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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗第十七回#113628
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101. The decorations for the company's year-end party _____ yesterday, but there seems to have been a delay in the shipment.
(A) have been delivering
(B) have been delivered
(C) should deliver
(D) should have been delivered


102. Effective employee training and development programs are critical for hotels that hold high _____ for quality service and guest experience.
(A) deviation
(B) frustration
(C) regard
(D) emphasize


103. Volunteering can help you build a network of _____ in the healthcare field and gain references for future job application.
(A) contracts
(B) contents
(C) contacts
(D) contests


104. Children Are Us is famous in Taiwan _____ operating bakeries and restaurants that employ people with intellectual disabilities.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) at


105. It _____ without saying that the quality of your content is a major factor in how well your event performs.
(A) takes
(B) goes
(C) lets
(D) runs


106. You can still enjoy your favorite foods _____ they are high in calories, fat or added sugars. The key is eating them only once in a while.
(A) as though
(B) because of
(C) contrary to
(D) even if


107. Every year, so many countdown together across the globe to celebrate Earth Hour and _____ one iconic action: switch off the lights.
(A) take
(B) taking
(C) that is taken
(D) which take


108. Coaching is an essential tool _____ developing the leadership skills necessary to excel in the world of business.
(A) compared with
(B) as long as
(C) when it comes to
(D) by means of


109. Traditional management structures are hierarchical and rigid. _____ , modern management styles emphasize flexibility and adaptability to meet the demands of a rapidly changing business environment.
(A) To begin with
(B) In reality
(C) By contrast
(D) In terms of


110. Before _____ the contract, we need to review the terms carefully.
(A) signposting
(B) sighing
(C) signalizing
(D) signing


111. _____ the increase in liabilities, the company's financial situation became unstable.
(A) with
(B) As of
(C) Even
(D) Also


112. When the customer complained about the service, the manager _____ .
(A) accelerated
(B) apologized
(C) archived
(D) assembled


113. Please submit your report by the end of the week _____ we can review it before the deadline.
(A) so that
(B) therefore
(C) in order to
(D) such


114. You will need to _____ your essay to address the feedback from your professor.
(A) revisit
(B) revise
(C) reward
(D) rewind


115. I need to _____ some money from the ATM before we go to the restaurant.
(A) discharge
(B) eject
(C) withdraw
(D) demolish


116. The committee will _____ three candidates for the position, and then the board will make the final decision.
(A) nominate
(B) subordinate
(C) eliminate
(D) compassionate


117. The recruitment process _____ advertising, interviewing, and selecting candidates.
(A) dismisses
(B) excludes
(C) comprehends
(D) involves


118. The company is going to invest heavily in new technology to stay ahead of _____ .
(A) competitors
(B) compete
(C) competitive
(D) competitions


119. Their full-time employees receive _____ training on company policies and procedures on an annual basis.
(A) exclusive
(B) extensive
(C) expansive
(D) explosive


120. Unless you closely monitor your investments and make timely adjustments, your _____ may not perform as well as you had hoped.
(A) portrait
(B) portfolio
(C) prohibition
(D) prominence


121. _____ bus commuters, people who drive to work may have the convenience of a private vehicle, but also face traffic congestion and parking difficulties.
(A) Unlike
(B) Unlikely
(C) Likewise
(D) Likely


122. _____ pork prices surge, restaurants and other food businesses may need to adjust their menus or prices to account for the higher cost of pork.
(A) Despite
(B) Due to
(C) Unless
(D) As


123. The new mayor will face numerous challenges, but perhaps _____ will be hardest is to earn the trust and support of the diverse population in the city.
(A) whether
(B) which
(C) what
(D) that


124. Employee performance _____ are a valuable tool for assessing an individual's reliability and identifying areas for improvement or recognition.
(A) critics
(B) tolls
(C) norms
(D) reviews


125. Companies that participate in trade fairs need to ensure that their _____ stands out from the competition to attract potential customers.
(A) boost
(B) booth
(C) boom
(D) booking


126. Offering special amenities or interactive exhibits can help make the attraction more _____ and increase the perceived value of the admission fee.
(A) satisfy
(B) satisfying
(C) satisfied
(D) satisfaction


127. To _____ visitors from feeling like they are wasting their money, the museum offers discounted tickets for visitors who leave and want to return later.
(A) prevent
(B) preventive
(C) prevention
(D) prevented


128. Some people are willing to pay a slightly higher delivery charge if it means they will receive their products _____ and with better quality packaging.
(A) fasten
(B) fast
(C) faster
(D) fastest


129. One effective way to encourage repeat purchases _____ to send personalized emails or targeted advertisements to customers who have previously made purchases on the site.
(A) be
(B) been
(C) are
(D) is


130. The company's new product line has been _____ received by customers.
(A) widely
(B) widely be
(C) wide
(D) widen


Part 6 Text Completion Questions 131~134 refer to the following advertisement. 

Introducing SparkleBright Office Cleaning Services

Is your office space looking dull and disorganized? Are you tired __131__ trying to work in an environment that's not as clean as it could be? Worry no more! At SparkleBright Office Cleaning Services, we have the solution to transform your workspace into a spotless and invigorating environment.

Customized Cleaning Plans
We understand that every office is unique. That's why we offer tailored cleaning plans to suit your specific needs, ensuring that your workspace remains pristine without __132__ your daily operations. 

Competitive Pricing & Flexible Scheduling
Our affordable rates and flexible scheduling options mean you don't have to break the bank to keep your office sparkling clean. __133__ 

6435ff3aa828e.jpgCall us now at 1-800-SPARKLE (1-800-772-7553) to book your free on-site __134__ , or visit our website at www.sparklebrightofficecleaning.com to learn more about our exceptional office cleaning services.

(A) at
(B) on
(C) to
(D) of


(A) disrupting
(B) disabling
(C) discharging
(D) distributing


(A) We use the latest cleaning techniques and equipment to ensure that every surface is clean and free of germs and bacteria.
(B) We are a London based tech startup, aimed at helping businesses comply with clean-air regulations.
(C) Choose from daily, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly cleaning services to fit your budget and preferences.
(D) It is rapidly becoming clear to us that every company needs a crew of cleaning experts to remind staff of flushing the toilet and to ensure washbasins are clean.


(A) advise
(B) consultation
(C) suggestive
(D) debate


Questions 135~138 refer to the following email.

Subject: Inquiry about the Availability of a Product

Dear Walk in Wonderland Shoes Store,

My name is Jessica, and I am a frequent shopper at your online store. I am writing to inquire about the availability of a particular style of black women's high heel shoes that I __135__ interested in purchasing for the past month.

I have visited your store several times and found that other styles are in stock, but unfortunately, the one that I want is currently __136__ . I was hoping to purchase this pair for an __137__ event, but I am unable to do so due to its unavailability.

I would appreciate it if you could provide me with some information about when the black women's high heel shoes that I am interested in will be back in stock. __138__

Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.



【題組】 135.
(A) will be
(B) might have been
(C) should have been
(D) have been


(A) out of work
(B) out of stock
(C) outside of work
(D) outside of stock


(A) upcoming
(B) updating
(C) upscaling
(D) upskilling


(A) I will be pleased to hear from you when your online shop reopens.
(B) I was wondering if you can inform me of the latest catalog when it is available.
(C) If there is any way you can notify me when they are available, I would be grateful.
(D) I don't think you appreciate how much I anticipate updates on your store’s finances.


Questions 139~142 refer to the following text.

The new CEO of AHO Corp. has launched __139__ new initiatives to reinvigorate the company's growth and profitability. Among the most significant of these initiatives is a comprehensive restructuring plan that __140__ to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency. The plan involves consolidating departments, outsourcing certain functions, and upgrading technology infrastructure to enhance communication and data management. Besides, the CEO has prioritized investment in employee training and development programs to foster a more skilled and engaged __141__ . To support these efforts, the company has also expanded its marketing and sales efforts, targeting new customer segments and expanding its product offerings. __142__

【題組】 139.
(A) a plenty of
(B) a great deal of
(C) a large amount of
(D) a number of


(A) seek
(B) seeks
(C) seeking
(D) to seek


(A) employment
(B) workforce
(C) personnel
(D) employer


(A) The last quarter’s revenue increased by approximately 20 percent mainly because the CEO had given up these initiatives.
(B) In the last quarter, the CEO was devoted to attracting top talent in the industry to review these initiatives.
(C) The CEO is making every effort to revise these initiatives this quarter.
(D) These initiatives have generated positive results, with the company reporting increased revenue in the last quarter.


Questions 143~146 refer to the following passage. 

Giving employees more control over their work schedules can have a __143__ impact on their productivity and engagement levels. Allowing workers to have some flexibility in choosing when they work, or adjusting their hours as needed, can create a sense of ownership and accountability for their tasks. This can lead to increased motivation, as employees feel more valued and trusted by their employer. __144__ , having control over their schedules can help reduce stress levels, as workers can better balance their personal and professional commitments. When employees feel supported and empowered to manage their time effectively, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their work. Ultimately, __145__ can result in a more productive and positive work environment, as employees feel motivated to contribute to the success of their organization. Providing employees with more control over their schedules can be a simple __146__ powerful way to promote productivity and engagement in the workplace.

(A) profound
(B) external
(C) short-lived
(D) trivial


(A) Except for
(B) Apart from
(C) In addition
(D) As a result


(A) which
(B) what
(C) its
(D) this


(A) also
(B) nevertheless
(C) still
(D) yet


Part 7 Reading Comprehension

Questions 147~148 refer to the following social media post.


【題組】147. What is the company looking for in social media influencers?
(A) Influencers who have a large following.
(B) Influencers who are based in the same location as the company.
(C) Influencers who share the company's vision.
(D) Influencers who are willing to work for free.


【題組】148. What will influencers have the opportunity to do by collaborating with Paula's company?
(A) Work on projects outside of their area of expertise.
(B) Provide consulting services to the company's clients.
(C) Attend exclusive events with the company's executives.
(D) Create sponsored content with the company's team.


Questions 149~150 refer to the following instant messaging conversation.

Paula: Hey Tina, got a sec to chat?

Tina: Sure, what's up?

Paula: I had an idea for promoting our brand. What if we partner with some famous YouTubers to create sponsored content for their channels?

Tina: Hmm, that could be interesting. But we need to be careful with our budget. Have you thought about the costs and potential returns?

Paula: Yeah, I've looked into it, and I think it could be a good investment. We can track metrics to see if it's working and adjust if needed.

Tina: Ok, I see your point. But let's also explore other options that won't put as much pressure on our budget. Do you have any other ideas?

Paula: Yeah, I was also thinking about sponsoring events and working with social media influencers. But I think the YouTuber partnership has the most potential.

Tina: I appreciate your creativity, Paula. Let's discuss this further and come up with a plan that's best for the company.

Paula: Sounds good, Tina. Thanks for your input.

【題組】 149. According to the conversation, how does Tina respond to Paula's suggestion?
(A) She suggests exploring other options that won't put a strain on their budget.
(B) She completely agrees with Paula and is willing to go ahead with the partnership.
(C) She thinks Paula's idea is too complicated and confusing.
(D) She believes Paula is not experienced enough in marketing to make such decisions.


【題組】150. Which of the following is the most likely job title for Tina?
(A) Distribution Center Manager.
(B) Financial Manager.
(C) Marketing Manager.
(D) Inventory Manager.


Questions 151~152 refer to the following passage.

Building organizational culture in a hybrid world can be a challenge, but it is crucial for maintaining a sense of unity and purpose among employees. A strong organizational culture can lead to better teamwork, improved productivity, and higher job satisfaction. One way to build a culture in a hybrid world is to prioritize communication. Ensure that all employees, whether working remotely or in-person, have equal access to information and are included in company discussions. Another way is to establish clear expectations and goals for all employees, regardless of their work location. Encourage regular team building activities, both in-person and virtual, to foster a sense of community and collaboration. Finally, recognize and celebrate individual and team achievements, whether they occur in-person or remotely, to reinforce a culture of recognition and appreciation. By focusing on communication, inclusivity, and celebration, organizations can build a strong culture that thrives in a hybrid world.

【題組】151. What is one benefit of regular team building activities?
(A) More in-person meetings.
(B) Increased remote work.
(C) Decreased productivity.
(D) Improved collaboration.


【題組】152. What is one way to reinforce a culture of recognition and appreciation?
(A) Recognize and celebrate individual/team achievements.
(B) Ignore employee contributions.
(C) Only recognize in-person employees.
(D) Limit communication with remote employees.


Questions 153~154 refer to the following information. 

Ace Atelier envisions transforming urban spaces for the types of individuals that make cities captivating - including artists, musicians, inquisitive travelers, and digital nomads. Ace Hotel Sydney is the initial expansion of the brand located south of the equator, following the establishment of hotels in Palm Springs, Kyoto, New York, and other cities.

Located within a historic former brick factory in Surry Hills, the contemporary design of the interiors pays tribute to the fabric of the central neighborhood, boasting imaginative spaces and a cozy color scheme. The 264 guest rooms each possess distinct features, including soundproof textural walls, guitars, eco-friendly amenities, and some even with floor-to-ceiling windows.

【題組】 153. What types of individuals does Ace Atelier aim to attract with its urban spaces?
(A) Business executives and corporate travelers.
(B) Artists, musicians, curious travelers, and digital nomads.
(C) Families with young children and elderly couples.
(D) Adventure seekers and extreme sports enthusiasts.


【題組】154. Which of the following amenities is NOT included in select guest rooms at Ace Hotel Sydney?
(A) Soundproof textural walls.
(B) Guitars.
(C) Eco-friendly toiletries and amenities.
(D) Private balconies with city views.


Questions 155~157 refer to the following email. 

 Subject: Seeking Mentorship for my Daughter Molly

Dear Kelly Lee,

I hope this email finds you well. As you know, my daughter Molly is a new summer intern at Dept. Design, where she is majoring in graphic design. While she is enjoying her time at the company, I have noticed that she does not show much interest in marketing, which is my area of expertise.

As a Marketing Manager, I would like to ensure that my daughter is getting the most out of her internship and is exposed to as many opportunities as possible. This is where I would like to ask for your help.

I know that you have a wealth of experience in the design industry and have worked with interns in the past. Would you be willing to mentor Molly during her time at Dept. Design? I believe that your guidance could help her gain a better understanding of the industry and provide her with a broader perspective on her chosen field.

I understand that you have a busy schedule, so I would be more than happy to work around your availability. If you are interested in mentoring Molly, please let me know, and we can arrange a time to discuss the details further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Laura Morris

【題組】 155. What is the main purpose of Laura Morris' email?
(A) To seek mentorship for her daughter.
(B) To ask for a job opportunity for her daughter.
(C) To introduce her daughter to a coworker.
(D) To offer mentorship to her daughter.


【題組】156. Why is Laura Morris asking for mentorship for her daughter?
(A) Because Molly is not interested in graphic design.
(B) Because Laura Morris wants her daughter to switch to marketing.
(C) Because Laura Morris wants her daughter to gain more experience.
(D) Because Molly is not enjoying her internship.


【題組】157. Who does Laura Morris think would be a suitable mentor for her daughter?
(A) A graphic design student.
(B) A marketing intern.
(C) Her friend who works in finance.
(D) Her coworker with design industry experience.


Questions 158~160 refer to the following table. 

 How to Prevent Talent Loss in Enterprises

【題組】 158. What is one of the interventions to prevent talent loss in enterprises?
(A) Building a work environment with high job demand and low social support.
(B) Offering inconsistent and uncertain pay and benefits to employees.
(C) Providing only basic training and development opportunities to employees.
(D) Reducing career growth opportunities for employees.


【題組】159. What is one of the interventions to reduce talent turnover rates in enterprises?
(A) Providing only basic training and development opportunities to employees.
(B) Offering inconsistent and uncertain pay and benefits to employees.
(C) Reducing career growth opportunities for employees.
(D) Establishing career development plans with clear goals and expectations.


【題組】160. Which of the following interventions to prevent talent loss in enterprises is mentioned in the table?
(A) Providing flexible work arrangements.
(B) Building a stable and welcoming work environment.
(C) Offering inconsistent pay and benefits to employees.
(D) Failing to establish communication channels and feedback mechanisms.


Questions 161~163 refer to the following table.
Advantages of Setting English Proficiency Requirement for Employee 
Advancement in Taiwan’s Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 6436017267413.jpg

【題組】 161. According to the table, what benefit does setting an English proficiency requirement have for communication and coordination within a company?
(A) Improving office morale.
(B) Enhancing company culture.
(C) Ensuring smooth communication and coordination.
(D) Reducing employee stress levels.


【題組】162. According to the table, what personal benefit can an employee with English skills expect?
(A) Lower workload.
(B) Higher salary.
(C) Lower job security.
(D) Expanding personal career.


【題組】163. Which of the following best represents this example: ”An international trading company in Taiwan sets an English proficiency requirement for its employees, ensuring smooth communication and coordination between its branches in different countries.”
(A) Expanding international market.
(B) Increasing competitiveness.
(C) Strengthening communication and coordination.
(D) Expanding personal career.


Questions 164~167 refer to the following announcement. 

Subject: Reminder: Company Policy on Outside Employment 

 Dear Staff,

I hope this message finds you all well. I would like to take a moment to remind everyone of the policy regarding outside employment at the United Synergy Corporation. It has come to our attention that there may be some confusion on this topic.

Upon joining our organization, each of you signed an employment agreement which includes a clause prohibiting any form of outside employment or moonlighting. This includes, but is not limited to, online selling (such as e-commerce or auctions), tutoring, freelance work, and any other form of paid or unpaid secondary employment.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure that our staff remains focused on their primary responsibilities within the United Synergy Group and to avoid potential conflicts of interest or situations that may compromise the quality of our work.

Please be aware that engaging in outside employment is a violation of your employment agreement, and the sole consequence for this violation is the termination of employment.

We understand that the current economic climate may have some of you considering additional sources of income. However, we kindly request that you abide by the terms of your employment agreement and bring any concerns you may have to your direct supervisor or Human Resources for further discussion. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and for your continued dedication to the United Synergy Group.

Best regards,

Peter Drucker
United Synergy Corporation

【題組】 164. What is the primary objective of United Synergy Corporation's outside employment policy?
(A) To promote staff's wellbeing by allowing them to pursue secondary income streams.
(B) To ensure the quality of work by preventing potential conflicts of interest.
(C) To discourage employees from working longer hours by seeking additional sources of income.
(D) To encourage employees to engage in volunteer work outside of their primary responsibilities.


【題組】165. What is the consequence for violating the policy on outside employment at United Synergy Corporation?
(A) Reduction of work hours.
(B) Written warning and reprimand.
(C) Termination of employment without severance pay.
(D) Suspension of employment with pay.


【題組】166. Which of the following is the correct action to take if an employee has questions about the outside employment policy at United Synergy Corporation?
(A) Seek guidance from their direct supervisor or the HR department.
(B) Disregard the policy if the employee feels it does not apply to their circumstances.
(C) Continue with outside employment but inform the HR department.
(D) Report any colleagues suspected of engaging in outside employment to management.


【題組】167. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the announcement regarding United Synergy Corporation's outside employment policy?
(A) Employees signed an employment agreement that includes a clause prohibiting outside employment.
(B) Outside employment includes online selling, tutoring, and freelance work.
(C) Violating the policy will result in a reduction of work hours.
(D) Employees are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have with their direct supervisor or HR.


Questions 168~171 refer to the following email. 

Subject: Invitation to Partner with Food Bank for Employee Food Drive

Dear Jonathan Amos,

I am writing to you on behalf of the ABC Food Bank, a charitable organization that provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. As the founder of this organization, I am passionate about fighting hunger and poverty in our communities.

I would like to extend an invitation to your esteemed company to join us in our mission by partnering with us for an employee food drive. The concept is simple: your company encourages your employees to donate non-perishable food items, and we will collect them and distribute them to those in need. The food drive can be conducted for a week or two, depending on your preference.

We believe that partnering with us for this initiative will not only help us in our efforts to fight hunger, but it will also provide your employees with an opportunity to give back to their community and feel good about making a positive impact.

We will provide your company with a toolkit that includes promotional materials, collection boxes, and other resources to help make the food drive a success. We will also arrange for the pickup and delivery of the collected food items.

We are confident that your employees will embrace this opportunity and contribute generously to this worthy cause. By joining forces with us, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who are struggling to put food on their tables.

Please let us know if you are interested in partnering with us for this initiative. We look forward to hearing back from you and working together towards our goal of ending hunger in our community.


Megan Tylor
Founder, ABC Food Bank

【題組】168. Based on the email, which of the following is the most likely job title for Jonathan Amos?
(A) CEO.
(B) Marketing Manager.
(C) Human Resources Director.
(D) IT Specialist.


【題組】169. Based on the email, which of the following is true about the Food Bank?
(A) It provides medical assistance to individuals and families in need.
(B) It is a non-profit organization that fights poverty and homelessness.
(C) It focuses exclusively on providing fresh fruits and vegetables to the community.
(D) It operates solely through government funding and donations.


【題組】170. According to the email, which of the following benefits of helping the Food Bank was NOT mentioned by Megan Tylor in her invitation to partner for an employee food drive?
(A) Social responsibility and community involvement.
(B) Feeling good about making a positive impact.
(C) Supporting a charitable organization in its mission.
(D) Improving employee morale and job satisfaction.


【題組】171. Based on the email, what can NOT be inferred about Megan Tylor?
(A) She is passionate about fighting hunger and poverty.
(B) She is the founder of the Food Bank.
(C) She is a spokesperson for a large corporation.
(D) She believes in the power of community involvement.


Questions 172~175 refer to the following passage.

Feeling unmotivated and lacking passion for work can be a common experience for many individuals, especially those in their late thirties who may be facing mid-career challenges. However, there are several remedies that can help reignite your motivation and passion for work.

【題組】 172. What is one of the recommended actions for reigniting motivation and passion for work?
(A) Taking on fewer responsibilities and tasks.
(B) Seeking out novel opportunities that challenge you and enable you to acquire new skills and knowledge.
(C) Avoiding taking breaks and rest periods to maximize productivity.
(D) Detaching oneself from colleagues and mentors to minimize distractions.


【題組】173. What is the potential advantage of taking breaks regularly in the context of work?
(A) It increases the likelihood of experiencing burnout and exhaustion.
(B) It decreases overall productivity and performance levels.
(C) It can help prevent burnout and increase the capacity for sustained productivity and creativity.
(D) It enables you to work longer hours without experiencing fatigue or stress.


【題組】174. What is one of the key benefits of fostering positive relationships with colleagues, mentors, and friends in a work setting?
(A) It fosters a cutthroat and competitive environment where individuals prioritize their own interests over those of their peers.
(B) It allows individuals to avoid collaborative efforts with others, limiting exposure to diverse perspectives and skill sets.
(C) It limits professional development by impeding networking and connections with individuals in different fields and industries.
(D) It provides individuals with opportunities for support, feedback, and guidance to enhance their performance and foster growth.


【題組】175. What is one of the essential components of practicing self-care, according to the passage?
(A) Getting enough sleep to ensure optimal functioning and performance.
(B) Avoiding physical exercise and movement to conserve energy and avoid fatigue.
(C) Focusing solely on work-related tasks and responsibilities, excluding leisure activities and hobbies.
(D) Ignoring one's emotional well-being and avoiding seeking support from friends and colleagues.


Questions 176~180 refer to the following article and email.
A blog article by Irene Galland 

As a consultant, I have noticed a disturbing trend in recent years: more and more people are lashing out at service workers. Whether it's a barista, a cashier, or a customer service representative, service workers are often the target of frustration, anger, and even physical violence from customers. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed, not just for the sake of the workers themselves, but for the overall health of our society.

In this article, I will discuss some concrete suggestions for how businesses and individuals can help address this issue. 6436034a7d55c.jpg643603615d27e.jpg Subject: Invitation to Design and Facilitate a One-Day Staff Training Program

Dear Irene Galland,

I recently read your article on addressing the issue of lashing out at service workers and was impressed with your insights and suggestions. As the Staff Training Director for our company, I would like to invite you to design and facilitate a one-day staff training program for our employees.

We believe that your expertise in conflict resolution training, communication skills, and de-escalation techniques can help our staff handle difficult customers and create a culture of respect within our workplace. Your experience in advocating for worker rights and protections can also help us address underlying issues that contribute to lashing out at service workers.

Apart from the pay, we would like to offer you some rewards for your valuable contribution to our company's growth and success. First, We would be happy to provide you with a testimonial highlighting your work with us, as well as an opportunity to network with our employees and other industry professionals. Second, we would like to offer you a complimentary stay at one of our luxury hotels in the city for three nights.

We believe that your expertise will greatly benefit our staff, and we look forward to working with you to create a more supportive and respectful environment for everyone. Please let me know if you are interested in this opportunity and if you are available to meet for further discussion.

Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to hear back from you soon.


Peter Briggs

Staff Training Director

【題組】 176. What is the disturbing trend that the author has noticed in recent years?
(A) More and more people are becoming service workers.
(B) More and more people are lashing out at service workers.
(C) More and more people are becoming baristas, cashiers, or customer service representatives.
(D) More and more people are showing kindness towards service workers.


【題組】177. What is one suggestion the author gives for businesses to help address the issue of customers lashing out at service workers?
(A) Train employees to handle difficult customers.
(B) Provide mental health resources for employees.
(C) Encourage empathy and kindness towards customers.
(D) Advocate for policies that support worker rights.


【題組】178. What is one suggestion the author gives for individuals to help address the issue of customers lashing out at service workers?
(A) Encourage empathy and kindness towards customers.
(B) Provide mental health resources for employees.
(C) Train employees to handle difficult customers.
(D) Advocate for policies that support worker rights.


【題組】179. What is the purpose of Peter’s email?
(A) To offer a job to Irene Galland.
(B) To request a testimonial from Irene Galland.
(C) To ask Irene Galland for a complimentary stay at one of her hotels.
(D) To invite Irene Galland to design and facilitate a one-day staff training program.


【題組】180. Which of the following rewards is NOT mentioned as a part of the offer to Irene for designing and facilitating a one-day staff training program?
(A) A testimonial highlighting her work with the company.
(B) An opportunity to network with the company's employees and other industry professionals.
(C) A pay increase for her services.
(D) A complimentary three-night stay at one of the company's luxury hotels.


Questions 181~185 refer to the following passage and blog article.

Small businesses can greatly benefit from emerging technologies, which are constantly changing the business landscape. The increasing accessibility and affordability of these technologies make it easier for small businesses to integrate new tools into their operations. For example, cloud computing can reduce the cost and hassle of maintaining physical servers, while artificial intelligence can help businesses analyze data and make better decisions. Automation can also reduce the need for manual labor, freeing up time and resources for other tasks.

Moreover, emerging technologies can help small businesses compete with larger companies by leveling the playing field. Social media platforms allow small businesses to market themselves to a wider audience without having to spend as much on traditional advertising. Digital payment systems can also provide small businesses with the ability to offer convenient payment options to customers, even if they do not have the same resources as larger businesses.

Overall, the potential benefits of emerging technologies are significant, and small businesses that embrace them can gain a competitive advantage in today's fast-paced business world.

As the owner of Tasty Bites, I recently had my first experience with emerging technology that helped our restaurant compete with larger chain restaurants in the city. We invested in new technology that allowed us to streamline our operations and reduce costs, while still maintaining the quality and personalized experience that our customers love.

This technology allowed us to automate many of our processes, freeing up our employees' time to focus on more complex tasks. For example, we were able to automate our inventory management system, which helped us to keep track of our stock levels and reduce waste. We also implemented new software that improved our customer service, allowing us to respond to customer inquiries and feedback more quickly and efficiently.

In addition, we integrated cloud-based tools into our business operations, which provided us with greater flexibility and scalability. We were able to access our data and applications from anywhere, at any time, which allowed us to make more informed decisions and respond more quickly to changes in the market. 

Overall, our experience with this emerging technology has been transformative for our business. It has allowed us to compete with larger chain restaurants by streamlining our operations and reducing costs, while still providing a personalized experience to our customers. As technology continues to evolve, we are excited to explore new opportunities to grow our business and stay ahead of the competition.

by David Bailey, Owner of Tasty Bites

【題組】 181. According to the passage, what is one way small businesses can benefit from emerging technologies?
(A) Hinder decision-making processes.
(B) Increase the cost of maintaining physical servers.
(C) Limit access to new capabilities.
(D) Reduce the need for manual labor.


【題組】182. According to the passage, what is one emerging technology that can help businesses analyze data?
(A) Artificial intelligence.
(B) Paper records.
(C) Fax machines.
(D) Email.


【題組】183. How can emerging technologies help small businesses compete with larger companies?
(A) By increasing the cost of operation.
(B) By reducing efficiency and productivity.
(C) By providing access to new capabilities.
(D) By limiting marketing options.


【題組】184. According to the blog article, which two emerging technologies did Tasty Bites adopt to compete with larger chain restaurants, according to the article?
(A) Artificial intelligence and virtual reality experience.
(B) Cloud computing and automation.
(C) Digital signage and social media platforms.
(D) Email marketing and paperless invoicing.


【題組】185. What competitive edge did Tasty Bites gain from the adoption of emerging technologies?
(A) Reduced quality of service.
(B) Increased costs for customers.
(C) Limitation of marketing options.
(D) Personalized experience for customers.


Questions 186~190 refer to the following news release, email, and advertisement.

Sydney, Australia - The annual Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference is returning to Sydney from August 12-14, and the city is gearing up to host one of the most important events in the luxury hotel community. The conference will be held at the opulent Shangri-La Hotel, Sydney, and promises to bring together some of the biggest names in the industry for three days of networking, knowledge sharing, and professional development.

The theme of this year's conference is "Innovative Strategies for Growth in the Luxury Hotel Industry," and attendees can expect a packed schedule of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops on topics such as revenue management, branding, and guest experience. The conference will also provide ample opportunities for networking and socializing with industry leaders and peers from around the world.

"We are excited to bring together the best minds in the luxury hotel industry to share their experiences and insights," said conference organizer, John Smith. "Our goal is to help hotel owners and operators stay ahead of the curve and find new ways to grow and succeed in a highly competitive market."

The Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference is a must-attend event for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and strategies in the luxury hotel industry. Registration is now open, and early-bird discounts are available until June 30th. Don't miss this opportunity to learn from the best and connect with your peers in the industry.

Subject: Follow-up on Collaboration between PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel

Dear Nick,

I hope this email finds you well. It was great to meet you at the Owners of Five-Star Hotel Conference in Sydney last month, and I wanted to thank you again for taking the time to talk to me about the possibility of collaborating in marketing efforts for our hotels.

As we discussed, I believe that a joint marketing campaign could be highly beneficial for both of our businesses, and I would love to finalize the details of our collaboration. With that in mind, I would like to invite you to visit our headquarters in Canberra so we can discuss the specifics of the campaign and explore ways to work together more closely.

During your visit, we can tour some of our hotels in the eastern part of Australia and discuss how we can promote both PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel through social media, online advertising, and other marketing channels. I think that our combined strengths in the luxury hotel industry could lead to some exciting opportunities and help us both stand out in a competitive market.

Please let me know if you are available to visit us in the next few weeks, and we can work out the logistics together. I look forward to continuing our conversation and building a successful partnership between our hotels.

Best regards,

Terry Chevillon
Owner, WIRO Hotel

Experience the Best of Australia: PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel Join Forces!

Looking for the ultimate luxury hotel experience in Australia? Look no further than PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel! We're excited to announce our new joint marketing campaign, which showcases the best of both our brands and provides international tourists with an unforgettable stay Down Under.

With our combined strengths in the luxury hotel industry, we're offering a truly unique and authentic Australian experience. Whether you're looking for a beachfront escape at PPE Resort in New Zealand or a city getaway at one of WIRO Hotel's five locations in eastern Australia, we've got you covered.

Our joint marketing campaign is specifically aimed at international tourists from South Korea and Japan, two countries known for their love of luxury travel. We'll be promoting our partnership through social media, online advertising, and other channels to reach our target audience and offer them exclusive deals and packages.

So why wait? Book your stay at PPE Resort or WIRO Hotel today and experience the best of Australia with our exciting promotional campaign.

【題組】 186. According to the news release, what is the goal of the conference?
(A) To bring together industry leaders for a social gathering.
(B) To provide discounted hotel rates for attendees.
(C) To help hotel owners and operators find new ways to grow and succeed.
(D) To focus on the history of the luxury hotel industry.


【題組】187. What topics will be covered in the conference?
(A) Sports and entertainment events in luxury hotels.
(B) Revenue management, branding, and guest experience.
(C) History of the luxury hotel industry.
(D) Food and beverage trends in luxury hotels.


【題組】188. According to the email, what is the purpose of the joint marketing campaign between PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel?
(A) To collaborate in marketing efforts and benefit both businesses.
(B) To tour some of the hotels in the western part of Australia.
(C) To compete against each other in the luxury hotel industry.
(D) To reduce the marketing expenses for both businesses.


【題組】189. According to the email, what is the owner's expectation from the partnership between PPE Resort and WIRO Hotel?
(A) To work together to reduce the quality of their services and amenities.
(B) To compete against each other and limit the customer base and services offered.
(C) To work independently without any interaction or collaboration.
(D) To build a successful partnership and stand out in a competitive market.


【題組】190. Which marketing channels are specifically mentioned in both the email and the ad?
(A) Television commercials and print advertisements.
(B) Social media and online advertising.
(C) Radio commercials and billboards.
(D) Direct mail and telemarketing.


Questions 191~195 refer to the following article and emails. 

Private online communities for like-minded professionals are all the rage these days, and it's not hard to see why. With the rise of remote work and the need for virtual networking, these communities provide a valuable space for professionals to connect, share ideas, and learn from one another. But there's another benefit to these communities that's catching on: they're becoming an increasingly popular tool for job seekers.

In these private online communities, like-minded professionals can connect with others in their field, exchange ideas, and share job openings. This can be especially helpful for those who are looking to make a career change or move up the ladder in their current industry. By joining a private online community, job seekers can tap into a network of professionals who are already established in their field and may be able to provide valuable insights and connections.

But these communities aren't just for job seekers. Employers are also taking notice of the benefits of private online communities for recruiting top talent. By creating their own communities, employers can engage with potential candidates in a more personal and meaningful way. This can help to attract and retain top talent, while also fostering a sense of community and collaboration among employees.

So whether you're a job seeker looking to land your next role or an employer looking to build a stronger team, private online communities are definitely worth considering. With their ability to connect like-minded professionals and foster meaningful connections, they're quickly becoming a must-have tool for anyone looking to succeed in today's competitive job market. And who knows, maybe you'll even catch your dream job in one of these catchy communities.

Subject: Inquiry About Potential Job Opportunity

Dear Elite Graphic Design Company Hiring Manager,

My name is Nelson and I recently graduated with a major in business administration. I am reaching out to inquire about potential job opportunities with Elite Graphic Design Company that might be suitable for someone with my background and skills.

I came across your company while actively seeking out innovative and successful graphic design firms that align with my career aspirations, by browsing through a private online community for like-minded professionals in the field of business administration and creative design. The online community provided a wealth of information and insights into the industry, and Elite Graphic Design Company stood out to me as a company that truly prioritizes creativity and innovation in all aspects of its work.

Based on my review of the official website, I understand that there may not be any current job openings available at this time. Yet I wanted to reach out and express my interest in case any opportunities become available in the near future. I am eager to learn more about any potential job openings that may arise.

I am eager to apply for any job opportunities that become available at Elite Graphic Design Company, and I am open to providing additional information or following up with someone if needed.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you soon.


Nelson McKinney

Subject: Re: Inquiry About Potential Job Opportunity

Dear Nelson McKinney,

Thank you for reaching out to us and expressing interest in our company. We are excited to hear that you are drawn to our emphasis on creativity and innovation, and we appreciate your inquiry about potential job opportunities.

I am pleased to inform you that we have an exciting opportunity for a Regional Sales Representative in Europe that we believe could be a good match for your skills and background. In this role, you would be responsible for managing and expanding our client base in the European market.

If this opportunity sounds appealing to you, we invite you to send us your CV and professional summary. Our team will carefully review your qualifications and experience, and we may schedule an interview with you if we believe you could be a good fit for this position.

Thank you again for your interest in our company, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

Michelle Chen
Hiring Manager, Elite Graphic Design Company

【題組】 191. According to the article, what is the benefit of private online communities for employers?
(A) They provide a space for professionals to connect and share ideas.
(B) They offer job seekers access to a network of established professionals who can provide valuable insights and connections.
(C) They are a tool for employers to recruit top talent.
(D) They allow job seekers to search for job openings.


【題組】192. How can private online communities help employers to retain top talent?
(A) They provide a space for professionals to connect and share ideas.
(B) They offer job seekers access to a network of established professionals who can provide valuable insights and connections.
(C) They are a tool for employers to recruit top talent.
(D) They foster a sense of community and collaboration among employees.


【題組】193. According to the email, what motivated Nelson to reach out to Elite Graphic Design Company, and what specific qualities of the company stood out to him?
(A) Nelson found Elite Graphic Design Company through an online community, attracted by its focus on creativity and innovation.
(B) Nelson found the company through an online job board, and was impressed by its reputation for producing award-winning designs and its commitment to sustainability.
(C) Nelson was referred to the company by a friend, and the company's focus on employee growth and development stood out to him.
(D) Nelson attended a recruiting event hosted by the company, and was intrigued by its cutting-edge technology and commitment to diversity and inclusion.


【題組】194. Which of the following statements about the job opportunity mentioned in the email is NOT true?
(A) The job is for a Regional Sales Representative in Europe.
(B) The job involves managing and expanding the company's client base in the European market.
(C) The job requires the candidate to have a background in sales and marketing.
(D) The job is specifically for managing the company's existing clients in Europe.


【題組】195. What will the company do after receiving Nelson McKinney's CV and professional summary?
(A) Hire him immediately.
(B) Reject his application.
(C) Schedule an interview if he is a good fit for the role.
(D) Ask for additional information.


Questions 196~200 refer to the following article, order summary, and email.

Points are a type of loyalty reward system used by many e-commerce sites to encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty. When a customer buys products from the site, they earn a certain number of points based on the value of their purchase. These points can then be redeemed for discounts on future purchases, free shipping, or other rewards.

For example, a toy store's e-commerce site might award 1 point for every $1 spent on purchases. When a customer accumulates a certain number of points, they can then redeem them for a discount on their next purchase or for free shipping. The number of points required to redeem rewards varies from site to site and may also depend on the specific reward being offered.

Points can be a valuable tool for e-commerce sites to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business. By offering rewards for purchases, sites can incentivize customers to continue shopping with them and to choose their site over competitors. Customers also benefit from the rewards, as they can receive discounts and other perks for their loyalty. 
Order Summary

Order ID: T7000-H2811-P3294
Date: September 19
Customer: Peggie Liu 643605e28b718.jpg Subject: Complaint about Damaged Item in Order T7000-H2811-P3294

Dear Customer Service,

I am writing to express my disappointment and dissatisfaction with my recent order, T7000-H2811-P3294, which I received on September 23. Specifically, I am concerned about the condition of the Barbie Dreamhouse that I ordered.

Upon opening the package, I noticed that the Barbie Dreamhouse had suffered some damage during shipping. The box was crushed and torn in several places, and when I opened it, I discovered that some of the pieces inside were broken. I am very disappointed, as this was supposed to be a gift for my daughter's birthday, and now it is unusable.

I would like to request a replacement for the damaged Barbie Dreamhouse as soon as possible. I have attached a photo of the damaged box and the broken pieces inside. Please let me know what steps I need to take to facilitate the return of the damaged item and the delivery of a replacement.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Peggie Liu

【題組】 196. According to the article, how does offering points as a reward benefit e-commerce sites?
(A) It encourages repeat purchases and customer loyalty.
(B) It decreases customer loyalty to the site.
(C) It increases the number of competitors in the market.
(D) It leads to an increase in the prices of products.


【題組】197. What is the purpose of offering points as a loyalty reward system on e-commerce sites?
(A) To increase the price of products.
(B) To encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty.
(C) To decrease customer loyalty to the site.
(D) To reduce the number of competitors in the market.


198. Which of the following statements regarding the order #T7000-H2811-P3294 is most likely true, based on the given information?
(A) The Hot Wheels Race Track was the most expensive item in the order.
(B) Peggie Liu received the order before the estimated delivery date.
(C) The total amount of tax for the order was more than 10% of the subtotal.
(D) Peggie Liu's points deduction was greater than the price of one Lego Classic Box.


【題組】199. Which of the following statements is most likely true about the order #T7000-H2811-P3294?
(A) The order was shipped on September 25.
(B) The total cost of the order was $314.94.
(C) Peggie Liu used points to pay for part of the order.
(D) The Barbie Dreamhouse in the order was received in damaged condition.


【題組】200. According to the email, what did Peggie Liu request from customer service?
(A) A refund for the damaged item.
(B) Replacement for the damaged Barbie Dreamhouse.
(C) Steps to take to facilitate the delivery of the damaged item.
(D) Information on how to cancel the order.

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