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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2024難度:(11~30)
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請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
A lucid dream occurs when someone is asleep but becomes actively aware that he or she is dreaming. Historically,lucid dreaming has __41__ recorded for centuries. Many people have reported that lucid dreams feel very vivid andreal. __42__ claim that they are able to control the events in a lucid dream as if they are directing a movie in their sleep.Due to its creative nature, a lucid dream can even help people to solve problems and __43__ up with new insights. Oneof the most refreshing and satisfying experiences in lucid dreams is flying. When people dream they are flying, they feellike they are really flying through the clouds. If you are __44__ for a lucid dream but have no experience, there are tipsfor you. Just pay attention to unusual details in your dream to __45__ yourself that they are not real. This way you willincrease your chances of dreaming lucidly.

(A) be
(B) been
(C) being
(D) to be


1 My sister finally ________ her large-sized SUV and got herself a smaller car.
(A) made with
(B) gave up
(C) turned on
(D) looked at


4 Would you please ________ what you saw when the accident happened?
(A) increase
(B) succeed
(C) replace
(D) describe


5 Would you please go ________ to my room and get the bag for me?
(A) libraries
(B) curtains
(C) blankets
(D) upstairs


6 There is a high ________ of traffic accidents in such a thick fog.
(A) scene
(B) price
(C) cost
(D) risk


9 Tom’s application for the job was ________ because he had no related experiences.
(A) rejected
(B) selected
(C) injected
(D) projected


19 Don’t make a(n) ________ too quickly before you see the whole picture of the matter.
(A) proof
(B) advertisement
(C) judgment
(D) invitation


21 Susan ________ staying at home to going outside at the weekend.
(A) denies
(B) protects
(C) prefers
(D) prevents


25 Many countries around the world see climate change as a/an ________ problem.
(A) dull
(B) equal
(C) electrical
(D) serious


32 In a job interview, keeping natural, steady eye contact is a way to show your ________ .
(A) residence
(B) incidence
(C) evidence
(D) confidence


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題
        Climate change has been going on for more than a century. The global climate gets warmer and warmer and the average annual temperature keeps rising. This makes sea water heat up and expand, thus taking up more space andcausing a significant rise in the sea level.
         Another cause of sea level rise has to do with icebergs. As icebergs melt due to rising temperatures, huge blocks ofice move into the sea at the poles. This phenomenon also significantly elevates the sea level. Currently, the sea level iseight inches higher than it was a century ago. Scientists predict that by the end of this century, the sea level is very likelyto be three feet higher than it is today.
        Sea level rise is threatening to submerge some countries. Among them, island countries are especially vulnerable.For example, Tuvalu, an island in the South Pacific Ocean, will likely become the first country to disappear underwaterover the coming decades. Other victims suffering the same fate include Kiribati, the Maldives, and the Marshall Islands,to name just a few.
        Human activities are impacting the climate system. People have been burning coal and petroleum for a long periodof time. Such fossil fuels release greenhouse gases to the atmosphere when they are burned. Greenhouse gases act like asweater around the Earth for they are good at trapping heat and making temperatures rise.
        As it stands, sea level rise does not pose threats to island countries alone. Scientists are already warning that someof the world’s major cities could be underwater by the end of the century. Needless to say, action to protect them shouldbe taken as soon as possible.

41 What is the main purpose of this passage?
(A) To show how fossil fuels are formed in cities.
(B) To clarify the causes and effects of sea level rise.
(C) To prove the importance of South Pacific countries.
(D) To trace the movements of icebergs on a global scale.


28 The doctor will ____ on the patient’s lung tomorrow to fix a blockage in one of the arteries.
(A) affect
(B) involve
(C) operate
(D) repeat


34 Taiwan’s Centers for Disease Control advised citizens to have at least four vaccination shots against Covid-19 when the ____ raged across the island.
(A) entertainment
(B) pandemic
(C) celebration
(D) ceremony


31 I need to check the ________ date on the milk before using it to make sure it is still fresh.
(A) expert
(B) expiry
(C) expatriate
(D) extensive


33 Some types of animals have ceased to exist; they have become ________ from the earth.
(A) prevalent
(B) insured
(C) obtained
(D) extinct


35 The little girl caught a ________ of her birthday cake before her mother shut the kitchen door.
(A) gaze
(B) stare
(C) survey
(D) glimpse


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
The Saharan regions of Morocco are home to the Berbers, an ethnic group native to North Africa. Madfouna—a stuffedflatbread prepared by using a handful of staple ingredients—is traditionally baked in a fire pit in the sand or a mud oven,and has long served as a wholesome meal for many Berber families. Once baked, the bread so closely resembles a pizzathat it is locally nicknamed "the Berber pizza."
Using an ancient Saharan bread recipe incorporating flour, yeast, salt, olive oil, and water, the dough is kneaded and thenrolled into a round shape before being stretched over fillings—including beef, eggs, nuts, onions, and garlic, and herbsand spices such as cumin, paprika, turmeric, ginger, and parsley—and pinched closed. Every family has their own versionof madfouna. Some use more basic ingredients such as eggs, tomatoes, and sunflower or poppy seeds, while others addalmonds, cashews, olives, lamb, chicken, minced beef, or slices of cooked steak. The options are virtually endless.Whichever ingredients make up the filling, one thing is agreed upon across the region: the authentic methods of cookingmadfouna in desert sands or using a mud oven undoubtedly lead to the most delicious version, complete with anunrivalled smoky taste that a modern, conventional oven cannot replicate.
Today, madfouna can mostly be found in small Berber pizza takeaway joints in Rissani, a sleepy Saharan town famedfor the dish. In Rissani, a slightly faster pace of life than in the desert leads to a greater demand for fast food. Tuckedwithin the narrow streets of the market and conveniently placed near the taxi stands lie small takeaway joints with "pizza"symbols to mark where you can order a takeaway madfouna, the primary dish on the menu.
It’s not uncommon for these places to get so busy that people queue for more than an hour as the chefs rotate the ordersin the large fire ovens. Each madfouna is so particular to each individual’s tastes that locals often bring their ownfillings—sourced from trusted butchers or prepared at home by family members—which they ask the chefs to bake intotheir orders.

【題組】46 Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
(A) Madfouna, the Berber Pizza
(B) The Lost Culture of the Sahara Desert
(C) Food History of North Africa
(D) The Globalization of Pizza


36 A _________ jacket is ideal for outdoor activities because it can keep the body dry in case of rain.
(A) consequent
(B) determined
(C) persuasive
(D) waterproof


33 Some types of animals have ceased to exist; they have become ________ from the earth.
(A) prevalent
(B) insured
(C) obtained
(D) extinct


40 Janet requested one of her professors at the university to write a letter of______ on her behalf.
(A) reprobation
(B) recommendation
(C) reparation
(D) renovation

一、英譯中:請將下列英文句子譯成中文。(15 分) Legal rules can affect our moral beliefs, as well as the operation of the moral sanctions. For instance, a law against discrimination based on race may change beliefs about proper conduct and lead also to a great willingness of individuals to express disproval when they witness discriminatory behavior.


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文2024~2024難度:(11~30)-阿摩線上測驗
