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【特定試卷】111 年 - 111 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全):英文#113751110 年 - 110 台灣中油股份有限公司僱用人員甄試_各類別(全) :(共同科目)英文#..(1~25)
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50. Online shopping is a ________ way to make purchases, especially for people who are too busy to go shopping.
(A) responsible
(B) convenient
(C) local
(D) mental


63. A: You two look so much alike. I’ll bet you two are related. B: _____________
(A) Don’t be fooled by her looks.
(B) You’re right. She is my cousin.
(C) She’s been traveling by herself.
(D) Can I take a picture for you?


41. On the way to work, John had a car accident and was rushed to the ________ right away.
(A) bakery
(C) hospital
(D) supermarket


43. My flight was running late, so I had to wait for two hours at the ________.
(A) airport
(C) railway
(D) elevator


45. It was raining, and without a(n) ________, I got soaking wet.
(A) laptop
(C) umbrella
(D) cellphone


48. It was really ________ that Harry’s parents were both murdered. We could hardly believe it.
(A) shocking
(C) exhausting
(D) entertaining


61. A: Paul, meet my fiancée, Jenny. B: _____________, Jenny.
(A) So long
(B)No way
(C) Never mind
(D) Nice to meet you


62. A: What time did you get up this morning? B: _____________
(A) At six thirty.
(B) On Saturday.
(C) In September.
(D) During winter.


65. A: Guess what? I’ve got promoted. B: _____________
(A) Never mind.
(B) Don’t worry.
(C) Sorry about that.
(D) Congratulations!


68. A: I’m going to have a job interview tomorrow, and I’m so nervous! B: _____________ You’ll be fine.
(A) Cut it out.
(B) Bring it on.
(C) Take it easy.
(D) Make it snappy.


42. Vivian is a______________________. In other words, she doesn’t eat eggs or dairy products, let alone any meat.
(A) librarian
(B) barbarian
(C) pedestrian
(D) vegetarian


48. Elephants have a very good ________ and can remember things that took place a long time ago.
(A) resource
(B) purpose
(C) discovery
(D) memory


64. A: When do you expect to arrive? B: ____________________
(A) I will arrive at the train station.
(B) Ten-thirty at the latest.
(C) Please pick me up by car; I have some heavy luggage.
(D) I’m glad you can come. See you then.


66. A: I saw this great offer for a cell phone I wanted on the ad, so I bought it. B: Why do you need a cell phone? A: ____________________
(A) I would like a sim card to go with it.
(B) If you don’t like it, you can cancel it.
(C) What will you think of next?
(D) I can use it to call you in case anything happens.


30. The man needs emergency assistance. Do you know the ______ of the nearest hospital?
(A) location
(B) reward
(C) help
(D) prediction


44. A: I have two tickets to the concert tomorrow. Would you like to go with me? B: ______, but I need to prepare for the coming exam tomorrow.
(A) I don’t like the concert
(B) It sounds boring
(C) I’ll be there on time
(D) I wish I could


49. Client: May I speak to Mr. White? Secretary: __________Client: Thanks. I’ll call him later.
(A) Speaking.
(B) Hello, may I take a message?
(C) Thank you for calling.
(D) Sorry. He was out five minutes ago.


50. Hess: Excuse me. I’d like to try this on in a larger size. Morgan: Certainly. I’ll get that for you right away. Hess: Thank you.___________ Morgan: No problem. I’ll take both for you to try on.
(A) That sounds like a great idea.
(B) Do you accept credit card?
(C) May I try on the blue shirt as well?
(D) Where is the fitting room?


46. A: Hi, Kevin. What’s up? B: ________ A: Oh! I’m sorry to hear that.
(A) I have got a raise.
(B) Well, I’m just playing computer games.
(C) It depends on the weather.
(D) To be honest, not good. I was fired last month.


49. A: What happened? B: I found out the purse I bought online was fake! A: ________ Online shopping can be risky sometimes. B: I should have listened to you.
(A) I’m done with it.
(B) See, I told you.
(C) Watch your words.
(D) Give me a hand.


50. A: What did you have for dinner? B: I only had a piece of bread. A: ________ B: I’m trying to control my weight.
(A) Why? I thought you were hungry.
(B) Broccoli is the best kind of vegetable.
(C) It sounds like a lot.
(D) I had vegetables, too.


36. Ben: Hey, Linda, where are you going?
Linda: I'm going to the supermarket._________
Ben: Can I go along with you? I want to buy some vegetables.
Linda: Sure!
(A) My car is running out of gas.
(B) The movie is really exciting! 
(C) It's going to rain tomorrow.
(D) I want to shop for some groceries.


40. A: Ouch! My leg! B: What's wrong?


B: Do you need a doctor?

A: I think so.
(A)I didn't mean to do it.

(B) It really hurts! 

(C) I'll be fine.

(D) It makes no difference.


36. A: Sherry, are you going to the convenience store now?
 B: Yes.
A: ________
 B: No problem. Do you want it black or with cream and sugar?
A: With cream and sugar.
(A) Should I give you some money?
(B) Is there any delicious soup?
(C) Can you buy me a cup of coffee?
(D) Are you going to buy some food?


39. Susan: Why do you look so nervous?
 Jonny: ________
 Susan: Just try your best. I know you are the best and you can get the job!
(A) I can’t find my missing dog.
(B) I will have a job interview this afternoon.
(C) Can you tell me the secret?
(D) I’m preparing the meal for my family.


【特定試卷】111 年 - 111 台灣中油股份有限公司_僱用人員甄試試題_各類別(全):英文#113751110 年 - 110 台灣中油股份有限公司僱用人員甄試_各類別(全) :(共同科目)英文#..(1~25)-阿摩線上測驗
