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試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員資產營運及工程類科甄試試題_營運職-全類組:英文(含中翻英、英翻中及閱讀測驗)#111510
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           The first capsule hotel has opened in Australia, where travellers rest in a small sleeping pod rather than an entire room. Capsule hotels, or pod hotels, have been a popular choice for business people and tourists in Japan for a long time, but never before have Aussies had a chance to try out the alternate overnight resting place on home soil.
          The properly named Capsule Hotel at Sydney’s bustling downtown contains 72 pods, each offering all the extras of a fully-functional hotel room, minus the bathroom and minibar — It updates the Japanese craze for a local crowd.
         Property developer Walter Guo said the venture was inspired by a trip to Japan where he saw first-hand how popular the idea had become for a cross-section of society. “I thought such special hotels would be a unique experience for a backpacker to stay in, but I found out that in Australia no one was doing it,” he added.
         As in Australia the usual accommodation is one big room for backpackers to share, Guo believes that the pod hotel will work because it is a better version of dormitory-style bunk beds and provides higher level of privacy and services. Each pod comes fully kitted out with a locker, a TV, USB plugs and headphone jacks, along with a mirror, dimmed lights and an alarm clock. Guests share a communal kitchenette and a laundromat.
         Priced at AU$50 (about NT$1,000) for a smaller pod and AU$70 (roughly NT$1,400) for a deluxe double bed, the new hotel option has been taking off. While a large part of the customers at Capsule Hotel is backpackers, interstate businessmen looking for an affordable, private space to sleep have also been making good use of the spot.
         Guo is confident his Capsule Hotel would be here to stay. “I think it’s in a great location and we’re offering something new — it works because it’s something people already accept but we’re making it even better,” he said.

【題組】1. Which of the following is true about Australia’s first capsule hotel?
(A) It was opened soon after Japan’s first capsule hotels.
(B) It is exactly named as how people usually call such a hotel.
(C) It is located in the rural area of Australia’s biggest city.
(D) It has attracted many but only backpackers so far.


【題組】2. What does “to try out the alternate overnight resting place on home soil” (in the first paragraph) mean?
(A) To offer homestay accommodations for extra income
(B) To get a taste of staying in a home-style hotel for free
(C) To stop staying at home but try sleeping over at a new hotel
(D) To experience a different type of hotel in Australia


【題組】3. How did Walter Guo first get the idea of opening a capsule hotel in Australia?
(A) He watched a travel program on TV that introduced Japan’s capsule hotels.
(B) A backpacker complained to him that there are no capsule hotels in Australia.
(C) He once traveled to Japan and saw capsule hotels there by himself.
(D) He tried to provide more privacy to people who lived in the dorm he owned.


【題組】4. Which of the following is NOT true about the facilities provided by Walter Guo’s Capsule Hotel?
(A) There is a cabinet in each pod for keeping personal belongings.
(B) Guests need to share facilities if they want to cook or wash clothes.
(C) A tiny refrigerator with drinks is offered in each pod.
(D) Each pod provides equipment for some entertainment.


【題組】5. Which of the following is NOT the reason Guo has confidence in his Capsule Hotel?
(A) People would like to try this new type of lodging.
(B) The Hotel provides more privacy than its Japanese counterparts.
(C) The Hotel sits in an area with many people.
(D) The Hotel is better than others of its kind.


         Did you know that Paris’s international landmark, now considered one of the world’s most famous buildings, had not always been so well-received? Built as an entrance and the centerpiece to the 1889 World’s Fair in the 100th anniversary of the French Revolution, the all-steel structure seemed to rise oddly in an all classic Paris.
          It was heartily disliked by Parisian intellects and artists who signed a statement: “We, writers, painters, sculptors, architects, passionate lovers of the beauty, until now intact, of Paris, hereby protest with all our might, with all our indignation, in the name of French taste gone unrecognized, in the name of French art and history under threat, against the construction, in the very heart of our capital, of the useless and monstrous Eiffel Tower.” However, the renowned monument, currently regarded as a symbol of romance, survived all the hate.
         The Tower was initially intended to be demolished about 20 years after the exposition. Gustave Eiffel, who designed and oversaw the building of the Tower, knew then that its scientific uses could protect it from its adversaries and prolong its lifespan. He therefore specified and pushed for the Tower’s purposes: meteorological and astronomical observations, physics experiments, optical telegraph communications and wind studies. Finally and decisively he succeeded in saving the Tower by putting it forward as a monumental support antenna for wireless broadcasting.
         In the 1930s, after the Tower had remained the world’s tallest architecture for 41 years, many nicknames flourished in the press and publications, but later “the Iron Lady” just stuck and was picked up by the public. The word “Iron,” of course, means the structure is made of puddled iron, while the Tower is a “Lady” partly because the French noun tour (tower) is feminine and partly because the fine decorative meshed arches between its four pillars, or legs, look like a lacy skirt.

【題組】6. Which of the following is true about the Eiffel Tower?
(A) It was intended to be the landmark of Paris.
(B) It mourned the sacrifice of common people in the French Revolution.
(C) No other structures in the world were taller than it until 1970s.
(D) It was originally scheduled to be torn down around 1909.


【題組】7.What did people who disliked the Eiffel Tower say about it?
(A) The Tower copied the design by another famous artist.
(B) Building the Tower cost far more than it should have.
(C) The Tower was ugly and huge, and served no purposes.
(D) It was dangerous to conduct experiments on the Tower.


【題組】8. Who’s Gustave Eiffel?
(A) The French President at the time when the Tower was built.
(B) The architect and engineer to the construction of the Tower.
(C) The millionaire who bought the Tower for scientific uses.
(D) The most famous elite figure in the French Revolution.


【題組】9. What was the most important key to preventing Eiffel Tower from being torn down?
(A) Turning it into a memorable structure for sending radio and television signals
(B) Promoting it as a symbol of romance for tourists from around the world
(C) Getting a popular nickname that boosted public fondness and support
(D) Allowing scientists to conduct many sorts of observations and experiments


【題組】10. Which of the following is NOT true about Eiffel Tower’s nickname?
(A) The word “Iron” indicates the material the Tower was built with.
(B) The word “Lady” has to do with the decoration style of the Tower’s lower part.
(C) It is named after the first female British prime minister “Iron Lady”.
(D) It’s called “Lady” partly because the French word for tower carries a sense of women.

第一題:中翻英【20 分】
肥胖是已開發國家中一個廣泛的問題,有一成的人口過重或肥胖,高達半數的人口稍微過重。因此,胖小孩很可能長大變成胖大人,年長後還增加心臟病的風險,就不足為怪了。 最好在年輕時避免這個問題,而且在變成問題以前先消除過多的體重。

第二題:中翻英【20 分】
台灣逐漸邁入 M 型社會,新貧家庭不斷增加。據統計台灣有超過 37 萬名弱勢兒童,其中 15 萬多人過著貧窮與高風險的生活。由於父母沒有能力供他們參加校外課輔班,放學後 也無人陪伴教導,導致許多孩子放棄學習,在外遊蕩,流連不良場所,成為社會隱憂。

第三題:英翻中【20 分】
         In a survey of 4,000 remote workers, an employment website found that 95 percent of respondents report their productivity is the same as or higher than it was before the pandemic. In the survey, workers offered several reasons for their positive news on productivity. Among them were fewer interruptions, quieter environment, more comfortable workplace, more focused time and avoiding office politics.
         Despite the highly positive responses, the remote workers find themselves dealing with a new dilemma: how to keep work life and home life separate when both happen in the same place. Telecommuting experts offer a tip on creating spaces and routines to help you maintain professionalism and productivity in your new “office” and keep work from creeping into personal and family time. You can establish a place that is just for work—a place where you can be in office mode, and where others in the house know not to disturb you unless necessary.

第四題:英翻中【20 分】
          The merging of machine capability and human consciousness is already happening in the form of bionic technology. Many of its concepts put forward in the sci-fi world are not only becoming a reality, but are hitting the market as products. Currently available devices are mostly apparatus that can replace damaged sensory organs. Cochlear implants can recover hearing for the deaf while retinal implants can help the blind see again. Bionic technology will even be offering more elective augmentation for able-bodied people, a trend that may soon become global in the next decade.


試卷測驗 - 111 年 - 111 中華郵政股份有限公司_職階人員資產營運及工程類科甄試試題_營運職-全類組:英文(含中翻英、英翻中及閱讀測驗)#111510-阿摩線上測驗
