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20. We feel very sorry to cancel the appointment ______, and we will do everything within our power to make up for it.
(A) at your earliest convenience
(B) at your own risk
(C) for your own trouble
(D) on such short notice


3. The suppliers will claim compensation if we partially _______ our contract with them.


三、克漏字測驗(請依照段落上下文意 (請依照段落上下文意,選出最適當的答案 ,選出最適當的答案) Well, I’ll tell you what my goal is for the future. I’m going to become the first women 11 of the country. And I’m going to go to college to study history because I think that’s 12 if you are going to be in politics. Second, when I’m in college, I think 13 important to go and live in another country for a year or two and learn another language. And third, when I come back, I’m going to go to 14 school and become a lawyer for a few years. Then I’m going to go into 15 . Starting as a mayor, then a senator, I’ll be prepared to become the president.
(A) important
(B) impossible
(C) international
(D) interesting


        Tens of millions of autos on the road today have crash tested well and feature air bags and antilock brakes, giving the driver a sense of safety on the road. Yet this sense of safety may not be reliable because speed limits have risen and small recreational vehicles like SUVs and MPVs have multiplied.   21   ,people have turned their vehicles into second living rooms where hidden dangers   22   ,from a cell phone on the dashboard to tennis racquets and gold clubs in the back. It's a recipe for     23   because in a crash, any of these objects could   24   a deadly bullet. 
        The automotive industry   25   about this for years. Some companies have tried to warn the consumers in different ways. For instance, in 1986 General Motors engineers in the US were warning that passengers and drivers could sustain serious injuries from unsecured cargo.

(A) abound
(B) perish
(C) subside
(D) vanish


(二) Nowadays, there are very few genuine geisha left in Japan. This is partly due to the decreasing demand. Most of the Japanese prefer hostesses __36__ they want to go out and have some fun with women outside the “net of the family and workplace.” The __37__ is also due to the supply. For the Japanese girls, it is __38__ easier to become a Western-type entertainer, a hostess, than a geisha. It is possible that in a few years, it will be difficult to find any geisha left. __39__, with tourism and the interest of the businessmen visiting Japan, this institution will probably survive. A love for the traditional arts seems to be the most important motivating __40__ for women who choose to become geisha. They are respected as preservers of traditional art and culture.
(A) time
(B) factor
(C) level 
(D) team


