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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1601~1610)
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        Comic books are popular reading for young people all  41  the world. The characters in comic books are active and do what no one could do in reality. The artists who draw comics are very skillful at changing a character’s facial expressions to show his or her  42  ; for example, the shape of a character’s eyes and mouth may show how happy, sad, or angry he or she is. Both fast and slow movements can be shown by the  43  of the character’s legs and arms. The stories are no longer about adults like Superman, either; some are about children or teenagers, or even  44 , like Snoopy, a dog, and Garfield, a cat. Classical literature can also be pictured in comic book form. This makes it easy for students to  45  stories about the great heroes, like Ulysses and Robinson Crusoe.
(A) over
(B) into
(C) between
(D) above


39 Judy: I cannot find my key. I must have left it somewhere. 
Grace: When was the last time you saw it ? 
Judy: ______________.
(A)I cannot remember
(B)A thief stole it
(C)I forgot to lock my room
(D)I have been looking for it for hours


25. Please be _______ for a few more minutes, and someone will be with you shortly.
(A) central
(B) hateful
(C) patient
(D) timid


48. 閱讀下文,選出畫線處詞語使用正確的選項: 
好久不見,( 甲 ) 音容宛在!工作是否 ( 乙 ) 得心應手?現在我正 ( 丙 ) 焚膏繼晷地努力學習,老師
 時常稱讚我,讓我( 丁)栩栩如生。您批評我濫用成語,我一定會深切(戊) 反躬自省,確實改正。
(A) (甲)(丙)(己)
(B) (乙)(丙)(戊)
(C) (甲)(丁)(戊)
(D) (乙)(丁)(己)


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題 
    Are you interested in making a French omelet? Below are some steps you may follow: First, whisk together the eggs until just mixed, then season. Lay out any fillings by the hob. Second, heat a pan over a medium-high flame and add the butter and “swirl” to coat. When the foam begins to die down, pour in the eggs. They should sizzle. Third, shake the pan to distribute the eggs evenly, then leave for 20 seconds until they begin to bubble. Add any filling such as onion, corn, mushrooms, etc. Next, use a fork to draw in the sides of the eggs to the center while shaking the pan to redistribute the liquid to the edges. The omelet is done when still slightly runny in the middle. Finally, take off the heat, and fold two edges into the middle. Shake the pan so they roll together, then tilt it and turn your omelet on to a warm plate (you can tidy it up before serving if you like). Season with salt and pepper, and then eat immediately! 
   What’s your favorite omelet recipe, and are you a stirrer or a shaker? And can these delicate French omelets ever compete with a whopping British half moon, oozing with cheese, and served with chips?

【題組】46 What is the best title for this passage?
(A) How to Make a French Omelet
(B) How to Use Instruments to Make Omelets
(C) How to Distribute Eggs When Making an Omelet
(D) How to Distinguish French Omelets from British Half Moons


16. Alex runs 42 km on Saturday because he wants to participate in a_race next year.
(A) malady
(B) melody
(C) methodology
(D) marathon


    Thanksgiving is celebrated in the United States as a national holiday dedicated to being with family and friends to give thanks for all of the blessings received throughout the previous year. The holiday is 41 to have been celebrated first in 1621 when the Plymouth settlers enjoyed a fall feast to celebrate a 42 harvest with the local Wampanoag Indians. 
    43 to the event that is believed to be the first Thanksgiving, harvest feasts were practiced in New England, though they did not catch on as a yearly event. According 44 most historians, the tradition of having these harvest feasts came over to America with the Puritan and Pilgrim settlers from England. 45 this first feast, the attendees dined on pumpkin, turkey, goose, corn and other items that are now common at Thanksgiving dinners.

(A) with
(B) in
(C) on
(D) to


 India is perhaps the most colorful country on earth. Every item, from the smallest hair decoration to the largest temple, is in bright colors. Even in the poorest areas of India, where people live in huts with no electricity, water, or modern comforts, the women still 41 to buy colorful “saris”---long, wide pieces of cloth that are wrapped around the body like a dress---in vivid yellow, orange and pink, and wear lots of brightly colored bracelets to 42 them. When people get married in India, the weddings are vivid enough to impress the guests. The bride often has colorful patterns on her hands and feet, and the whole room is 43 streamers, flowers, gold, and silver. Afterwards, many women wear colorful “bindis,” small stickers or circles on their foreheads to show that they are married. As for the streets, too, there are colors everywhere. The buses, trucks, and taxis are often painted in a rainbow of colors, and even the cows are sometimes painted with bright colors. Some colors in India are used for a special purpose: 44 , in the city of Jodhpur, all the homes of a certain group of people, known as “Brahmins,” are traditionally painted bright blue to let others see 45 their houses. It seems that wherever you go in India, there are dazzling displays of color looking back at you.

(A) referred to
(B) decorated with
(C) turned out
(D) prepared for


30. 下列門聯,判斷何者最適用於房屋仲介公司?
(A) 奇石盡含千古秀,異花長占四時春
(B) 水如碧玉山如黛,酒滿金樽月滿樓
(C) 落戶安家是福人,南枝北屋鳳凰棲
(D) 但使倉箱堆白玉,自然囊篋滿黃金


July 20, 1969, was one of the most important days in the world history. On that day, two American astronauts walked on the moon! The journey of the spacecraft Apollo 11 began on July 16, when it took off from Cape Kennedy in Florida. There were three specially trained astronauts on Apollo 11 - Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins. At 10:56 a.m. Florida time, Neil Armstrong became the first person to step onto the moon! The words he spoke at that moment became famous: “That is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He and Edwin Aldrin spent two hours on the moon. On July 24, Apollo 11 returned safely to the earth. The three astronauts went home and they were international heroes.
【題組】46 What does astronaut mean?
(A) A person who travels to outer space
(B) A person who predicts weather condition
(C)A person who studies plants
(D) A person who makes airplanes


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1601~1610)-阿摩線上測驗
