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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3501~3505)
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8.For the necessity of suppressing ______ or human trafficking, the customs officials may order a vessel, aircraft, vehicle or any other means of transport to stop, turn back or land at a designated place.
(A) cultivating
(B) smuggling
(C) visualizing
(D) reconciling


    At birth, the infant has only the most elementary emotional life. Newborns show an expression of disgust, for example, in response to strong tastes, and show surprise in reaction to sudden changes. They also show interest, which developmental psychologists consider an emotion in its own right. 
    By ten months, infants display the full range of what are considered the basic emotions: joy, anger, sadness, disgust, surprise, and fear. The emergence of the basic emotions during the first year or two of life seems to be 
programmed by a biological clock for brain development.  As the appropriate brain maturation occurs, the various emotions appear in an infant’s repertory. For example, studies of brain activity in ten-month-olds show that the right frontal regions are more active during positive emotions, and the left during negative emotions. 

【題組】11 In the second paragraph, which of the following generalizations about infants’ emotional behavior does the analogy of a clock refer to?
(A) It emerges rapidly.
(B) It has a complex pattern.
(C) It develops with predictable regularity.
(D) It may change from one minute to the next.


Gesturing____ is a form of communication.
(A) nomad
(B) nominate
(C) nonverbal
(D) noble


請回答第 14 題至第 16 題: Of all the proposals aimed at improving America’s failing schools, there’s one idea kids will really like: more video games and fewer books. At least a number of educators hope so, arguing that children would get more 14_______ about school and that video games can present real-life problems to solve. Nobody is talking about putting 15_______ video games into classrooms, particularly those which may encourage aggressive behavior. 16_______ , educators such as Indiana University professor Sasha Barab are developing alternative video games that can teach as well as entertain. For instance, in one game designed by Barab, the player assumes the role of an investigator seeking to find out why fish are dying in a virtual park.
(A) educational
(B) funny
(C) ordinary
(D) violent


17 Lillian is interested in applying for a ____position in Taipei 101 Shopping Mall.
(A) portable
(B) severe
(C) blank
(D) vacant


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3501~3505)-阿摩線上測驗
