(56 秒)
試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 台灣菸酒從業評價職位人員-英文#68289
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1( ).

26. The blood center _______ donations to keep up with the needs of hospitals caring for patients in crisis.

2( ).

27. The company is giving away free samples to______ their new shampoo.

3( ).

28. Most of California’s fruits and vegetables are picked by _____ workers from Mexico.

4( ).

29. When Selina and her friends went on vacation to Japan,they shared their travel and hotel_________.

5( ).

30. While admiring artistic works, people should try hard to ________ their beauty so that future generations will have opportunities to appreciate them.

6( ).

31. The mayor found it difficult to ______ his citizens that the nuclear power plant was safe.

7( ).

32. The credit card company will charge you a late fee as a ________ if you don’t pay your bills on time.

8( ).

33. People who are more ________ tend to adapt to a new environment more easily.

9( ).

34. Experts say that extremely loud noise can cause ________ hearing loss, so you’d better turn down the volume while you are listening to music.

10( ).

35. Being tired of the cold weather in Russia, Anna has finally settle down in a ______ country.


36. _______the annual membership fee, William is not allowed to enter the gym
(A)Not paid
(B)Not having paid
(C)Not paying
(D)Never paid


37. I can't believe that only _______ of my students passed the entrance exam.


38. Smoking is not allowed in the library, _______ drinking and eating.
(A)so are
(B)nor are
(C)and neither is
(D)and so is


39. I would rather have Chinese cuisine than Italian food for dinner today. ________ pizza ________ spaghetti will be on the list of my choice.
(A)Neither / nor
(B)Either / or
(C)Not only / but also
(D)Not / but


40. Something ________ to George to make him behave in such a strange way.
(A)should happen
(B)must have happened
(C)may be happened
(D)was happened

16( ).

 If you had 18 minutes free, what would you do? It would be a good idea to 41 those 18 minutes watching a TED talk. These are thought-provoking speeches 42 can inspire us and teach us many things. TED, which 43 Technology, Entertainment, Design, was established in 1984. Each speaker has 18 minutes to share his or her ideas. Starting in 2007, videos of the talks have also been available for free online. 44 , these videos have been watched more than one billion times around the world. The videos have been a great success, helping to share innovative ideas with anybody who has a little free time and wants to watch one. Watching one of these videos is like standing on the shoulders of a giant. You can see so 45 and learn so much more. Watching one of these speeches might even help you to change the world one day.


17( ).


18( ).

(A)goes along with
(B)deals with
(C)stands for
(D)mistakes for

19( ).

(A)Far and wide
(B)At present
(C)In place
(D)On the other hand

20( ).

(A)much farther
(B)much stronger
(C)very powerful
(D)too farther

21( ).

Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) is one of the simplest games. The rules are easy to learn and anyone can play it. Although it is a game played mostly by children for fun, there are some people for whom RPS is a serious sport. But isn’t RPS purely a game of luck? Not according to the experts. In fact, there are numerous strategies that can be used to increase our chances of winning. Evidently, it all comes down to human psychology. Most RPS players use patterns of “throws” without realizing it. For example, people throw rocks more often when they are mad, and throw scissors more often when they are winning. After playing many rounds, your opponent’s individual pattern of throws becomes quite obvious. Also, if you watch your opponent’s hand carefully, you may be able to tell what he plans to throw. Of course, advanced players will try to deceive their opponents. Players who try to use purely random throws rarely win because they end up becoming predictable in the end. If all else fails, there are conventional “mind games” that you can play to give you an edge, such as laughing when you are winning or yawning when you are losing. By annoying your opponent in this way, you may be able to break his concentration and gain a significant advantage. Above all, remember that if you want to win at RPS, you have to practice frequently. If you get good enough, you could even win a medal at the next World RPS Championship.

【題組】46. According to the passage, Rock Paper Scissors (RPS) is ________.
(A)easy to learn, but it can be played at an advanced level
(B)a game played only by children
(C)annoying if you are not used to it
(D)a game that relies on pure luck

22( ).

【題組】47. A RPS player who is angry ________.
(A)needs to learn about basic human psychology
(B)should not be given a pair of scissors
(C)tends to “throw” more rocks
(D)does not realize it during the game

23( ).

【題組】48. A good RPS player will ________.
(A)seldom “throw” papers
(B)attempt to trick his opponent
(C)fail to win if he uses “mind games”
(D)make a plan with his opponent

24( ).

【題組】49. You will have a greater chance of winning RPS if you ________.
(A)yawn or laugh frequently
(B)use random throws
(C)try to predict what your opponent will throw
(D)break your concentration

25( ).

【題組】50. Which of the following statements about the passage is NOT true?
(A)Players who use random throws frequently lose.
(B)You can look at your opponent’s hands during the game.
(C)If you train often, you can become an excellent RPS player.
(D)To achieve success at the World RPS Championship is a mission impossible.


試卷測驗 - 107 年 - 台灣菸酒從業評價職位人員-英文#68289-阿摩線上測驗
