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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1651~1660)
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7. After the terrible typhoon, 20 college students ________ to repair houses for old people in that village and asked for nothing in return.
(A) clarified
(B) recycled
(C) tolerated
(D) volunteered


42. He says __________ that he will pass the examination because he can answer almost all of the questions.
(A) miserably
(C) confidently
(D) worriedly


48. He is a____person. He likes to share what he has with all his friends.
(A) chemical
(B) generous
(C) negative
(D) separate


36 Eric: Excuse me. Which bus should I take if I want to go to the Orchid Park? Ian: You can take Bus 278. Eric: How often does the bus leave for the park? Ian:______
(A) Early in the morning.
(B) Ten minutes later.
(C) Every twenty minutes.
(D) In half an hour.


▲閱讀下文,回答第 32 - 34 題 景城有姜三莽者,勇而戇。一日,聞人說宋定伯賣鬼得錢事,大喜曰:「吾今乃知 鬼可縛。如每夜縛一鬼,唾使變羊,曉而牽賣於屠市,足供一日酒肉資矣。」於是夜夜 荷梃執繩,潛行墟墓間,如獵者之伺狐兔,竟不能遇。即素稱有鬼之處,佯醉寢以誘致 之,亦寂然無睹。一夕,隔林見數磷火,踴躍奔赴,未至間,已星散去,懊恨而返。如 是月餘,無所得,乃止。蓋鬼之侮人,恆乘人之畏。三莽確信鬼可縛,意中已視鬼蔑如 矣,其氣焰足以懾鬼,故鬼反避之也。(《閱微草堂筆記》卷 8)
【題組】33. 依據上文,姜三莽捉鬼的動機為何?
(A) 賣鬼換錢
(B) 表現勇氣
(C) 為民除害
(D) 破除迷信


  McDonald’s U.K. has launched a campaign to get British dictionary publishers to revise their definitions of “McJob.” 16 the Oxford English Dictionary, a “McJob” is “an unstimulating, low-paid job with few prospects.” Amanda Pierce, McDonald’s spokesperson, said: “It’s the complete opposite to that. It’s stimulating, rewarding, and offers a wide 17 of opportunities.” Pierce, who started on the shop floor of McDonald’s and now works for the McDonald’s U.K. head office, is a shining example of the career path that the fast-food 18 can offer its employees. McDonald’s will begin offering its employees the opportunity to sign a petition to turn the expression into something more 19 in the hopes of changing the way people see McDonald’s jobs. The company will gather as many signatures as possible before submitting the request to dictionary publishing houses.    
  It has a hard task ahead, however, as McJob has entered not only the dictionary but the British and American vocabulary. Today, McDonald’s jobs are often considered as 20 jobs for high school dropouts or for students paying off loans. And at home, parents warn their children: if you don’t study hard, you’ll end up working at McDonald’s.

【題組】 16
(A) Thanks to
(B) According to
(C) Compared to
(D) Contrary to


27. Sun, air and water are _______ to people’s living.
(A) accurate
(B) essential
(C) infective
(D)organic .


6. We were sorry to hear the news that a lot of passengers were killed in that plane _______. 


1. Much of the waste produced by modern people can be reduced by __________.
(A) frugality
(B) dump
(C) recycling
(D) circulation


4 My boss is such a_____ that he always wants the best and allows no one to make any single mistake.
(A) pragmatist
(B) protagonist
(C) perfectionist
(D) pessimist


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文 - 高中(學測,指考)◆英文 - 四技二專、二技統測◆國文 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文 - 郵局◆英文 - 銀行◆英文 - 國營事業◆英..(1651~1660)-阿摩線上測驗
