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23. A number of automobile ______ agencies are located on the lower level of the airport.
(A) renting
(B) rents
(C) rental
(D) rented


54. It was when they started working together that they found they just weren’t _______.
(A) compatible
(B) doable
(C) possible
(D) workable


43. My office is only a five-minute walk from the MRT station, so it’s _______ taking a taxi.
(A) not worth
(B) no sense in
(C) no point in
(D) no reason to


14. Mrs. Wilma had her air conditioner _____ because it was starting to make loud noises again.
(A) checking
(B) be checking
(C) been checking
(D) checked


47. Audrey Hepburn will always be the favorite film actress of all time and a(n) _____ to style, elegance, and humanitarianism.
(A) idol
(B) icon
(C) figure
(D) signal


13. There are lots of cover-ups in the business world, ______ involve fraud and corruption.
(A) one of them
(B) some of them
(C) one of which
(D) some of which

7( ).

6. His interpersonal relationship does not take place in physical reality. Most of his friends are ______.
(A) fantastic
(B) realistic
(C) imaginary
(D) imaginative

8( ).

26. Some people think that using English is a way of _____ communication, so that people don’t have to negotiate which language they are going to use.
(A) changing
(B) discussing
(C) neutralizing
(D) understanding

9( ).

16. Corals(珊瑚), in both tropical and temperate regions, host about 25 percent of the world’s marine species and are _____ to the sustainability of other ecosystems.
(A) void
(B) vital
(C) viral
(D) virtual

10( ).

36. The babies of lions and bears are called cubs, but a person or a monkey _______ has just been born is called a baby.
(A) that
(B) who
(C) which
(D) either

11( ).

29. All new employees enroll in an intensive English program designed to _____ the amount of time they are exposed to spoken English.
(A) change
(B) broaden
(C) maximize
(D) reduce

12( ).

9. _____ is made from environmental friendly materials.
(A) Nearly all of what you see here
(B) Near all of you see here
(C) Nearly here of you see
(D) All can you see nearly

13( ).

34. Since the files are regarded as strictly _____, you should save them with a password.
(A) confide
(B) confident
(C) confidential
(D) confidence

14( ).

48. Pop art, _____ developed in the late 1950’s, is the 20th century art movement.
(A) it
(B) that
(C) X
(D) which

15( ).

53. The mayor said last week he would increase the pay for every city government employee ____ 3% next year.
(A) by
(B) to
(C) out of
(D) in

16( ).

55. The departure dates listed in this brochure for the summer tours _______ change.
(A) look up to
(B) look forward to
(C) are subject to
(D) are based on

17( ).

28. Bonus payments based on productivity act as a(n) _______ for employees to work harder.
(A) stimulus
(B) incentive
(C) perk
(D) commitment

18( ).

33. I was used to ______ alone, so travelling with friends has been a big adjustment for me to make.
(A) travelling
(B) travel
(C) to travel
(D) travelled

19( ).

24. The lecture was using an older version of the textbook because the page numbers were not consistent with those on the lecture slides.
(A) synonymous
(B) compatible
(C) concerned
(D) available

20( ).

        For a long time, many psychologists embraced a victim narrative about trauma, believing that severe stress causes long-lasting and perhaps irreparable damage to one's psyche and health. In 1980, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was added to the list of mental disorders and has since received a lot of attention in the media and among ordinary individuals trying to understand what happens to people in the wake of tragic life events. Yet psychologists now know that only a small percentage of people develop the full-blown disorder while, on average, anywhere from one half to two-thirds of trauma survivors exhibit what's known as post-traumatic growth. After a crisis, most people acquire a newfound sense of purpose, develop deeper relationships, have a greater appreciation of life, and report other benefits.
       In American culture, when people are feeling depressed or anxious, they are often advised to do what makes them happy; they are encouraged to distract themselves from bad news and difficult feelings, to limit their time on social media and to exercise. However, the happy feelings one gets by doing pleasant things fade fast, and soon the sad mood takes over, plunging one into a deeper abyss of melancholy. A better strategy to cope with trauma has to do with meaning-seeking. When people search for meaning, they often do not feel happy, because the things that make our lives meaningful, like volunteering or working, are stressful and require effort. But months later, the meaning seekers not only reported fewer negative moods but also felt more enriched, inspired and part of something greater than themselves. Therefore, although none of us can avoid suffering, we can still learn to suffer well.

【題組】36. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) PTSD as a widespread mental disorder.
(B) A good way to deal with trauma.
(C) How to find happiness in life.
(D) Suffering as a meaning of life.

21( ).

       Have you ever lost a bag when you travel? You are not alone. Many people have lost bags, especially when they fly. Airlines__41__delivering passengers’ bags, but sometimes they lose them.It’s lucky if they can find your lost bags. However, some bags are never returned to their owners. When bags go__42__for 100 days, airlines will sell them at auction.
       When you are buying these bags, prepare for surprises, because you can’t see__43__is inside.There may be valuable items in them, but it’s very likely that you’ll __44__ with ordinary things. Today, these bags are getting less common,__45__airlines have better technology to find their owners.

(A) as
(B) so
(C) though
(D) before

22( ).

       The letter of credit has been used in Europe since ancient times. Letters of credit were traditionally governed by internationally recognized rules and procedures __21__ by national law. The International Chamber of Commerce oversaw the preparation of the first Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP) in 1933, creating a voluntary framework for commercial banks to apply to__22__ worldwide.
        In the late 19th century and early 20th century, travelers commonly carried a circular letter of credit__23__ by a relationship bank, which allowed the beneficiary to withdraw cash from other banks along their journey. This type of letter of credit was eventually replaced by traveler’s checks, credit cards and automated teller machines.         
       Although letters of credit first existed only as paper documents, they were regularly issued by telegraph in the late 19th century, and by telex in the __24__ half of the 20th century. Beginning in 1973 with the creation of SWIFT, banks began to migrate to electronic data interchange as a __25__ of controlling costs, and in 1983 the UCP was amended to allow “teletransmission” of letters of credit. By the 21st century, the vast majority of LCs were issued in electronic form and entirely “paperless” LCs were becoming more common.

(A) transactions
(B) transportation
(C) translation
(D) transferability

23( ).

        The antismoking lobby succeeded __(26)__ people knew without being told that cigarettes were killing their friends and families. They demanded hard data about the risks of breathing in secondhand smoke. They disbelieved glib assurances that cigarettes were __(27)__ and that the right to smoke __(28)__ the right to breathe clean air. More important, antismoking activists changed our idea of what smoking is all about. They uncooled the cigarette companies and their brands, forever __(29)__ smoking and death in all of our minds. It was, perhaps, the first victory in the fight for our mental environment—an ecology as rife with __(30)__ as any befouled river or cloud of smog. We long ago learned to watch what we dump into nature or absorb into our bodies; now we need to be equally careful about what we take into our minds.

(A) that
(B) because
(C) although
(D) if

24( ).

(A) connect
(B) connected
(C) connecting
(D) connective

25( ).

       Ocean waves represent our planet’s last untapped large-scale renewable energy resource. Over 70 % of the earth’s surface is covered with water. The energy contained within waves has the potential to produce up to 80,000 TWh (1012 watt-hours) of electricity per year—sufficient to meet our global energy demand five times over.
       No wonder the idea of extracting energy from ocean waves and turning it into electricity is an alluring one. The first serious attempt to do so dates back to 1974, when Stephen Salter of Edinburgh University came up with the idea of “ducks”: house-sized buoys tethered to the sea floor that would convert the swell into rotational motion to drive generators. It failed, as have many subsequent efforts to perform the trick. But the idea of wave power will not go away, and the latest attempt—the brainchild of researchers at Oscilla Power, a firm based in Seattle—is trying to address head-on the reason why previous efforts have foundered.
       This reason, according to Rahul Shendure, the firm’s boss, is that those efforts took technologies developed for landlubbers (often as components of wind turbines) and tried to modify them for marine use. The consequence was kit too complicated and sensitive for the rough-and-tumble of life on the ocean waves, and also too vulnerable to corrosion. Better, he reckons, to start from scratch.
       Instead of generators with lots of moving parts, Oscilla is developing ones that barely move at all. These employ a little-explored phenomenon called magnetostriction, in which ferromagnetic materials (things like iron, which can be magnetized strongly) change their shape slightly in the presence of a magnetic field. Like many physical processes, this also works in reverse. Apply stresses or strains to such a material and its magnetic characteristics alter. Do this in the presence of permanent magnets and a coil of wire, such as are found in conventional generators, and it will generate electricity.

【題組】40. Why had the previous ocean wave energy conversion efforts failed?
(A) Because they all relied on buoys.
(B) Because they were vulnerable to corrosion.
(C) Because they were not modified for marine use.
(D) Because they were not tethered to the sea floor.


