phishing,” which has plagued the Internet. Phishing sounds the same as the word “fishing,” and it implies a thief is trying to lure people into giving away valuable information. Like real fishermen, phishers use bait in the form of fake emails and false websites to con people into revealing credit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate well-known banks, online sellers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may convince as many as 5 percent of the people they contact to respond and give away their personal financial information. Because people who have access to the Internet (about 350 million) mostly live in wealthier countries, even tricking only 5 percent of them can make a lot of money.
Since there is so much money to make through this kind of scam, it has caught the interest of more than just small-time crooks. Recently, police tracked down an organized phishing group in Eastern Europe who had stolen millions of dollars from people online. Further investigation revealed that this group had connections with a major crime gang in Russia.
How can innocent websurfers protect themselves? Above all, always be wary of any email with urgent requests for personal financial information. Also, messages from phishers will not address recipients by name because they really don’t know who the recipients are yet. On the other hand, valid messages from your bank or other companies you normally deal with typically include your personal name.

【題組】50 According to this article, which would probably NOT be found in a phishing email message?
(A) A real bank’s name.
(B) An offer of discount on a product.
(C) The receiver’s name.
(D) The name of a credit card company.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3156~3160)-阿摩線上測驗
