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【精選】 - 台電◆英文難度:(51~75)
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20.Can you check the _________and see what day it is?


42.Most weeks, there are twelve employees ________this office.

3( ).有疑問

28. Sebrina dislikes rainy weather and _____ about it often.
(A) chooses
(B) cancels
(C) creates
(D) complains

4( ).有疑問

43. I like using my foot _____ time with the music.
(A) can keep
(B) to keep
(C) has kept
(D) who keeps

5( ).有疑問

46. All of the employees have _____ about the company's new benefits policy.
(A) been notified
(B) who notify
(C) are notifying
(D) that notifies

6( ).有疑問

25. My computer is broken. I need someone to _____ it right away.
(A) beat
(B) repair
(C) charge
(D) organize

7( ).有疑問

36. I think thunder is scary, _____ lightning is beautiful.
(A) if
(B) or
(C) but
(D) nor

8( ).有疑問

Sam and Mark are working on a group project. They begin by making a 36 of tasks they need to complete. They 37 do some research and analysis. Then they need to write a report. Finally, they will need to put together a presentation. Once they have a plan, it’s time to 38 work. Sam uses the Internet to 39 the information they need. Mark creates a spreadsheet for the data they find. They create a graph and look at their spreadsheet. Something is wrong. The results don’t make 40 . Sam sees the problem. Mark has entered the data upside down!
(B) see
(C) find
(D) watch

9( ).有疑問

15. Be sure to take off your shoes before entering a mosque because ________ is considered unclean.
(A) footwear
(B) headphone
(C) livestock
(D) pickpocket 

10( ).有疑問

32. It can be hard to deal ___ criticism, but you have to roll with the punches.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) out
(D) with

11( ).有疑問

48. Be sure to ___ to the message by tomorrow afternoon.
(A) hush
(B) reply
(C) claim
(D) grieve

12( ).有疑問

Sam and Mark are working on a group project. They begin by making a (51) of tasks they need to complete. They (52) do some research and analysis. Then they need to write a report. Finally, they will need to put together a presentation. Once they have a plan, it’s time to (53) work. Sam uses the Internet to (54) the information they need. Mark creates a spreadsheet for the data they find. They create a graph and look at their spreadsheet. Something is wrong. The results don’t make (55) . Sam sees the problem. Mark has entered the data upside down!
【題組】 54.
(A) look
(B) see
(C) find
(D) watch

13( ).有疑問

38. John spent a fortune on that sports car.______,he never drove it.
(A) Irony
(B) Ironic
(C) Ironically
(D) Ironical

14( ).有疑問

34. The government’s new ___ plan is designed to increase industrial output and raise incomes.
(A) awful
(B) plastic
(C) floating
(D) economic

15( ).有疑問

閱讀測驗 Catherine sells houses for a company. A man has agreed to buy a house for $450,000, but then he changes his mind. Her boss calls her into his office. He is so angry that he speaks rudely to her. She knows it is not her fault, and she bursts into tears. Having just finished dinner, Jim is talking in the backyard with his wife and children. The phone rings. It is Jim’s mother calling from another city. Jim’s father has just had a heart attack and died. Jim starts crying as he tells his mother he will come as soon as possible. How do people feel about crying? Catherine was embarrassed and very angry with herself. Jim felt better after he let out his feelings. Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poison chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.
【題組】51. According to the passage, Jim and his mother are living ______.
(B)in different cities
(C)in the same neighborhood
(D)with Jim’s grandparents

16( ).有疑問

9. The idea of this great movie comes from ______ which has already been read and loved by many people.
(A) a novel
(B) a brand
(C) tunnel
(D) comer

17( ).有疑問

15.l live ______ my office, so I walk to work every morning.
(A) along
(B) out of
(C) near
(D) between

18( ).有疑問

48. Taipei 101 used to be ___ building in the world.
(A) the tallest
(B) tallest
(C) tall No. 1
(D) first tall

19( ).有疑問

30. Let’s warm ___ before we start the game.
(A) in
(B) up
(C) down
(D) over

20( ).有疑問

12. You’ll need to check the ___ if you want to schedule an appointment.
(A) calendar
(B) enemy
(C) furniture
(D) republic

21( ).有疑問

17. The new president will take office on May 20. What does “take office” mean?
(A) choose his room
(B) begin to work
(C) know his position
(D) get his pay

22( ).有疑問

There are many ways to 36 a new skill. Some people choose to study by 37 . Since these people aren’t worried about finding a teacher, learning a new skill often starts with a trip to a bookstore. Other people prefer to learn with others. For these people, a night class or a short course might be the way 38 . Still other people like to learn using a mixture of the other two 39 . These people might combine online 40 with a tutor or one-on-one instruction.

(A) myself
(B) herself
(C) ourselves
(D) themselves

23( ).有疑問

52. Using credit cards online to buy things is convenient, but there is the ____ that your personal information might get stolen.
(A) risk
(B) perhaps
(C) good chance
(D) unlucky

24( ).有疑問

3. The company was founded four decades ago; in other words, it has been in operation for _______.
(A) 40 years
(B) 40 months
(C) 80 years
(D) 80 months


9. “Do you have minute? I need to _______ you.”
(A) hear a story from
(B) tell a lie to
(C) have a chat with
(D) play some music with


【精選】 - 台電◆英文難度:(51~75)-阿摩線上測驗
