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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3211~3215)
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38 As opposed to the extrovert, who craves excitement and takes chances, the introvert ___________ .
(A) is good at mathematics
(B) seldom loses his or her temper
(C) likes a well-ordered mode of life
(D) learns more slowly but remembers more


請依下文回答第 20 題至第 24 題  Chimpanzees usually invite comparison with humans. Not only do they bear a family resemblance thatfascinates people, the similarities between the two species go beyond expressive faces and opposable thumbs.Scientists described a young chimp watching as numbers 1 through 9 flashed on the computer screen at randompositions. Then the numbers disappeared in no more than a second and white squares remained. The chimpcasually but swiftly pressed the squares, calling back the numbers in ascending order—1, 2, 3, etc. The video alsoincluded scenes of a human failing the test, seldom recalling more than one or two numbers, if any. In experiments with mirrors, chimps showed an awareness of themselves that is absent in monkeys butpresent in dolphins and all the great apes. When confronted with problems obtaining food from the other side of afence, chimps were not only clever on their own and often competitive with a fellow chimp, but they also showeda willingness to cooperate with one another. Moreover, emotions of caring and mourning have been observedamong chimps, as in the case of the chimp mother that carried on her back the corpse of her daughter after she haddied. After fights between two chimps, others in the group were also seen consoling the loser.
【題組】23 What can be inferred from the fact that chimps obtain food through competition or cooperation with others?
(A)Chimps are social creatures.
(B)Chimps do not have emotions.
(C)Chimps learn through examples.
(D)Chimps are smarter than humans.


22 A horrible car crash happened this morning at the busy______ of Highways 1 and 6.


42 Failure itself is an _____ fact of life. We all have stumbled at some time or another, but that doesn’t make us failures.
(A) obsessive
(B) excessive
(C) inevitable
(D) ultimate


請依下文回答第 16 題至第 20 題:
        I had a surgery called radical neck dissection, which is about as pleasant as it sounds. Then radiation.Then they tried some chemo for my lung tumors. The tumors shrank, then grew. By then, I was fourteen.My lungs started to fill with water. I was looking pretty dead—my hands and feet ballooned; my skincracked; my lips were perpetually blue. They’ve got this drug that makes you not feel so completelyterrified about the fact that you can’t breathe, and I had a lot of it flowing into me through a PICC line,and more than a dozen other drugs besides. I finally ended up in the ICU with pneumonia, and my momknelt by the side of my bed and said, “Are you ready, sweetie?” and I told her I was ready, and my dadjust knelt telling me how he loved me in this voice that was not breaking so much as already broken, andI kept telling him that I loved him, too, and everyone was holding hands, and I couldn’t catch my breath,and my lungs were acting desperate, gasping, pulling me out of the bed trying to find a position that couldget them air, and I was embarrassed by their desperation, disgusted that they wouldn’t just let go, and Iremember my mom telling me it was okay, that I was okay, that I would be okay, and my father was tryingso hard not to sob that when he did, which was regularly, it was an earthquake. And I remember wantingnot to be awake. Everyone figured I was finished, but my Cancer Doctor managed to get some of the fluidout of my lungs, and shortly thereafter the antibiotics they’d given me for the pneumonia kicked in. I wokeup.

【題組】16 What is this story mainly about?
(A) A neck dissection surgery.
(B) Radiation side effects.
(C) An earthquake experience.
(D) A cancer treatment.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3211~3215)-阿摩線上測驗
