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會內測驗:09/17 英專(113新北國中)
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7. When the toddler threw a massive ______ in the middle of the grocery store, embarrassed parents quickly tried to calm him with promises of a sweet treat.
(A) facet
(B) sanction
(C) sprout
(D) tantrum


8. The government deployed additional forces to the region in response to the ______ group’s unexpected attack, aiming to restore peace and order as swiftly as possible.
(A) derogatory
(B) chronic
(C) impromptu
(D) insurgent


12. The global chip shortage _____ production across various industries, inclusive of everything from automobiles to consumer electronics.
(A) denoted
(B) impeded
(C) galvanized
(D) ascertained


15. Highlighting the negative ramifications of artificial intelligence, the ethicist _____ argued for transparency in the algorithms and responsible data collection practices.
(A) cogently
(B) menially
(C) incongruously
(D) deleteriously


16. Educational campaigns aim to raise awareness about deepfakes, empowering citizens to critically evaluate online content and avoid falling victim to _____.
(A) canards
(B) egotists
(C) subsidies
(D) conflagrations


III. Cloze Test
 A. 17-21 題
       As artificial intelligence (AI) tools become more sophisticated, the internet is seeing a surge in fake photos, videos, and audio, known as “deepfakes.” These creations, made by software like DALL-E, Midjourney, and OpenAI’s Sora, are becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish from reality. Initially designed for creative purposes, these tools now pose risks such as identity theft, misinformation, and manipulation of elections. A year ago, spotting a deepfake was simpler due to obvious flaws, like incorrect hand shapes or mismatched eyewear. __17__ , advancements in AI have made detection much trickier. Henry Ajder, a generative AI expert, notes that previously reliable indicators, such as unnatural eye movements, are no longer as effective. Despite this, some signs still exist. Deepfake images often exhibit a “smoothing effect” on skin, making it appear overly polished. Observing inconsistencies in shadows, lighting, and the alignment of facial features can also help identify fakes. Particularly, face-swapping videos __18__ by examining the fit and color match of the swapped face. Mismatched lip movements in videos or unclear details in teeth might indicate manipulation. Contextual clues can also be revealing; actions or events that seem out of character for the person depicted should __19__ . Tools developed by companies like Microsoft and Intel offer technological means to fight back, analyzing photos and videos to assess their authenticity. However, __20__ these tools is limited to prevent misuse by creators of deepfakes. As AI technology evolves, so too __21__ the challenge of identifying deepfakes. The rapid pace of development means that detection techniques may quickly become outdated, making it increasingly hard even for experts to distinguish between genuine and manipulated content. This complexity highlights the ongoing battle between creating and identifying digital forgeries in the age of AI.

(A) Even though
(B) Furthermore
(C) Consequently
(D) Nevertheless


(A) can scrutinize
(B) must be scrutinized
(C) can be scrutinized
(D) can be scrutinizing


(A) raise awareness
(B) raise suspicions
(C) rise suspicions
(D) rise awareness


(A) access to
(B) gear to
(C) indulge in
(D) prior to


(A) does
(B) is
(C) did
(D) has


IV. Discourse
A. 27-30 題
       The pursuit of miniaturization in the semiconductor industry, aiming for chips smaller than 1 nanometer (nm), holds immense potential for technological advancement. However, amidst the excitement, ethical concerns __27__ large, demanding careful consideration before we venture into this uncharted territory.
       One primary concern lies in the potential environmental impact. Manufacturing processes for sub-1nm chips are likely to be incredibly energy-intensive. Complex production methods producing carbon emissions are required. This raises questions about our ability to develop sustainable solutions to mitigate the carbon footprint of such advancements. Another environmental-related issue is inflicted by the requirement of specialized materials. As transistor sizes __28__ , the demand for rare earth elements and other critical materials escalates. Ethical sourcing and fair-trade practices become crucial to avoid exacerbating existing inequalities and environmental degradation in resource-rich regions.
        Discussing the ethical dilemma from the social perspective, people are concerned that technology will end up a miscreant. Sub-1nm chips could revolutionize weapon systems, creating autonomous drones with faster reaction times, more powerful surveillance capabilities, and potentially, devastating offensive capacities. Moreover, if sub-1nm chips become the cornerstone of future devices, they might be accessible only to the privileged few, especially the deployment of artificial intelligence (AI). The digital divides will be exacerbated, and __29__ vulnerable populations.
        In conclusion, while the pursuit of sub-1nm chip technology holds exciting possibilities, we must proceed with cautious optimism and prioritize ethical considerations. Open dialogue, transparent governance, and international collaboration are crucial to __30__ the complex ethical landscape and ensure that technological progress avails humanity as a whole, not just a privileged few. The future of microchip technology is not just about shrinking transistors; it’s about expanding our ethical framework to match the pace of innovation.

(A) shrink
(B) navigate
(C) marginalize
(D) loom


(A) shrink
(B) navigate
(C) marginalize
(D) loom


(A) shrink
(B) navigate
(C) marginalize
(D) loom


(A) shrink
(B) navigate
(C) marginalize
(D) loom


V. Reading Comprehension
A. 35-37 題
          In recent years, many developed nations have been grappling with the twin challenges of low birth rates and aging societies. This demographic shift has far-reaching implications for economies, healthcare systems, and social structures. As birth rates decline, the population growth slows down, and in some cases, even begins to shrink. This trend is often attributed to factors such as delayed marriage, increased focus on career advancement, and the high cost of raising children. Consequently, the workforce gradually diminishes, putting pressure on governments to find ways to sustain economic growth and support the increasing number of retirees.
         Simultaneously, advancements in healthcare and improved living standards have led to longer life expectancies, resulting in a growing proportion of elderly individuals within the population. This aging society places a significant burden on healthcare systems, as older people tend to require more medical attention and long-term care. Governments must allocate more resources to cater to the needs of the elderly, including pensions, healthcare, and age-friendly infrastructure.
         The combination of low birth rates and an aging population also poses challenges to social dynamics. With fewer young people entering the workforce, there is an increased strain on the working-age population to support the growing number of retirees. This can lead to intergenerational tensions and debates over the allocation of resources. To address these issues, governments and societies must adapt and implement policies that encourage a more balanced demographic structure. This may include offering incentives for childbearing, promoting work-life balance, and developing sustainable pension and healthcare systems that can withstand the pressures of an aging population.

【題組】35. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor leading to low birth rates?
(A) Improved health system.
(B) Delayed marriage.
(C) Increased focus on career advancement.
(D) High cost of raising children.


【題組】36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an area where governments must allocate resources for the elderly?
(A) Pensions.
(B) Healthcare.
(C) Age-friendly infrastructure.
(D) Education.


【題組】37. Which of the following is mentioned as a potential policy to address the challenges of low birth rates and aging societies?
(A) Encouraging early retirement.
(B) Reducing work-life balance.
(C) Offering incentives for childbearing.
(D) Decreasing investment in age-friendly infrastructure.


會內測驗:09/17 英專(113新北國中)-阿摩線上測驗
