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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3646~3650)
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34 Eddie has been the best player on the basketball team since last year, but he used to _______ Nick.
(A) get a load of
(B) have the edge over
(C) hit it off with
(D) play second fiddle to


Of all Modernism’s tenets, few have been more “revered” than the assembly line. Its crisp efficiency was a template for everything. The new BMW plant in Leipzig serves as an antidote to just that sort of uniformity. A boomerang-shaped industrial shed with rows of cars streaming on curving tracks, it is less a model of efficiency than a machine for voyeuristic pleasure. Moreover, the plant is an attempt at social engineering. Its architect subverts the sequential order of manufacturing by having each car loop back through the central building, where workers can survey their work. Engineers and workers are in constant contact, too, mingling in the corridors and the cafeteria, which breaks down the hierarchy. Because each car is routed on its way from the body shop to the paint shop or final assembly plant, you witness them in all their various stages. At certain points, the cars stop and revolve on enormous turntables before heading off in a new direction. The movements suggest mechanical ballet. Leipzig plant is thus the flagship of BMW that provides customized services. Very subtly, the free flow of information replaces the monotony of the assembly line; individual needs rule over bland repetition; and machines are at the service of man.
【題組】How is the new Leipzig assembly plant also an attempt at social engineering?
(A) By introducing art into manufacture
(B) By constantly focusing on the machines
(C) By bringing down the barrier between workers and engineers
(D) By breaking up the monotonous shape of factory buildings


22 She claims to be an advocate of animal rights. ___ , she is always wearing fur and carrying a crocodile-skin purse.


The committee offers an explanation _____ why both developed and developing countries may benefit from open trade.
(C)as to
(D)due to


39 To compensate for all the greenhouse gases his plane trips spewed into the atmosphere, Mr. Grover began paying Climate Care to help make the world a little greener.
(A)Mr. Grover was aware of the environmental burden his air travels have created, so he started to contribute fees to Climate Care to help reduce greenhouse gases.
(B)Mr. Grover was charged by Climate Care, which found him guilty for his role in producing the greenhouse effect when he traveled by plane.
(C)Mr. Grover’s plane trips inevitably spewed a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. He felt so guilty that he decided to travel only with Climate Care.
(D)The goal of Climate Care was to accelerate the global warming process, a cause supported by many environmentally insensitive persons like Mr. Grover.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3646~3650)-阿摩線上測驗
