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【精選】 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文難度:(126~150)
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6 John and Mary have a lot _____. For example, they both like Italian food and Hollywood movies.
(A) on call
(B) under pressure
(C) on demand
(D) in common


28 We shall _____ the words our teachers said to us at the farewell party when we graduated from high school.
(A) forever not forget
(B) always forget not
(C) never not forget
(D) never forget


One of the easiest ways to help your health is just to sleep eight hours or more every night. _____9_____ , more and more people in the world are not sleeping enough. According to the World Health Organization, over half the people in the world may be sleep-deprived. The result of this is not just a lot of tired people; in the United States alone, sleepy drivers_____10_____ at least 100,000 car crashes and 1500 deaths a year. According to experts, sleep is like _____11_____ . If you sleep only five hours a day, you don’t “get used to it,” but instead, build up a “sleep deficit.” “It’s like a credit card,” says Dr. Mass. “You are only _____12_____ time. You always have to pay it back.” The more hours you don’t sleep, _____13_____ you should sleep to “pay back” the hours on your “sleep credit card.”


24.Officer: Stop! You are under _______. Jack: On what charge?
(A) arrest
(B) catch
(C) caught
(D) pressure
(E) watch


20.A: ____ . B: I will see you off at the airport.
(A) I like to work at the airport
(B) I go to airport very often
(C) Three of us can fly to Hong Kong together
(D) Thanks for flying with me to Hong Kong tomorrow
(E) My flight to Hong Kong is at 10:00 in the morning tomorrow


40 He went to the library and_____ a book.
(A) made
(B) bought
(C) lent
(D) borrowed


Catherine sells houses for a company. A man has agreed to buy a house for $450,000, but then he changes his mind. Her boss calls her into his office. He is so angry that he speaks rudely to her. She knows it is not her fault, and she bursts into tears. 
Having just finished dinner, Jim is talking in the backyard with his wife and children. The phone rings. It is Jim’s mother calling from another city. Jim’s father has just had a heart attack and died. Jim starts crying as he tells his mother he will come as soon as possible. 
How do people feel about crying? Catherine was embarrassed and very angry with herself. Jim felt better after he let out his feelings. 
Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poison chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.

【題組】49 Which of the following statements is true about the passage?
(A) Catherine sells cars.
(B)Jim learned from his mother’s letter that his father died.
(C)Crying is a way of removing chemicals from the body.
(D)People cry only when they feel very sad.


35 A good lawyer can certainly provide you with complete answers whenever you have any____ questions.
(A) foreign
(B) legal
(C) proper
(D) traffic


10 No one in John's school wants to play with or even talk to him, so going to school has become John's __________.


23 The elevator is out of work due to some ________ problems.


48 The dogs used for disaster search and rescue use their noses to find living ______who are trapped in the crannies and voids created when a building collapses due to an earthquake, hurricane or explosion.


50 The jurisdiction of the Coast Guard Administration (Taiwan) covers the waters ______Kinmen, Matzu, Penghu, and the main island of Taiwan.


41 Officers shall not consume any intoxicating beverage while on _____ unless authorized by a supervisor.


51 The police officer in that case stopped a _____ car. The limit over there is 60MPH.


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: Summer Camp Schedule LAZY MONDAY Watch a movie, play in the yard, play with blocks, color, or read. Just do something easy and relax. TAKE A TRIP TUESDAY Visit a museum. Take a trip to the zoo. Walk to the park. Just go. WHAT’S COOKING WEDNESDAY Cook something together. Let’s have fun in the kitchen. TRY A CRAFT THURSDAY Try a new fun craft idea. Make play-dough. Finger paint. The options are endless. FUN FRIDAY Do something fun!
【題組】49 If you want to read a storybook, which day is the best?
(A) Monday.
(B) Tuesday.
(C) Wednesday.
(D) Thursday.


11 The only _____ of the car crash was a little boy and all the other passengers got killed on the spot.
(A) survivor
(B) publisher
(C) formula
(D) literature


26 Police officers are sometimes hurt or killed when they are sent to incidents, so they have to carry equipment or weapons to _____ themselves.
(A) attack
(B) defend
(C) suspend
(D) inspect


51 Nigel Nelson, a 33-year-old naturalized American citizen, married with two sons living in Manhattan, New York, was arrested because he was found setting up a car bomb near bustling Time Square with an attempt to kill dozens of his fellow countrymen. The capture of Mr. Nelson has indicated the emergence of                , one that worries the police.
(A) drug trafficking
(B) armed robbery
(C) domestic violence
(D) home-grown terrorism


55 A ________ system combining wireless, database, and applications technologies has been set up to assist the police in decreasing paperwork, increasing data accuracy, sharing knowledge and information and even providing a problem solving kit.
(A) police cruiser
(B) handgun holster
(C) camouflage uniform
(D) mobile information


5. All cars must stop to allow __________ to walk across the street when the light turns red.
(A) pedestrians
(B) customers
(C) counselors
(D) therapists


19. He is quite stubborn. He refused __________ the plan.
(A) changing
(B) to change
(C) to changing
(D) change


25. In bad weather conditions, you have to drive very ______ to avoid traffic accidents.
(A) cautiously
(B) recklessly
(C) smoothly
(D) passively


1. The program deals with drug ________, juvenile delinquency, and issues related to gang crimes.
(A) abortion
(B) aggression
(C) addiction
(D) accountability


19 You should make good use of this _________ to broaden your experience. Chances like this are rare.


22 Sam: You know, I’m not going to John’s party.
May: _________ Me either.
(A)You aren’t?
(B)Sure! Why not?
(C)Are you going or not?
(D)Thank you.


【精選】 - 警察/一般警察/鐵路(三四等、員級)◆英文難度:(126~150)-阿摩線上測驗
