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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3246~3250)
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38 Christmas is around the corner! Let’s have a Christmas tree _______ .
(A) decorate
(B) decorating
(C) decorated
(D) to decorate


713. The Copenhagen climate summit meeting aims to _____ some practical proposal to deal with the crisis of global warming.
(A) perceive
(B) rehearse
(C) suspend
(D) negotiate


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題: 
   An endangered animal or plant is a species that is considered in immediate danger of becoming extinct. Its population is very small and it needs active 41 to survive. Extinction has occurred throughout history, but increased dramatically in recent times due to the growth of the human population. The species extinction rate is now one species per day, which will lead to a dramatic decrease in the 42 of life on earth. 
   Many marine mammal scientists are now becoming concerned with the drop in numbers of dolphins. River dolphins that live in Asia and the Amazon are 43 due to dam building and habitat destruction. Another concern is the number of dolphins dying in the tuna fisheries of the eastern tropical Pacific. Historically, yellow-fin tuna has been caught by encircling the dolphins that swim above the tuna with purse seine nets. Over 100,000 dolphins per year died in the 1970s and early 1980s after being caught in tuna nets, and several species of dolphins in the eastern tropical Pacific are now considered 44 under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Efforts of environmental organizations and consumers led to "dolphin-safe" labeling of canned tuna, and a 98% reduction in dolphin 45 since 1990. However, recent changes in US and international laws have reopened this complex issue, and the outcome is in doubt. Fortunately, the major companies have all promised to sell only tuna that is caught without encircling dolphins.

(A) adversity
(B) diversity
(C) necessity
(D) intensity


15 From 2000 to 2004, military and civil planes in Taiwan suffered a total of 681 bird collisions, with the aircraft______ in 75 cases, the statistics show.
(A) damaged
(B) damaging
(C) damage
(D) was damaged


請依下文回答第 21 題至第 25 題
       The National Immigration Agency (NIA) in Taiwan announced that new immigrant mothers who aredivorced with children born in Taiwan are allowed to continue staying in Taiwan despite that they lose thecustody of their children. The NIA’s decision to amend the law is invariably linked with the protection of thechildren’s rights and interests. The NIA restated that Article 31 of the Immigration Act in 2007 was modifiedto safeguard the rights and interests of foreign spouses after a divorce. The amendment contains enabling themto have the custody of children after a divorce and get divorced with their Taiwanese spouses if they are victimsof domestic violence.
      In the past, new immigrant mothers who are divorced without the custody of their children are usuallycompelled to leave the country. Yet, their right to have visitation of their children will still be granted dependingon the NIA’s evaluation of each case concerning to what extent the mothers are involved in bearing and rearingtheir Taiwan-born children before they are deported finally. With this adjustment in law, the court will decidewhether a mother can obtain the custody of her child/children according to paragraph 4 of Article 31 of theImmigration Act. Once granted, a new immigrant mother in such a circumstance will be authorized to continuedwelling in this country. In the case of a new immigrant mother who has already gone back to her country oforigin after a divorce, the NIA claimed that she can still come back to Taiwan with a visitor visa provided thatshe used to be a legal resident in Taiwan who was the primary caretaker of her child/children or kept in fullcontact with them.

【題組】24 What is the criterion that a new immigrant mother must fulfill in order to benefit from this amendment in law?
(A) She needs to stay in Taiwan for at least ten years.
(B) She needs to bear at least two children who were born in Taiwan.
(C) She needs to be a legal immigrant who has stayed continually in Taiwan.
(D) She has to be a lawful resident who has already obtained the citizenship in Taiwan.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3246~3250)-阿摩線上測驗
