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試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司_新進人員甄試_師級_各類別全:英文#60079
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21. The teacher trains her students to become _______ learners so they can do homework without supervision.
(A) autonomous
(B) constituent
(C) triumphant
(D) spontaneous


22. The experience of living in a multi-cultural environment makes her more _______ of differences.
(A) durable
(B) fragile
(C) minimal
(D) tolerant


23. After the nuclear disaster, radiation has _______ into the soil and the impact is not yet known.
(A) mobilized
(B) penetrated
(C) reconciled
(D) scrambled


24. _______ costs caused by the increased minimum wage have made economic growth more challenging.
(A) Soaring
(B) Swinging
(C) Targeting
(D) Towing


25. Kindness is a golden chain which _______ society together and is a fountain of gladness.
(A) binds
(B) detaches
(C) creates
(D) surrounds


26. Familiarity with nature never _______ contempt.
(A) belittles
(B) blends
(C) breeds
(D) bewilders


27. The weather is the set of conditions in the _______ in one location for a limited period of time—such as throughout the day, at night, or at any particular point during the day.
(A) chemistry
(B) atmosphere
(C) currency
(D) circulation


28. Cuba, more than any place I’ve been, _______ me of a song, and one that keeps playing in one’s head long after one has left.
(A) retreats
(B) recalls
(C) returns
(D) reminds


29. They derive genuine joy from the fact that life _______ on time and in a highly efficient manner.
(A) traps
(B) wrinkles
(C) unfolds
(D) suffers


30. Evidently just living in a rural area can be enough to increase your life _______ by up 10 years.
(A) existence
(B) expectation
(C) examination
(D) expectancy


二、文法測驗【請在下列各題中選出最適當的答案】 31. This old painting, _______ my sister bought from a flea market, is very well preserved.
(A) what
(B) when
(C) where
(D) which


32. This has been _______ summer we have ever had in Tainan.
(A) a hot
(B) the hot
(C) the hottest
(D) one of the hot


33. _______ the assignment after three days of hard work, I submitted it right before the deadline.
(A) To finish
(B) Finished
(C) Finishing
(D) Having finished


34. Bill got his wallet stolen. But he _______ it if he _______ more careful.
(A) didn’t lose, was
(B) wouldn’t lose, will be
(C) won’t have lost, has been
(D) wouldn’t have lost, had been


35. Late homework will not be accepted _______ you can provide legitimate reasons.
(A) if
(B) unless
(C) as though
(D) whereas


36. The researchers found that neglected children often had worse reading and math skills in adolescence _______ their peers.
(A) from
(B) than
(C) and
(D) then


37. Today’s midlife is very different from _______ our parents or their parents experienced.
(A) what
(B) that
(C) which
(D) when


38. The most successful people capitalize on their inner child, _______ hard work with creativity and soul.
(A) infusing
(B) infused
(C) to infuse
(D) infuse


39. A study published in 2007 from the US National Cancer Institute found that men that took multivitamins were _______ to die from prostate cancer compared to those who didn’t.
(A) as twice as
(B) as likely as twice
(C) twice likely as
(D) twice as likely


40. Seldom _______ my door in a winter evening without hearing the howling of the wolves in the jungle.
(A) I opened
(B) did I open
(C) when I opened
(D) I open


   There are giants in the isolated Sierra Nevada mountains of California—ancient red giants, the last of their kind. Although they were known for centuries by Native Americans, it wasn’t 41 the 1830s that the most-massive trees in the world, the giant sequoias, were “discovered” by white hunters. It took another 20 years for their existence to 42 the consciousness of the general public, and roads were soon erected to make access easier. One of the first trees to gain fame, the massive “Discovery Tree,” was felled just one year after it was identified. It took five men 22 days to 43 through its 1,300-year-old trunk, and its stump was used as a dance floor. Although it was soon apparent that the lumber of these enormous organisms was inferior 44 other softwoods (the wood often would shatter when the heavy tree hit the ground), a number of old-growth trees were felled just to prove their existence, and samples were sold to museums around the world. Additionally, many loggers could not 45 the allure and prestige of felling such massive trees, and the groves began to diminish.

(A) at
(B) but
(C) until
(D) for


(A) permeate
(B) permit
(C) pertain
(D) perform


(A) see
(B) saw
(C) seen
(D) sew


(A) to
(B) than
(C) with
(D) for


(A) consist
(B) insist
(C) persist
(D) resist


   Retailers have spent millions of dollars researching and refining the layouts of their stores, all with the goal of getting the most profitable items in your shopping cart. For instance, you can bet that the products placed at eye level on the shelves are those that give the highest profit margin to the store; by contrast, if you have to bend down or ask for assistance to reach a product, it’s probably not as profitable. 
   Another strategy revolves around the fact that most of us are right-handed (over 88 percent), and thus will reach for things with our right hands. So you’ll see eye-catching displays to the right of the store entrance, offering high-margin products, or items they want to get rid of quickly.
    If you want to avoid falling into either of these traps, go against the flow. Veer left, and look to the top and bottom of the shelves. You’ll find better deals there. 
   Another trick retailers tend to play is to end every item with a 9. They do it for a very good reason.        The difference between $199.99 and $200 is not just one cent. It’s a psychological trick that somehow makes the first price way more attractive than the second. Psychologists believe that as consumers, we pay much more attention to the dollars than the cents. 
   And specifically, the first digit in the price also matters. We look at the 1 and think “oh good, we’re still under $200.” Well, yes: By a penny. But the second it jumps into the $200 category, it’s between $200 and $300. That’s a significant jump in our heads, even though on paper it’s only a jump of one cent. 
   Strangely, it works even when the price is raised to end in a nine. This test revealed that when a store raised the price of a dress from $34 to $39, sales of the item went up by one-third! So look carefully at the prices, and mentally note your $199.99 purchases as over $200. They will be after tax, anyway (except in a few states).

【題組】46. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) Retailers tend to spend a lot of money doing research on the layout of the stores.
(B) Retailers use a lot of measures based on physical and psychological studies to increase their profit.
(C) Shoppers must be careful when they decide to buy anything with a price tag which ends with a 9.
(D) Retailers know that consumers will pay much more attention to the dollars than the cents.


【題組】47. Generally speaking, what kind of products will be placed at eye level on the shelves?
(A) The items that bring in the highest profit margin.
(B) The products that the retailers give special discounts.
(C) The items that have long been ignored by customers.
(D) The products that are under $200.


【題組】48. What is a suggestion the author gives to avoid being tricked by the store?
(A) Look to the right and find something at the bottom of the shelves.
(B) Turn to the left and find something on the top or bottom of the shelves.
(C) Turn right and focus mainly on the middle part of the shelves.
(D) Look to the left and find something with a tag that ends in a nine.


【題組】49. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) A good layout of a store can help increase the profit margin of the business.
(B) When a store raises the price of a dress, sales of the item will go down.
(C) A difference of one cent will not cause the consumers to change their decisions.
(D) Most shoppers are aware of the tricks of the retailers.


【題組】50. In line 8, the phrase “ go against the flow” means what?
(A) Do not go with other customers to avoid crowdedness.
(B) Follow the trend to get the best deal.
(C) Do not follow the way most people take.
(D) Follow the research results from the psychologists.


試卷測驗 - 106 年 - 106 中國鋼鐵股份有限公司_新進人員甄試_師級_各類別全:英文#60079-阿摩線上測驗
