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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1621~1630)
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47. 下列選項,何者沒有詞語冗贅的情形?
(A) 獨居老人一個人住在一間十分非常破舊簡陋的房子裡
(B) 經過再三不斷努力,我們終於再次成功獲得冠軍獎杯
(C) 海嘯倖存者只要談起過去以前的往事,都會掉下眼淚
(D) 冗贅詞語充塞於媒體及眾人口中,如癌細胞不斷增生 ˉ


42. The general manager asked his secretary to __________ his meeting schedule with the clients.
(A) achieve
(B) hold
(C) confirm
(D) prefer


2. The swimming pool in this community is only ________ in summer.
(A) liberal
(B) chronic
(C) neutral
(D) available


22. Taipei 101 is the most famous _____ in the city and attracts many tourists from in and outside the country each year.
(A) landmark
(B) benchmark
(C) indicator
(D) street sign


33 Our family trip to Yellow Stone National Park last summer is one of the most___________ experiences in my life. I will never forget all the beautiful sceneries I saw there.
(A) luxurious
(B) memorable
(C) popular
(D) romantic


40 David has been sick for weeks,________ he's quite weak now.
(A) because
(B) if
(C) next
(D) so


   Hurricanes are tropical cyclones. When a tropical cyclone’s sustained winds reach 39 to 73 mph (63 to 118 km/h), it would be considered as a tropical storm. Then it gets a name from a list put out by the World Meteorological Organization. 16 those sustained winds reach 74 to 95 mph (119 to 153 km/h), that storm becomes a Category 1 hurricane. 17 NASA, hurricanes are viewed as the most violent storms on Earth. Basically, hurricanes are fueled by two 18 : heat and water. Hurricanes are seeded over the warm waters above the equator, where the air above the ocean’s surface takes in heat and moisture. As the hot air 19 , it leaves a lower pressure region below it. This process repeats as air from higher pressure areas moves into the lower pressure area, heats up, and rises, in turn, producing swirls in the air. Once this hot air gets high enough into the 20 , it cools off and condenses into clouds. Now, the swirling vortex of air and clouds grows and grows and can potentially become a thunderstorm.

(A)According to
(B) Owing to
(C) In lieu of
(D) In spite of


請依下文回答第 36 題至第 39 題: 
        Many organizations are trying to find a solution to the problem of world hunger, and CARE is one of them. It provides food to hungry people, and believes that it is more important to help people produce their own food. Because of this belief, the organization has programs to help people improve their lives.   
        CARE was organized in 1945 to help people after World War II. At that time, it distributed over 100 million food packages. Meanwhile, it was starting self-help programs. In 2014, it has worked in 90 countries around the world. CARE gives equipment and teaches people how to build water systems, roads, schools, houses, and health centers. It also teaches people how to increase production on their farms, how to reforest areas, and how to start small village industries. Doctors and nurses volunteer to go to villages. They provide health care for the people, teach people how to improve their health, and train people to provide simple medical care. CARE also gives special help when there is a flood, an earthquake, a drought or a war.   
        Where does CARE get its money? Ordinary people in developed countries give money. CARE receives millions of dollars every year. The organization is international. It helps people of any race, color, or religion. It meets with the people to decide on programs together. CARE helps provide the necessities of life to less-developed countries.

【題組】36 Which of the followings is NOT the belief of CARE?
(A)They should provide food for hungry people.
(B)They should only help poor people in Europe.
(C)People should learn how to improve their lives.
(D)People should help decide about their own programs.


四、閱讀測驗 第一篇: Every year on October 31, millions of people around the world celebrate Halloween. In North America, children dress up in costumes to play pranks and ask their neighbors for candy – a tradition known as “trick-or-treating.” People in Mexico, Italy, and other countries visit the graves of family members and often say prayers or leave flowers on gravestones. Most historians think that Halloween started in Europe about 2,000 years ago. The Celts, who lived in and around Ireland, celebrated “Samhain” every year, which means ‘the end of summer.’ The Celts believed that the dead came back to life on the last night of October, so they would light bonfires and wear costumes to protect themselves. They also offered gifts of food to the dead and the poor. On Samhain, young Celtic women would secretly mark apples before dropping them into a tub of water. Men would then grab the apples with their mouths to find out whom they would marry. This game, known as “bobbing for apples,” is still played at Halloween parties in many countries. However, it’s no longer used for matchmaking. By the ninth century, Christianity had reached the Celts. The Catholic church already celebrated dead saints on “All Saints' Day” – also known as “All Hallows’ Day” – on November 1st. Therefore, they combined Samhain with that holiday, calling it “All Hallows' Eve.” The name was eventually shortened to “Halloween.” Soon, people in Ireland and the UK started their own Halloween traditions. The most common was “mumming and souling.” Poor families would visit their wealthier neighbors wearing costumes (“mumming”) to entertain them, or offering to pray for their dead relatives (“souling”), in exchange for treats. Another tradition involved carving scary faces into vegetables and placing them in windows or doors to scare away evil spirits. The Irish brought this practice to the US, where it’s still very popular. Most Americans don’t believe in evil spirits, but according to the US Department of Agriculture, about 148 million of them will carve a pumpkin this Halloween.
【題組】41. Which title best suits this passage?
(A)The history of the Celts.
(B) The history of Halloween.
(C) The origin of Jack-O-Lantern.
(D)The origin of Trick-or-Treating.


四、閱讀測驗【請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: Imagine the typical work situation of the past. A traditional woman’s workplace was the home. Her occupation was a combination of housekeeper, cook, driver, babysitter, teacher and gardener. A man’s workplace was probably in a factory or an office. Factory workers, like other blue-collar workers, probably used machinery, but some amount of the work was manual. Office workers, like other white-collar workers, didn’t work with machines or their hands. Instead, they dealt with ideas, numbers and people. Most of them had secretaries who typed, filed papers, and answered phones. Technology has already caused changes in these traditional work situations, but we will see more changes in the future. The increasing use of robots—machines that do the jobs of human beings—will mean fewer jobs for blue-collar workers, who in the future will not need much education or skill, but their pay will be low. The use of computers will continue to create enormous changes for white-collar workers. In offices, as in factories, there will be a need for fewer people, but those people will need more skills. Secretaries, for instances, will need to be able to use word processing and other computer packages. In addition, many office workers will be free to work in several locations—e.g., the office and the home. This will be possible because of computer networks—groups of connected computers. Today most men and over half of all women leave the house each day to go to work, but in the future both men and women may choose to stay home with a computer and still be able to receive a paycheck. Experts predict that shopping habits may greatly change in the future. Some people are shopping less and less in stores and more and more with computers or mobile phones. Some consumers now order airline tickets, computer products, food, clothes and groceries, to name a few, online. These items arrive soon in the mail at their homes or workplaces.
【題組】51. According to the passage, the occupation of traditional women is working as a ______.
(A) secretary
(B) white-collar worker
(C) blue-collar worker
(D) housewife


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1621~1630)-阿摩線上測驗
