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37 The differences are so ________ that no one can tell them apart.
(A) huge
(B) bold
(C) subtle
(D) plain


38 Online shopping is fast and easy, but some online stores ________ customers for returns. This may make people shop more carefully.
(A) scare
(B) bring
(C) cancel
(D) charge


39 It would be a serious mistake________ the warnings on packs of cigarettes.
(A) ignorance
(B) will ignore
(C) to ignore
(D) ignored


40 I will never go eat at that restaurant again because the waiter was very________ and even spilled the wine on my dress.
(A) polite
(B) famous
(C) useful
(D) rude


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
The 41 season to visit the city of Mumbai is the months in the middle of September and April. Around this time the rains and typhoons have stopped unleashing their power and the humidity levels are at their 42 minimal. Actually guests can visit at whatever time of the year. 43 summer months have a tendency to be too humid and hot, 44 a tour not extremely charming. But if you are arranging a business trip and will stay indoors and in a cooled solace, then the 45 doesn’t make a difference.

(A) horrible
(B) ideal
(C) stormy
(D) worst


(A) highest
(B) lowest
(C) most
(D) best


(A) However
(B) Moreover
(C) Once
(D) Therefore


(A) climate
(B) economy
(C) society
(D) tourism


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題: The term vegan was coined in England in 1944 by Donald Watson, co-founder of the British Vegan Society, to mean “non-dairy vegetarian”; the society also opposed the consumption of eggs. In 1951, the society extended the definition of veganism to mean “the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals,” and in 1960, H. Jay Dinshah started the American Vegan Society, linking veganism to the concept of avoidance of violence against living things.

Veganism is a small but growing movement. In many countries, the number of vegan restaurants is increasing. Also, some of the top athletes in certain endurance sports—for instance, the Ironman triathlon and the ultramarathon—practice veganism, including raw veganism.

Well-planned vegan diets have been found to offer protection against certain degenerative conditions, including heart disease, and are regarded by the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada as appropriate for all stages of the life-cycle. Vegan diets tend to be higher in dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, iron, and phytochemicals, and lower in calories, saturated fat, cholesterol, vitamin D, calcium, zinc, and vitamin B12. Because uncontaminated plant foods do not provide vitamin B12 (which is produced by micro-organisms such as bacteria), vegans should eat foods fortified with B12 or take a daily supplement.

【題組】46 Why is Donald Watson mentioned in this article?
(A) Because he was for the idea of eating eggs.
(B) Because he founded American Vegan Society.
(C) Because he asked people to avoid exploiting animals.
(D) Because he was the first person to use the word “vegan.”


【題組】47 Which of the following organizations advocates living without violence to other creatures?
(A) American Vegan Society.
(B) British Vegan Society.
(C) American Dietetic Association.
(D) Dietitians of Canada.


【題組】49 What does the author of this article suggest that vegans do to gain all necessary nutrition?
(A) Eat more fiber.
(B) Exercise daily.
(C) Take vitamin B12 supplement.
(D) Prepare their daily diets at home.


【題組】50 Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the characteristics of a vegan diet?
(A) Low in calories.
(B) Low in cholesterol.
(C) High in vitamin C.
(D) High in micro-organism.


