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試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100年 桃園大眾捷運公司100年籌備人員甄試 英文#7776
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Parents with ___________ daughters and sons can bring up the problems they had with their 13 to 18 year-old children at the meeting next week. 


Jenny was brought up in a poor family. She had to ___________ her free time to baby-sit her neighbor’s 2-year-old boy to pay for her high school education. 


You are the leader of this team; therefore, you need to listen to your members’ ideas and write down ___________ points for later discussion. 


I received a written ___________ from the student who bullied his classmates last week. He said he was very sorry about what he did. 


Before the final exam, our teacher taught us how to use our time ___________ while preparing for tests. 


It is a ___________ of law to ride a motorcycle without wearing a helmet. 


I sent an email to the CEO of this company last week but have not received any ___________ yet. 


Joy and happiness spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa, where people ___________ their own president in January 2011. 


The supervisor was so ___________ of the new idea that his staff proposed that it was never put into real practice. 


The FDA planned to grant ___________ to clinical trial testing the use of the new drug. 


My mother ___________ for me when I arrived home last night. 
(B)had waited
(C)was waiting
(D)would wait


We could have gone swimming if the weather ___________ warm and sunny. 
(C)would be
(D)had been


More advances in technology ___________ in the last decade than in any other time in human history. 
(B)had made
(C)were made
(D)was made


I saw Mary a week ago. She said she ___________ me the next day, but she didn’t. 
(A)would call
(B)had called
(C)will call
(D)was calling


What ___________ at noon yesterday? I called but couldn’t get hold of you. 
(A)did you
(B)you did
(C)you were doing
(D)were you doing


There are two people in the office. One is John and ___________ is William. 
(C)an other
(D)the other


If you want to be promoted at work, you need to work ___________. 
(A)as hard as possible
(B)as possible as hard
(C)as you possible can
(D)as you can possible


Do you mind ___________ to the post office with me? I don’t think I know how to get there. 
(D)to go


I don’t know ___________ of the people in this room. Can you introduce each of them to me? 


The interviewers were all very ___________ with the answers the job applicant gave. 


In a study cited by TIME, 464 overweight women who did not exercise regularly were separated randomly into four groups. Three of the groups were asked to work _____21_____ a trainer for 6 months – for 72, 136, and 194 minutes weekly. Members of the fourth group were asked to maintain their regular _____22_____ . All groups were asked not to change their dietary habits. _____23_____ everyone lost weight, surprisingly, the women who worked with trainers didn’t lose much more weight than those who didn’t. Some of those women _____24_____ gained weight. Researchers theorize the women who exercised ended up eating more than they did before participating in the study. _____25_____ it on increased hunger or the nagging urge to reward ourselves after a tough workout. The sad fact is that most of us end up wasting our exercise efforts.










Growing gender equality has important economic implications. Yet, although gender inequality _____26_____ in developed and developing countries alike, women in the BRICs and N-11 countries have made significant _____27_____ over the past two decades in education, health, employment and political representation. As women gain more household bargaining power and _____28_____ over savings and spending decisions, household spending patterns change, with purchases increasingly directed toward the health, education and welfare of the household. This spending _____29_____ the development of human capital, which fuels economic growth in the years ahead. In addition, household savings rates generally rise, _____30_____ the savings available to finance future growth. Growing gender equality and the shift in household spending power towards women coincide with a period of rising incomes and rapid growth of the global middle class.










A capsule hotel is a unique style of accommodation in Japan, inspired by the pursuit of efficiency of space and functional comfort. It originated from the adaptive, creative spirit of the Japanese mind. A typical capsule hotel is composed of two major sections; a public lounge space including bathing facilities and a private space where the sleeping rooms (capsules) are arranged. The actual sleeping room is a capsule unit made of reinforced plastic and designed in the image of a jet airplane's cockpit. In the capsule unit, you can find a TV, a radio, an alarm clock, and adjustable lighting. Actually, almost everything you need in a hotel room is provided! Besides, every device is within your reach and you can control everything in a sleeping position. A wide range of people have stayed at capsule hotels in Tokyo. For example, business people who work until after midnight and miss their train to go home and people coming to Tokyo on a short business trip or holiday would stay at capsule hotels. In fact, everybody that travels to Japan, young and old, men and women, should experience this unique accommodation at least once! It is one of the most unique accommodations in the world!
【題組】What is special about the room in a capsule hotel? 
(A)It is very spacious and comfortable.
(B)It has very expensive furniture. 
(C)It is built in the airplane’s cockpit.
(D)It has limited but functional space.


【題組】According to this article, who would stay at capsule hotels? 
(A)Business people who need a meeting room.
(B)Students who need a quiet room to study.
(C)Old people who have nobody to take care of.
(D)Travelers who need a place to stay in Japan.


【題組】Which of the following items can be found in the private space of a capsule hotel? 
(A)A television set.
(B)A refrigerator.
(C)A computer.
(D)A telephone.


【題組】What does the writer think of capsule hotels? 
(A)They are creative but impractical ideas.
(B)They offer a unique accommodation option. 
(C)They provide an effective way to do business.
(D)They create an additional cost to travelers in Tokyo.


【題組】Which of the following is true about capsule hotels in Japan? 
(A)They are much cheaper than ordinary hotels.
(B)Bathing facilities are not provided in the hotel.
(C)They are designed to reflect the friendliness of the Japanese.
(D)The sleeping rooms are made of glass to allow lights to come in.


Sometimes we pay someone else to clean our clothes. But take care: Just because you’re paying doesn’t mean that it will be done right. Before you head out to the cleaners with that pile of clothes, take these facts into account. First, look at the label. Clothes with labels that say “dry clean only” should go to the dry cleaners. But if the label just says “dry clean,” then test to see if you can hand-wash the item first. Dab a little water on an unseen part of the garment. If you see colors run, then off to the cleaners you go. If not, you can wash it by hand, saving money and the wear and tear on your garment caused by dry-cleaning chemicals. Second, keep sets of clothes together. Dry-clean both parts of a suit or both parts of a dress and matching jacket at the same time. If you don’t, your pieces will end up becoming different colors, as one will fade a bit and the other will stay closer to the original color. Third, remove clothes from wire hangers. When you get newly dry-cleaned garments home, take them off the wire hangers, which can rust and stain clothing. Replace them with plastic hangers. However, if your cleaner has stuffed the sleeves with paper, leave it there – it will keep the garment in shape until you wear it. Finally, don’t let a stain set! Treat stained clothing quickly, especially items that need to be dry-cleaned. It’s best to take the garment to the cleaners as soon as possible after it’s been stained. Left untreated, it can become permanent. Also, never iron a stained garment; heat will set the stain.
【題組】What is a good way to find out whether your clothes need to be dry-cleaned? 
(A)Check the label to see if it says “Do Not Iron.” 
(B)Put some water on the clothes to see if the colors run. 
(C)Hand-wash the clothes before you wear it the first time. 
(D)Use the chemicals from dry cleaners to see if stains can be removed.


【題組】What is the author’s attitude about dry-cleaning clothes? 
(A)It is a better option than hand-washing clothes. 
(B)It saves time and money to dry-clean clothes. 
(C)It is more economical than washing clothes in washing machines. 
(D)It uses some chemicals and therefore is not good for the clothes.


【題組】Why would some cleaners stuff the sleeves with paper after the clothes have been cleaned? 
(A)To make sure the clothes stay in shape. 
(B)To keep the wire of the hanger away from clothes. 
(C)To make sure the stains have been treated properly. 
(D)To protect the clothes from chemicals used in dry-cleaning.


【題組】What does “it” refer to in the article? 


【題組】According to this article, which of the following is true? 
(A)Most clothes need to be cry-cleaned to avoid wear and tear. 
(B)It is better to treat stains right away or they will become permanent. 
(C)Wire hangers are necessary for newly dry-cleaned clothes. 
(D)A set of clothes should be washed separately so the colors won’t fade.


試卷測驗 - 100 年 - 100年 桃園大眾捷運公司100年籌備人員甄試 英文#7776-阿摩線上測驗
