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【精選】 - 四技二專、二技統測◆英文難度:(21~40)
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18.Waiter: Excuse me, sir. You cannot smoke in here. Bob: Why? I didn’t see any “No Smoking” sign. Waiter: _______________ Bob: Oh, I didn’t know that. I’ll step out to smoke.
(A) Who said anything about smoking?
(B) Sorry, the last guest was probably smoking.
(C) Would you like smoking or non-smoking?
(D) Smoking is not allowed inside all public buildings.


20. Policeman: Sir, please move your vehicle immediately. 
Jack: Did I do anything wrong? 
Policeman: You parked in the space reserved for the disabled. 
Jack: _______________ 
Policeman: Thank you for your cooperation.
(A) But, there is no one parking here.
(B) I’m sorry. I will move it right away.
(C) Really? I thought you understand my situation.
(D) I think you need to calm down.


22.Coffee Shop Clerk: What can I get for you? 
Customer: Mocha, please. 
Coffee Shop Clerk: ____________ 
Customer: Half milk and no sugar. Thank you.    
(A) For here or to go?
(B) How would you like it?
(C) Cash or charge?
(D) How would you like to pay for it?


25.Milly: I have a reservation for two at 6:30. Host: _______________ Milly: It’s Milly Chang. Host: Thank you. Please follow me.
(A) Where are you from?
(B) May I have your name?
(C) Can you wait for a minute?
(D) May I take your order?


1. My friend’s five-year-old daughter can speak Taiwanese, English, Japanese, and French. It is amazing.
(A) shining
(B) confusing
(C) surprising
(D) boring


25. Nina: Hi, Kim. How was your trip? Kim: Great. It was fun to meet different people in different cities. Nina: _______________ Kim: Taipei is my favorite.
(A) Where did you visit?
(B) How many cities have you been to?
(C) Which city do you like most?
(D) How much did you spend?


II、 對話題:第 16-25 題,請依對話內容選出一個最適當的答案,使其成為有意 義的對話。
【題組】20. Allen: I’m leaving for Tokyo next Monday. Eric: Next Monday? How long do you plan to stay there? Allen: ___________________
(A) Any time.
(B) Since I left.
(C) I’ve just arrived.
(D) For a couple of weeks.


III、綜合測驗:下面兩篇短文共有 15 個空格,為 26-40 題,每題有四個選項, 請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。 Halloween is a very special holiday. It always falls 26 the last day of October. Originally it came from a Catholic holiday to honor all saints, 27 the holiday customs are of non-Catholic origin. Today in the United States, Halloween is a 28 holiday for children and grown-ups. Children dress up in 29 and go from door to door “trick-or-treating.” Grown-ups give them a treat of candy, cookies, or money. 30 the children don’t get a treat, they will sometimes play a trick on you. On this day 31 is not unusual to see children dressed like witches, black cats, devils, and skeletons. 32 custom is to hollow out a pumpkin and make a jack-o’-lantern. The jack-o’-lantern is then placed in the window with a candle inside. Children and grown-ups alike go to parties on this holiday.
(A) fun
(B) tiny
(C) silly
(D) dark


19. Alex: John, do you know when our graduation ceremony will be held? John: Sorry, _______________ Alex: That’s OK. I’ll go to the school’s website to find out.
(A) I’m not sure.
(B) it sounds funny.
(C) it looks awful.
(D) I’m full. ˉ


11. Salesperson: What can I do for you, ma’am? 
Melinda: I need to purchase a blouse. 
Salesperson: _______________
Melinda: Medium.
(A) Not that I would help you.
(B) Certainly.
(C) What is your size?
(D) What color do you prefer?


19. Ellen: Hello. Can I speak to David? Richard: Sorry. He’s not in right now. Ellen: Oh, well, this is Ellen. _______________ Richard: Okay.
(A) Couldn’t he wait for me to call?
(B) What time do you expect him back?
(C) Has he been out for a long time?
(D) Could you ask him to return my call?


2. J. K. Rowling is the author of the famous Harry Potter books, which have been published in 28 languages.
(A) healthy
(B) wealthy
(C) unknown
(D) well-known


18.Hannah: Let’s do some sports outdoors. 
Jonathan: I’m not good at sports at all. Hannah: _______________ 
Jonathan: That sounds OK.
(A) How long will it take?
(B) What’s your problem?
(C) How about taking a walk?
(D) When can you get outdoors? 


23.Teresa: What did you have for dinner?
 Volta: I only had a piece of bread. 
Teresa: _______________ 
Volta: I’m trying to control my weight.
(A) I had vegetables, too.
(B) Broccoli is the best kind of vegetable.
(C) It sounds like a lot.
(D) Why? I thought you were hungry. 


25. Sales clerk: All the shoes on this shelf are on sale. Customer: Do you have a smaller size for this pair? Sales clerk: I’m sorry. _______________ But the brown ones are in your size.
(A) That’s 20% off the original price.
(B) You can’t pay by credit card.
(C) This is the only size available in black.
(D) You can buy one and get another pair for free.


14.Receptionist: Hello. Really Good Seafood Restaurant. May I help you? Joy: I would like to book a table for three at seven this evening. Receptionist: OK. ____________ Joy: It’s Joy Chen. Receptionist: Joy Chen.
(A) How to spell it?
(B) How would you like your steak?
(C) Take your time.
(D) What’s your name, please?


17.Saleswoman: Are you looking for anything in particular? Megan: Yes. I’d like to buy a white dress. Saleswoman: Here it is. Megan:____________ Saleswoman: Of course. The fitting room is over there.
(A) What can I get for you?
(B) Can I try that on?
(C) Is it one sale?
(D) Is it a bargain?


19.Jill: Do you like water sports? Bell: Not really. ____________ Jill: That is too bad. You should give yourself a try. Bell: Teach me if you can.
(A) I can’t even swim.
(B) It does good to our health.
(C) It’s a good sport, isn’t it?
(D) What a good sport it is!


8. In Taiwan, Jay Chou (周杰倫)is such a well-known singer that almost every teenager has heard about him.
(A) creative
(B) famous
(C) high
(D) wild .


12. Susan: Excuse me, may I exchange this shirt? Clerk: What’s the problem, ma’am?________ Susan: No, the size is OK. But there’s a stain on its back. Clerk: Oh, sorry about that. Let me get you a new one.
(A) Is it too big for you?
(B) Do you have it in red?
(C) Is this your final price?
(D) Do you have the receipt?


【精選】 - 四技二專、二技統測◆英文難度:(21~40)-阿摩線上測驗
