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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3271~3275)
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41 The enumeration of influences, however comprehensive, will not add up to a genuine understanding of the specific work.
(A)Comprehensive description of influences will strengthen the genuine understanding of the specific work.
(B)Extensive description of influences does not amount to a genuine understanding of the specific work.
(C)The total number of influences does not represent a genuine understanding of the work.
(D)Listing of numerous influences is a genuine understanding of the specific work.


19 The audience are completely______ by the movie. It is so exciting that they can’t take their eyes off the screen.
(A) captivated
(B) attended
(C) threatened
(D) disturbed


請依下文回答第 14 題至第 16 題  Chimpanzees are capable of sharing feelings and emotions. They show emotions that are undoubtedly similar, 14 , to human emotions—joy, pleasure, contentment, anxiety, fear and rage. They even have a sense of humor. The chimpanzee child and human child are 15 in many ways: in their capacity for endless romping and fun; theircuriosity; their ability to learn by observation, imitation and practice; and, 16 , in their need for reassurance andlove. When young chimpanzees are brought up in human homes and treated like human children, they learn to do manythings young human children learn to do at home.
(A) like
(B) alike
(C) unlike
(D) likely


       When provided with continuous nourishment, trees, like people, grow “complacent”—the word tree-ring scientists use to describe trees like those on the floor of the Colorado River Valley, whose roots tap into thick reservoirs of moist soil. Complacent trees aren’t much use for learning about climate history, because they pack on wide new rings of wood even in dry years. To find trees that feel the same climatic pulses as the river, trees whose rings widen and narrow from year to year with the river itself, scientists have to climb up the steep, rocky slopes above the valley and look for gnarled, ugly trees, the kind that loggers ignore. For some reason such “sensitive” trees seem to live longer than the complacent ones. “Maybe you can get too much of a good thing,” says Dave Meko, a tree-ring scientist who has been studying the climate history of the western United States for decades. Tree-ring fieldwork is hardly expensive, but during the relatively wet 1980s and early ’90s, Meko found it difficult to raise even the modest funds for his work. “You don’t generate interest to study drought unless you’re in a drought,” he says.
【題組】49 According to this passage, when are people most likely interested in the study of drought?
(A) In times of war.
(B) After an earthquake.
(C) Right in the midst of water shortage.
(D) At the time when both trees and people grow complacent.


39 At the age of nineteen, Tom served as a captain on an Italian ship____ sailed around the Mediterranean Sea.
(A) where
(B) in which
(C) when
(D) which


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3271~3275)-阿摩線上測驗
