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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3316~3320)
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To toot, to cut the cheese, or to pass gas. These are all funny ways to talk about something that everyone does: Farts! A normal person passes about half a liter of gas a day. That equals about 14 farts per day. Then where do farts come from? There are several sources of fart gas. We get fart gas from the air we swallow. Gas also goes into our intestines from our blood. In addition, gas is also produced from chemical reactions and bacteria living in our intestines. Nervous people usually have more gas. This is because they swallow more air. Besides, food goes through their digestive systems faster. This means oxygen cannot be absorbed from the food in time. It turns into fart gas. People’s diet affects the stinkiness of farts. The smell has to do with the sulphur in foods such as eggs, meat, and cauliflower. Beans cause a lot of farts, but these farts aren’t usually really stinky. Beans are not high in sulphur, but the sugar in them produces gas in the intestines. Finally, people wonder, “Where do farts go when you hold them in?” Well, these farts will not poison you. However, you may get a bad stomachache from the pressure. Farts you hold in are neither released nor absorbed. They will come out sooner or later.
【題組】50 When we hold in a fart, where does it go?
(A)It is absorbed by the intestines.
(B)It is released from the mouth or nose.
(C)It is just delayed and will come out later.
(D)It goes back to the stomach and helps with digestion.


John proposed to May, but she kept him in ____ for several days before she said that she would marry him.
(A) aboundance
(B) compassion
(C) irritation
(D) suspense


22 Since Richard attended college, he _________ his living by doing all kinds of part-time jobs.
(A) is earning
(B) has earned
(C) had earned
(D) will earn


36.Prisons everywhere are frequently     , putting a strain on sanitation, ventilation and medical care.
(A) convenient
(B) luxurious
(C) overcrowded
(D) spectacular


6. The offices in the building are not heatd _____but are joinly warmed by a central heating system.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3316~3320)-阿摩線上測驗
