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        Making a good speech in public is a big challenge for most people, but there are some basic rules you can follow. First of all, you need to know what kind of audience you have. Maybe they are a friendly audience who knows you already, or maybe they are strangers you need to get acquainted with. Next, the topic of your speech needs to be something you know a lot about. If you are a fashion designer, for example, you should not give medical advice. You had better talk about what styles are best for what kinds of body shapes. Also, in your speech you will want to give your audience strong images that will linger in their minds after the speech is over. Finally, don't make your speech too long. Nobody wants to go hungry or go to bed late because of a long speech.
【Please answer questions 46-50 according to your understanding of the above passage.】 

【題組】47. When giving a speech, one had better ______.
(A) talk about something that is new and exciting
(B) talk about the subject as long as you can
(C) talk about all the friends you have
(D) talk about a topic you are very familiar with


40. While the children ______ noisily in the classroom, the teacher suddenly came in.
(A)are talking
(B)have talking
(C)was talking
(D)were talking


38. Irena, ________ grades were not good this semester, decided to study with a tutor.


25 The letter that is still lying on the table ______ last week.
(A) should have sent
(B) could have sent
(C) should have been sent
(D) could have had sent


48 After knowing that she could not get her money back, Victoria _______ having lent the money to her sister.


第 41 題至第 45 題為題組 
        For decades, childhood obesity rates have been on the rise. Now some U.S. cities are seeing progress in their fight against fat. New York City showed a 5.5% drop in the number of overweight children from 2007 to 2011. Philadelphia showed a 4.7% drop, and Los Angeles a 3% drop. Declining childhood obesity rates have also been reported in parts of Mississippi, the state with the highest obesity rate in the nation.
        In 2011, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began a project to combat childhood obesity. The project’s goal is to find ways to make healthy changes in a community’s schools, food stores, parks and other places. For example, Philadelphia works with an organization called the Food Trust to connect schools with local farms and bring fresh vegetables to cafeterias. New York City has required chain restaurants to post calorie information on their menus. Mississippi created a program called “Fruits & Veggies: More Matters” to teach kids how to add healthy foods to their daily diets. These examples send a clear message: Any community that makes these kinds of changes over a few years will see their children get healthier.
        Now schools nationwide are doing their part. Fried food has disappeared from many cafeteria menus. Whole-wheat bread has replaced white bread. Drinks like water and low-fat milk have replaced sugary beverages, including fruit punch, sports drinks and soda. Many schools have banned junk food and require healthier snack options in vending machines.

【題組】44 Which measure was taken by Philadelphia to combat childhood obesity?
(A)Establishing chain restaurants all over the city.
(B)Providing fresh vegetables in school cafeterias.
(C)Giving calorie information on restaurant menus.
(D)Teaching children how to go on a healthy diet.


“Oh! It’s already twelve o’clock,” Nadia cried when she woke up. She brushed her teeth and washed her face immediately. However, she spent more than one hour to dress up and make herself look more beautiful. She looked again and again at herself in the mirror. Finally, happy with how she looked, she went out and took a bus. When she arrived at the city center, she stopped a taxi on a busy road. She said to the driver: “Can you see that young man on the other side of the road?” “Yes,” said the taxi-driver. The young man was standing outside a department store and looked at his watch not very patiently every few seconds. “Please drive me over there,” said Nadia. There were a lot of cars and buses on the road. The driver asked her: “Are you afraid to cross the road?” “Not really!” She explained. “I was to meet him for lunch at one o’clock, but it is already a quarter to two. If I take a taxi, it will at least seem as if I had tried not to be late.”
【題組】2 Why did Nadia ask if the taxi-driver could see the man across the road?
(A) She wanted him to know he was his boyfriend.
(B) She wanted him to see what the man was doing.
(C) She could not see very clearly herself because there were a lot of cars and buses.
(D) She wanted him to take her to where the man was standing.


40 Let me _________ you with those packages.
(A) to help
(B) helping
(C) helps
(D) help


40 I _______ a real lunch during the week since I only have time for a quick bite.
(A) do not usually have
(B) do usually not have
(C) do usually have not
(D) do not have usually


3 In the Middle Ages, Bible stories were often carved on the wall ____ illiterate people could understand these stories.
(A) if
(B) unless
(C) so that
(D) even though


第46 題至第 50 題為題組

    In 1945, leaders from 51 countries met in San Francisco, California, where the United Nations (UN) was organized. At that time, World War II had just ended. People hoped they could build a future of world peace through this new organization. Today almost every country in the world is a member of the UN. Each country has signed an agreement that says:

1. All members are equal.

2. All members promise to solve international problems in a peaceful way.

3. No member will use force against another member.

4. All members will help the UN in its actions.

5. The UN will not try to solve problems within countries except to enforce international peace.

    Obviously, the United Nations has not been completely successful in its actions. There have been several wars since 1945. However, the organization has helped bring peace to some countries that were at war. Besides, it has helped people who left their countries because of wars. It has also helped bring independence to colonies.

    The main UN organization is in New York City, but the UN has a “family” of other related organizations all over the world. These organizations try to provide a better life for everyone. One example is UNICEF, an organization that provides poor children with food, medical care, and many other services. Another example is the World Health Organization, which develops medical programs all over the world. There are thousands of UN workers in developing countries. They work as planners to increase production in farming and industry. They provide medical services, improve education programs, and spread scientific information. They develop programs that provide jobs and better living conditions. They help countries control their population growth. The UN also holds large international conferences, where people meet to discuss important world issues. One conference was about the uses and ownership of oceans. Another was about women. There are also International Years for people to work together to improve situations and solve problems.

【題組】49 What is the mission of the World Health Organization?
(A)Discussing the uses and ownership of oceans.
(B)Developing medical programs all over the world.
(C)Helping countries control their population growth.
(D)Providing poor children with food wherever they live.


37 Would you mind keeping an eye_________ my kids for just a few minutes?
(B) in
(D) on


6 The clockmaker John Harrison finally completed the project and got the prize in 1773. At 83 years of age he received the fame and money he _____.
(A) debated
(B) detected
(C) deserved
(D) depended


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
       For hundreds of years, psychologist and ordinary people have never stopped debating this fascinating question. Some people think personality develops as a result of the environment—the combination of influences that we learn from, such as our families, our culture, our friends, and our education. The people who believe this theory believe that all babies are born without a personality and that it’s the environment that determines, or forms each child’s personality. This school of thought is called the “nurture school.”
      At the other end of the continuum we find people who believe that personality is determined by “nature,” or the characteristics we receive, or “inherit,” from our parents biologically, through their genes. These people believe that our personality is not determined by the environment, but rather by genetics, and that each baby is born with a personality. The nature-nurture controversy is very old. Experimental psychologists have tried to discover which of these two factors, genetics or the environment, is more important in forming our personality. However, it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to conduct research on real people with real lives. There’s just no way to put people in a laboratory and watch them develop. For this reason, there’s no scientific way to settle the nature-nurture controversy. Recently, however, most researchers have come to believe that both the environment and the genes —nurture and nature—work together and are both important.

【題組】50 What do most researchers believe nowadays?
(A) Personality development is black and white.
(B) The environment is more important than genetics in personality development.
(C) Nature is more important than nurture in personality development.
(D) The environment and the genes are both crucial.


40 The detective was sent to Boston to help______a violent serial murder case.
(A) investigate
(B) estimate
(C) exhibit
(D) interview


