(2 分29 秒)

25. Some bush fires are set _________.
(A)in purpose
(B)at purpose
(C)on purpose
(D)for purpose


40. A: To my knowledge, Bill Gates is a smart and generous person. B: ______________________ A: I'm glad that you agree with this argument.
(A)Once bitten, twice shy.
(B)Easier said than done.
(C) You can say that again.
(D)Don't change the subject.


8. My family's newest ___ is a print shop in Taipei.
(A) quest
(B) graphic
(C) venture
(D) response


23. Has the contest already ___ ?
(A) begin
(B) began
(C) begun
(D) beginning


28.World leaders ________ concerted efforts to combat transnational threats, including terrorism.
(A) called out
(B)called in
(C) called at
(D)called for


(一) One of the keys to the success of Toyota’s lean production and continuing improvement processes is that they are not formulaic to the point that they limit employee innovation. Instead, they are quite the opposite, serving as guides designed to unleash previously untapped employee potential. In Toyota, principles should remain the same but methods for reaching objectives should constantly change: What works today can always be improved upon. Therefore, a central element of maintaining the same culture at Toyota year after year is encouraging employees to find different and new ways of contributing. 
       Many who study Toyota’s way of working are often initially surprised at the lack of specific, step-by-step, how-to instructions. But the Toyota culture is intended to draw upon the creative abilities of employees; if the processes were put into a manual featuring steps 1, 2 and 3,then people would likely follow the steps robotically, doing their job each day precisely the same way they did it the day before. The Toyota system is teaching people to think for themselves and find a better way to do the job, and to take individual ownership.

【題組】43. In Line 3,the underlined phrase “to unleash previously untapped employee potential” implies that
(A) less control over employees,creative doings brings out greater employee contribution
(B) putting employees on a leash is to tap on employees’ unknown abilities
(C) employees have great potential except unleashing themselves
(D) previously employed personnel cannot be unleashed for more contribution


13. Listening to music is my sister’s__________ . She enjoys doing it in her free time.
(A) habits 
(B) hobby 
(C) exercise 
(D) design


23. Sue’s pen pals didn’t write for a long time. She has not ______ them since last May.
(A) listening to
(B) talking to
(C) working with
(D) heard from


11. At the beginning of each month, all tenants_________ to pay the apartment monthly rent payment and utility fee.
(A) supposed
(B) are supposed
(C) suppose
(D) were supposed


21. The confusion of values is one of the major problems ____ in society today.
(A) which are we encountered
(B) which do we encounter
(C) which we are encountering 
(D) which encountering


  The Country Inn has just reopened under new management. The new owners have done a wonderful job redecorating the inn. The dining room looks bigger, brighter, and prettier than the old one. The food is just as good as before, but, unfortunately, the menu is less varied and more expensive. Good choices are the roast chicken with mashed potatoes, the lobster, and the homemade spaghetti with fresh tomatoes and olives. Be sure to leave room for the desserts. The selection keeps getting better and better. The homemade almond cake is as good as you can get, and the chocolate soufflé is as light as air. 
  The staff is friendly but not able to handle large numbers of people—the more crowded the restaurant, the slower the service. At dinner time the lines outside this popular restaurant are getting longer and longer. Try lunchtime for a quieter, more relaxed meal.

【題組】50. Why does the author recommend lunch at “The Country Inn?”
(A) Business lunches are cheaper than dinners.
(B) Homemade almond cakes are served at lunch only.
(C) The restaurant is less crowded. 
(D) The dining room looks brighter and bigger.


      There's a fun game I like to play in a group of trusted friends called "Controversial Opinion". The rules are simple: Don't talk about what was shared during Controversial Opinion afterward and you aren't allowed to "argue"--only to ask questions about why that person feels that way. Opinions can range from "I think James Bond movies are overrated'' to "I think Donald Trump would make an excellent president". Usually, someone responds to an opinion with, "'Oh my god! I had no idea you were one of those people!' Which is really another way of saying "'I thought you were on my team!'' In psychology, the idea that everyone is like us is called the "'false-consensus bias". This bias often manifests itself when we see in politics or polls.
       Online it means we can be blindsided by the opinions of our friends. Over time, this morphs into a subconscious belief that we and our friends are the sane ones and that there's a crazy 'Other Side" that must be laughed at---an Other Side that just doesn't "get it", and is clearly not as intelligent as "us". But this holier-than-thou social media behavior is counterproductive, it's self-aggrandizement at the cost of actual nuanced discourse and if we want to consider online discourse productive, we need to move past this.
      What is emerging is the worst kind of echo chamber, one where those inside are increasingly convinced that everyone shares their world view, that their ranks are growing when they aren't. It's like clockwork: an event happens and then your social media circle is shocked when a non-social media peer group public reacts to news in an unexpected way. They then mock the Other Side for being " out of touch" or "dumb".

【題組】40. What does it mean to be blindsided by the opinions of our friends?
(A) Defending our friends' opinions forcefully.
(B) Not paying attention to our friends' opinions.
(C) Adopting our friends' opinions without independent and critical thinking.
(D) Trying to persuade our friends to adopt our opinions.


       Although the stock market has the reputation of being a risky investment, it did not appear that way in the 1920s. With the country in an exuberant mood, the stock market seemed an infallible investment in the future.         As more people invested in the stock market, stock prices began to rise. This was first noticeable in 1925. Stock prices then bobbed up and down throughout 1925 and 1926, followed by a “bull market,” a strong upward trend, in 1927. The strong bull market enticed even more people to invest. By 1928, a stock market boom had begun.
      The stock market boom changed the way investors viewed the stock market. No longer was the stock market only for long-term investment. Rather, in 1928, the stock market had become a place where everyday people truly believed that they could become rich. Interest in the stock market reached a fevered pitch. Stocks had become the talk of every town. Discussions about stocks could be heard everywhere, from parties to barbershops. As newspapers reported stories of ordinary people, like chauffeurs, maids, and teachers, making millions off the stock market, the fervor to buy stocks grew exponentially. 
       An increasing number of people wanted to buy stocks, but not everyone had the money to do so. When someone did not have the money to pay the full price of stocks, they could buy stocks "on margin." Buying stocks on margin means that the buyer would put down some of his own money, but the rest he would borrow from a broker. In the 1920s, the buyer only had to put down 10–20% of his own money and thus borrowed 80–90% of the cost of the stock. 
     Buying on margin could be very risky. If the price of stock fell lower than the loan amount, the broker would likely issue a “margin call,” which means the buyer must come up with the cash to pay back his loan immediately. 
     In the 1920s, many speculators (people who hoped to make a lot of money on the stock market) bought stocks on margin. Confident in what seemed a never-ending rise in prices, many of these speculators neglected to seriously consider the risk they were taking.

【題組】34. What was the benefit of buying stocks on margin in the 1920s?
(A) The investors could borrow up to 90% of the cost of the stocks from a broker to buy them.
(B) The investors could easily make a lot of money out of their investment.
(C) The investors only needed to prepare 80% of the cash to buy stocks.
(D) The investments could be made through the brokers and the profits were guaranteed.


        Valentine’s Day is a well-known holiday in many countries. In Japan, it’s celebrated a little__ 41__ from elsewhere, though. It’s not a day when men buy their loved ones chocolate and flowers and take them out to dinner. __42__ , it’s a day when women are expected to buy chocolate for their male colleagues as well as their boyfriends or husbands. Chocolate for male workers, called giri choco, or “obligation chocolate,” is not a practice__ 43__ every Japanese woman is fond, however. Many think it’s unfair and expensive. The practice started in 1958, created by a company trying to sell more of their sweets and chocolate. The company was very successful in this marketing scheme. Today, 25% of all the chocolate sold in Japan is purchased around Valentine’s Day. In 2019, though, many Japanese women said they’d __44__ giri choco. A majority of Japanese women said that they __45__ purchase the sweet stuff for themselves on Valentine’s Day.

(A) scan
(B) skim
(C) skip
(D) spot


33. _______ increasing education about skin cancer, suntanned skin is no longer a desirable look in Western cultures.
(A) Despite
(B) Except for
(C) In that
(D) Due to


