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試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 國中教育會考(大陸考場):英語#116363
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1. Look at the picture. The girl is putting some money into the__________.
(A) bag
(B) bottle
(C) can
(D) hat


2. Someone is__________the doorbell. Would you please go and see who it is?
(A) blowing
(B) calling
(C) fixing
(D) ringing


3. George is happy that he is taking a vacation next week. He has been talking about it __________all the time.
(A) excitedly
(B) luckily
(C) safely
(D) wisely


4. Good health means not only a strong body but also a healthy mind. __________a healthy mind, the body cannot work well and may get sick.
(A) Except
(B) From
(C) To
(D) Without


5. We don’t have__________ snacks for the party tomorrow. Could you get some more at the bakery after work?
(A) total
(B) enough
(C) few
(D) most


6. I’ve told Mick many times that Elena can’t come to the party,__________he keeps asking like no one has told him before.
(A) but
(B) if
(C) or
(D) so


7. It is dangerous to use a cellphone up in a plane. So remember to__________ before you get on the plane.
(A) find it out
(B) turn it off
(C) put it down
(D) give it up


8. Vincent’s little sister loves milk. That’s__________you can see it at all her meals.
(A) how
(B) why
(C) where
(D) when


9. It is very cold outside. Please ask Sarah__________a jacket before she goes out.
(A) put on
(B) putting on
(C) puts on
(D) to put on


10. Mary likes sports, so a basketball will be a good__________for her for Christmas.
(A) chance
(B) example
(C) game
(D) present


11. I’m looking for a good cook for my restaurant. Could you help me find__________  ?
(A) another
(B) each
(C) one
(D) the other


12. It broke Rex’s heart to find out __________his dear son died in the earthquake.
(A) that
(B) what
(C) which
(D) who


13. David__________ gets angry except when you talk about his hair. He would think you’re laughing at him.
(A) also
(B) even
(C) never
(D) perhaps


14. The movie star is __________what he does because he is closely watched by many reporters.
(A) careful about
(B) helpful in
(C) lucky with
(D) surprised at


15. I think I need to go to a cooler place; the summer__________ is making me crazy.
(B) rain
(C) break
(D) heat


16. A big typhoon is coming soon. The town has to take__________ action on the rising river, because it doesn’t have much time to deal with the problem.
(A) future
(B) public
(C) quick
(D) safe


17. Henry said he would be home by five o’clock. But it’s already eight now and he__________ .
(A) hasn’t come back
(B) doesn’t come back
(C) didn’t come back
(D) wouldn’t come back


18. We have visited this town before. Do you remember that restaurant? We __________dinner there one night.
(A) have
(B) will have
(C) had
(D) would have


19. If you want to pull out the __________ of the old tree, you need to dig deeper into the ground.
(A) seeds
(B) roots
(C) fruits
(D) flowers


20. I think Sophie won’t travel with us because Josh is going. “Too busy” and “no money” are just her__________ .
(A) angles
(B) excuses
(C) problems
(D) reasons


21. Joe: I don’t want you to leave, Liz. You’re a great friend.
Liz : So __________you, Joe. We’ve had so much fun. I’ll miss you!
(A) have
(B) do
(C) are
(D) will


22. Sunny : Where were you in the afternoon? I called you five times.
Albert: Oh, I __________my brother prepare for his exam tomorrow.
(A) was helping
(B) have helped
(C) am helping
(D) will help


第二部分:題組 (第23 - 43題,共21題)

【題組】23. What does this flyer want people to do?
(A) To keep fireflies as pets.
(B) To stop catching fireflies.
(C) To join a night trip to watch fireflies.
(D) To give fireflies a better living space.


【題組】24. Tommy has a question about fireflies but cannot find the answer on the flyer. Which might be his question?
(A) “What do fireflies like to eat?”
(B) “Are fireflies scared of noise?”
(C) “Where do fireflies like to live?”
(D) “Are garden lights good for fireflies?” 



【題組】25. What can we know about Soul Guitar?
(A) They give free talks to their students.
(B) They fix their students’ guitars for free.
(C) Their students can save 20% for a second course.
(D)They have music shows at their store on Saturday nights.


【題組】26. Ellen and Gina were in the same guitar class with their friends at Soul Guitar. During the guitar sale, Ellen and Gina bought two Koala guitars there together. How much did Ellen and Gina pay for their guitars and the guitar course?
(A) $9,000
(B) $10,000
(C) $11,000
(D) $12,000



【題組】27. What can we learn about the four hotels from the page above?
(A) When the breakfast starts.
(B) The lowest price for one night.
(C) The closest bus stop to the hotel.
(D) How many rooms are not yet taken. 



28. Kathy is talking with her friend about a hotel she saw on the page.

Which hotel is Kathy most likely talking about?
(A) Hotel Mercury.
(B) Hotel Angelo.
(C) Teddy’s Hotel.
(D) E&B Hotel.



29. Kathy has written down the correct information about the four hotels on the map. What should the map look like?



【題組】30. Why does Wilmore Town put the Hugo sculptures at different places?
(A) To show people nine artists’ homes.
(B) To invite people to watch Jamie and Hugo.
(C) To get people to see more parts of the town.
(D)To show people places they can bring their dogs to.


【題組】31. What do we know about “Hugo in Town”?
(A) The tenth Hugo sculpture will be shown at Prince Albert’s Park.
(B) A toy Hugo is the prize for taking photos of any of the Hugo sculptures.
(C) Wilmore’s Home for Street Dogs will collect money in July and August.
(D) The nine Hugo sculptures will be moved to King’s Square after August 31.



【題組】32. Why do the percentages of high school girls drop more greatly with age than the percentages of high school boys?
(A) Many girls choose to learn from home.
(B) Girls are not welcome in most high schools.
(C) Many girls leave school because of their children and housework.
(D) Many families do not have money for their daughters to go to school. 


【題組】33. What will Malawi Angels do to help girls in Malawi who cannot go to school?
(A) Send books to their villages.
(B) Teach them in their free time.
(C) Give them free online lessons.
(D) Open day care centers for children.


【題組】34. What does Malawi Angels want people to do?
(A) Buy coffee from Malawi.
(B) Work for Malawi Angels.
(C) Give money to Malawi Angels.
(D) Share stories of girls in Malawi.


Karl : Wow! Shin, your lunch looks so good. Did you make it yourself?
Shin : No, our wife made it.
Karl : What?!
Shin : Oh, sorry. I meant “my” wife. That’s a mistake we Koreans sometimes make when speaking English. In Korean, we often say uri to mean “my,” although the word really means “our.”
Karl : Interesting!
Shin : In Korea, people use the word uri to talk about a common thing they have and don’t share with others.
Karl : So, you don’t feel comfortable saying “my” wife? But you are the only person who is married to her.
Shin : Well, saying “my wife” would sound like I’m the only person who has a wife. But of course that’s not true — many people have wives.
Karl : I see. How about things like cellphones? You don’t feel comfortable saying “my cellphone” either?
Shin : Well, no. However, we also use uri when something’s shared by a group of people, just like in English. When we Koreans speak English, we would say “our country” because, for us, saying “my country” sounds like I own the country myself.
Karl : So, there isn’t a word for “my” in Korean?
Shin : Yes, we have the word nae, but we seldom use it — if you say nae, it sounds like you only think about yourself.
Karl : Then, I guess the English world isn’t very friendly to you. Everything is “my, my, my.”
Shin : Yeah . . . maybe a little. 
Karl : But you know I’m not like that when I say “my,” right? You’re “my” friend and I care about you.
Shin : I know.

【題組】35. Why did Shin say “our wife made it” when Karl asked him who made his lunch?
(A) Korean does not have a word that means “my”.
(B) Shin’s and Karl’s wives made the lunch together.
(C) He thought some Korean words changed meanings when they are used in English.
(D) He followed a common rule of the Korean language when he was speaking English.


【題組】36. How would Shin most likely use the Korean words uri and nae?
(A) He would use uri when he talks about his own apartment.
(B) He would use nae more often than uri when he speaks Korean.
(C) He would use uri to talk about things that no one except he has.
(D) He would use nae when he talks to someone who is close to him. 


【題組】37. What does Karl mean when he says “I’m not like that”?
(A) He doesn’t just think about himself.
(B) He doesn’t have any Korean friends.
(C) He isn’t interested in what Shin told him.
(D) He doesn’t like the way Shin speaks English.


       Will you go to a show if you can’t find out what you’re going to see? Well, maybe not. But this is what improvisations are like. The theater or the actors can’t tell you what the show is about because they themselves don’t know yet! Improvisations aren’t like other theater shows. Actors don’t have words to remember or parts to practice before the show. In fact, there isn’t a plan at all.
       So what story do the actors act out? In one kind of improvisation, actors first invite people who come to see the show to tell their stories. It could be dreams they had last night, or things that just happened to them. Soon after the actors collect enough ideas, they begin acting. Sometimes, during the show, they even invite someone up to sing with them! It is exciting for both the actors and people who watch the show because every show is different, and because, we could also say, they make the show together. 
       Are you interested? Well, lucky for you, Taiwan’s theaters also have improvisation shows, so why not go and check them out!

【題組】38. From the reading, what is an improvisation?
(A) A theater show that has just one actor in it.
(B) A theater show that is done without talking.
(C) A theater show that has a lot of songs and dances.
(D) A theater show that is given without planning first.


【題組】39. What can we learn about improvisations from the reading?
(A) How long an improvisation usually is.
(B) Where the story of an improvisation is from.
(C) Who first had the idea of making improvisations.
(D) When the first improvisation was given in the theater.


【題組】40. What does they mean in the reading?
(A) The actors.
(B) The actors and the theater.
(C) People who watch the show.
(D)The actors and people who watch the show. 


       Welcome to Alex’s Daily Wonders. I’m Alex. Today I’m talking about one of the special things about the city of Caracas. Many people who live there don’t know the names of the streets. Some people don’t even know the name of the street they live on. Now you may wonder __41__ . Well, they use the names of street corners. Yes, their street corners have names. So, if you ask someone where the Bolivarian Museum is, they might say, “It’s between Society Corner and the Waterfall Corner, just a short walk from Saint Jacinto’s Corner.” 
       But__42__ ? Some corner names have stories or a history behind them. For example, there’s a story about Dead Man’s Corner, one of the city’s most famous corners. A long time ago, many people got sick and died on the streets and soldiers were sent to collect the bodies. When they were carrying the bodies past a street corner, one of the bodies cried out that he wasn’t dead! After that, people called that corner Dead Man’s Corner. However, not every corner has an interesting story like that. Some corner names just tell you __43__ , like Hospital Corner and New Bridge Corner. That’s our first wonder of the day. Next we’ll listen to some very special music. I think you’ll find it wonderful too. Don’t go away. I’ll be right back.

(A) whether they carry maps with them
(B) how they feel about their life in the city
(C) how they tell someone how to get somewhere
(D) whether their street names are hard to remember


(A) which corner is the most famous
(B) when did they give street corners names
(C) where in Caracas do people use corner names
(D) how did Caracas’s street corners get their names


(A) how old the corner is
(B) what is or was near that corner
(C) who lives or lived at the corner
(D) when is the best time to visit the corner


試卷測驗 - 112 年 - 112 國中教育會考(大陸考場):英語#116363-阿摩線上測驗
