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18. Nowadays, a lot of people waste so much time _____ the Internet.
(A) surfing
(B) playing
(C) traveling
(D) sailing


63. A: Do you think I should buy this car? B:______________________
(A)You shouldn’t have bought it.
(B)I think it takes a lot of time.
(C)I'm not sure. That’s up to you.
(D)The car needs to get some gas.


7. He is so tired ________ he can' t work any more.
(A) x
(B) and
(C) but
(D) that 


27. James plans to do volunteer work after he retires. He probably will ___.
(A) visit orphanages
(B) sell fruit
(C) be a policeman
(D) drive a truck


8. I am a regular ________ of the evening news. I know all the latest news.
(A) loser
(B) winner
(C) cleaner
(D) viewer


48. A: Check out my new car! B: Wow! It’s so big and fancy. How much was it? 
A:______. B: I am sure it did. It looks expensive.
(A) I got a 40% discount.
(B) I just bought it yesterday.
(C) It cost me an arm and a leg.
(D) It is big enough for six people.


6.Mr. Lin is a_________ teacher. No talking or eating is allowed in his class.


10. How long does it __________ you to go to the MRT station near your house?
(A) spend
(B) take
(C) cost
(D) waste


47. A: I’m sorry that I fell asleep during the baseball game. So, which team won? B: ______________
(A) What can I do for you?
(B) Well, the game ended in a tie.
(C) Look who’s talking now?
(D) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot.


45. A: Look at the shirt I just bought. It is beautiful, isn’t it?
B: How much did it cost you?
A: ________________________
(A) It is quite stylish.
(B) I paid fifteen dollars.
(C) I like it because of the color.
(D) Not too bad. It’s on sale now.


9. Yani Tseng, a famous Taiwanese athlete, is known ________her skills of playing golf.
(A) as
(B) for
(C) of
(D) to


16. The final stage of preparation involves ___ the paint onto the steel.
(A) bake
(B) bakes
(C) baking
(D) baked


2. Tom’s explanation was received as a _________ story, with no one showing sympathy to his condition.
(B) covert
(C) inspiring


68. A: Janet is such a great musician. B: _____________
(A) Yeah, I wish I were blessed with her talent.
(B) It’s my favorite kind of music, too.
(C) No, I’d rather be an artist.
(D) I also want to be a magician.


27 In the United States, not all speech__________ the Constitution.
(A) protect
(B) protects
(C) is protecting
(D) is protected by


18. The bank is conveniently located_____the office and the subway entrance.
(A) among
(B) between
(C) into
(D) with


49. After hearing the bad news, Greg _____ began to cry.
(A) especially
(B) immediately
(C) generally
(D) frequently


64. A: When do you expect to arrive? B: ____________________
(A) I will arrive at the train station.
(B) Ten-thirty at the latest.
(C) Please pick me up by car; I have some heavy luggage.
(D) I’m glad you can come. See you then.


_______ his help, we made it possible to carry out this project at last.
(A)Thanks to     
(B)According to 
(C)As to         
(D)In addition to


17. With her loud voice and colorful outfit, Martha always ______. She gets all the attention.
(A) cuts it out
(B) takes a hike
(C) takes center stage
(D) stays put


1. Class, please_____ English with me when you answer my question ?
(A) say
(B) speak
(C) talk
(D) tell


32. A: Can you make time to go to a movie this afternoon? B: ______________________
(A)OK, but busy.
(B) I wish I could, but I have a lot of homework.
(C) Can you come in tomorrow?
(D) It is a good movie.


34. A: Excuse me, where is the nearest supermarket?
 B: ____________________________?
 A: That’s very helpful. Thanks a lot!
(A) The supermarket opened recently.
(B) Go straight for two blocks. It’s on your right.
(C) You can’t miss it.
(D) How do you want to get there?


The ------earthquake has buried over 18000 lives in southwestern China's Sichuan province.


5. The new witness proved Teresa’s ________, so she was released by the judge.
(A) admission
(B) equality
(C) innocence
(D) obstacle


16.The show was really ________. We were there for four hours.


67. Amy: When I first went to college, I didn’t have many friends. I don’t know why. I wasn’t bad looking. Lily: __________________________
(A) I guess you were an easy mark.
(B)I guess you weren’t easy-going enough.
(C) I guess you were too easy to pass the exam.
(D) I guess you liked easy money.


52. Using credit cards online to buy things is convenient, but there is the ____ that your personal information might get stolen.
(A) risk
(B) perhaps
(C) good chance
(D) unlucky


25. Rated as one of the top restaurants of the city, this steak house is highly _____ to visitors by the tourism bureau.
(A) encountered
(B) solved
(C) occurred
(D) recommended


14. Pete's ________ towards women really scares me.
(A) altitude
(B) latitude
(C) attitude
(D) constitute


14. You are not going to _________ my respect if you keep using that kind of rude attitude talking to me.
(B) extend
(C) obtain


When the phone rang, I _____________ reading the financial report.
(A)was to concentrate on
(B)would be concentrate on
(C)could have been concentrating
(D)was concentrating on


24. As I write to you, I cannot hold back the ________ that are blurring my eyes.
(A) puppets
(B) castles
(C) tears
(D) giants


30. Kevin was ____ that after three weeks of exercise, he did not shed much weight.
(A) incapable
(B) overjoyed
(C) courageous
(D) disappointed


30. In the novel, the writer creates an ________ world that is completely different from ours.
(A) imaginary
(B) organic
(C) evident
(D) accidental


22. Assigning one person to this job was a ___. I should have assigned two people.
(A) drama
(B) quarter
(C) mistake
(D) ketchup


9. A: Which do you like, black tea or juice? B: _______________
(A) Yes, I like tea.
(B) No, I like juice.
(C) I like juice.
(D) I don’t like tea.


30. In the meeting before the travel, the tour guide _____ a map, a cap, and a travel bag for each guest.
(A) provided
(B) featured
(C) repaired
(D) considered


27. Which travel _____ did you purchase your tickets through?
(A) keeper
(B) agent
(C) salary
(D) candle


54. The wine_from rice. Add some to your fish soup, and it'll taste better.
(A) makes
(B) is made
(C) is making
(D) has made


28. This factory bought a labor-saving ______ to cut down the burden on its workers.
(A) device
(B) virus
(C) task
(D) logo


66. A: My Chinese is terrible. What can I do? B: You know what they say: _____________ A: Ah! That’s what my mother used to tell me when I was learning to play the piano.
(A) Honesty is the best policy.
(B) Time is money.
(C) Practice makes perfect.
(D) Two heads are better than one.


30.Sam is always in a good ________. He is very easy to work with.


36. I think thunder is scary, _____ lightning is beautiful.
(A) if
(B) or
(C) but
(D) nor


        Parents, educators, and the community have a responsibility to support all children as they reach for their personal best. It is essential to support the growth and development of gifted children, __16__ their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical domains. That support__ 17__ at home. Parents and caregivers are usually the first to __18__ a child’s extraordinary gifts and talents. Parents recognize above norm abilities, interests, and passions that are different in other children they see. Being gifted often comes with __19__ like asynchronous development or social and emotional problems. Parents can engage with their children to provide rich stimulation and learning experiences and discover ways to __20__ schools and resources in the broader community to nurture their child’s specialized learning needs.

(A) dependent
(B) except
(C) including
(D) above


With the development of digital technology, the number of SOHO workers has increased for the last two decades. The term SOHO stands for“small office/ home office”. It refers to the category of business which involves 1 to 10 workers. Anyone with a computer, a fax machine, or even a telephone can become a SOHO worker, taking such jobs as a lawyer, a website designer, a writer, or a personal shopper. Since there is no boss around to supervise a SOHO worker, he or she must work independently.

Without the resources like those of a large company, a SOHO worker has to work harder than workers in a regular office. Therefore, to make the most profits, SOHO workers need to ensure the quality of their services, ideas, or products. Many SOHO workers find it challenging to ignore the distractions that lie waiting around their homes. For instance, TV is hard to miss, and they may always have the desire to get a snack in the kitchen or refrigerator.

Besides, though they enjoy more freedom and independence, SOHO workers face more stress from work. For one thing, they must be more efficient to meet project deadlines, or they may run the risk of losing their business. For another, they face irregular income, which puts high pressure on those who need to raise a family. To sum up, making a living as a SOHO worker does not seem as easy as expected.

【題組】 What is this passage mainly about?
(A)How to be a successful SOHO worker.
(B)The importance of being a SOHO worker.
(C)A advantages and disadvantages of being a SOHO worker.
(D)The history of SOHO business.


Situation: Joan Brown wrote this email to her supervisor, Mr. Green. From: jbamco@amaco.bus.tw 
To: rgamaco@amaco.bus.tw 
Subject: Problem with new employee Dear Mr. Green, 
As you know, I am the sales manager for Amaco's cellphone department. I am writing this email in hopes that you could provide some assistance concerning a new salesperson, Mr. John Michaels. 
Mr. Michaels was hired this month by the Human Resources Department. He has demonstrated that he takes his position seriously. He arrives early at the office, and has contacted all customers assigned to him, as well as a number of other potential customers.
 He is also very familiar with our products. He can explain clearly all the functions of the cellphones we currently offer. He undoubtedly understands products that the Research and Development Department employees are still working on, and has even contributed beneficial ideas to them.
 Unfortunately, our customers are frustrated with his inability to understand their needs, and I am concerned about losing customers. Even though he has contacted potential new customers, he has not successfully made any new sales. 
Thank you for your attention to this matter. I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have. Best regards, Joan Brown Sales Manager

【題組】36. Which is closest in meaning to “potential customers”?
(A) Possible customers.
(B) Current customers.
(C) Former customers.
(D) Frustrated customers.


  Now, I suspect, a lot of people are experiencing a kind of parents' remorse. We bought into the philosophy that children needed unlimited self-esteem, maximum freedom and minimal pressure to succeed in life or contribute to society. We taught our kids to think of themselves as entitled and to see themselves as the center of the universe. Now instead of parents having expectations of their children, children have expectations of how their parents are supposed to behave. We're here to serve them, to make their lives as comfortable and convenient as possible. 
  I want my children to stop acting like an only child, and learn to share everything with their siblings, including their parents' time and attention. I want them to get out of their heads this idea that the world revolves around them, and all that matters at any given moment of the day is what they want, need or feel; and I want them to treat people better, starting with their family members, and then moving on to complete strangers, and not look down on anyone -- ever. 
  Of course, the problem is that this is what parents are for. It's our job to instill these values and teach children how to become good people. It doesn't happen naturally. And it won't happen magically. It'll only happen if we set standards and enforce rules when they're not met. And fathers have a special role to play in all of this. It's not easy being a good dad. In fact, it's exhausting. And it can often be frustrating. In fact, frankly, a lot of fathers decide it is too hard. They give up, check out, hang back and essentially let their kids raise themselves. It's one of the reasons why we got into this mess. 
  The only way out is for fathers to get back in the game. We have to be present in our children's lives. Forget about being their friends. They have friends. They need fathers. We have to be in our kids' faces, just like our grandfathers and fathers used to be. And for the same reason -- because we care enough not to be anywhere else.

【題組】42. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
(A) Kids can raise themselves.
(B) Grandfather used to be strict with kids.
(C) The author expects his children to be better people.
(D) Parents try their best to make their children’s lives better.


四、閱讀測驗 It is said that long time ago there were only nine families in Jiufen. Because it was a remote village, daily necessities were not easily accessible to them. Thus a habit was formed that when someone made the long trip to buy things, nine pieces of the same item would be purchased, one for each family. Hence, the place was called Jiufen, meaning “nine portions” in English. Jiufen used to be the center of gold mining. It is located on the hills of northeastern Taiwan, overlooking the sea. In 1890, gold was found near Jiufen, which soon attracted prospectors of 4,000 families to the poor village. Thus it became gold city of Asia and called little Shanghai or little Hong Kong. However, with the decline of gold mining activities, Jiufen faded. Later, several movies were filmed here and the movies won international recognition. For example, the film A City of Sadness has won first prize in Venice Film Festival and awakened people’s memories of Jiufen. It seems that the prosperous old streets, buildings, mines and the glamorous gold digging days are flashing before our eyes. The place is whispering its golden past. Now, there are many unique teahouses in Jiufen. These teahouses are best stops during a visit to this mountain village. Also, there is the beautiful ocean view of Keelung outer sea.
【題組】38.In 1890s, what made Jiufen, the remote unknown village, prosper? 
(A)Gold mining
(B)Film industry ƒ
(C)Daily necessities
(D)International recognition


Power plants, factories, and cars are the main causes of global warming. They 17 pollution into the air. That causes the Earth’s temperature to rise, leading to many problems. Indeed, fighting global warming may be the biggest challenge now. 
As temperatures rise, 18 sea levels. If they become too high, they could flood cities near the ocean. Warmer temperatures also make storms like typhoons more serious. There is good news. We have the technology to slow down global warming. New equipment can lower the pollution from power plants. Also, car makers can use new technology to make engines 19 . Plus, we can get more energy from wind, solar, and other clean sources. 
New laws are needed to make these changes happen. However, some governments worry that such laws will 20 their economies. Getting the world’s governments to agree on the issue is not easy. 
People like you and me can help in the fight. For example, buy refrigerators and light bulbs that use less energy. Also, when buying a new car, consider one with a hybrid engine. 21 working together, it is possible to slow down global warming.

(A) donate
(B) promote
(C) grow
(D) release


