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會內測驗:105 年 - 105 普通考試_各類科:英文#53663
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31 Don’t ____ your voice when talking in the office.
(A) exhume
(B) raise
(C) arise
(D) arouse


32 There is a big cut on your hand. You need medical _____ immediately.
(A) treatment
(B) involvement
(C) treasure
(D) medium


33 Each country was requested to send a _____ to join the APEC convention.
(A) designation
(B) illustration
(C) denotation
(D) delegation


34 Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder of the nervous system that ______ movement.
(A) affects
(B) effects
(C) offends
(D) defends


35 Hundreds of people are dead as the worst Ebola _____ outbreak in history sweeps through West Africa.
(A) agent
(B) code
(C) formula
(D) virus


36 Although the period in which he lived represents the sunset of the Renaissance, Bernini possessed a ______ comparable to that of Leonardo or Michelangelo.
(A) chagrin
(B) gusto
(C) penchant
(D) virtuosity


請依下文回答第 37 題至第 40 題 
    The loss of a child through “sudden infant death syndrome,” also known as SIDS or crib death—the sudden and 37 death of an apparently healthy, sleeping infant—is an especially 38 experience. Parents often develop feelings of guilt and 39 , thinking that they somehow caused the child’s death. To 40 such feelings, organizations have been established to help parents accept the fact that they did not cause the death.

(A) unexplainable
(B) obvious
(C) reasonable
(D) persuasive


(A) inevitable
(B) suspicious
(C) traumatic
(D) artificial


(A) observation
(B) depression
(C) compassion
(D) appreciation


(A) alleviate
(B) accelerate
(C) elaborate
(D) substantiate


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題 
    I like any game of chance, but I most enjoy taking part in a lottery. The lottery is 41 an unchanging religious ceremony, and it is perhaps this ritual quality of the lottery 42 people enjoy. Unlike other games of chance, a lottery does not require a great deal of paraphernalia. The only equipment 43 is a bowl filled with slips of paper. I enjoy the excitement of watching the official pick the winning number. The moment before the drawing is very serious. The judge gravely approaches the bowl and looks at the crowd soberly. The crowd is quiet 44 the low murmur of excitement. Suddenly the winner is selected. After the lottery is over, everyone but the winner throws away his or her piece of paper, and the 45 slips are soon blown away by the wind. People begin to disengage themselves from the crowd and the lottery is over.

(A) engaged in
(B) used by
(C) for
(D) like


(A) so
(B) that
(C) how
(D) what


(A) requiring
(B) intended
(C) needed
(D) forming


(A) dealing with
(B) anxious about
(C) in search of
(D) except for


(A) discarded
(B) reflecting
(C) transparent
(D) useful


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
  People feel safer behind some kind of physical barrier. Each social occasion involves us in encounters. If a social encounter is in any way threatening, then there is an immediate urge to set up such a barricade. The more formal the occasion and the more dominant or unfamiliar our social companions, the more worrying the moment of encounter becomes. Watching people under these conditions, we can observe the many small movements and postures in which they try to "hide behind their mothers' bodies" as they did in their childhood. It is these that are the barrier signals of about life.
  The most popular form of barrier signals is the body-cross. In this, one arm makes contact with the other across the front of the body. The action is performed unconsciously and, if asked about it immediately afterwards, the person will not be able to remember having made the gesture. The action is always disguised in some way, and the disguise it wears varies from person to person. For example, a male guest may lift his right hand, reach across his body and make a last-minute adjustment to his left cuff-link or the strap of his wristwatch when he walks toward his host. A female on a similar occasion may reach across her body with her right hand and slightly shift the position of her handbag or reposition a coat held over her left arm. In all case, at the peak moment of nervousness, there is a body-cross to construct a barrier between two people. 
  Interestingly, field observations reveal that in a social encounter it is most unlikely that both the greeter and the greeted will perform such action. Regardless of status, it is nearly always the new arrival who makes the body-cross movement, because it is he or she who is invading the home territory of the greeters. The greeters are there first and have at least temporary territorial "rights" over the place. This gives them a self-assured dominance at the moment of the greeting. Only if they are extremely subordinate to the new arrival will there be a likelihood of them taking the body-cross role.

【題組】46 What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Different types of physical barrier.
(B) Barrier signals on social occasions.
(C) Functions of the body-cross movement.
(D) Dominant actions in a social encounter.


【題組】47 What is the second paragraph mainly about?
(A) The need for body-cross language in a social setting.
(B) The unconscious performance of body-cross movements.
(C) A comparison of body-cross language of males and females.
(D) Different types of body-cross movements in a social setting .


【題組】48 What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
(A) The invading greeter always performs the body-cross movement first in a social setting.
(B) The home-based greeter performs less body-cross movement in a social encounter.
(C) The greeter and the greeted rarely both perform the body-cross movement towards each other.
(D) The greeters perform the body-cross movement if they are subordinate to the greeted.


【題組】49 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) People feel an urge to perform body-crossing on a worrying social occasion.
(B) People use the body-cross to impress their greeters.
(C) Males often use clothing-adjustment consciously to disguise their anxiety.
(D) People perform less body-crossing in a formal social event than in other situations.


【題組】50 What does it in the second paragraph refer to?
(A) occasion
(B) action
(C) barrier
(D) companion


會內測驗:105 年 - 105 普通考試_各類科:英文#53663-阿摩線上測驗
