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35 Environmental and _____ factors can both contribute to the development of cancer in humans.
(A) frequent
(B) genetic
(C) positive
(D) restful


33 Instead of working on her own, Jane enjoys doing her class assignments and projects through ____ with her classmates.
(A) collaboration
(B) exaggeration
(C) intervention
(D) prosecution


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
         Guide dogs are service or assistance dogs trained specifically to help people with a visual impairment navigatearound. Apart from helping people navigate, they are a companion and provide a sense of freedom to the visuallyimpaired. We all might have seen a guide dog with a person, but do we know how they help the visually impaired personor handler? Do we know the intensity of training and what it takes to be a guide dog? Here are a couple of things youprobably didn’t know about guide dogs.
         First, not every dog is cut out to be a guide dog. They are carefully chosen for breeding with the sole purpose totrain them to be a guide dog. Most of the guide dogs originate from a carefully planned breeding program. Enormousfocus is given to the physical health and characteristics like intelligence, good temperament, stability and willingness towork. It is a known fact that when puppies are screened, only about 70% make the cut.
          In addition, the training period for a guide dog from the time of its birth is anywhere between 15-18 months. Theygo through two different stages in their training. The first stage is when the puppies spend about a year in a specificvolunteer’s household. They learn to abide by some guidelines and are exposed to different people, sounds, situations,places like railway stations, shops, traffic areas as a part of their training. They’re exposed to a fun and unique training.On the second stage, the dogs receive a formal training at a training center by professionals. This training lasts for about 5-6 months. The dogs are assessed at regular intervals and continuously monitored for progress.

【題組】47 According to the passage, which of the following qualities is not going to be taken account of for choosing a guide dog?
(A) Good temperament.
(B) Intelligence.
(C) Physical health.
(D) Willingness to play.


39 Dana and Joe fell in love ________ with each other, which neither of them ever expected to happen, after getting together again at the class reunion.
(A) accidentally
(B) effectively
(C) influentially
(D) occasionally


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
       Maybe you refuse to open an umbrella inside your house or walk under a ladder that’s on a sidewalk. These aresuperstitions, or a belief that something bad will happen even if there’s no reason to think that it will.
       One big superstition in the United States is that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Happening up to three times a yeardepending on the calendar, the day seems to make people more careful or avoid things they usually aren’t afraid to do.Of course, no one can prove that more misfortune takes place on Friday the 13th. We just tend to notice it more if badthings happen on that day. But if Friday the 13th is only a superstition, why do people actually believe in it?
       It’s hard to know exactly when Friday the 13th became thought of as unlucky, but it likely comes from the Christianreligion. For example, in the Bible, Judas—a person who is said to have betrayed Jesus—was the 13th guest at the LastSupper. Also in the Bible, many unfortunate things happened on Fridays. So it made sense that people who read the Biblegot nervous around Friday the 13th.
       It’s also possible that 13 is considered “cursed” because it’s the number after 12, which many people see as a number thatcompletes things. Think about it—12 months are in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 12 pairs of ribs in a body, etc. So it’s possiblethe number 13 makes people uneasy because it causes them to think about the unknown—beyond the number 12.
        In other countries, Friday the 13th isn’t unlucky. For instance, in Spain, Tuesday the 13th is considered the day to dread.And in Italy, people fear the 17th day of the any month. Why? It is because the Roman numeral XVII (17) can berearranged to spell “VIXI,” which means “my life is over” in Latin. But, like in the United States, no one can prove thatmore terrible things occur on those days, either.
        People who are super afraid on Friday the 13th might have condition called triskaidekaphobia, which is a fear of thenumber 13. For most people, being afraid of Friday the 13th is just a superstition, something that we can have funpretending to fear because we know there’s really nothing to fear.

【題組】49 How many times can Friday the 13th occur the most in a year?
(A) Once.
(B) Twice.
(C) Thrice.
(D) Four times.


44 Due to a ________ of materials, the construction of the new building has to be delayed.
(A) shortage
(B) storage
(C) surplus
(D) supplement


