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【精選】 - 教甄◆英文-國小難度:(451~475)
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5. Kevin would like to have his major in biochemistry. He finds it’s ____.
(B) heartening
(C) alarming


11. I’ve never liked Mark, but I can’t \"turn my back on him\" when he’s in trouble.
(A) show sympathy with someone
(B) show anger
(C) refuse help when it is needed
(D) run away


40.The merger, _____will be announced today, should be extremely profitable.
(A) which
(B) whose
(C) it
(D) when


33.Error Correction:
(A)Professor Chen, do you
(B) mind me
(C) ask you a question about the
(D) ongoing experiment?


1. There’s no way I’ll be able to give a speech tomorrow. I’ve just begun to lose my voice, and the doctor’s _____ is that it’ll get even weaker for at least two more days.
(A) prognosis
(B) culmination
(C) antithesis
(D) tumult


21.The teacher ____ to spend extra time with slower students.
(A) willing
(B) will
(C) had been willing
(D) is willing


21. A historian does not only describe events, but tries to explain _____ occur in the first place.
(A)to them what cause
(B)what causes them to
(C)to what causes them
(D)what to cause them


20. A: Hey! I can’t believe you just did that! B: Did what? A: You __________ on the ground. You’re being a litterbug!
(A) dropped your trash
(B) lay
(C) put your child
(D) sat down


28. The environment was ________ because the air was full of acid and metallic aerosol particles.
(A) sanitary
(B) mercurial
(C) noxious
(D) unsoiled


37. Though boring, the girls decided to stay and watch the remaining portion of the opera at  Lincoln Center last night.
(A)  boring
(B) decided
(C)stay and watch  


15. ____________students would rather study on their own than go to classes.
(A) Many of
(B) Many
(C) A lot
(D) Lots


27. According to Chomsky’s acquisition hypothesis, which of the following is a system of principles that children are born with that helps them learn language, and accounts for the order in which children learn structures, and the mistakes they make as they learn?
(A) Intercultural communication.
(B) The language acquisition device, or LAD.
(C) Parameters.
(D) Sylvian fissure.


32. The natural ability to learn language is called .
(A) declarative knowledge
(B) error analysis
(C) innate capacity
(D) information processing 


42. I thought the movie was a bit dull and not very __________.
(B) really
(C) realistic
(D) simplistic 


[Reading 2 for Q. 67~68] 
   Lance, I was wondering if I could ask you a favor. My ex-wife Sherry, your aunt, has to move. The landlady is selling the house to a young couple. She doesn’t want to rent it out to Sherry anymore. Recently, Sherry has been in a financial fix, and I don’t have much money myself. I’m hoping you can help pay the rent. She’s too proud and embarrassed to ask you directly, so I need your help. I know you love your aunt very much; in fact, you helped her before when she had to move a few years ago. I’d like you to call her and ask her whether she needs help or not. Tell her that she can move now and that you’ll pay the rent. I hope you’ll do your aunt this favor.

【題組】67. Who is the speaker?
(A) Lance’s father
(B) Sherry’s ex-husband
(C) the landlady’s son
(D) Lance’s nephew


3. In spring, mangoes are plentiful in the markets of Thailand and the _____ for mango cuisines is high. Those who pay a visit to Thailand are advised to take a bite.
(A) denial
(B) disgust
(C) demand
(D) decision


24. While it is hard to decide _____ vitamin supplements make users healthier, it is much easier to challenge the idea that more is better.
(A) since
(B) whereas
(C) although
(D) whether


4. _____ that increasing numbers of compact-disc players will be bought by consumers in the years to come.
(A) They are anticipated
(B) In anticipation
(C) Anticipating
(D) It is anticipated


8. People _____ shy about sex, but now even women are free to discuss it.
(A) used to be
(B) are due to be
(C) were going to be
(D) are used to being


15.She wrote nearly a dozen books,______    were published at that time.
(A)none to which
(B) none of which
(C) either of which
(D) few as which


Article 2 
   Around the world, thousands of students have been skipping school on Fridays. They’ve been gathering in protest. They say leaders haven’t done enough to fight climate change. This is causing problems for the planet they will inherit. On March 15, 2019, more than 2,000 cities took part in the “Fridays for Future” protests: 
● In Berlin, as many as 20,000 protesters gathered. They waved signs. One read: “MARCH NOW OR SWIM LATER.” 
● In Poland, thousands marched to demand that people stop burning coal. 
● In Helsinki, Finland, about 3,000 students gathered. They sported signs such as “DINOSAURS THOUGHT THEY HAD TIME TOO!” 
  It all started with 15-year-old Greta Thunberg from Sweden. She began protesting by herself in September 2018. But she wasn’t alone for long. Social media helped Greta create Fridays for Future. Her efforts gained buzz on Twitter. Then, she spoke at a climate change meeting in Poland in December 2018. People listened. Soon, tens of thousands of students joined Greta’s protests. They started protesting in their own cities. 
  Carla Reemtsma is a 20-year-old student. She helped organize the protest in Berlin. “A lot happens on social media because you can reach a lot of young people very quickly,” she said. “I think that’s how we got so big.” Greta predicts the students won’t back down. “We have to live with this all our lives,” she said. “We’re on strike because we want a future….We will carry on.” Greta is now 16. And she’s already a powerful force. In 2019, she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.

【題組】26. Which is most important to put in the summary?
(A) In Helsinki, Finland, about 3,000 students gathered with signs about dinosaurs.
(B) Thousands of people marched to demand an end to coal burning in Poland.
(C) Around the world, students have been skipping school on Fridays to make leaders pay attention to climate change.
(D) In December 2018, Greta Thunberg spoke at a climate meeting in Poland.


3. Health investigators have been concerned to identify quickly any possible cases of human-to-human _____ of the disease.
(A) presumption
(B) enlightenment
(C) saturation
(D) transmission


16. A: Let’s meet at the rendezvous point. B: _____
(A) Agree! That French restaurant is quite expensive.
(B) Of course! Taking a bus will save us a lot of time.
(C) But I don’t eat meat. I’m a vegan.
(D) Sure! Ring me up when you get there.


45. I used to think that Kevin was a good kid, but ever since I overheard him bragging about cheating on an exam, I have seen him ________.
(A) on thin ice
(B) on the ball
(C) in a pod
(D) with a jaundiced eye


       Traveling can be tricky for a newbie. If you want to take a trip to a new place abroad or which is far away from where you live, you may need to make a good plan in order to avoid troubles during the trip. Once you know where you want to go, you should decide when and how you are going to go there.             Many people take a trip during holidays because that is the time when they can take a break from work or studies. Unfortunately, traveling during holiday season may not be a good choice as prices for flight tickets and hotel rooms are usually higher than the off-season period when tourism is not booming. If you have a limited budget, you may consider taking a day off work during the off-season when prices are lower and discounted. 
        Your budget will also determine what means of transportation you are going to use. Taking a road trip might be cheaper, but you should be in good shape and prepare your car for a long trip. If you choose to fly, you may have to take public transportation to get around in your holiday destination. Whether you take a taxi, subway or bus, you should know where you are going based on the itinerary that you have planned before and make sure you know the routes and the fares. 
        Next, calculate your costs. What kind of accommodation do you want? If you take a road trip, you may prefer to stay in a motel. Hostels are cheaper, but today you can search online and find hotels offering rooms with low rates. If the costs are more than you can afford, make cuts where you can. You may cut expenses for eating out or even cut the trip short and get back before the holiday season ends. 
       Once you are exactly sure of where and when you want to go, how you will get there and where you are going to stay, make your reservations. You can book your flight and accommodation online and even many attractions have ticket sales online so you can skip the lines and enjoy the attraction right in. You may also consider taking travel insurance. You will have some protection in case you could not travel during the time your tickets are booked for. If you plan to travel internationally, keep your passport, travel documents, visas and similar items in one place to ease you in accessing them.
        Lastly, pack light. Heavy luggage will only restrict your movement and cause discomfort. A few basic shirts and pants or shorts will do and roll them when packing to save room for souvenirs.

【題組】83. If your budget for accommodation is very limited, you can do the following, EXCEPT:
(A) Find a low rate hotel room.
(B) Stay in a hostel.
(C) Cut your trip short.
(D) Stay in a luxury hotel.


【精選】 - 教甄◆英文-國小難度:(451~475)-阿摩線上測驗
