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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗(雙篇三篇)第一回#117416
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Dear Mr. Lee,

I wanted to follow up with you regarding my recent interview for the Chef position at TOE Catering Company.

After reflecting on the interview, I realized that there were a few questions that I didn't answer as well as I could have. I want to thank you for taking the time to speak with me, and I hope you'll allow me to elaborate on a few things that I didn't fully address during our conversation.

I would like to expand on my experience with menu planning and recipe development. While I briefly mentioned my experience in these areas, I believe I could have provided more detailed examples of my work and the thought process that goes into creating a successful menu.

Moreover, I would like to clarify my experience with managing kitchen staff. I mentioned that I have some experience in this area, but I would like to emphasize my ability to lead a team and create a positive work environment. I have found that by establishing clear expectations and fostering open communication, I can create a team that is motivated and produces excellent results.

Thank you again for considering me for this position, and I look forward to the opportunity to discuss these points further with you.

Best regards,
Dear Helen,

Thank you for following up with me after your interview for the Chef position at TOE Catering Company. I appreciate your interest in the position and your enthusiasm for the work we do here.

After careful consideration, we have decided not to move forward with your application for this position. We have decided to offer the position to another candidate whose background and skillset are a better fit for our team's needs at this time.

I want to emphasize that this decision is not a reflection of your interview performance or qualifications. We were very impressed with your experience in menu planning, recipe development, and kitchen management, and we believe that you would be an asset to any team. However, we felt that the other candidate had a stronger cultural fit with our organization, which was an important factor in our decision.

Thank you again for your interest in TOE Catering Company, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Mr. Lee
TOE Catering Company

【題組】176.What is the purpose of Helen's follow-up email?
(A) To express her appreciation for the offer of the Chef position.
(B) To ask for feedback on her performance at TOC Catering Company.
(C) To ask for a second interview.
(D) To clarify some aspects of her experience that she didn't fully address during the interview.


【題組】177.What did Helen want to clarify about her experience during the interview?
(A) Her experience of being a summer intern at TOE Catering Company.
(B) Her educational background.
(C) Her work experience in general.
(D) Her experience with menu planning and recipe development.


【題組】178.What aspect of the interview did Helen feel she could have answered better?
(A) Her experience with menu planning and recipe development.
(B) Her experience with kitchen management.
(C) Her work experience in general.
(D) Her educational background.


【題組】179.Why did TOE Catering Company decide not to move forward with Helen's application?
(A) Because Helen did not answer the interview questions well.
(B) Because Helen's experience and qualifications were not impressive.
(C) Because the other candidate had a stronger cultural fit with the organization.
(D) Because TOE Catering Company decided not to hire anyone for the position.


【題組】180.How did Mr. Lee feel about Helen's experience in menu planning, recipe development, and kitchen management?
(A) Mr. Lee was not impressed with Helen's experience in those areas.
(B) Mr. Lee was very impressed with Helen's experience in those areas.
(C) Mr. Lee was somewhat impressed with Helen's experience in those areas.
(D) Mr. Lee did not mention anything about Helen's experience in those areas in his email.


Questions 181-185 refer to the following video script and email.

[Camera shows William Stewart sitting in front of a bookshelf in his office.]

William Stewart: "Hello, today I want to talk to the conservative management teams of long-established companies. I know that change can be difficult, but in today's digital age, it's important to embrace technology to remain competitive. By implementing digital solutions, you can streamline your business processes, improve your customer experience, and ultimately increase your revenue. I encourage you to consider digital transformation as an investment in your company's future. Thank you for watching. In my next video, I'll be discussing specific digital solutions that can help your long-established company stay ahead of the competition. I hope to see you there!"

Subject: Invitation for Executive Marketing Consultant Position

Dear Mr. William Stewart,

It has come to my attention that you are a high-profile marketing consultant and a notable presence on YouTube as a corporate marketing trainer. As the CEO of EWP Meat & Seafood Corp., I have been following your work and have been impressed by the success of your one hundred episodes of corporate marketing training videos. I believe that your expertise in marketing could be instrumental in the development and implementation of our new marketing strategies.

As you may know, EWP has been operating for two decades and has established itself as a reputable provider of high-quality meat and seafood products in Charlestown. However, we have recently noticed a decline in our customer base, particularly among the younger generation. This is primarily due to our conservative approach to marketing, which has resulted in our competitors gaining an advantage.

We are determined to turn this around and revamp our marketing strategies to attract a wider audience. As you may know, EWP currently does not have a website, let alone an e-commerce site. This has put us at a disadvantage compared to our competitors who have a strong online presence. Our aim is to provide our customers with the finest quality products at competitive prices while offering free delivery to the major cities in Eastern Australia. To achieve this goal, we are seeking a marketing consultant who can help us develop and implement a modern and effective marketing plan, including the launch of an e-commerce site.

Your expertise and knowledge in the field of marketing, coupled with your success in launching one hundred episodes of corporate marketing training videos on YouTube, make you an ideal candidate for this position. We believe that your input will greatly benefit EWP.

If you are interested in this opportunity, we would be delighted to schedule a meeting to discuss the details further. Thank you for considering our offer, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


Harry Jensen

CEO, EWP Meat & Seafood Corp.

【題組】181.What is the purpose of William Stewart's video?
(A) To criticize conservative management teams.
(B) To discuss the benefits of digital transformation for long-established companies.
(C) To promote his corporate marketing training videos.
(D) To encourage small businessesto take out bank loans.


【題組】182.According to William Stewart in the video, which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of implementing digital solutions in long-established companies?
(A) Streamlined business processes.
(B) Increased revenue.
(C) Reduced employee turnover.
(D) Improved customer experience.


【題組】183.According to the CEO’s email, what is the main reason for EWP Meat & Seafood Corp.'s recent decline in customer base, particularly among the younger generation?
(A) EWP's lack of competitive prices.
(B) EWP's lack of quality meat and seafood products.
(C) EWP's lack of delivery options.
(D) EWP's conservative approach to marketing.


【題組】184.What specific digital solution does William Stewart mention in his video that he will discuss in his next video for long-established companies?
(A) A website redesign.
(B) A customer loyalty program.
(C) A social media advertising campaign.
(D) A digital transformation.


【題組】185.What type of position is EWP Meat & Seafood Corp. offering to William Stewart in the letter?
(A) Marketing Consultant for a specific project.
(B) Executive Marketing Consultant.
(C) Marketing Trainer for corporate clients.
(D) CEO of EWP Meat & Seafood Corp.


Questions 186-190 refer to the followingweb page and emails.

Welcome to "AppEase," the premier app design studio that creates customized mobile apps to streamline the guest experience in the hospitality industry.

Our team of expert designers understands the importance of creating a seamless and effortless experience for guests, and we use cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative and user-friendly solutions.

Our services include custom app design and development, integration with existing systems, and ongoing maintenance and support. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and create tailored solutions that exceed expectations.

Our mobile apps offer a range of features to enhance guest experiences, including easy check-in and check-out, personalized recommendations, mobile key access, room service ordering, and much more.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us today to discover how our services can elevate your hospitality business.

Subject: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear AppEase Team,

My name is Alex, the owner of a beachfront B&B called SeaSpray located in Jakarta, which has been in operation for just over a year. I recently came across your website and were impressed with the services you offer.

I am interested in acquiring two customized mobile apps for our business, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help us manage our operations and finances. I believe that these apps will help streamline our business processes and provide a better experience for our guests.

Could you please provide me with a quote for the development of these two mobile apps, along with an estimated timeline for completion? We would also appreciate it if you could let us know about the after-sales maintenance and upgrade costs that we should anticipate.

We are excited about the prospect of working with your team and look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,


Owner, SeaSpray Beachfront B&B

Subject: Re: Inquiry about Customized Mobile Apps

Dear Alex,

Thank you for your interest in our customized mobile app development services for your beachfront B&B. We can definitely develop two apps, one for room booking and check-in/check-out the other to help you manage your operations and finances.

To provide you with an accurate quote, we need more information about your specific requirements. Once we have that, we'll be able to give you a detailed quote and an estimated timeline for completion.

We also provide ongoing support and maintenance for the apps after the development is complete. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you for considering AppEase for your mobile app needs.

Best regards,

The AppEase Team

【題組】186.What type of apps does "AppEase" specialize in designing for the hospitality industry?
(A) Apps that primarily focus on room service ordering.
(B) Apps that use cutting-edge technology to deliver innovative solutions.
(C) Apps that offer a range of features to enhance the guest experience.
(D) Apps that provide recommendations for local attractions.


【題組】187.How does "AppEase" collaborate with clients to develop tailored app solutions for the hospitality industry?
(A) By limiting its services to large hospitality chains only.
(B) By providing a pre-designed app template for clients to use.
(C) By offering a one-size-fits-all app design solution.
(D) By working closely with clients to understand their unique needs.


【題組】188.What type of mobile apps is Alex interested in acquiring for SeaSpray Beachfront B&B?
(A) Booking and check-in/check-out apps.
(B) Social media and online marketing apps.
(C) Food ordering and delivery apps.
(D) Educational and e-learning apps.


【題組】189.In addition to the quote for the mobile app development, what other information is John requesting from the AppEase team?
(A) A list of the team's credentials and professional experience.
(B) A detailed breakdown of the coding and programming involved in the app development.
(C) An analysis of the mobile app market trends and competitors.
(D) A review of the after-sales maintenance and upgrade costs.


【題組】190.What does AppEase need to provide an accurate quote?
(A) The number of rooms in the B&B.
(B) The specific requirements of the B&B.
(C) The availability of the B&B staff.
(D) The location of the B&B.


Questions 191-195 refer to the following leaflet, email, and agenda.
Introducing Stellar English, a premier private school dedicated to transforming your language proficiency and unlocking your professional success. With a mission to empower individuals with exceptional business English skills, we offer an immersive learning experience tailored to your unique goals and aspirations. Our team of experienced educators, industry experts, and language specialists are committed to delivering dynamic and engaging classes, equipping you with the language fluency, cultural insights, and communication strategies needed to thrive in the global business arena. From intensive courses that focus on grammar and vocabulary mastery to interactive workshops that improve your negotiation and presentation skills, our comprehensive curriculum is designed to sharpen your competitive edge and accelerate your career growth. Join us at Stellar English and embark on a transformative journey that opens doors to endless opportunities and helps you stand out in today's fast-paced, interconnected world of business.

Subject: Inquiry: One-Day In-House Training Program for Managers and Management Trainees

Dear Stellar English,

I came across your advertisement and was impressed by your newly opened business English private school. As the Head of the Training Department at CLO Media Corp, we value the importance of effective communication for our managers and management trainees. We believe that your one-day in-house training program can greatly enhance their business English skills, cultural understanding, and overall communication strategies in the global business landscape.

Could you kindly provide us with more details about the one-day training program? We would like to know the modules, learning outcomes, availability, and pricing structure. If there are any options to customize the program to our industry's specific needs, please inform us.

We are excited about the potential collaboration between CLO Media Corp and Stellar English. Thank you for your time and consideration.



Head of Training Department

CLO Media Corp.

Agenda: One-Day In-House Training Program for Managers and Management Trainees at CLO Media Corp

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM: Introduction

Welcome and program overview

●Importance of business English skills and effective communication in the global business landscape

●Objectives and expected outcomes of the training program

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Module 1: Business English Essentials

●Grammar and vocabulary enhancement

●Business writing and correspondence

●Professional speaking and presentation skills

11:00 AM - 11:15 AM: Break

11:15 AM - 12:45 PM: Module 2: Cultural Acumen in Business

●Cross-cultural communication strategies

●Understanding cultural nuances in business interactions

●Building rapport and trust in diverse work environments

12:45 PM - 1:45 PM: Lunch Break

1:45 PM - 3:15 PM: Module 3: Communication Strategies for Managers

●Effective listening and feedback techniques

●Conflict resolution and negotiation skills

●Assertive communication for effective leadership

3:15 PM - 3:30 PM: Break

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM: Module 4: Application and Role-Play Exercises

●Practical scenarios and case studies for real-life application

●Role-playing exercises to practice communication skills

●Feedback and individualized coaching sessions

5:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Conclusion

●Recap of key learning points

●Action plans for continued development

●Closing remarks and certificate distribution

【題組】191.What is the focus of Stellar English?
(A) Offering comprehensive courses to accelerate career growth.
(B) Providing immersive learning experiences for individuals.
(C) Improving language proficiency and unlocking professional success.
(D) Teaching negotiation and presentation skills.


【題組】192.How does Stellar English contribute to your professional success?
(A) By offering interactive workshops.
(B) By providing grammar and vocabulary mastery.
(C) By delivering dynamic and engaging classes.
(D) By focusing on language fluency and cultural insights.


【題組】193.What does Oliver, Head of Training Department at CLO Media Corp, hope to achieve through the one-day in-house training program?
(A) Improving grammar and vocabulary mastery.
(B) Enhancing business English skills, cultural understanding, and overall communication strategies.
(C) Teaching negotiation and presentation skills.
(D) Accelerating career growth.


【題組】194.What does Oliver request from Stellar English in his email?
(A) More information about the one-day training program, including modules, learning outcomes, availability, and pricing structure.
(B) The availability of customizable programs to meet industry-specific needs.
(C) Collaboration between CLO Media Corp and Stellar English.
(D) Details about the educators, industry experts, and language specialists at Stellar English.


【題組】195.Which of the following topics is NOT included in the One-Day In-House Training Program for Managers and Management Trainees, according to the course outline?
(A) Approaches for building rapport and trust in diverse work environments.
(B) Strategies for understanding cultural nuances in business interactions
(C) Techniques for effective listening and providing feedback
(D) Personalized guidance and mentoring sessions for participants to enhance their skills.


Questions 196-200 refer to the following table, proposal, and email.

The table below compares the app design services for sales representatives provided by two main suppliers in the Sydney area for INE Gym Equipment Manufacturer.

Subject: Supplier Recommendation for App Design Services

Dear Management Team,

After conducting a thorough analysis of the app design services provided by two main suppliers in the Sydney area, I recommend engaging Supplier A for our app design services. Their comprehensive offering, user-friendly interface, advanced features, and commitment to customization, security, and support make them the ideal partner to enhance our sales representatives' effectiveness.

I propose proceeding with further discussions and negotiations with Supplier A to finalize the agreement and initiate the implementation process.

Please let me know if you require any additional information or clarification. I am available to assist you further.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Mark Haider

Purchasing Manager

INE Gym Equipment Manufacturer


Subject: Urgent Action Required: Proceeding with Supplier A for App Design Services

Dear Mark,

I hope you're well. The management team has accepted your proposal to proceed with Supplier A for the app design services. This decision is of utmost importance, and I need you to take immediate action.

Please follow these steps promptly:

1. Contact Supplier A: Inform them of our decision and initiate the next steps.

2. Contract and Agreement: Work with the legal department to draft a comprehensive contract that covers all terms and conditions.

3. Implementation Plan: Collaborate with Supplier A to develop a detailed implementation plan.

4. Training and Support: Coordinate comprehensive training for our sales representatives.

5. Monitoring and Reporting: Set up a system to monitor the progress of the project.

This matter requires your full attention. Feel free to escalate any obstacles or seek assistance as needed.

Thank you for your prompt action.

Best regards,

Management Team

【題組】196.According to the table, which supplier offers higher pricing with limited plan options?
(A) Supplier A.
(B) Supplier B.
(C) Both Supplier A and Supplier B.
(D) None of the above.


【題組】197.According to the table, which supplier has a commitment to customization, security, and support?
(A) Supplier A.
(B) Supplier B.
(C) Both Supplier A and Supplier B.
(D) None of the above.


【題組】198.What factors contribute to the recommendation of Supplier A?
(A) Robust data encryption and secure access protocols.
(B) Competitive pricing and flexible plans.
(C) User-friendly interface and advanced features.
(D) Limited customization options and support availability.


【題組】199.What is the next step after accepting the proposal to proceed with Supplier A for the app design services?
(A) Develop a detailed implementation plan with Supplier A.
(B) Draft a comprehensive contract with the legal department.
(C) Contact Supplier A and inform them of the decision.
(D) Coordinate training for sales representatives.


200. According to the email, which of the following steps is NOT mentioned as part of the process?
(A) Contacting Supplier A and informing them of the decision.
(B) Drafting a comprehensive contract with the legal department.
(C) Coordinating comprehensive training for our sales representatives.
(D) Comparing both app design services under different criteria.


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 新制多益閱讀測驗(雙篇三篇)第一回#117416-阿摩線上測驗
