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【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3676~3680)
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28 Public transport in Brussels was _______ for a fourth day after staff walked out to protest the death of a co-worker in an assault.


29 Two injured New York bicyclists accuse police of _______ investigation after traffic accidents.


第35 題至第39 題為題組 After terrorists struck New York City on September 11, 2001, airport videotapes from Boston revealed a lost opportunity. One of the 35 hijackers, Mohammed Atta, was captured on the security cameras at Boston’s Logan Airport just before boarding his flight. What if that camera 36 a computer database with Atta’s picture in it? Could security personnel have identified him as a risk and removed him from the plane? 37 of face-recognition technology say yes. It is technically possible, they say, to build a reliable system to pick suspicious people out of a crowd by digitally photographing their faces. The possibility of preventing a terrorist attack by spotting the bad guys is 38 . Face-recognition sweeps have been used at football stadiums, in crowded streets, and at airports in the hope of doing just that. The world’s best face-recognition device is the human brain. You may wonder, 39 , how a mother or father can tell the difference between identical twins. The two children may look exactly the same to you, but the parent has no trouble telling one from the other. Somehow, the parent has focused on small combinations of features that distinguish each child. No matter how hard you try, you cannot see the same patterns.
【題組】 36.
(A) being linked to
(B) has been linked to
(C) had been linked to
(D) was linked to


40 Fat people must be careful because obesity is on its way to_____ smoking as the number one killer in many countries.
(A) progressing
(B) regressing
(C) transacting
(D) surpassing


請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題:
   Experts have traditionally seen a high level of intelligence as applicable across the board to most human activities, guaranteeing its possessor success in whatever s/he does. In the 1980s, however, Prof. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences, suggesting that the mind does not possess just one kind of intelligence, but rather many distinct intelligences, including linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, naturalistic intelligences, among others.
   A person with a high level of linguistic intelligence is endowed with a large vocabulary and the ability to express him or herself well. Gardner sees the poet as the best example of an astute user of language. In creating poems, poets make use of the full complexity of meaning and the widest range of linguistic dynamics. Naturally, people with a high level of linguistic intelligence would excel at language-related activities such as writing, teaching and persuading others.
   Logical-mathematical intelligence refers to the skills often associated with scientists and mathematicians. Scientists tend to give it a more significant role than other intelligences. Gardner certainly disagrees with this point of view. He sees logical-mathematical intelligence as simply one among a set of intelligences, asserting that though it may have been exceptionally important in western societies, it has played a more modest role in other societies.
   Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to visualize things in the mind accurately and precisely. This intelligence is therefore associated with artists, who are experts in visualizing and making intelligent use of forms and colors. A person with a high level of spatial intelligence may also have excellent visual memory, and perhaps even a so-called photographic memory.
   Naturalistic intelligence has been quite controversial and critics generally see it as an area of interest. Gardner hypothesizes that people who have a high level of naturalistic intelligence are more sensitive to nature and to their own relationship to it. A person who is successful at growing plants or raising animals could be said to have a high level of naturalistic intelligence. Such a person could be a successful gardener or farmer, and would also make a good scientist studying the natural world.
   The revolutionary theory of multiple intelligences has resulted in several criticisms. Some have questioned the criteria that qualify something as an intelligence. Others have pointed out that the existence of multiple intelligences has never been proven through scientific research. These criticisms notwithstanding, the theory of multiple intelligences has sparked fascinating debate about the value and the nature of intelligence. Its applications in the field of education have led to more diverse educational methods as teachers seek to access and develop the multiple intelligences of students.

【題組】49 Which criticism about the theory of multiple intelligences has been raised by critics?
(A)It is wrongly applied to education.
(B)It has never been proven by scientific research.
(C)It tells us nothing about the nature of intelligence.
(D)There are too many criteria for identifying intelligences.


【精選】 - 高普考/三四等/高員級◆英文難度:(3676~3680)-阿摩線上測驗
