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【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(126~150)
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40. There is plenty of food on the table. You could choose __________ you like to eat.
(A) whatever
(B) wherever
(C) whenever
(D) whomever


49. Edith:When is the party? 
Edith:Great, I’ll look forward to it.
(A)It’s on Saturday night. 
(B)Tomorrow is Saturday. 
(C)It’s seven o’clock right now. 
(D)I have no idea when he is coming..


5 Lucy is a member of the drama club. Her dream is to become an _____ or a singer.


38 John: How often do you exercise? Amy:___________ John: That’s great. No wonder you keep in good shape.
(A)I go jogging every morning.
(B)I do many kinds of exercises.
(C)I eat out almost every day.
(D)I always go shopping during the weekends


38 The sun always _______ in the east.
(C)has risen
(D)does rise


Much of what we say to others is communicated not only through words, but also through body language, including our facial expressions and gestures. It’s important to know what your body is telling others because body language plays an important role in communication. You should also know how to interpret other people’s body language. Here are some typical examples of one’s body language: A smile is usually a sign of friendliness and interest; however, some people smile out of politeness. So you have to decide if she or he is friendly or not by getting other clues. Also, be aware that when someone keeps pointing at you while talking, it could mean the person is angry or feels superior in some way.
【題組】46 People communicate mostly with one another using _________.
(A)only words
(B)only facial expressions
(C)body language and words
(D)Gestures and words


12 Woman: May I speak to Mr. Smith? Man: ____________________ Woman: Never mind. I will call him again later this afternoon.
(A) He’s not in. May I take a message?
(B) No, you cannot.
(C) Yes, you may come again.
(D) Don’t call early in the morning.


Jane came back here _____ she had forgotten her umbrella.
(C)due to
(D)so that


        The thieves struck on the morning of August 22, 2004, not long after the Munch Museum had opened. The Sunday peace was broken by the shouting of the two men storming into the exhibition area. Using a gun to force the guards to the ground, they took two paintings off the wall and left. The whole thing took less than 5 minutes. The crime was seen as a shame to Norway, which regards Munch’s paintings as among its most valued cultural treasures. One and a half years on, six men were charged and their trial began February 14, 2006. The police may catch the thieves, but they don’t have the paintings. In the first place, the police took so long to arrive. By the time they did, the original witnesses were gone and the crime scene had been changed with other visitors. The only evidence they got was an unclear photo of two guys taken by the security camera. The police began to make some arrest 8 months later. As for the museum, it closed after the robbery and reopened 10 months later, after adding $6 million security equipment.
【題組】48. On what day did the robbery happen?


31 Alex: When’s a good time to visit Hualien? Terry: ______ .
(A) I had a good time in Hualien
(B) You have to take a train
(C) You should go in spring
(D) You should wear heavy clothes


People usually buy bread from the _____.


16 Controlled by a computer, a _____ is a machine that can do the work of a person.
(A) forest
(B) kitten
(C) robot
(D) seesaw


7. Remind me to buy sugar and salt ______.
(A)on my way home
(B)at first sight
(C)on the other hand
(D)that’s why


38 Today, many people use the Internet to______ family and friends. The Internet is the best way to get people connected.
(A) come up with
(B) end up with
(C) keep in touch with
(D) stay up with


47 I am not good with number so I found math very_______ when I was at school.
(A) hard
(B) easy
(C) useful
(D) careful


23 I read about the crime in the ____ .
(A) newspaper
(B) television
(C) radio
(D) calendar


40 Turn the light on! It’s too ______ here.
(A) dark
(B) black
(C) dump
(D) quiet


41 If we say someone has a big mouth, we usually mean that this person ___________.
(A) is very ugly
(B) eats too much
(C) is very happy
(D) talks too much


John: How often does Bus 625 run every day?
Jean: ________ .
(A) It runs on weekends too
(B) It runs every 30 minutes
(C) It runs very fast
(D) It comes so slow


17 John: I failed in my final exam. 
May: _________ . 
John: I think so, too.
(A) Congratulations! You had a wonderful holiday
(B) I studied very hard
(C) Sorry for being late
(D) You should study harder next time


19 Joyce: I heard you had a car accident last week. 
Maria: Yes, but _________ . Somebody came out of a side road without looking.
(A) it wasn’t my fault
(B) it wasn’t my idea
(C) I did what I could
(D) I meant to do it


22 My e-mail address is jillski4@daata.com. _________ it again!
(A) Not lose
(B) Won’t lose
(C) Aren’t losing
(D) Don’t lose


8 Let’s________ a break when we finish this exercise.
(A) make
(B) do
(C) set
(D) take


37 We would like to have some_______ to eat between meals.
(A) courts
(B) snacks
(C) ranges
(D) tracks


43 It is a Chinese ______ to give red envelopes at the New Year Eve.
(A) tradition
(B) foundation
(C) connection
(D) protection


【精選】 - 初等/五等/佐級◆英文難度:(126~150)-阿摩線上測驗
