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【精選】 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文 - 台電◆英文2024~2020難度:(426~450)
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 The National Institute of Technology (NIT) is planning to organize an event to <16> funds for the <17> of its research library. Many parts of the library building were severely <18> in last year’s Super Typhoon Mary, especially the right wing of the building. This is also the place where the largest number of books were <19> . Therefore, NIT has decided to <20> a brand-new building with the goal of making it a first-rate library in the world.

(A) decline
(B) raise
(C) submit
(D) rise


Situation: Joan Brown wrote this email to her supervisor, Mr. Green. From: jbamco@amaco.bus.tw 
To: rgamaco@amaco.bus.tw 
Subject: Problem with new employee Dear Mr. Green, 
As you know, I am the sales manager for Amaco's cellphone department. I am writing this email in hopes that you could provide some assistance concerning a new salesperson, Mr. John Michaels. 
Mr. Michaels was hired this month by the Human Resources Department. He has demonstrated that he takes his position seriously. He arrives early at the office, and has contacted all customers assigned to him, as well as a number of other potential customers.
 He is also very familiar with our products. He can explain clearly all the functions of the cellphones we currently offer. He undoubtedly understands products that the Research and Development Department employees are still working on, and has even contributed beneficial ideas to them.
 Unfortunately, our customers are frustrated with his inability to understand their needs, and I am concerned about losing customers. Even though he has contacted potential new customers, he has not successfully made any new sales. 
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have. Best regards, Joan Brown Sales Manager

【題組】38. Which is true of Mr. Michaels?
(A) He dislikes most of his customers.
(B) He has been with Amaco a long time.
(C) He respects his new boss at Amaco.
(D) He is an expert on cellphones.


14. We store our extra pillows and blankets in the ________.
(A) closet
(B) armchair
(C) carpet
(D) cable


17. Despite _____ sick, John still went to work.
(A) being
(B) been
(C) has been
(D) be


35. Allen looked upset when he gazed at the picture, ________? I wonder what he was thinking about then.
(A) did he
(B) was he
(C) didn’t he
(D) wasn’t he


13. The principal _____ with Tim’s parents for more than half an hour. Tim is now feeling very worried.
(A) talks
(B) talked
(C) has talked
(D) was talking


第 11 至 15 題為題組
     “Anne! Jo! I mean, Max!” Mothers often mix up their children’s names, but studies show that moms are not the only ones who make this mistake.   11   name phenomenon turns out to be very common. Almost everyone sometimes mixes up the names of their family and friends.
      The phenomenon is called a “cognitive glitch” by researchers in the field of cognitive science. It is not caused by a bad memory or by aging processes that affect brain functioning. It is simply a result of the way our brain   12   those we love.
     When our brain is attempting to retrieve a name so that we can say it, it is likely that another name in the same group will come to our lips 13 the one we meant to say. That is because in order to find the name we are looking for, we are essentially 14 the whole set of names in that group, which includes all our beloved family members. Scientists also report that the category 15 the person belongs (family, close friends, etc.) is far more influential in causing a mix-up than any phonetic similarity between names. Names that sound alike do not usually trigger the mix-up.
     Isn’t it great to know that when you call others by the wrong name, it is evidence of your love for them all?

(A) as for
(B) instead of
(C) due to
(D) far beyond


第 44 至 47 題為題組
     Deep within the Yukon, one of the most densely wooded areas of Canada, sits a patch of land that is unlike any other forest on the planet. Instead of a canopy of treetops spreading across the horizon, tens of thousands of signposts perch haphazardly one on top of the other. They are all part of the Signpost Forest, the largest collection of signs from places around the world. At last count, the Signpost Forest in Watson Lake, located about 10 miles north of the U.S.-Canadian border, contains 91,000 signs from spots near and far, including Berlin, Moscow, Dublin, and Hawaii.
       The tradition began during the Alaska Highway Project in 1942, when U.S. soldier Carl K. Lindley spent time in Watson Lake recovering from an injury. A commanding officer asked him to repair and erect the directional signposts, and while completing the job, the homesick soldier added a sign that indicated the direction and mileage to his hometown: “Danville, Illinois, 2,835 miles.” Others followed suit, and the trend caught on. Each year, an average of 1,000 new signs are being added to the collection. Lindley’s original sign has since been lost to time. Fifty years later, in 1992, Lindley and his wife Elinor made the pilgrimage back to Watson Lake to place a replica, which is still there.
      The Signpost Forest takes up a couple of acres, with huge panels snaking through the trees. There are street signs, welcome signs, signatures on dinner plates, and license plates from around the world. There are also a lot of familial signs; for example, a grandfather will put up a sign and then years later family will come back and try to find it. A lot of these are personal signs to literally say that they are here. Though the visitor center has wood and paints on hand to help create a sign, many people opt to bring their own signs, though illegally, by snatching a metal sign from their hometown and nailing it to one of the wood posts. The forest has grown so vast that the visitor center no longer tries to keep a detailed list of the signs.

【題組】45. According to the passage, which of the following is true about the first sign in the Signpost Forest?
(A) It remained in the Forest until 1992.
(B) It was erected by an American soldier.
(C) It was first put on the Alaska Highway.
(D) It was brought from Lindley’s hometown.


39. Lauren screamed loudly _____ she saw a cockroach on her shoes.
(A) though
(B) upon
(C) unless
(D) as soon as


3. Upon hearing its master’s call, the dog wagged its tail, and followed her out of the room _____.
(A) obediently
(B) apparently
(C) logically
(D) thoroughly


18. The current white rhino population ______ at only 17,000 to 18,000.
(A) is estimated
(B) estimated
(C) is estimating
(D) estimates


28. He didn’t have enough money to buy a new car, and _____.
(A)neither did his sister 
(B)neither his sister did
(C)his sister did not, too
(D)his sister did not also


33. Taking a quick look at the agenda before the meeting would be_________ helpful.


    Today, we all know that we should wash our hands to stop the    27    of disease. But this idea was not always accepted by   28   in the past. In 1846, Ignaz Semmelweis worked in a hospital. At that time, childbirth was dangerous for women. Many women had a deadly infection   29   childbed fever after giving birth. Everyone was afraid   30   it, and nobody knew what caused it. Ignaz   31   that doctors often did autopsies before helping with childbirth while the midwives never did this. He   32   to suspect that the infection was spread from dead bodies through touch. He ordered hospital workers to wash their hands after autopsies. Soon, the rate of childbed fever dropped   33   the hospital. However, when Ignaz told other doctors about the importance of washing hands, they didn’t agree. Back then, they had not even discovered   34   yet. The doctors thought that washing hands had nothing to do with avoiding infection. Ignaz got angry with people’s responses. He was so rude to those 35 disagreed with him that he got himself fired. He ended up in a mental hospital, 36 he died two weeks later from an infection like the one that had cost him his career.
(AB) who (AC) scientists (AD) where (AE) called (BC) of (BD) spread (BE) throughout (CD) noticed (CE) began (DE) germs



    The first kiss! The first time you got   ditched   or cheated on by a friend! The first time you were given real responsibilities! The first moment you realized you were growing up, changing, and becoming who you really are! These are the things that middle school is all about. Trust us—we know middle school. Middle school wasn't too long ago for us, and it's still fresh in our minds. It can be a painfully awkward time in your life. But the lessons you learn are invaluable in your growing up. That's why we're glad we could give you this—Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talks Middle School. Kids just like you are narrating the rocky journey, sharing some of the best and worst moments of their life, and then allowing you to make your way on your own. 
    We sat in our office, giggling about our first crush or the stupid things we wore when we were trying to fit in. We couldn't believe that what we did became popular, but we were also proud of ourselves for the times we stood up for what we believed in. And one day when you look back, that’s what you’ll do, too. You’ll feel proud that you struggled through middle school and grew up strong. One day, when your braces are off and your hair stops getting out of control, you'll laugh, too. Middle school is, above all, funny.

【題組】38. What does the word   ditched   mean in the first line?
(A) abandoned.
(B) dressed.
(C) polished.
(D) prepared.


25. Mary loves ____ and wants to become a vet.
(A) animals
(B) plants
(C) food
(D) nature


16. Alicia had no choice but to turn down the job offer due to a number of personal issues.
(A) renew
(B) consider
(D) accept


Uber, known by its full name of Uber Technologies Inc., represents a public American ridesharing company that was founded in March 2009. The company was originally created to serve as a peer-to-peer ridesharing app, thus providing the platform required for drivers and passengers to __26__ with one another. Uber is currently based in San Francisco, yet it is a multinational company, __27__ the fact that it is currently available in more than 785 metropolitan areas (63 countries) throughout the world. The company’s success was stimulated thanks to its seamless integration __28__ the lives of its customers. As such, using the app is __29__ to be very easy since users simply have to create an account and add payment information to get started. Ordering a car shouldn’t cause any trouble at all, __30__ passengers simply need to enter their pick up location and the destination for the trip. Generally, a driver will accept the trip and arrive within 10 minutes, since metropolitan areas feature lots of drivers who are waiting for the next trip.

(A) combine
(B) connect
(C) concern
(D) compete


(A) as
(B) unless
(C) before
(D) how


       Although the stock market has the reputation of being a risky investment, it did not appear that way in the 1920s. With the country in an exuberant mood, the stock market seemed an infallible investment in the future.         As more people invested in the stock market, stock prices began to rise. This was first noticeable in 1925. Stock prices then bobbed up and down throughout 1925 and 1926, followed by a “bull market,” a strong upward trend, in 1927. The strong bull market enticed even more people to invest. By 1928, a stock market boom had begun.
      The stock market boom changed the way investors viewed the stock market. No longer was the stock market only for long-term investment. Rather, in 1928, the stock market had become a place where everyday people truly believed that they could become rich. Interest in the stock market reached a fevered pitch. Stocks had become the talk of every town. Discussions about stocks could be heard everywhere, from parties to barbershops. As newspapers reported stories of ordinary people, like chauffeurs, maids, and teachers, making millions off the stock market, the fervor to buy stocks grew exponentially. 
       An increasing number of people wanted to buy stocks, but not everyone had the money to do so. When someone did not have the money to pay the full price of stocks, they could buy stocks "on margin." Buying stocks on margin means that the buyer would put down some of his own money, but the rest he would borrow from a broker. In the 1920s, the buyer only had to put down 10–20% of his own money and thus borrowed 80–90% of the cost of the stock. 
     Buying on margin could be very risky. If the price of stock fell lower than the loan amount, the broker would likely issue a “margin call,” which means the buyer must come up with the cash to pay back his loan immediately. 
     In the 1920s, many speculators (people who hoped to make a lot of money on the stock market) bought stocks on margin. Confident in what seemed a never-ending rise in prices, many of these speculators neglected to seriously consider the risk they were taking.

【題組】32. What is a bull market?
(A) A market that reflects the high unemployment rate.
(B) A market in which most investors are selling.
(C) A market that is moving upward strongly.
(D) A symbol that a possible recession is ahead.


        Parents, educators, and the community have a responsibility to support all children as they reach for their personal best. It is essential to support the growth and development of gifted children, __16__ their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical domains. That support__ 17__ at home. Parents and caregivers are usually the first to __18__ a child’s extraordinary gifts and talents. Parents recognize above norm abilities, interests, and passions that are different in other children they see. Being gifted often comes with __19__ like asynchronous development or social and emotional problems. Parents can engage with their children to provide rich stimulation and learning experiences and discover ways to __20__ schools and resources in the broader community to nurture their child’s specialized learning needs.

(A) benefits
(B) challenges
(C) decorations
(D) teams


38. Judy misses her life in Paris, a beautiful city _____ she studied French literature and met her husband.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) where
(D) when


27. Washington, D.C. is the _______ of the United States.
(A) captain
(B) gown
(C) groom
(D) capital


25. “What do you do for a living?” Choose the best response.
(A) I live just a few blocks from here.
(B) I enjoy living here.
(C) I used to work for an international trading company.
(D) I’m a computer programmer in an IT company.


4. The roasting heat and high ______ made me feel hot and sticky, no matter what I did to cool off.
(A) density
(B) humidity
(C) circulation
(D) atmosphere


【精選】 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 國營事業◆英文 - 台電◆英文2024~2020難度:(426~450)-阿摩線上測驗
