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3. To stick to a tight budget, Robert bought a more ______ LED TV instead of a fancy, expensive 3D TV.
(A) technical
(B) significant
(C) affordable
(D) expressive


4. Mr. Smith’s work in Taiwan is just _____. He will go back to the U.S. next month.
(A) liberal
(B) rural
(C) conscious
(D) temporary


1. I called the airline to ______ my flight reservation a week before I left for Canada.
(A) expand
(B) attach
(C) confirm
(D) strengthen


10. These two countries are trying to ______ trade and cultural exchanges between them.
(A) notify
(B) intensify
(C) personify
(D) signify


4. David’s new book made it to the best-seller list because of its beautiful ______ and amusing stories.
(A) operations
(B) illustrations
(C) engagements
(D) accomplishments


2. Under the doctor’s care, my grandmother has been making ______ progress since her knee operation.
(A) steady
(B) routine
(C) mobile
(D) conscious


It was a great______for his family that he had survived the cold weather in the mountain.
(A) moral
(B) promise
(C) relief
(D) success

8( ).

第 44 至 47 題為題組
     Deep within the Yukon, one of the most densely wooded areas of Canada, sits a patch of land that is unlike any other forest on the planet. Instead of a canopy of treetops spreading across the horizon, tens of thousands of signposts perch haphazardly one on top of the other. They are all part of the Signpost Forest, the largest collection of signs from places around the world. At last count, the Signpost Forest in Watson Lake, located about 10 miles north of the U.S.-Canadian border, contains 91,000 signs from spots near and far, including Berlin, Moscow, Dublin, and Hawaii.
       The tradition began during the Alaska Highway Project in 1942, when U.S. soldier Carl K. Lindley spent time in Watson Lake recovering from an injury. A commanding officer asked him to repair and erect the directional signposts, and while completing the job, the homesick soldier added a sign that indicated the direction and mileage to his hometown: “Danville, Illinois, 2,835 miles.” Others followed suit, and the trend caught on. Each year, an average of 1,000 new signs are being added to the collection. Lindley’s original sign has since been lost to time. Fifty years later, in 1992, Lindley and his wife Elinor made the pilgrimage back to Watson Lake to place a replica, which is still there.
      The Signpost Forest takes up a couple of acres, with huge panels snaking through the trees. There are street signs, welcome signs, signatures on dinner plates, and license plates from around the world. There are also a lot of familial signs; for example, a grandfather will put up a sign and then years later family will come back and try to find it. A lot of these are personal signs to literally say that they are here. Though the visitor center has wood and paints on hand to help create a sign, many people opt to bring their own signs, though illegally, by snatching a metal sign from their hometown and nailing it to one of the wood posts. The forest has grown so vast that the visitor center no longer tries to keep a detailed list of the signs.

【題組】46. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “replica” in the second paragraph?
(A) List.
(B) Trunk.
(C) Copy.
(D) Border.

9( ).

第 21 至 30 題為題組 
        The practice of burning paper money or paper model offerings at funerals in Chinese society can be traced back to the Tang dynasty (618-907 AD). Chinese people believe that when someone passes away, there is a death of the body, but the  21  continues to live in the next world. This “next world” is a mirror of the human world, where the “residents” need places to live, money to spend, daily necessities, and entertainment just like when they were  22  . Some of these necessities are buried with the deceased, while most others are “shipped” to them by burning paper models. As the ashes fly high, the offerings are  23  by the residents in the next world. Relatives of the deceased want to see their beloved family members live comfortably in the next world, so the paper houses are big and the cars are very  24  , mostly Mercedes-Benzes. A complete package of paper offerings may include a couple of servants, cash, and credit cards so that the deceased will have all their  25  satisfied. 
        These traditional paper offerings were sold only at specialty stores in the past. The style and variety of the products were  26  . For example, “houses” looked all the same and were built by pasting paper around a bamboo frame, with  27  of a door, windows, and a roof printed on it. There were no trendy, modern supplies to choose from. Now, the  28  can be made on the Internet. And with the incorporation of new materials and designs, paper offerings come in many more varieties. The old one-style-fits-all houses have been  29  by buildings that are fully equipped with decorations, furniture, and household appliances. Digital cameras, iPhones, and even skin care products are also  30  . It seems that, with the help of a simple click, this old Chinese tradition has been given a face-lift. 

(AB) replaced (AC) mortal (AD) spirit (AE) available (BC) journey (BD) luxurious (BE) collected (CD) purchase (CE) alive (DE) needs (ABC) limited (ABD) images


10( ).

三、文意選填(占 1 0分 ) 說明:第21題至第30題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的
(A)到(L)選項中分別 選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題答對 者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 第 21 至 30題為題組 People who want to experience an overnight stay in arctic-like cold may try the ice hotel—a building of frozen water. Despite the seemingly unattractive prospect of sleeping in a room at minus 15 degrees Celsius, every year about 4,000 people 21 to an ice hotel in a town in Canada. The only warm things at the ice hotel are the candles on the bedside tables. The air is so cold that you can see your 22 , which turns to liquid and appears as tiny droplets at the opening of your sleeping bag. The tip of your nose feels numb—almost as though it were 23 . Getting up for a little while—to drink a glass of water or go to the bathroom—seems 24 without risking death. 第 3 頁 102 年指考 共 7 頁 英文考科 - 3 - Since an adventurous spirit alone is not enough to 25 more than two hours at the icy hotel, the staff briefs guests on what to wear and how to behave. Normal winter boots and outfits 26 little protection from the cold. The guests also learn how to 27 quickly in their arctic sleeping bags and how to prevent eyeglasses from freezing. For individuals who need to escape the cold for a brief period, there are outdoor hot tubs in the hotel courtyard. You should make sure you have stopped sweating before you go to bed, though, because any 28 freezes immediately. Guests who are not 29 can quickly get cold feet and a blocked nose. Comfort, however, is not the 30 to stay in the ice hotel. Guests want to feel like polar explorers. For them, the first hot cup of post-expedition coffee is pure delight. (AB) breath (AC) careful (AD) check in (AE) deposit (BC) frozen (BD) impossible (BE) moisture (CD) offer (CE) purpose (DE) sufficient (ABC) warm up (ABD) withstand


11( ).

說明︰第41至55題,每題請分別根據各篇文章之文意選出最適當的一個選項,標示在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。每題答對得2分,答錯不倒扣。 41-43為題組 Laura was at the door, thrusting a bracelet at Amy. It was a thin gold chain with a heart dangling on it and Amy loved it the minute she saw it. Amy gave Laura a big hug and promised that she would come back to see her. But she really didn’t know if she would ever come back to the little town. She watched as Laura walked down the block, turning and waving and walking backwards until she got to the corner. Mama was hurrying her. Amy made sure her gold bracelet was secure on her wrist. Then she put on both her sweater and her coat so that she wouldn’t have to carry them. They could take only what they could carry, and her two suitcases were already full. Mama took a last look around the house, going from room to room. Amy followed her, trying to recall how each one had looked when they were filled with furniture and rugs and pictures and books. They went out for a last look at the garden Papa loved. If he were here now, Amy knew he would pick one of the prettiest carnations and gave it to Mama. She would beam and put it in her best crystal vase. But now the garden looked shabby and bare. It looked the way Amy felt--lonely and abandoned.
【題組】43. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
(A) Amy treasured the gold bracelet Laura gave her.
(B) Amy turned and walked backwards as she left.
(C) Amy’s father was not around when they were leaving.
(D) Amy did not know if she could keep her promise to Laura

12( ).

第 21 至 30 題為題組
        The Taiwanese puppet show (“Budaixi”) is a distinguished form of performing arts in Taiwan. Although basically hand puppets, the __21__ appear as complete forms, with hands and feet, on an elaborately decorated stage. 
 The puppet performance is typically __22__ by a small orchestra. The backstage music is directed by the drum player. The drummer needs to pay attention to what is going on in the plot and follow the rhythm of the characters. He also uses the drum to __23__ the other musicians. There are generally around four to five musicians who perform the backstage music. The form of music used is often associated with various performance __24__ , including acrobatics and skills like window-jumping, stage movement, and fighting. Sometimes unusual animal puppets also appear on stage for extra __25__ , especially for children in the audience. 
        In general, a show needs two performers. The main performer is generally the chief or __26__ of the troupe. He is the one in charge of the whole show, manipulating the main puppets, singing, and narrating. The __27__ performer manipulates the puppets to coordinate with the main performer. He also changes the costumes of the puppets, and takes care of the stage. The relationship between the main performer and his partner is one of master and apprentice. Frequently, the master trains his sons to eventually 28 him as puppet masters. 
        Budaixi troupes are often hired to perform at processions and festivals held in honor of local gods, and on happy __29__    such as weddings, births, and promotions. The main purpose of Budaixi is to __30__ and offer thanks to the deities. The shows also serve as a popular means of folk entertainment.
(AB) attracted (AC) appeal (AD) accompanied (AE) conduct (BC) director (BD) figures (BE) occasions (CD) succeed (CE) transparent (DE) supporting (ABC) techniques (ABD) worship


13( ).

三、文意選填 ( 占 1 0分 ) 說明:第31題至第40題,每題一個空格,請依文意在文章後所提供的
(A) 到 (J) 選項中 分別選出最適當者,並將其英文字母代號畫記在答案卡之「選擇題答案區」。各題 答對者,得1分;答錯、未作答或畫記多於一個選項者,該題以零分計算。 
第 31 至 40 題為題組 
   My father started to suffer from memory loss right after his marriage. Or so my mother told us. She said they were married on May 26, while my dad’s memory told him it was June 25. This often 31 their anniversary celebration, for his rose bouquet always came one month late. Mom seldom asked Dad to go shopping in the traditional market for her. But whenever Dad 32 on going, she made sure that he brought a shopping list. Dad certainly had the list 33 when he left for the market, but he would somehow forget it, and then would find it again only after he returned home. Of course, the 34 that he made were based mainly on his memory of the list. Unfortunately, the items were usually different from Mom’s 35 .
   My father’s poor memory gave him certain advantages, though. For instance, he was 36 with many secrets in my family and our community. Because of his poor memory, he had the 37 of hearing everyone’s private matters. The reason was 38 : Dad would not remember any of it, we thought. As for our neighbors, they liked to invite my father to dinner so that they could tell him stories about their children, parents, friends, and pets. They also believed the secrets in their families would never be 39 . They were quite right, for my father cared 40 about who did what to whom. But there is one thing he would never forget: showing up for dinner on time.
(AB) little (AC) purchases (AD) trusted (AE) requests (BC) insisted (BD) ready (BE) ruined (CD) privilege ( CE ) revealed (DE) obvious


14( ).

第 31 至 34 題為題組
        While Dr. Weinstein, a surgeon at Dartmouth College, was trying to lift a heavy box, he twisted his back. The pain was agonizing. The surgeon could not sit, and when he lay down he could barely get up. So he decided to go out for a run. He took an aspirin, iced the injured area, and off he went. When he returned, he felt “pretty good.” 
       __31__ When people have sprained a muscle or tendon, they are usually advised not to go right back to exercising until the pain goes away. But Dr. Weinstein says that approach is outdated and counterproductive. In fact, when active people consult him, he usually tells them to just keep exercising.        Dr. Weinstein is not alone in his treatment of sports injury, but the specific advice can differ from specialist to specialist. __32__ They nevertheless caution that a cutback may be necessary, such as running shorter distances or going more slowly. Others say the patients may need to engage in sports outside of their usual, main sport (that is, to cross-train), at least some of the time. Still others say the safest thing to do is cross-train all the time until the pain is gone. __33__ Their consensus, however, is that unless the injury involves something as serious as a broken bone or a ripped muscle, moderate exercise can actually speed healing. 
       __34__ Thus, more and more patients are now advised to keep moving despite the pain. The rule of thumb, however, is to see a doctor first and get an accurate diagnosis. If a serious injury is ruled out and the pain is not getting worse after exercising, then the exercise “makes a lot of sense.” 

(A) For example, an injured runner might end up cycling and swimming instead of running.
(B) Over time, researchers have come to realize the importance of exercising when injured.
(C) Many suggest that most patients can continue with the sport they love.
(D) This seems to run counter to the common practice.

(A) For example, an injured runner might end up cycling and swimming instead of running.
(B) Over time, researchers have come to realize the importance of exercising when injured.
(C) Many suggest that most patients can continue with the sport they love.
(D) This seems to run counter to the common practice.

15( ).

44-46為題組 Sometimes the real world can be a confusing place. It is not always fair or kind. And in the real world there are not always happy endings. That is why, every once in a while, we like to escape into the world of fantasy—a place where things always go our way and there is always a happy ending. We want to believe in fantastic creatures in imaginary lands. We want to believe in magic powers, good friends, and the power of good to overcome evil. We all fantasize about being able to fly and lift buildings off the ground. And how good a magic sword would feel in our hand as we go off to kill a dragon or win the hand of a beautiful princess. The amazing adventures of Superman, Peter Pan, and Harry Potter have charmed many people, children and adults alike. The main reason is that these stories offer us chances to get away from this real, frustrating world and allow us to find some magical solutions to our problems. For example, Superman always arrives in the nick of time to prevent a disaster from happening, Peter Pan can fly at will to tease the bad guy Captain Hook, and Harry Potter has his magic power to take revenge on his uncle, aunt and cousin, who always ill-treat him.
【題組】45. Superman, Peter Pan, and Harry Potter have charmed many people, because .
(A) the bad guys always have the upper hand
(B) they end up getting married to beautiful princesses
(C) their solutions are anything but magical
(D) they possess powers that ordinary people don’t have

16( ).

Generally there are two ways to name typhoons: the number-based convention and the list-based convention. Following the number-based convention, typhoons are coded with 31 types of numbers such as a 4-digit or a 6-digit code. For example, the 14th typhoon in 2003 can be labeled either as Typhoon 0314 or Typhoon 200314. The 32 of this convention, however, is that a number is hard to remember. The list-based convention, on the other hand, is based on the list of typhoon names compiled in advance by a committee, and is more widely used. At the very beginning, only 33 names were used because at that time typhoons were named after girlfriends or wives of the experts on the committee. In 1979, however, male names were also included because women protested against the original naming 34 for reasons of gender equality. In Asia, Western names were used until 2000 when the committee decided to use Asian names to 35 Asians’ awareness of typhoons. The names were chosen from a name pool 36 of 140 names, 10 each from the 14 members of the committee. Each country has its unique naming preferences. Korea and Japan 37 animal names and China likes names of gods such as Longwang (dragon king) and Fengshen (god of the wind). After the 140 names are all used in order, they will be 38 . But the names can be changed. If a member country suffers great damage from a certain typhoon, it can 39 that the name of the typhoon be deleted from the list at the annual committee meeting. For example, the names of Nabi by South Korea, and Longwang by China were 40 with other names in 2007. The deletion of both names was due to the severe damage caused by the typhoons bearing the names.
(A) practice
(B) replaced
(C) raise
(D) various
(E) female

17( ).

Children normally have a distrust of new foods. But it’s the parents’ job to serve a variety of foods and expose their children to healthy dieting habits.
Some simple strategies can help even the pickiest eater learn to like a more varied diet. First of all, you don’t have to send children out of the kitchen. With hot stoves, boiling water and sharp knives at hand, it is understandable that parents don’t want children in the kitchen when they’re making dinner. But studies suggest that involving children in meal preparation is an important first step in getting them to try new foods. In one study, nearly 600 children from kindergarten to sixth grade took part in a nutrition curriculum intended to get them to eat more vegetables and whole grains. The researchers found that children who had cooked their own foods were more likely to eat those foods in the cafeteria than children who had not. Kids don’t usually like radishes, but if kids cut them up and put them in the salad, they will love the dish.
Another strategy is not to diet in front of your children. Kids are tuned into their parents’ eating preferences and are far more likely to try foods if they see their mother or father eating them. Given this powerful effect, parents who are trying to lose weight should be careful of how their dieting habits can influence a child’s perceptions about food and healthful eating. In one study of 5-year-old girls about dieting, one child noted that dieting involved drinking chocolate milkshakes, because her mother was using Slim-Fast drinks. Another child said dieting meant “you fix food but you don’t eat it.” By exposing young children to erratic dieting habits, parents may be putting them at risk for eating disorders.

【題組】56. Which of the following is true about Slim-Fast?
(A) It is children’s favorite food.
(B) It looks like a chocolate milkshake.
(C) It contains a variety of vegetables.
(D) It is intended for slim, fast people.

18( ).

二、綜合測驗 ( 占 1 5 分 ) 
 第 16 至 20 題為題組 
You begin to notice a bit of pain on your eyelid each time you blink. You 16 the mirror to find a tiny red spot on the base of your lower lashes. These 17 are probably the beginning of an eye stye. 
An eye stye is a small bump, resembling a pimple, that develops when an oil gland at the edge of an eyelid becomes infected by bacteria. These bacteria are found in the nose and are easily 18 to the eye when you rub your nose, then your eye. Pus will build up in the center of the stye, causing a yellowish spot. Usually a stye is accompanied by a swollen eye. 
 19 a stye can look unpleasant at times, it is usually harmless and doesn’t cause vision problems. Most styes heal on their own within a few days. You might speed up healing time by gently pressing a warm washcloth 20 your eyelid for 10 minutes, 3 or 4 times a day. Make sure you don’t squeeze or pop a stye like you would a pimple. Doing so may cause a severe eye infection.

(A) check out
(B) look into
(C) watch over
(D) see through

19( ).

        Learning style means a person’s natural, habitual, and preferred way(s) of learning. Research about learning styles has identified __(26)__ differences. For example, one study found various differences __(27)__ boys and girls in sensory learning styles. Girls were __(28)__ more sensitive to sounds and more skillful at fine motor performance than boys. Boys, __(29)__, showed an early visual superiority to girls. They were, however, clumsier than girls. They performed poorly at a detailed activity __(30)__ arranging a row of beads. But boys excelled at other activities that required total body coordination.
(A) for
(B) within
(C) between
(D) into

20( ).

第 31 至 35 題為題組 Since the early 1990s, the lithium-ion battery has been the most suitable battery for portable electronic equipment. Today, they’re commonly used for cellphones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and other devices. Lithium-ion batteries have nearly twice the energy density of traditional nickel cadmium batteries. 31 This feature has important implications for cellphones and computers, because it makes these items more portable for consumers. It also makes power tools easier to use and allows workers to use them for longer periods of time. 32 Lithium-ion batteries retain no “memory” of their power capacity from previous charging cycles. Thus they require no scheduled cycling and can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity during each charging cycle. Other rechargeable battery types, in contrast, retain information from previous charging cycles, which wastes valuable storage space. Over time, this makes these rechargeable batteries hold less of a charge. 33 It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. A high load could overheat the pack and safety might be jeopardized. 34 After 2-3 years of use, the pack often becomes unserviceable due to a large voltage drop caused by high internal resistance. It should be noted, however, that manufacturers are constantly making improvements on lithium-ion batteries. 35 With such rapid progress, the use of lithium-ion batteries will certainly expand further.
(A)The lithium-ion battery is also a low maintenance battery.
(B) Despite its overall advantages, the lithium-ion battery has its drawbacks.
(C) New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so.
(D)Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-ion batteries failed due to memory problems.
(E) That is, they carry more power in a smaller unit, helping to reduce overall weight and size. (FAB) Another downside is the increase of the internal resistance that occurs with cycling and aging.


21( ).

第21 至 25 題為題組 
Shoes are hugely important for protecting our feet, especially in places like Africa, where healthcare provision is limited. Unfortunately, shoes are not always readily available for people living in poverty, 21 shoes that are the right size. Almost as soon as a child receives shoes to wear, he/she is likely to have grown out of them. Then the child has to 22 with shoes that are too small. The Shoe That Grows, created by a charity called Because International, changes all this. It allows children to 23 their shoes’ size as their feet grow. 
The innovative footwear resembles a common sandal and is made of leather straps and rubber soles, a material similar to that used in tires. They come 24 two sizes, and can expand in three places. The straps on the heel and toe control the length of the shoe, 25 the two on either side allow for different widths. With this special design, the shoes can “grow” up to five sizes and last for at least five years.

(A) whether
(B) while
(C) with
(D) for

22( ).

44-47題為題組 Sometimes it is impossible to deliver all the mail that arrives at the post office. Perhaps there is an inadequate or illegible address and there is no return address. The post office cannot just throw the mail away, so it becomes “dead mail.” Dead mail is sent to one of the U.S. Postal Service’s dead mail offices in Atlanta, New York, Philadelphia, St. Paul, and San Francisco. Seventy-five million pieces of mail can end up in these offices in one year. The staff of the dead mail offices has a variety of ways to deal with all of these pieces of dead mail. First of all, they look for clues that can help them deliver the mail; they open packages in the hope that something inside will show where the package came from or is going to. Dead mail will also be listed on a computer so that people can call in and check to see if a missing item is there. However, all of this mail cannot simply be stored forever; there is just too much of it. When a lot of dead mail has piled up, the dead mail offices hold public auctions. Every three months, the public is invited to the offices and bins containing items found in dead mail packages are sold to the highest bidder.
【題組】 44. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to deal with dead mail?
(A) To search for clues.
(B) To throw dead mail away.
(C) To open dead mail.
(D) To list dead mail on a computer.

23( ).

      Joy Hirsch, a neuroscientist in New York, has recently found evidence that children and adults don’t use the same parts of the brain when learning a second language. He used an instrument called an MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) to study the brains of two groups of bilingual people. One group consisted of those who had learned a second language as children. The other consisted of people who learned their second language later in life. People from both groups were placed inside the MRI scanner. This allowed Hirsch to see which parts of the brain were getting more blood and were more active. He asked people from both groups to think about what they had done the day before, first in one language and then the other. They couldn’t speak out loud, because any movement would disrupt the scanning.
      Hirsch looked specifically at two language centers in the brain—Broca’s area, believed to control speech production, and Wernicke’s area, thought to process meaning. He found that both groups of people used the same part of Wernicke’s area no matter what language they were speaking. But how they used Broca’s area was different. 
      People who learned a second language as children used the same region in Broca’s area for both languages. People who learned a second language later in life used a special part of Broca’s area for their second language—near the one activated for their native tongue. 
      How does Hirsch explain this difference? He believes that, when language is first being programmed in young children, their brains may mix all languages into the same area. But once that programming is complete, a different part of the brain must take over a new language. Another possibility is simply that we may acquire languages differently as children than we do as adults. Hirsch thinks that mothers teach a baby to speak by using different methods such as touch, sound, and sight. And that’s very different from sitting in a high school class.

【題組】53. The purpose of this passage is to
(A) explain how people become bilingual.
(B) explain how to be a better second language learner.
(C) describe research into the brains of bilingual people.
(D) describe the best ways to acquire languages at different ages.

24( ).

(A) 到(J) 選項中分別選出最適當者。 I had an extraordinary dream last night. In the dream the cloakroom attendant at a theater stopped me in the lobby and insisted on my (31) my legs behind. I was not surprised, but I was (32) annoyed. I said I had never heard of such a rule at a theater before. The man replied that he was very (33) about it, but people often complained that other people’s legs were always in the (34) . Therefore, it had been decided that people should leave their legs (35) . It seemed to me that the management had gone beyond their legal right in making this order. Under (36) circumstances, I should have disputed it. However, I didn’t want to (37) a disturbance, so I sat down and prepared to obey the rule. I had never before known that the human leg could be taken off. I had always thought it was more (38) fixed. But the man showed me how to undo them, and I found that they (39) off quite easily. The discovery did not surprise me (40) more than the original request that I should take them off. Nothing does surprise one in a dream. (AB) sorry (AC) outside (AD) leaving (AE) securely (BC) any (BD) normal (BE) quite (CD) came (CE) make (DE) way


25( ).

第11 至 15 題為題組 
   The Consumer Protection Act in Taiwan was enacted on January 11, 1994. The Act demonstrated the government’s efforts to protect consumers’ rights and interests. The Consumer Protection Commission, the current Consumer Protection Committee, 11 the supervisor and coordinator for the various consumer protection organizations that put this law into practice. In order to improve the well-being of consumers in Taiwan, the Committee advocates fair trade and 12 pricing for goods and services. The Committee also organizes educational programs to raise consumer awareness, and is active in assisting consumers involved in 13 with businesses or manufacturers.
 Since its establishment, the Consumer Protection Committee has taken measures that emphasize product safety and sanitation. These measures also ensure that all labels and advertisements 14 to regulations. In addition, the Committee collaborates with various international consumer protection organizations to respond to problems involving cross-border trade and business. 15 its regulatory power and administrative resources, the Committee plays a crucial role in protecting consumers in Taiwan.

(A) prominent
(B) essential
(C) reasonable
(D) intensive


